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  1. Checkmate? Lol. But seriously, what does it change? Pretty much your entire argument. Because you admit that my point is true. Therefore the difficulty or time requirements to be implemented into SWTOR may not allow it either soon or ever. So it has to be taken into account. That and whilst WoW and SWTOR are both MMORPG's they focus on different aspects.
  2. Ahahahahaha. I'm sorry but do you actually know anything of coding? I can code something in Java that would take me say 30 minutes, in VB.net it might take me 2-3 hours. Different languages have different strengths and weaknesses. Same with game engines. I don't know the ins and outs of either engine or programming language used by WoW or SWTOR. But I can tell you that it could be a lot harder to do certain things. On top of that simply because something has been "invented" and you can see the end product or result does not mean that someone would know how to implement it, especially in relation to having to match it to what you already have. And I'm sure Blizzard aren't in the business of giving Bioware and EA their code. Implementation of an idea into code is always a lot harder than coming up with the idea.
  3. Hardcore MMO players who need tools and addons to hold their hand? Carebear much? What you call Hardcore MMO players I call pansies in tights, seriously. You want a Hardcore MMO? Go play Darkfall (Admiteddly dying in the build up to DF2) or Eve, or Everquest. Anygame where you actually lose a whole crap load of stuff on death, see how long your "Hardcore" MMO players last. LOL.
  4. So ignoring all else means that it can only be this one thing causing a decreased level of over-all account activity? Well duh, if you choose to ignore every other reason it can only be that they are disinterested in the game. However by stating that you further prove that you are a Blizzard Dev. The correlation of the subjective diaxomatic linkage is awesome. I must be right.
  5. Waiting for GW2! Also, good post. There are some features they could've included from WoW...oh wait, they are planning to, they have always been planning to as far as I can tell. They were just forced out the door early by EA.
  6. He has also failed to acknowledge this. His "facts" and "speculation" don't follow proper logical thinking, it's a fallacy. But now he has fallen back on attempting to paint himself as a Martyr, like Scientology does. Therefore because of this I declare Xugos to be a Scientologist. (Nothing wrong with that by the way, to each their own).
  7. Personally I loathe combat logs, they tend to lead to "Big Number Syndrome" which is highly prevelant in DPSers anyway. You people are more than welcome to have your combat logs and dps parsers, and if because I refuse to use them I don't get into groups, ohwell. People can be very very good at what they do without a dps meter to tell them that, back before there were threat meters and such people had to manage dps and aggro all through practice and feelings. I liked that, it added a more realistic feel to the games abit as well as some more challenge. Personally though as I said because of "Big Number Syndrome" too many people focus on topping the charts. It's far more often the case that a mediocre dpser who properly utilises the functionality of their class is a greater asset to a group than someone who simply full throttles the big numbers. Not to say that people can't do both, but just as a general trend amongst your more average players (of whom I unashamedly am one). Overall I prefer and gain enjoyment from the older more archaic form of dpsing, tanking and healing before all the extra tools. So that's how I'll do it, feel free to have your tools but just don't force them on me. EDIT: Also +1 to the guy above.
  8. Actually do something during downtime? What do they do that others including Bioware don't do during downtime? Also they are patching what they can when they can. These huge game breaking bugs? Yeah they don't occur for everyone they don't even occur consistently in a lot of cases, you try tracking down a bug that doesn't have a particular pattern. Very difficult. Then fixing it? These things take time, and it could be that by fixing a thing people are complaining about it has had a knock on effect so they can't yet release that fix till they've fixed all the extra bits that got effected. Just calm down and have some patience.
  9. Whoa, they don't? Damn breathing is so out of fashion, as is the wheel. And tools in general. Awwwww no way, we're going to have to start driving hovercrafts now. But in anycase it's fairly common that in fictional universes there is a stagnation of technology. I mean in a lot of them infact there is a decline in technology from an earlier "golden age" as there is in the Star Wars universe, the Infinite Empire anyone? Revan using the Starforge? Things go in cycles, it's just the way it is.
  10. Seriously OP is a hilariously bad troll. As has been pointed out, and he has ignored, all said abilities can be found in D&D, which dates back waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay before WoW. Also most of the things found in WoW? Holy moly! They can be found in Everquest or UO...and a lot of the things almost carbon copies! I mean raiding? Come on surely WoW could've done better than that...
  11. No you don't need to be. But I love how so many people drag in metaphors of "if this was a car" well fact is folks, it's not a car. Get over it. Different rules and standards apply to different things, that's always been the way, it always will be the way. Though only a student programmer at university I have yet to code or have seen coded ever a project of only a few thousand lines that does not have bugs...yes perhaps I and everyone I know in the world is a terrible programmer. But at the end of the day whatever you may think the fact remains that a game is a lot of lines of code. I'm not talking 10's of thousands I'm talking more than that. And it's safe to say that a quote, from a few years ago, and without current sources stated something along the lines of "a bug per 1,000 lines of code is industry standard". That may have changed but still most bugs you won't even notice. In anycase people should give them time and a break. Personally this game so far has been the least buggiest game I've played at launch.
  12. As far as perfect MMO? There isn't one, I like to think Darkfall could've been it...but it wasn't, just didn't click with me. Eve is good, but it's not set on the ground, it's spaceships all pew pewing up in the stars. My perfect MMO would be a sandbox, but at the same time with the option to do such gripping storylines as Bioware have introduced into the MMO world with TOR. I think perhaps GW2 will be a step in the right direction with a storyline system that sounds quite similar to TORs and the dynamic quests and well the pvp that I so loved from the first one. Overall I doubt there will ever be a really perfect MMO. But to be honest I think I would love as well one like you can find in such Manga as .hack or 1/2 Prince.
  13. So mister troll, your idea of an MMO is Skyrim? Whut? Lulz.
  14. To stay on topic I really like this idea, it's quite ingenious and though yes it would be a lot of effort it would certainly sort out a lot of problems. I mean some games have had slight pokes in this direction, Guild Wars had some skills that would flick between a "PvP" effect and a "PvE" effect depending on if you were in a pvp area or not which was a great idea, but did make it a bit confusing. Overall I think any company would do well to listen to this idea for future games, allowing easy balancing of both pve and pvp. +1. +2.
  15. I chose Zhu. It fits so many things, it was both an ancient Chinese String Instrument and a Percussion Instrument. It is also a common surname in China currently. It is also the given name of the first Emperor of the Ming Dynasty. Plus it sounds and looks pretty cool, and it's also the name of my most favourite assassin character from Guild Wars.
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