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Mouse binds barely work - anyone else solved this?


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Logitech mouse binds - they don't work on the first or even second click quite often - anyone else experiencing this? I downloaded the newest drivers and ran as admin, but it's highly frustrating and I can't bind things I'd normally rely on for PvP.


It's not part of the sloppy response - it's completely ignoring the inputs unless I mash the hell out of the button, all of which work fine on a nearly new MX Performance mouse.

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Hey there. I also have a Logitech mouse and had trouble getting my binds to work. The issue you are having doesn't sound exactly like the problem I had, but maybe this will be useful anyhow.


This is how I fixed my issue:


1. Open the Task Manager (CTRL + ALT + DEL)

2. Locate setpoint.exe and close it out (right click it, select "End Process")

3. Locate SetPoint in your Start Menu. It might just be called "Mouse and Keyboard Settings" or something like that.

4. Run SetPoint as Administrator (right-click it, select "Run as Admin"


I hope this helps!

Edited by belialle
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No, I did precisely that. Windows 7, ran as Admin with the newest drivers (didn't work at all with old drivers).


I can use a crappy 3 button mouse and get instant response - it's got to be a driver / integration issue you'd think??

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Not Logitech specific. I have a Microsoft Sidewinder X5 and none of the function buttons (other than the normal right and left click) work at all inside SWTOR.


They all work perfectly fine on the desktop or in other games (I have a macro heavy PvP build) but for whatever reason they decide to stop working once I open SWTOR.


I am happy to see that other people are also having mouse issures (not happy in that they also have to suffer, but that I'm not the only one!). Has anyone had any success fixing this? Is it just a bug?

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I made a post of this earlier.


It seems that sometimes the binds for the mouse work and then a couple hours later when I long on, it doesnt work. And then the next time I play, they work again. I think there's something wrong that BioWare has to fix, not much we can do I think.

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  • 3 weeks later...

This is happening to me too. Setpoint.exe is ran as administrator. I tried windowed/fullscreen/windowed fullscreen mode. Also tried different game settings in Setpoint. There is a definite lag when pressing the mouse binds--whether I press and hold, or double-click, or regular click, etc. As soon as I end the Setpoint.exe process in Task Manager while in game, the default binds work as intended, with no delay--with the exception of the thumb button which is why I installed Setpoint in the first place.


I have the latest Logitech drivers

M705 w/ unifying receiver

Win 7 Pro x64






1) SetPoint for 64-bit

2) Installed all Windows Update files, including SP4.


It's now a little bit responsive in game. Now the thumb rocker buttons work when I double click them (not single click), but not as consistent as I want them to be. The thumb button works consistently when clicked once. I also don't have to check Game Mode to use the thumb button either.


Those are the only changes so far.

Edited by furryangina
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  • 4 weeks later...

I am having this same problem with an M510 (wireless) mouse and have done similar troubleshooting as above in this thread. I have bound the left side buttons to (a) mount and (b) autorun. I have counted out loud and sometimes have to mash the buttons up to 15 times before it will "register" the request in game. Yet outside of SWTOR, the buttons function responsively.


I also noticed a similar lack of responsiveness (though much more mild) with the wireless keyboard -- getting datacrons requiring platforming are nearly impossible on the wireless keyboard, however, if I log into my account on my husband's machine (wired mouse, wired keyboard) I have no trouble at all.

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I have the same problem the Logitech people are experiencing, especially those two side thumb buttons. Sometimes they work, sometimes they don't. Sometimes 'double clicking' (as one poster mentioned) gives the illusion of it working, but sometimes I even have to double click twice. And yet, sometimes a single click is fine.


I have the big mouse that came with the old MX5500 combo. I'd get a new combo, but poking around Fry's, I don't see 'any' combos that have a big mouse anymore. They are all made for little people. The mouse I have has a nice big wing on the bottom, is giant, and while the keyboard has batteries, this one is rechargeable.


And yes it is charged.


And 'no' (el los noa, nien, [whatever sign language is for no]) I don't have this problem with other games. I like to map auto-run to the big button (4?) and then I put my favorite mount out on a hotkey bar and map the little thumb button (5?) to mount. WoW, LotRO, AoC, Rift...all fine.


Reported it as a bug right out of the gate, but haven't seen it show up as something that they're really aware of. But please submit them as bugs. Maybe if they get enough of them they'll do something about it.


But I sadly feel this will end up like the Soundblaster issue with LotRO. Turbine: "It's Creative's fault!" Creative: "It's Turbine's fault!"


Looking forward to Bob Goldthwait's new movie at any rate. "Really? You're going to take two spaces?" :)


Edit: To subscribe, so I can find it more easily when the move it over to the support forums.

Edited by notebene
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I have a Razer Orochi. The main two buttons always work. The extra buttons do not appear to work while my mouse pointer is over any of the action bars. Once the mouse pointer is located within the environment (e.g., hovering over my character or an enemy), they work fine.
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I'm having no trouble with Razer Naga's 12 buttons. Sounds like a logitech-specific issue.


Even the scroll wheel?


When I bind abilities to mouse wheel up/down sometimes they don't fire off. They'll do a fraction of the animation like they're trying to execute then just stop. I've gotten to where I have to scroll the wheel 3-4 times in rapid succession to make sure the skill executes.

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I am having this same problem with an M510 (wireless) mouse and have done similar troubleshooting as above in this thread. I have bound the left side buttons to (a) mount and (b) autorun. I have counted out loud and sometimes have to mash the buttons up to 15 times before it will "register" the request in game. Yet outside of SWTOR, the buttons function responsively.


I also noticed a similar lack of responsiveness (though much more mild) with the wireless keyboard -- getting datacrons requiring platforming are nearly impossible on the wireless keyboard, however, if I log into my account on my husband's machine (wired mouse, wired keyboard) I have no trouble at all.


Sounds like you found your own answer. I donot like wireless keyboards for one. They seem to be sluggish at times and sensitive to outside interferences. As for the mouse I have the Logictech 510 like you do, but donot use the side buttons. It works fine for my use. The 510 also has a pretty deep recess for the optic pickup sensor, so make sure you keep that clean by occasionally spraying it out with compressed air.

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Even the scroll wheel?


When I bind abilities to mouse wheel up/down sometimes they don't fire off. They'll do a fraction of the animation like they're trying to execute then just stop. I've gotten to where I have to scroll the wheel 3-4 times in rapid succession to make sure the skill executes.


I've bound take cover to my scroll wheel, it doesn't have a problem. However TBH I haven't tried using the wheel or side buttons when my mouse is hovering over the UI, which seems to be an issue for many people... I'll test it at home.

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The game does not recognize the SIDE mouse buttons at all. I have them bound to a keystroke and it never registers in-game. After multiple attempts to get this straightened out with customer service, their ultimate response was "uninstall the Logitech SetPoint driver and use a generic driver"


This isn't any help, as the generic drivers do not allow me to re-assign the side mouse buttons. Thanks a LOT. This mouse works wtih every other program and every other game I run on my computer. Why can't BW get this to work?

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This happens all the time with me. I used to have my stuns mapped there and interrupts but after failing so many times, I put them to a key.


Since 2 of my buttons work as ctrl+something the most annoying one was hitting my interrupt and it was ctrl+c and my character panel would pop up. I just changed it to c after that and took off the char panel from coming up.


Very hit and miss.

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I don't have this issue with my logitech. Perhaps because I do not use the setpoint drivers, just the windows drivers (unless I am playing a game that needs the dpi).


This, I avoid the setpoint software like the plague.. it always seems to cause issues, I can bind most buttons just fine without it.

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