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I want to dps.. should I not be leveling a guardian?


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I keep seeing QQ posts about not doing enough damage as guardians. I would have rolled sentinel but I wanted to wear heavy armor.


Anyway, If I get to 50 I want to be able to join a competent pve guild as a DPS spot, and PvP competitively. Will a guardian allow me to do this? I assume the answer is yet but i have no end game knowledge so i would like some insight.


Feels like I just have endless bad luck with this game. My first character was a Sith Sorceror, then I found out once I was about level 22 that sith sorcerers were about 50% of the population on my server so I re rolled. And now I see people complaining that we can't DPS or kill mobs etc..


Are people just bad and QQing? Or should I go roll a pure dps class.

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Couple of things for you to keep in my in any MMORPG that you play.


1) Everyone is different and thus everybody's play style is different. What works for one person may not necessarily work for another.


2) The forum consists of less than 2% of the entire games population. Additionally, forums usually contain posts from people that are unhappy, disgruntled and also people that wish to complain just for the sake of complaining. What this means is, most people/subscribers rarely take the time to come to a forum to say "I'm really having a good time." Why? Well, because they're too busy playing the game and ... having a good time. Instead, you will see mostly people that come to the forums and say "I am tired of this game, I want to quit." etc etc. Makes sense?


3) Asking in any MMORPG forum which class is right for YOU to play is a shot in the dark. Sure, someone can give you basic info about the class but the intricacies of the class can only be discovered by you alone. Play the class, spend time learning the finer points of the class. Group with people and do some solo quests. Do some flashpoints etc and then decide if this class is for you. Trust me, it is NOT a waste of time. This is an MMORPG with many many options for you to explore so why not take the time to explore?


You as an individual owe it to yourself to explore things on your own. There's much enjoyment and learning in that. Give it a shot. You may be pleasantly surprised at which class suits your own and unique play style.


Hope this helps :)

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Sentinels are meant to DPS, thats the only thing they can do so.


Guardian dps is viable, well kitted can do some good heavy hits, maybe not very high sustained dps but should be more than viable. There's basically bit of delay for gathering focus and when we have it our best hitters are not the hardest hitters out there atm, but we're OK. And dont take as example 50 geared guardian hitting for 2-4k some lowbie no-expertise in a warzone.


People here mostly complain that in Def spec (not what you want) guardians do so little damage it takes very long to kill mobs, too long, kinda making the tradeoff of playing defensive not worth it at all, but an actual handicap (which ofc can be mitigated by a good dps companion but thats not the point) and in FP it's a bit harder to do good threat also for that reason. Still very viable, some love by Bioware wouldnt hurt though.

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There iss no factual data that either spec does more damage. Bioware has stated they mean for all classes to be between 5% of each other until I see other wise I will take their word for it.


If you need a big sign to tell you this is definitely not the case at any point in the game, I feel sorry for you.

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I keep seeing QQ posts about not doing enough damage as guardians. I would have rolled sentinel but I wanted to wear heavy armor.


Anyway, If I get to 50 I want to be able to join a competent pve guild as a DPS spot, and PvP competitively. Will a guardian allow me to do this? I assume the answer is yet but i have no end game knowledge so i would like some insight.


Feels like I just have endless bad luck with this game. My first character was a Sith Sorceror, then I found out once I was about level 22 that sith sorcerers were about 50% of the population on my server so I re rolled. And now I see people complaining that we can't DPS or kill mobs etc..


Are people just bad and QQing? Or should I go roll a pure dps class.



I do not quite no about high end raid dps, but at level 38 my Guardian focus spec wrecks people in both pve and pvp. The great thing about a dps guardian is the survivability, yes we may not put out as much pure dps as other classes, but we also have many defensive cool downs that can severely change the tide of the battle. That for me is what makes the guardian dps so interesting, not in his ability to do pure damage but in his ability to be both balanced between dps and utility.

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It's hard to say without combat logs. People's "feelings" on the matter vary. Most guardians don't do well on pvp damage charts but the focus spec has some nice, sparkly pvp gems in it. You aren't going to find many arguing that guardians in general are op'd as you will with almost all of the other classes if that tells you anything.
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Anyone who thinks that Guardian DPS is less viable than sentinel DPS, CLEARLY has NO idea what they are doing.




Use this build, at lvl 36 you will start feeling just how powerful it is:




Basically, you use Saber throw -> Force Leap -> Force Stasis -> Force Sweep


BOOM 1.5k crits to everything around you.


You will have near infinite amounts of focus and you will have VERY high dmg. Work in single target stuff around the above rotation.


Get rid of Slash, dont even use it. At lvl 36 get rid of strike as well, you can right click targets if you really want to use it(No need).


Use Riposte, Blade Storm, and Master Strike whenever you can.


Use Zealous leap, or force push -> force leap to proc Felling blow for auto crits, stacking singularity through the use of Force Stasis and force exhaustion(@ lvl 40) will make your force sweep do crazy amounts of dmg.




go here: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#500cMZhZGbRbdbM.1


and figure out rotations!

Edited by Tigurius
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Not sure if you'd get this wow reference, but I'm heard of guardian dps refered to as Arms Warriors.


Great for PvP, heavy armor, etc. Would you want to bring an Arms Warrior over say a Fury Warrior (Sent) to a raid? Sure it could work but are you optimizing your raid group?

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Not sure if you'd get this wow reference, but I'm heard of guardian dps refered to as Arms Warriors.


Great for PvP, heavy armor, etc. Would you want to bring an Arms Warrior over say a Fury Warrior (Sent) to a raid? Sure it could work but are you optimizing your raid group?


This is not wow, nor is guardian DPS the same as an Arms Warrior.



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I was clearly referring to "strike"

Ah, gotcha. Maybe you should have said so? Your reference to "right click" seemed to be stating rather clearly that there was an auto-attack, since that's how you initiate an auto-attack in most other MMOs. You're not nearly as clear to people as you think.


I wish I could afford to get rid of that trashy attack as a tank, but there are too many situations where I'd literally be standing there with nothing to do if I did. :(

Edited by Atamasama
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Are you trolling? This game has no auto-attack and never has. :confused:


Yeah, it has no auto-attack.


However, if you continually right-click on a mob you'll do a basic attack. It's not automatic. You have to click each time to attack.

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Before I picked up Guardian as my AC, I did a lot of reading. Everything I could find said that Sentinel DPS would be marginally higher than Guardian if you could get a hold of a parse from a fight, enough to make it shine above Guardian as a damage spec, but you could still use Guardian and do a respectable amount of DPS.


If you've played WoW, you can think of the Vigilance spec for Guardian more like an Arms warrior whereas Sentinel is closer to a Fury warrior. Sentinels are great single target DPS. Vigilance does a reasonable amount of single target but really shines in AoE situations from my reading and playing of it.


If you go Vigilance Guardian though, prepare to do a lot of force sweep bombing. I find it fun, but my friend didn't enjoy it as much.


I hope this helps. :]

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The way I percieve it, the guardian spec that is putting up dots (vigilance) will likely do better in a raid setting where mobs have a high amount of hit points than the spec that is all burst damage (focus.) I could be wrong, but intuitively that is how I see our DPS specs unfolding. I think if you talent correctly in vigilance you will do comparable DPS to the raid spec for Sentinel, which I would say is watchman. Maybe there are some raiders out there that can confirm/deny this.
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Focus tree specced guardians are a walking aoe bomb that can take a beating.


Once you get force exaustion to stack singularities it almost feels OP when you're dealing obscene guaranteed crits to a group of imperials trying to cap a node or bring down a ball carrier. Stack power+surge and lol when you watch big numbers float all around you.


But it's a bit of a nightmare getting there, that much is true. At higher levels the class starts to shine, but early to mid game, you just have to suffer through that.



That's PvP atleast, tanking issues in PvE, thats a whole other story heh.

Edited by aeterno
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Didnt really answer my question :(


I just want to know if end game Guardian DPS (damage spec'd) is lower than other damage classes


No it isn't.


If it was it's a minuscule amount. What you're reading here is nothing but anecdotal, rage infused crying by people with way too much time on their hands. This is coming from someone who played a SW Juggernaut to 50 in beta testing. Play what you enjoy the most and ignore what other people have to say about it. Are they paying your monthly sub?

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