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Please allow dual spec or cap respec costs.


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This thread is truly painful to read.


Firstly to the people tooting their horn that this is an RPG and you cant just go off and change how specialized you are because it "breaks" the chi or whatever.


Seriously ... this game itself breaks the RPG flow with its restrictive moral choices (and the fact that maxing your good / evil gets you better rewards). A prime example of this is in the red reaper FP on republic, you come across tanks filled with sith and you have the option to either a) leave them, b) destroy them or c) release them.


Now as a Jedi I believe that destroying them would be the good option as they are your mortal enemy and to leave them or release them would be allowing them to do their sithy things at a later date. I can see how perhaps as a different class it might not be a good option or whatever. But according to bioware Jedi's wont neutralize a threat like an array of siths in hibernation but would rather just leave them be ... The moment the game tells you whats right and wrong the RPG element is thrown out of the window. ;)


Sadly the concept of RPG in the MMORPG market died somewhere between UO and EQ days (well whatever little RPG element was in MMORPGS if you ask me it was always more adventure style then roleplaying because the world was always restrictive unlike a true RPG)


Secondly, alot of people were ranting that its exploiting the class and its just people wanting every skill ... this isnt true its purely to make the game more enjoyable for people such as myself who want to fill any role that is needed. I simply play to enjoy the mechanics of fights be it a healer, DPS or tank. Currently i'm a lvl 46 Sage purely healer and I can tell you even with the companion it takes about a min to kill packs of mobs.


Would it be faster if I had a DPS offspec ? Yer sure probably. But you know what that offspec would really have come in handy for ... the other night when we spent a little over an hour trying to find 1 more dps for colicoid wargames when there were only healers in LFG. I wasted my night and those other players didnt get to experience the dungeon.


People need to realize that the beauty of dual speccing isnt about all these stupid points being brought up in this threat its about having the right class comps available to people who want to do group content without having to spend hours in LFG till the right person is free.

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MMO used to mean you had to group to get things done. You had to group to even get to "end-game", because the whole game was the game.


Now people solo rush to max level, so they can start playing the game, while skipping a ton of content. I never understood this kind of thinking. They quote something called "end-game" as the reason, when the entire game is heaps of fun, not just the end part. In fact, end-game nowadays consists of grinding tiers of gear, rather than character levels. Same thing, different game. Oh and, grinding gear is somehow very different from grinding levels :cripes:


I have some bad news for you. This isn't Everquest, and the year isn't 1999.


Now I realize you want to turn back the clock. You want to pretend that none of the features that have improved the genre over the last 10+ years ever existed, but I really can't imagine any developer is going to do that. All I can tell you is that Everquest is still available, as are a lot of those 10 year old games.


If you hate all the progress that has been made in the genre over the last decade, then why not go play one of those games you did like? Why not play one of those games where you had to group up with 4 other people to kill a rat? I can't imagine that Bioware is going to completely redesign SWTOR in the future to turn it from a "solo friendly" quest based game into a "group required" grinding game.

Edited by rylixav
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i have some bad news for you. This isn't everquest, and the year isn't 1999.


Now i realize you want to turn back the clock. You want to pretend that none of the features that have improved the genre over the last 10+ years ever existed, but i really can't imagine any developer is going to do that. All i can tell you is that everquest is still available, as are a lot of those 10 year old games.


If you hate all the progress that has been made in the genre over the last decade, then why not go play one of those games you did like? Why not play one of those games where you had to group up with 4 other people to kill a rat? I can't imagine that bioware is going to turn swtor into that in the future.


qft xd

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Some people here are serious that you should level same class but use different talents if you want to dual-spec? I don't think anyone would do that.


Variation is the best way to keep costumers, if your character is to static you will get bored after a while. If you play with your friends as I do, you want some kind of variation, I heal in one flashpoint/heroic quest or whatever and one of your friends heals in another.

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Actually.. Dual Spec is so wrong....

Feels like cheating to me.

Or more like spoiling people who cant choose and want everything easy.


If you want to tank... roll a tank.

If you want to healer ... roll a healer.


Whats wrong with creating 3 chars?...


And if you dont want to roll 3 chars... then you have to pay for the privilege of not having to level up 2-3 chars.


Sounds normal to me.


Being able to create 1 char that can fill 3 rolls on the fly is not only "to easy" ... its also just plain unrealistic (yes.. i said it.. unrealistic in a fantasy game!!)


But hey.. it'll probably be implemented cause there are more people wanting easy-play then there are people that want a challenge


Nothing is wrong with it, IF they will up jk/sw tank damage to be actually equal to others. Hell we aren't asking for the self heals that others get, we will just have to go biochem. Still give us an increase in damage so that we can compete in pvp, and in pve. Do that, and I don't care if they ever offer dual spec.


Of course then people like the quoted guy would complain. "herpderp no fair, deh tankz can actually levelz, oh nooozzzz"

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I have some bad news for you. This isn't Everquest, and the year isn't 1999.


Now I realize you want to turn back the clock. You want to pretend that none of the features that have improved the genre over the last 10+ years ever existed, but I really can't imagine any developer is going to do that. All I can tell you is that Everquest is still available, as are a lot of those 10 year old games.


If you hate all the progress that has been made in the genre over the last decade, then why not go play one of those games you did like? Why not play one of those games where you had to group up with 4 other people to kill a rat? I can't imagine that Bioware is going to completely redesign SWTOR in the future to turn it from a "solo friendly" quest based game into a "group required" grinding game.


Okay, first things first.

1. I don't want to turn back the clock, I'm enjoying this game.

2. I don't hate the progress that has been made in the genre, I just don't find any difference between grinding levels or grinding gear, and don't see why grinding gear is any better or worse.

3. All I can tell you is that WoW is still available, as is Rift. See what I did there?


Edit: Actually, I lied. Grinding gear is worse, you don't get new abilities with gear, you do with levels.

Edited by Truga
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the only people against dual spec are dps specced players that are jealous of tanks, but too afraid to tank/heal themselves, so they want tanks and healers to suffer in solo and pvp play.


There is nothing negative against dual spec, you can already respec, it is just a credit sink.

Dual spec is just convenient, so you don't have to redo your spec every damn time.


Limiting dualspeccing can be done by:

-only able to switch specs at fleet, your own ship or something like that.

-putting a smaller fee on switching between your 2 specs.


If you are totally against dual spec, you do not understand the games basics, or you are trolling.

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the only people against dual spec are dps specced players that are jealous of tanks, but too afraid to tank/heal themselves, so they want tanks and healers to suffer in solo and pvp play.


There is nothing negative against dual spec, you can already respec, it is just a credit sink.

Dual spec is just convenient, so you don't have to redo your spec every damn time.


Limiting dualspeccing can be done by:

-only able to switch specs at fleet, your own ship or something like that.

-putting a smaller fee on switching between your 2 specs.


If you are totally against dual spec, you do not understand the games basics, or you are trolling.


I play a tank and several healer characters. I am against dual spec.

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there should be dual spec, but it should have a cooldown.. the willy-nilly swapping in WoW made that game candy-land when it came to raiding.


not too mention the $#@! storm it creates when it comes to loot.. especially with a class like druids.. OMG I CAN USE THAT 4 MAH TIGER-LASER-BEARBAT-CHICKEN-SPIDER FORM

Edited by Bigaus
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the only people against dual spec are dps specced players that are jealous of tanks, but too afraid to tank/heal themselves, so they want tanks and healers to suffer in solo and pvp play.


Jedi tank and Jedi healer and I am against dual specs.


Good luck next time.

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It's taken me 4 of playtime to get to level 40. 96 hours. Re-rolling is not an option for me if I want to have a lightning or madness dps while I have a healer. Whoever said to have 3 characters for 3 specs must be completely insane.


Well you know those people that sit at home, don't work, no social life, the are basically the sterotypical gamer that gives all of us a bad name? Yeah, that's them. They crave to have a life inside of the game, but what's more they crave to have a life in this world be part of that. In a way it gives them power over the world that they otherwise feel they could never have. So they want to make it as punishing as possible for everyone, especially the ones without as much time. That way they can capitalize on their one benefit, they have lots of time to play. You would be surprised how much, go quit your job, dump your gf/bf, and that alone will free up 12 hours of your day to play.

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Well you know those people that sit at home, don't work, no social life, the are basically the sterotypical gamer that gives all of us a bad name? Yeah, that's them. They crave to have a life inside of the game, but what's more they crave to have a life in this world be part of that. In a way it gives them power over the world that they otherwise feel they could never have. So they want to make it as punishing as possible for everyone, especially the ones without as much time. That way they can capitalize on their one benefit, they have lots of time to play. You would be surprised how much, go quit your job, dump your gf/bf, and that alone will free up 12 hours of your day to play.


I work often up to 10, sometimes up to 12 hours per day. I am at work right now. I am against dual spec.

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I notice some people in this thread think their opinions are facts. That's a bummer.


Anyway, add dual-spec please. Previous to launch it was unimaginable to me that the game would ship without a dual-spec feature. It's like building a car and not including power windows. Sure I can roll the windows down with a crank/handle, but these days that's just stupid.


I get the argument that you should have to live with your decisions, but I'm playing an entertainment product with a few friends and we need some class flexibility so we can have some fun.


You guys remember fun, right? Fun is pretty awesome, so let's try to have more of that.

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This isn't WoW either.


Cos wow is the devil amirite ? Its done nothing for the community and should be shat on by the SWTOR elitist community ? I think my brother (who still plays wow) said when he saw some of the posts on this board ... SWTOR is filled with all the wanks who think they are to good for wow and strive so hard to not be associated with it ... so hard that they become the try hards of the gaming world :p

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You guys remember fun, right? Fun is pretty awesome, so let's try to have more of that.


Not having cheap/dual respec will keep me having fun much longer, because I will be making more different characters than more of the exact same thing.

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Cos wow is the devil amirite ? Its done nothing for the community and should be shat on by the SWTOR elitist community ? I think my brother (who still plays wow) said when he saw some of the posts on this board ... SWTOR is filled with all the wanks who think they are to good for wow and strive so hard to not be associated with it ... so hard that they become the try hards of the gaming world :p


I think wow has some things any other game could pick up. Dual spec and add-ons aren't one of them.

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3. All I can tell you is that WoW is still available, as is Rift. See what I did there?


Nope, it's not the same thing. This game is so close to WoW and Rift that telling someone to "go back" to them barely makes sense. There's no reason to go back; this game is basically the same.


What would I go back for? Battlegrounds? Nope those are in SWTOR. Quest based solo leveling? No that's here too. The few differences that do exist (e.g. dualspec) are basically minor quality of life improvements. They're not core features that define the whole rest of the game.


You, on the other hand, want to play a game that is fundamentally different than this one. You want to play a game that has basically nothing in common with SWTOR. You want to play a game where grouping is required to level, whereas this game is the exact opposite.


Do you see the difference?

Edited by rylixav
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This isn't WoW either.


What does WOW have to do with this thread? You anti WOW zealots are really too much. Anything that stinks of WOW to you must be bad.


Argue that Bioware should take the respec trainer out of the Fleet then. As long as he's there and players can respec when they want then all Dual Spec winds up being is a QoL improvement. Anyone who wants to PVE and PVP in this game needs Dual spec. It's that simple. The specs just aren't compatible.


Make it level 50 only, charge 1 million Credits, give it a CD. Just give us Dual spec with the abilty to save Hot Bar and Keybind info for each.

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Not having cheap/dual respec will keep me having fun much longer, because I will be making more different characters than more of the exact same thing.


Why use it then if you dont like it. I mean they have said they are going to put it in as far as i'm aware. Why just not use it ?


I wonder how many people bad mouthing it now are going to race to get it when it is finally releaesd

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Sweet beans, I havent been able to find any info on it because there is 15000 pages of posts.




Also, whats the cap at?


100k. If that sounds ridiculous to you... it's because it is.


I 100% agree with the need for dual speccing. Its more needed in this game than any other game. With a group size of two, two tanks are utterly useless. But one tank is always needed. So your ideal group= 1 tank, 1 heals, 2 DPS. You can easily get by with 1 tank, 1 DPS, 2 heals.


This leads to a problem. You can't have too many tanks, and you cannot have too few. I know the reason I stopped playing my gaurdian is if a group has a tank you are useless. However on every other character I run into a shortage of tanks.


Simply put, if every gaurdian, shadow, and vanguard I saw running around could do either tank OR DPS it would be 3000% easier to put together groups.


If you disagree that lack of tanks is the problem it doesn't matter, duel specs solve lack of healers and certainly lack of DPS as every character is capable of DPS.

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