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Every group is full of greedy ninja companion looters.


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I wish they remove NBG loot method and change BoP to BoE and use the old school system like Round the robin and let the luck god decide our luck on loot. That way, no more loot drama and the person who get the loot decide what he do with the loot.


I agree with this. I preferred the older games where loot went to a person and if some else wanted it, they barter for it with the other player.

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You know, if people would realize they're in an MMO and, oh I dunno, talk to each other? Maybe this wouldn't be an issue.


You know, something like "So, this run I think need should only be for PC's. You guys with me?" Or maybe "I'd like to be able to roll need for mini-Me here. You guys cool with that?"


A few seconds and all loot drama could be eliminated. Or people could just get all upset and throw tantrums. Me, I sort of prefer option #1.


Personally, I find overblown loot drama a lot more annoying than someone who thinks he needs something for a companion, so it's worth it to me to clarify up front. Apparently it's not done very often.


I also really agree with the people above me. Round Robin would work, too, as would eliminating the Need button completely. People don't throw fits until they start feeling entitled to certain things.

Edited by imtrick
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No hes not thats exactly what you and alot of others are suggesting.


Nope. That's not what I'm suggesting at all. That just shows how little attention you're paying to the issue.




I have my own opinions on when I think it's appropriate to roll need, but they're my own business. If I choose to roll need, which I rarely ever do, then I have my reasons. If you choose to roll need, then I'll form an opinion of you as a player, but I'm not going to slow down the group whining about the outcome.

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So glad I looked into servers before I picked one.


Sounds like you all on your scrub servers are having great times.


Your own fault. This is the mmo community you're in.

They are barely human.

A sad offshoot of **** sapiens. You can't fix them. It's genetic.


You have to find real people to play with.

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They should just steal ANOTHER IDEA from wow and you cant roll need unless you can use it. I would support this. btw I am new here ans so far bioware fanboys are way worse the bilzzard, its like they have blinders on


Thanks for you assessment of the community. The opinion of someone who can't go three sentences without name-calling carries a lot of weight.

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They should just steal ANOTHER IDEA from wow and you cant roll need unless you can use it. I would support this. btw I am new here ans so far bioware fanboys are way worse the bilzzard, its like they have blinders on


A better idea is for BioWare not to play nanny to the players over every little aspect of the game.


If you don't like the way loot is being distributed, then don't join PUGs. Make your own groups, and be the master looter.


You are the cause of and solution to your own problems.

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stop arguing this fact because obviously gearing and feeling special in this game is your main concern.


Do not presume to know what my concerns with the game are. Im merly voiceing my opinion on this issue. My objective in game is to have fun and ill gladly give up loot to someone who needs it (For their main char!). I just think companion needing is unfair.


Im a 30 year old guy im not massaging my EPEEN as you might call it.

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Traditional MMos in general breed animosity towards other players. Flashpoints should ditch dropped loot and provide reward compensation for everyone.


Yup, or when you kill the boss, a key to a loot chest could drop for each player that gives class appropriate gear.

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They should just steal ANOTHER IDEA from wow and you cant roll need unless you can use it. I would support this. btw I am new here ans so far bioware fanboys are way worse the bilzzard, its like they have blinders on


Or they can scrap the crappy idea they stole from WoW and use the old school loot method that works for a long time before WoW. NBG were noble idea on paper that people rool need on things he really need and greed on things he don't want but wouldn't mind having it if nobody else need.


But this create dramas because everyone have different opinion on 'need' and they think they should entitle to certain item more because of <insert any reason>.

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I was in there, I helped down the boss, I have as much right to a piece of gear as any of the other players. It's no one else's business what I do with that gear.


So would you be fine if I needed on gear that I planned to vendor?


I need that hundred credits. Those jukebox songs are not going to change themselves!

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Thanks for you assessment of the community. The opinion of someone who can't go three sentences without name-calling carries a lot of weight.


A bit rich from the person who described others as 'morons' and 'just off their meds'.

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This kind of problem occurs in all games. It's not for the developers to decide who gets what. If you're teaming with players who are going to grab what they can whether it's for their own personal use or not then you need to find people who you can trust. Join a decent guild and run flashpoints with them, that way you know (theoretically, depends on the guild members) that you're not going to get robbed of items you need to use personally over someone needing it for their companion.
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It doesn't count if it's not in the group helping us, no. People who are in the group get rewarded.



Would you be okay if I rolled need on something for my guildie who often groups with me but isn't even online? Of course not. You'd throw a fit.


First off, Don't speak for me.


Second, No. I'd be fine with it. You need it. Whatever your reason - You need it.


If you need it for your alt, your companion, your friend, WHATEVER. I consider all the aforementioned reasons, need. As long as you don't "Need it" to sell or disassemble, I don't care. That's why we've the three options.


Also, some people are gunna lie and roll needs even if they plan on selling it. Then don't group with that person. Find a friend. Join a guild or a clan. Honestly, there's a reason why Han and Chewie are together - and why they would never backstab eachother. They were friends.


Make some.

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A bit rich from the person who described others as 'morons' and 'just off their meds'.


Considering what was being claimed there, which was a pack of bald-faced lies, I think those were warranted -- though I think I managed something a bit more creative than "morons."

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Do not presume to know what my concerns with the game are. Im merly voiceing my opinion on this issue. My objective in game is to have fun and ill gladly give up loot to someone who needs it (For their main char!). I just think companion needing is unfair.


Im a 30 year old guy im not massaging my EPEEN as you might call it.


The problem is you lack empathy. For some people, grouping is very distasteful. I don't want to get into the "why play an MMO if you want to solo" argument, because the point is moot.


Sometimes, a primarily-solo player, will want a specific piece of loot, for cosmetic or performance reasons, for their companion(s). That loot may require grouping to acquire. In such a case, it might be courteous of the player to mention their intentions up front, but then someone like you might flip out on them for having the audacity to even suggest such a thing.


At the end of the day, it is not as big a deal as people make it out to be.


It's not worth this much drama over a 0.1% upgrade.

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So would you be fine if I needed on gear that I planned to vendor?


I need that hundred credits. Those jukebox songs are not going to change themselves!


Well, seeing as the argument is "companions are an extension of the player", I'd say credits is too. It helps you buy medpacs, and even gear for yourself and your companions.


So I say go for it.

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This is why I don't PuG, most people as a rule of thumb are ignorant and selfish. With that said if BW didn't implement something to prevent it then I fully expect it to happen, its like coming to this forum and expecting to see only positive comments.
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Can't you just set the loot rules? Not sure haven't tried, but make a master looter. Anyone who doesn't wanna go into that group with it set, so be it, find another person that will.


The game has no /roll command, which makes mastery looter a PITA. You'd have to play a "Guess what number I'm thinking of" game.

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Personally I only need on gear that I can use on my own character.


But with that being said, I do agree that the companions are very much an extension to our characters, and do agree that there is a valid reason to needing on gear for your companion. Personally I believe that people should only need on their main companion they keep with them most of the time.


Playing a defense speced sigh Juggernaut, I wouldn't survive many fights while solo questing without my companion doing the DPS she does. My DPS is horrible, and there are many groups that can kill me before I get them all down. There could be 4 or 5 in a group, and I could get 3-4 of them down before I am dead, but with my companion I can get them all down and have about 10-15% of my health left.


So yeah, our companions are very much a part of our characters. I wouldn't complain or feel annoyed if someone needs for their companion, I would simply start doing the same thing in that group.


But here is the thing. If you are going into a pug, and someone needing for the companion annoys you, then you really need talk about loot rules before beginning. You should not expect everyone to know the standard from other games, when in fact this game really does things differently and not all MMO conventions apply to this game by default.

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This is why I don't PuG, most people as a rule of thumb are ignorant and selfish. With that said if BW didn't implement something to prevent it then I fully expect it to happen, its like coming to this forum and expecting to see only positive comments.


The problem with that is you're the only one who will suffer. Your trusted friends aren't online? You can't get anyone to join your group? Nothing is on TV, and you're snowed in during a blizzard?


May as well join that PUG. You never know. You could have a lucky dice roll. Either way, you get social points, commendations, etc.

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