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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

What legacy name did you choose? Proudly post yours here!


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As witty as I am, I choose Slystalker(Skywalker, Slystalker, get it? heh) and I also created a operative named Waldo. As OP as I am people will go "WHERES WALDO?????" and I'll just oneshot them and then they'll see the name... Slystalker(stalker, stealthy, get it? heh).


I'm so good with names.

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I chose Zhu.


It fits so many things, it was both an ancient Chinese String Instrument and a Percussion Instrument.


It is also a common surname in China currently.


It is also the given name of the first Emperor of the Ming Dynasty.


Plus it sounds and looks pretty cool, and it's also the name of my most favourite assassin character from Guild Wars.

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Legacy name: Harkonnen (good ol' Frank!)


Assassin: Darth Sen'suul Harkonnen

Sorceror: Sin'suul Harkonnen

Marauder: Dam'suul Harkonnen

Bounty Hunter: An'suul Harkonnen

Operative: Op'suul Harkonnen (yes I was running out of imagination at this point)


I must admit to being awful at making up names, but the Harkonnen way of life seemed to fit a dark side oriented family line and I like the look of the names.


The only annoying part of it is I have already seen someone with the Atreidies legacy name and the sod is also Imperial so I can't hunt him down at every opportunity! Damnit!

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I chose Wolfe, its my usual gaming handle of TimberWolf changed into a proper name.


Apparently I wasnt the only person going after that name because after rolling an Empire alt I found a person with the Wolfé legacy. Posser. <.<

Edited by Lalluna
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