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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Please allow dual spec or cap respec costs.


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There is a huge limit unless you are level 50 and have more money then you know what to do with. For people trying to do flashpoints, where dual speccing is most needed you are very limited because most of the people in that range can't afford to spend 100k to change their spec even once. So we only respec once a week. (Or not at all since once a week is mostly useless for meeting the needs of the party you want to help.)


I haven't tested it, but the consensus seems to be that costs reset once a week. If that's the case, the cost shouldn't be an impediment. Farming credits is the issue I'm getting at. There's no limit to how many times you can respec aside from the tediousness of farming credits, fixing hotbars bars, etc.


How do you get to 100k on your first respec?

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Because of this, people are not using the flashpoints that Bioware put a lot of effort into as much as they would like to. I know I love flashpoints but if I roll as a tank I seem to find other tanks and 2 tanks in a party are useless, but then if I roll as something other than a tank we are always missing a tank. It takes so long to put groups together that I go do other content simply because I want to spend my time in-game actually playing the game.


Dual speccing would entirely solve this problem. Dual speccing is not prohibitive to role-play if you have any imagination (RPing that you switch to different sets of equipment or meditate on different aspects when you switch your specs like I spelled out in much greater detail earlier) and is prettymuch NEEDED if the content 1-50 is to be enjoyed the way it was meant to be.


So you really think bioware only intended us to pick one character and play through one time slowly that we then never bother to experience any of the other story lines?


Not that it matters anyway cause people are just paying to respec all the time.


That's a huge waste of money on their part.

Edited by kalexkhan
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There is no need for Bioware to implement a dual spec. Simply because you want to level with a DPS tree but tank/heal in a flashpoint/heroic/etc. does not mean Bioware should give you dual spec. It means you should stop being lazy and level in your tank/healer spec. I have been doing it since level 10 and have zero problems leveling (am level 35 now).


There is no reason to have a dual spec because you want to get through content faster as well as get into groups faster.


How about those of us at 50 who Raid and PVP? Who cares about leveling? It takes 5 days of playing tops to ding 50. If this game has longevity then that's a drop in the bucket as far as playtime.


I want a PVE spec and a PVP spec. I want stored Keybinds and Hotbars per spec. Why? I'd prefer to log on and play then to have to run back to the Fleet, respec then noodle with Hot Bar layouts. As I've said many times it's QoL only. It won't impact anyone's play who doesn't want to use the option.

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There is no need for Bioware to implement a dual spec. Simply because you want to level with a DPS tree but tank/heal in a flashpoint/heroic/etc. does not mean Bioware should give you dual spec. It means you should stop being lazy and level in your tank/healer spec. I have been doing it since level 10 and have zero problems leveling (am level 35 now).


There is no reason to have a dual spec because you want to get through content faster as well as get into groups faster.


Stop. Assuming. That. Everyone. Only. Plays. PvE.

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How about those of us at 50 who Raid and PVP? Who cares about leveling? It takes 5 days of playing tops to ding 50. If this game has longevity then that's a drop in the bucket as far as playtime.


I want a PVE spec and a PVP spec. I want stored Keybinds and Hotbars per spec. Why? I'd prefer to log on and play then to have to run back to the Fleet, respec then noodle with Hot Bar layouts. As I've said many times it's QoL only. It won't impact anyone's play who doesn't want to use the option.


Well, which one is your favorite?


If it only takes five days then u can make another dude to do the one you like least.

Edited by kalexkhan
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The point your making (as well as others) is that if you allow something in a limited fashion then you must then allow it in an unlimited fashion. It's an inane argument.




Even though there is no winning an argument on the internet, since its well known people will stick to their opinions though hell or high water, its still interesting the contortions people go through to support their opinions. Makes it semi worthwhile.

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Stop. Assuming. That. Everyone. Only. Plays. PvE.


Then stop asking for a dual spec. Ask for a PvP spec. If all you really wanted was an extra spec that was PvP that was ONLY accessable inside a Warzone, I would be up for that. But even that is not needed seeing as you can PvP in your PvE spec.

Edited by Kemosobe
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Dual spec would need A LOT of justification to be accepted by people, outside of the wow crowd that are calling for it primarily.


More baseless claims.


Some who are asking for it are small groups of friends, trying out this game, primarily solo, but, are interested in trying some flashpoints together.


Not going to drop people for a healer, because we're friends. Not really worth staying heal spec, cause we maybe get together for a flashpoint once a week on weekends.


So we jump through hoops, visit the trainer, change specs, and lose credits. So be it.


But please, quit trying to sum up those who disagree with you. It isn't one tiny camp of WoW players. Sorry.


Some casual groups of friends, who don't group often, but think it's fun now and again would also be happier by having this.


Huge deal? No. I can re-spec 3x a day currently and still have money left over. But, as with all things, convenience is nice when you can get it.

Edited by Spynnal
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IMO, the people falling into the NO camp likely fall into one of three groups:


1. People whose class and spec are currently on the high end of the power bell curve and want to remain there.

2. People who have the time to play several hours every day and think that restricting MMOs to people like them would be a good idea without contemplating the consequences.

3. Trolls.


Regardless of anything that the game has in its favor, if you make a system that feels like a second job then people will leave. That will mean less revenue which will mean fewer developers with will mean less new content which will mean more people leave and so on ad infinitum.


I played one class to 27 and decided that I wasn't having fun doing that. I've leveled a second to the upper 30s without respeccing but I've been considering it. If I were told that I had to level yet another character I would just leave. I pay to play, I get paid to work.

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The point your making (as well as others) is that if you allow something in a limited fashion then you must then allow it in an unlimited fashion. It's an inane argument.


I'm arguing that because the game has multiple facets people should be able to respec at will - or Dual Spec. I'm arguing that there should be no limits because there's no good reason to restrict it. I'm also arguing that the current system is tedious in that you have to run back to the fleet and redo your bars everytime you take the notion to respec. In addition to that, I'm arguing that dual spec provides some much needed variation in gameplay from one play session to the next and that variance helps to retain subs.


But don't let all that stop you from reframing the argument.

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Well, which one is your favorite?


If it only takes five days then u can make another dude to do the one you like least.


LOL. How about some of us like our toons and are attached to them?


How is it so hard to understand that we're already Dual speccing? We go to the Fleet and respec when we want. It's in the game already. Having an option that stores the spec and stores Hot Key and Keybinds just removes the tedium involved.


Unless they remove respeccing then any argument against is foolish.

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Then stop asking for a dual spec. Ask for a PvP spec. If all you really wanted was a spec that was PvP that was ONLY accessable inside a Warzone,


Personally I would be happy with that


But even that is not needed seeing as you can PvP in your PvE spec.


You seriously think that PvE specs work in PvP? Try using threat generating skills on Real players and see how those work...





I'll ask again how many here that are against dual spec play regular PvP?


I'd like all the regular posters to answer that one question.

Edited by Sparckus
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But please, quit trying to sum up those who disagree with you. It isn't one tiny camp of WoW players. Sorry.



Didnt mean to offend with that, wow is the only game I know that has/had dual spec implemented at present and what many have pointed to as their inspiration for suggesting it in prior threads.


it helps to understand why people are demanding this otherwise unprecented request too for the rest of us.

Edited by salamanderx
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I would greatly appreciate the ability to switch between my standard shieldtech PVE tank build and a PVP build when I wish to participate in warzones.


Seriously, how do these threads always forget about the people who want to PVP and PVE? This was the whole reason dual spec was introduced in the first place. It is just silly to ask me to resepc every time I want to do a warzone or dungeon.

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Then stop asking for a dual spec. Ask for a PvP spec. If all you really wanted was an extra spec that was PvP that was ONLY accessable inside a Warzone, I would be up for that. But even that is not needed seeing as you can PvP in your PvE spec.


a) You obviously don't PVP so how about you stop posting about the subject.


b) Why is the idea of a stored Dual Spec so upsetting when we can respec when we like right now but it's cumbersome?


Explain how Dual Spec would make the game less fun for you please. No one seems to answer this simple question.

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Didnt mean to offend with that, wow is the only game I know that has/had dual spec implemented at present and what many have pointed to as their inspiration for suggesting it in prior threads.


it helps to understand why people are demanding this otherwise unprecented request too for the rest of us.


But its not unprecedented.


Rift launched with either tri or quad spec and later added an option for a fifth spec. It was a big part of the foundation of the game.

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But its not unprecedented.


Rift launched with either tri or quad spec and later added an option for a fifth spec. It was a big part of the foundation of the game.


Yea, I understand that was an integral part of the lore though with interchangeable souls etc. Theres nothing calling for it lore wise in Swtor.


Also, why are people not calling for 5 spec options then? Dual spec is still only WoW that I have heard.

Edited by salamanderx
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I PVP only when forced to and I think dual spec would be the bees knees.


I support your right to a different playstyle! :D


I support it too and thats why I think they should move to a game that has the features they want.


It apparently wasn't an issue when they bought the game, not sure why it is one now?


Thats like buying a shirt that only come in brown and then asking the maker to change the colour because you don't like brown.


You know, I don't like LFD, macros, addons and such.....maybe I should go play WoW and QQ on the forums asking them to remove them.

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But its not unprecedented.


Rift launched with either tri or quad spec and later added an option for a fifth spec. It was a big part of the foundation of the game.


Which is funny because it has ended up being nothing but the same few specs being used by everyone.

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i played wow and finding a tank/healer for random dungeons with the dungeon finder tool is a pain in the backside. there are MORE dps than tanks/healer due people imo do dps while lvling and become crappy tanks/healers. having dual spec for pvp is good but it allows MORE dps than tank/healer roles and finding them will be a pain to find if dual specing will be patched in ONLY ones available are with the adc and the talents not selected by the player with in the adc.
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I support it too and thats why I think they should move to a game that has the features they want.


It apparently wasn't an issue when they bought the game, not sure why it is one now?


Thats like buying a shirt that only come in brown and then asking the maker to change the colour because you don't like brown.


You know, I don't like LFD, macros, addons and such.....maybe I should go play WoW and QQ on the forums asking them to remove them.


So your answer is a slightly more verbose version of 'go back to WoW scrub!11!'?


As an alternative, I think I'll just stay here and advocate for things that I think will improve the game.

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