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The amount of needless agro in this is ridiculous


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Ahhh well thats because Luke was a good goody Jedi, not the lunatic Marauder that I play.

I do seem to recall Anakin killing quite a few disposables though.


But even with most single player games there's always a certain amount of wading through disposables before you start to get to the real mission, it's just the way games are.



In SP games, the mobs don't respawn. So getting out is only a matter of walking out, not fighting through an entire platoon of 5 billion grunts again.

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Its worse in this MMO cause its so linear and forces you to go down set paths.


It was worse in Rift, IMO. Rift set the standard for this sort of thing. The difference here is it's a blast to kill mobs in this game. So if they get in the way, they get a light saber up their poop shoot. In Rift it was just plain tedious at times.

Edited by Andryah
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Ahhh well thats because Luke was a good goody Jedi, not the lunatic Marauder that I play.

I do seem to recall Anakin killing quite a few disposables though.


But even with most single player games there's always a certain amount of wading through disposables before you start to get to the real mission, it's just the way games are.


I agree with that, but the way Bioware has done so in this game feels frustrating. In those games you often feel like you've progressed mechanically. You're becoming more ******, as you should. In this, you're stuck plinking away at trash mobs that respawn -IN YOUR RECTUM- and smoke you in moments. How heroic :) :) :) :)

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It was worse in Rift, IMO. Rift set the standard for this sort of thing. The difference here is it's a blast to kill mobs in this game. So if the get in the way, they get a light saber up their poop shoot. In Rift it was just plain tedious at times.



Yeah, that is one of the numerous reasons I quit Rift in under a month.

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Now that sounds like a plan. :D

Make it tougher.


I don't know about you but I brought this game to kill things in a gratuitous Star Wars style, not creep around avoiding confrontation or actually doing anything.

Death or glory


It makes no *********** sense to have stealth and be an assassin and not be ble to "assassinate" an npc with stealth.


Freak it doesn't even make sense that stealth only works in PVP.

Edited by Zoggel
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It makes no *********** sense to have stealth and be an assassin and not be ble to "assassinate" an npc with stealth.


Freak it doesn't even make sense that stealth only works in PVP.


I have both an assassin and an operative and stealth against NPCs works perfectly fine for me... hell there is even a special skill to boost it so I can stealth right up to an elite or boss and stab him in the eye... there is also a skill to make me run much faster for a short while which works in stealth... then there are skills in my AC tree to further boost how well I stealth... then there is yet another skill that will break aggro even in the middle of a fight and make me stealth and undetectable if I need it


if you can't stealth through NPCs you're doing something wrong

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In SP games, the mobs don't respawn. So getting out is only a matter of walking out, not fighting through an entire platoon of 5 billion grunts again.


Right, so this is better because it's more of a challenge, more people to kill and stuff to destroy :D


I sense we may have to agree to disagree on this point :csw_vader:


I just enjoy the challenge, nothing quite as much fun as force choke followed by throw sabre :D:csw_bluesaber:

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Right, so this is better because it's more of a challenge, more people to kill and stuff to destroy :D


I sense we may have to agree to disagree on this point :csw_vader:


I just enjoy the challenge, nothing quite as much fun as force choke followed by throw sabre :D:csw_bluesaber:




But...there's no challenge in it. It's not hard killing 70 groups of 4 normal mobs and 20 elites with a single normal mob with them. It's just tedious.



Believe me, I love challenge in games. I have taken to soloing heroics just to find a semblance of challenge in this game.

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Here is a saying I heard on this past episode of Leverage on gamers and it's true....


"If you make things too simple they will get bored, but on the other hand if you make it way too difficult they will figure it's not worth it"


So the key is to find the middle ground, Bioware has not done that sadly.

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But...there's no challenge in it. It's not hard killing 70 groups of 4 normal mobs and 20 elites with a single normal mob with them. It's just tedious.



Believe me, I love challenge in games. I have taken to soloing heroics just to find a semblance of challenge in this game.


This. Challenge and Tedium are two different things.

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I haven't had this problem yet honestly. I got bored wading through enemy's doing my class quest so I just rand past patrols in a wide field so I wouldn't aggro as many and I made it to the quest just fine and back without getting killed and there was about 3 big areas to tread through, but I do understand this criticism if your really bad at avoiding your surroundings. The only thing I would agree with is that there are way too many spawns, but it's not an issue if you run past them.
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Sometimes I use death as a means of travel. Done it in every mmo I have played. Think of the money to fix your gear as cab fare.


That's hilarious and morbid all at the same time. :D It's also a very valid tactic! xD Although, I find that the Quick Travel CD is always up when I need it. Maybe they should implement some means of obtaining a shorter CD for it.

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I only notice it when there aren't other people around. Usually there are so many other people that we're competing to get the kills.


Been a few times when I just ran through empty streets to my objective because the 4 person group ahead of me killed everything.

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I only notice it when there aren't other people around. Usually there are so many other people that we're competing to get the kills.


Been a few times when I just ran through empty streets to my objective because the 4 person group ahead of me killed everything.




yeah, that's what I was noticing, usually I hate sharing quest areas with other people, but today on Alderaan I found myself wishing the area was overcrowded.

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The amount of times I've had to do a quest, but be forced to wade through 50+ enemy troops to get to one objective, and then wade through another 20+ to get the the final objective, and, if my warp is down, go through the entire place again to get out is ridiculous.




There needs to be a far better way to avoid agro. Speeders don't work, because they blow up as soon as you take damage. Running doesn't work, as the mobs are spread so thickly that you can't outrun one group without agroing another. My awful Sith marauder "stealth" doesn't do jack ****.



Something needs to be done about this. It makes questing extremely tedious.


I agree to the extent that it is kinda immersion breaking when I have to fight all the guys that I killed to get their. Especially, if the end results in the defeat of said forces... yet they're still there. As if my actions were meningless. I love instances that don't respawn enemies.

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I agree to the extent that it is kinda immersion breaking when I have to fight all the guys that I killed to get their. Especially, if the end results in the defeat of said forces... yet they're still there. As if my actions were meningless. I love instances that don't respawn enemies.


I like to think of it as their replacements coming, unless it's a boss that respawned.

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yeah, that's what I was noticing, usually I hate sharing quest areas with other people, but today on Alderaan I found myself wishing the area was overcrowded.


Oh, yeah Alderaan is thickly settled with mobs in a few areas, to the point of absurdity. I quick traveled quite a bit there.

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Oh, yeah Alderaan is thickly settled with mobs in a few areas, to the point of absurdity. I quick traveled quite a bit there.


Yep, that's why it's gonna be the first planet I don't finish. Getting off that ******** as soon as I finish my class quests.

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I haven't really noticed the problem before, if you stick to the main roads and skirt around aggro circles you can avoid a lot of fighting in my experience. And this I usually only do if I'm in a hurry since usually, eh, I enjoy the combat, one more fight won't hurt.
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