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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Please allow dual spec or cap respec costs.


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I'm speculateing.

Would it really be that big of a deal to have 1 consulor that could switch from a Sage to a Shadow.


If not shouldnt each account have 16 charactor slots per server.

I dont mind replaying through with 1 class charactor twice If that were the case.


But logicaly there should be 16 slots on the server so people can play both sides.

People develope favorite builds, I dont think it makes sense to have to wipe out a build to respec for a flash point or whatever , then respec back to your other build, and pay for it.


I think RESPEC should only be for experimentation trial and error and polishing your charactor.


Dual spec to to experience both of the advanced classes.And if there arent dual specs then there should be 16 charactor creation slots per person per server.


Thats dual class not dual spec, an entirely different matter. If you wish to debate dual class, make another thread please.

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I'm speculateing.

Would it really be that big of a deal to have 1 consulor that could switch from a Sage to a Shadow.


If not shouldnt each account have 16 charactor slots per server.

I dont mind replaying through with 1 class charactor twice If that were the case.



No dual class and I think BW is pretty adamant about that. They can understand making a mistake in choosing an AC but I'm sure most can see if it is the class they want to play already after level 10.



Simple solution to the second paragraph is to make all your 8 empire or republic classes on a separate server. I got All my empire classes on The Harbringer and all all the republic classes on another server forgot the name Master something. It also makes it easier to send your crafted items or items you think a character might be able to use in a much easier manner than remembering all 16 characters on 1 server.

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No dual class and I think BW is pretty adamant about that. They can understand making a mistake in choosing an AC but I'm sure most can see if it is the class they want to play already after level 10.



Simple solution to the second paragraph is to make all your 8 empire or republic classes on a separate server. I got All my empire classes on The Harbringer and all all the republic classes on another server forgot the name Master something. It also makes it easier to send your crafted items or items you think a character might be able to use in a much easier manner than remembering all 16 characters on 1 server.


I see, good point.

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There's a simple thing:


The people who won't get dualspec will not enjoy this game and either buy credits or end the subscription.


The people who don't want dualspec will cry a little and continue to play and probably use it themselves.


Guess what choice BW will make.

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Except the cost is far greater than I'd make in the Flashpoint I just respecced to tank for. Expecially if I do my dailies. Thus the QoL thing.


I would say it's especially unnecessary to re-spec for anything other than an Operation, if that. So this reinforces the argument that it just isn't needed on a more regular basis than it's already offered.

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Are you serious? There will be some combat benefit to staying in one spec? Have the devs shown any predilection to that sort of game design?


No, no devs have ever said that... that was a proposal I had in another thread.


Also, it doesn't have to be tied to combat, it could be tied to progression - such as a bonus of % gain to experience/affection/social/valor or legacy points.

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No, no devs have ever said that... that was a proposal I had in another thread.


Also, it doesn't have to be tied to combat, it could be tied to progression - such as a bonus of % gain to experience/affection/social/valor or legacy points.


And again, that won't ever happen. You aren't going to be rewarded for simply learning your class/spec, it's beyond delusional to think otherwise.

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You can quest as a healer spec or tank spec. It's fine as is.


Currently, we do not see the need to allow for dual spec at release. It's something that we'll definitely monitor over time, but we do think there is enough flexibility in the class system to keep people occupied well past launch.


PvP is fine too, see Georg says it is...


“To answer the question regarding doing PvE and PvP with the same spec.


We develop all skill trees to be competitive and viable in PVP and PvE. We don’t want you to feel like you have to respec to participate in different activities.


As it stands, should be able to participate in both PvE and PvP without feeling ‘gimped’. Your signature PvE abilities (e.g. Taunt) are viable in PvP as well and all classes feature utility helpful in both scenarios."



Excellent post, which has been their mantra all along, and the reason there doesn't need to be dual spec. Every spec is perfectly viable for what the majority of players are doing the majority of the time.


They could change their mind in the future, but that's when the core design vision starts to change. Usually not a good thing.

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Please explain how that is dumbing down the game? You need to explain why you think so, and no I don't think that with out it they can't make their money back, now you are twisting words my good sir. I am simply saying by doing so it would make the game more accessible by letting people play the way that they want and I'm mainly saying I want it for pvp and pve spec


I've been saying this all along... instead of asking for different specs for PvE and PvP, especially when BioWare says they design all specs to be viable in both, start a thread asking them why that's not true, if that's what you believe.

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Fact still remains that free respecs would not hurt the game or anyone else in any way at all, we just have people who don;t like the idea and trying to push their selfish views on anyone who does.


Fact is you only want free respecs so that you can use it as a dual spec mechanic, when BW have stated explicitly that the class design does not support dual spec and moreover, it is not needed in their opinion.



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Excellent post, which has been their mantra all along, and the reason there doesn't need to be dual spec. Every spec is perfectly viable for what the majority of players are doing the majority of the time.


They could change their mind in the future, but that's when the core design vision starts to change. Usually not a good thing.

they will never manage to make a spec equal in pve and pvp

Edited by Carnerous
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Excellent post, which has been their mantra all along, and the reason there doesn't need to be dual spec. Every spec is perfectly viable for what the majority of players are doing the majority of the time.


They could change their mind in the future, but that's when the core design vision starts to change. Usually not a good thing.


Who cares about Georg Zoeller? He has clearly shown with this game that he comes off more as an amateur gamer than a developer interested in making money.


I've been saying this all along... instead of asking for different specs for PvE and PvP, especially when BioWare says they design all specs to be viable in both, start a thread asking them why that's not true, if that's what you believe.


They can say alot, yet they failed. The talent trees are as a whole a brutal failure and feel outdated

Edited by Durio
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I'm confused are you for or against dual spec?


The cred cost of the current system isn't a limitation according to you.

Dual spec wouldn't help with re-configuring hot bars and keybinds, which if i'm reading what you wrote is your biggest problem.


So i think you are against it as it would just be an unnecessary feature since dual spec doesn't seem to solve any of the problems you have with speccing, but i just want to make sure i understand your stance :-)


A proper Dual spec systerm would of course store your Hot Bar layouts and Keybinds. What are you talking about.


Of course I'm for Dual spec. I just think it should be limited to level 50 and cost the same as an Epic Speeder (1.5 Million Credits). A high number that someone would have to strive for yet attainable at the same time.

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Excellent post, which has been their mantra all along, and the reason there doesn't need to be dual spec. Every spec is perfectly viable for what the majority of players are doing the majority of the time.


They could change their mind in the future, but that's when the core design vision starts to change. Usually not a good thing.


Hey I can quote too.....


Q: Since it has been clearly stated that there will not be dual specs for characters in the game, can you explain your philosophy behind the skill trees and how you are taking into account players that want to be able to play PvP and PvE content on the same character? - illumineart


A: Dual Speccing is something we want to add soon after launch.....

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Excellent post, which has been their mantra all along, and the reason there doesn't need to be dual spec. Every spec is perfectly viable for what the majority of players are doing the majority of the time.


They could change their mind in the future, but that's when the core design vision starts to change. Usually not a good thing.


The problem with using dev quotes to bolster your argument is that they've been anything but consistent with regards to their stance on feature additions. Or anything else really.

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Hey I can quote too.....


Q: Since it has been clearly stated that there will not be dual specs for characters in the game, can you explain your philosophy behind the skill trees and how you are taking into account players that want to be able to play PvP and PvE content on the same character? - illumineart


A: Dual Speccing is something we want to add soon after launch.....


Hey I can quote too...execept I am quoting the latest communication rather than an outdated one.


Q: do you think that alternative specs will be allowed at some stage in the future? Also, legacy system, any further insight you are willing to share with us at this point in time?


A: Dual specs could well come at some point in the future - it's been discussed for sure. Legacy System... will be cool? :)



Edited by ImperialSun
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Still waiting for a valid reason not to have some form of Dual Spec.


I'm not counting any post about Role Playing or Choices since a spec is not a class and I'd love to have someone show me where this RPG handbook is with all these rules that need to be followed.


We have made a choice btw...we chose our AC. We Roleplay our AC not our spec.


I'm also discounting anyone who says they would be at a disadvantage if they didn't use Dual Spec..... If all you want to do is PVE DPS then Dual Spec doesn't effect you. If all you want to do is PVP then Dual spec doesn't effect you.


It's the same argument we get from people who don't want addons or in the real world the argument from people who want to censor aspects of our culture. It's "I don't believe in the concept or support it but I don't want anyone else to either." Sad little people.

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Hey I can quote too...execept I am quoting the latest communication rather than an outdated one.


Q: do you think that alternative specs will be allowed at some stage in the future? Also, legacy system, any further insight you are willing to share with us at this point in time?


A: Dual specs could well come at some point in the future - it's been discussed for sure. Legacy System... will be cool? :)




How is your quote much different than mine? It seems to support the idea of multi specs way more than the other oudtated quote I was commenting on...


One of the other Dual spec threads actually had a dev quote saying they realize players like experimenting with specs and want to find a way to make the process less onerous. Whether that means Dual Spec or just the ability to respec at your ship is another story.

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How is your quote much different than mine? It seems to support the idea of multi specs way more than the other oudtated quote I was commenting on...


One of the other Dual spec threads actually had a dev quote saying they realize players like experimenting with specs and want to find a way to make the process less onerous. Whether that means Dual Spec or just the ability to respec at your ship is another story.


Actually the problem is when some people are using those 2 comments as it is a sure thing that Bioware have promised Dual specc a'la WoW in the game. :p


And just wanted to comment on the price 1.5 mil for dual specc at 50.

I gotta say that the amount seems very very low for Dual specc cost with the current amnount you earn credits on.


I would say around 4-8 weeks playtime at 50 only saving credits and around that cost would be appropiate i would guess around 25-50 mil credits or more

Not something you get a few days after you hit 50 :)

Edited by Varghjerta
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I just cant understand why people insist in disguising laziness into "convenience"...cause this is the term i hear use most often in favor of dual speccing...its convenient. Would be simpler if people just admitted to being lazy and not wanting to work for their treats...but hey, at least theyd be honest.


So far i havent seen a NEED for dual spec. Its totally viable to level as a tank/healer in this game thanks to companions...and i know this for a fact since my brother is leveling at the same pace i am and he is running a tank spec. There is no lack of tanks/healers, at least on my server...if there is one on yours then roll one yourself. So far i havent had trouble finding people to fill any of the 3 roles. In fact, ive seen tanks/healers looking for dps guys for heroics, flashpoints and such which is amazing considering whats going on in other games.


Being able to switch specs on the fly, having access to multiple roles is just a crutch people use to increase their overall usefulness and likelihood of being invited to a raid and such. How is that fair to sentinels/marauders and gunslingers/snipers??...they can only fill one roll, dps...it doesnt really help them that they can dps in different ways, its still dps. Even though i roll a scoundrel myself, i can see how dual speccing would be unfair for them.


As for the RP aspect...ive seen people argue that they RP an AC not a spec. This is false...we RP a character...one that specializes, during the course of his career, in being a "meatshield", a "nurse" or a "machine gun specialist" (the 3 roles). Its also highly unrealistic...and yes even in a sci-fi fantasy world i expect some basic realism and logic. For instance, you cant change from being a heart surgeon to being a brain surgeon on the fly even though they are in the same "AC" of surgery which in turn belongs to the "class" of doctors. It takes literally years to re-specialize in another branch of surgery...the game should reflect that.


Anyway, bottom line is that nothing so far has pointed to dual spec being NEEDED. The fact that some people WANT it is another matter entirely. Just because other games have spoiled you with such, doesnt mean it has to be in this game too just for the sake of your "convenience"...


Thats all for now since im at the office and need to get back to work...have a great day everyone!

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Actually the problem is when some people are using those 2 comments as it is a sure thing that Bioware have promised Dual specc a'la WoW in the game. :p


And just wanted to comment on the price 1.5 mil for dual specc at 50.

I gotta say that the amount seems very very low for Dual specc cost with the current amnount you earn credits on.


I would say around 4-8 weeks playtime at 50 only saving credits and around that cost would be appropiate i would guess around 25-50 mil credits or more

Not something you get a few days after you hit 50 :)


And the reasoning behind that would be? Except making it a pain in the ***? Ah a compromise so nobody would be able to get it anyways.


Except for GTN-professionals and Creditbuyers. And neither deserve it.


What's with all this WORK and EARNING stuff.


I don't even work in real life, I'm 23 have my own flat and never moved a single finger in my entire life. Think you can make me work in a game to actually have fun? The majority thinks like me, the majority doesn't care about earning, the majority would stop working once they hit a jackpot.


Bioware has to cater to people like me since we are the future.

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