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Every group is full of greedy ninja companion looters.


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Thanks Sherlock, then let me be more specific, for the cartoon that you control 100% of the time when you log in from start to finish.


No one has one companion out, always. Whether it be for raids, maxed out FP groups, or riding your speeder bike.


More clear for you? Loot all you want for whatever cartoon you want. As I said, this just reinforces my detest of most people in PUG's for their selfishness and greed and trying to justify it was just good game playing.


Not true. Was in a 4 person group doing a lvl 30ish flashpoint, and one of the dps disconnects. we wait for 5-8 minutes to see if they will relog. They don't, we pull out a companion and end up finishing the flashpoint.


the companion was a important added dps. Maybe not as smart and useful as a real person, but that players "pet" helped us finish the flashpoint. Now there was no needing on companion gear if a player needed it as it was a guild run, but saying no one ever uses the companion is false.

Edited by Skovick
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OP, the fact is that I care about my companions a lot more than I care about you. I have been adventuring with them for several months and they have saved my neck more times than I can count. I just met you. Of course I would rather get stuff for my companions then for you.


Case in point.

Who said anything about " caring" It's about a fair system. Player characters> companions.

It's completly common sense....or apparently not.

Edited by Your_dominus
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What's your problem with Americans?


What he meant to say was liberal americans, not all americans, since liberals think they have a right to everyone else's stuff and if any person does not have every single thing they want, then we should raise taxes on the rich and buy it for them.

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Well it's clear your from one of those 3rd world countries, Let me put it in terms for the savage people, Me caveman , me need gear, me take.




You know whats worse than a cave man? a freeking seagull.





Her der, I like me take.

I mean really?

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What he meant to say was liberal americans, not all americans, since liberals think they have a right to everyone else's stuff and if any person does not have every single thing they want, then we should raise taxes on the rich and buy it for them.


No. I believe in fairness for all. Stealing from one group to give to another sure makes one group happy but isn't fair for all.

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You can find mild-mannered, good samaritans in every part of the world.


Just like you can find ignorant jerks everywhere. It isn't about being French, American, or Canadian. It is the human condition.


America just advertises more than everyone else.

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Just saying there is no reason to bring up and stereo type Americans. I am sure what ever 3rd world country your from you have your version of Trailer park trash also. Not all Americans are rude and Jerks. Especially if your from the South.
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Its a mostly single player game , where you prob will spend more time with your companion than other players , sry but I dont see the problem .


Then go into the FP's with others of the like mind, and use your companions to assist in getting the loot.


If it takes other main characters controlled by other human beings to assist in getting that loot, they should be given priority over someone's bank account or companion.


Opinions may vary but most have the above stance as the accepted norm.

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You don't go around the group and see who most needs a given mod. You hit need and the number rolled determines who needs it the most. All companions are just modifiable guns with names. I find it odd that you all think that one level of my gear is more important than the other level of my gear... mako is my gear, she isn't some secondary NPC i sometimes pull out for fun. if she drops dead so do i. And without gear that happens a lot. She is my character. In order to continue playing i need to upgrade the armor of all the companions, and i intend to do it. Had BW put in companion only armor, or some sort of rules to the need roll then it would be a moot issue. take it up with them. In a PUG you arnt my friend. you are in fact vastly less important to me than mako. you wont be around in 10 min and she will be. You wont keep me alive, she will.
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You don't go around the group and see who most needs a given mod. You hit need and the number rolled determines who needs it the most. All companions are just modifiable guns with names. I find it odd that you all think that one level of my gear is more important than the other level of my gear... mako is my gear, she isn't some secondary NPC i sometimes pull out for fun. if she drops dead so do i. And without gear that happens a lot. She is my character. In order to continue playing i need to upgrade the armor of all the companions, and i intend to do it. Had BW put in companion only armor, or some sort of rules to the need roll then it would be a moot issue. take it up with them. In a PUG you arnt my friend. you are in fact vastly less important to me than mako. you wont be around in 10 min and she will be. You wont keep me alive, she will.


And if I lost a roll to your Mako, I would slap you on ignore, and warn guild about you

Have fun with that.

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Not true. Was in a 4 person group doing a lvl 30ish flashpoint, and one of the dps disconnects. we wait for 5-8 minutes to see if they will relog. They don't, we pull out a companion and end up finishing the flashpoint.


the companion was a important added dps. Maybe not as smart and useful as a real person, but that players "pet" helped us finish the flashpoint. Now there was no needing on companion gear if a player needed it as it was a guild run, but saying no one ever uses the companion is false.


Please read what I said and do not leave words out, it changes meaning.


No one has their companion out, always.


That last word you seem to skim over.

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Look, here's the bottom line: if a piece drops that's an upgrade for my companion but not for me, I'm going to roll Need on it.


Hell, I'll even roll Need on it if it's four players in the group. My companion needs to keep their gear updated just like I do, so their output is acceptable while I'm out questing on my own. I spend the majority of my time questing on my own. I'm in a Flashpoint for 30 minutes tops.


Companions are extensions of the player characters. It isn't going to change. I'm not going to roll Need on an item that requires a specific class and alignment unless I'm both of those things. But if a piece drops for, say, Jaesa (light armor with Endurance and Willpower), and it doesn't put a class or alignment requirement on it, and it's an upgrade from what she currently has in that slot, I'm going to roll Need on it.


I was in there, I helped down the boss, I have as much right to a piece of gear as any of the other players. It's no one else's business what I do with that gear.


What server are you on and what are your character names so I can avoid grouping with you since that post is a joke.

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Though I empathize with the OPs plight, I cannot help but think that such measures as player only gear etc, would do more to penalize good kind players than deter loot drama.


Like all games before hand, make PUG loot rules apparent. Start the run with.


"Loot rules, need if you need it for your character, greed if you want it for sales or for a companion."


End of story. It is an MMO, so the Massive Multiples of players playing it need to interact to solve this issue. Like they have in every MMO before.





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I'd like to apologize ( a few days after the fact) for poor etiquette for my actions during a world boss fight after which I needed and then tried selling some loot which I did not actually need.


I did not realize that such was poor conduct, and did eventually give the item to someone playing a class that did indeed need it. My apologies for my ignorance with having done such a thing, some people are new to MMO's and I am certainly one of them.


So, yeah, I'm sorry for my ignorance in such a thing, and believe me, it hasn't happened again.

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Not true. Was in a 4 person group doing a lvl 30ish flashpoint, and one of the dps disconnects. we wait for 5-8 minutes to see if they will relog. They don't, we pull out a companion and end up finishing the flashpoint.


the companion was a important added dps. Maybe not as smart and useful as a real person, but that players "pet" helped us finish the flashpoint. Now there was no needing on companion gear if a player needed it as it was a guild run, but saying no one ever uses the companion is false.


If the game designers thought your companions (who, in most cases, do NOT help drop mr. boss) were the equivalent as other players they would have their own automated need/greed trigger. they dont thus you needing for them is the same as:


Needing for companions is equivalent to needing for alts, alts companions, guild-mates, friends, strangers, and your sisters uncles brothers fiends neighbors ex's 1st grade teacher's nephews' bully's deceased uncle's neighbors best friend.


Need no longer holds any meaning whatsoever.

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Though I empathize with the OPs plight, I cannot help but think that such measures as player only gear etc, would do more to penalize good kind players than deter loot drama.


Like all games before hand, make PUG loot rules apparent. Start the run with.


"Loot rules, need if you need it for your character, greed if you want it for sales or for a companion."


End of story. It is an MMO, so the Massive Multiples of players playing it need to interact to solve this issue. Like they have in every MMO before.






Who really has the time and inclination to do this at the onset of any grouped instance?


Now if BW defined need/greed as this there would be a basis but BW doesn't want to get in the middle of things so they leave need/greed undefined HOPING people apply real-world definitions to need and greed instead of people with entitlement issues saying they should be able to need anything at all in the game if it can help them, (or any companion or any alt or any friend, etc, etc) in any way shape or form thus destroying the very meaning of "need".

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You don't go around the group and see who most needs a given mod. You hit need and the number rolled determines who needs it the most. All companions are just modifiable guns with names. I find it odd that you all think that one level of my gear is more important than the other level of my gear... mako is my gear, she isn't some secondary NPC i sometimes pull out for fun. if she drops dead so do i. And without gear that happens a lot. She is my character. In order to continue playing i need to upgrade the armor of all the companions, and i intend to do it. Had BW put in companion only armor, or some sort of rules to the need roll then it would be a moot issue. take it up with them. In a PUG you arnt my friend. you are in fact vastly less important to me than mako. you wont be around in 10 min and she will be. You wont keep me alive, she will.


Technically the numbers rolled do not signify who "needs it the most". Just randomly the highest roll gets the item.

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The last 5 random groups i have gotten into have some guy rolling need on krap he cant use but his "companions" can so he needs it, then a huge fight breaks out, the group splits up game over.


The loot system needs to be addressed, people who use heavy armor should be the only ones who can roll need on it, the same for medium, light and weapons.


It's getting out of hand, the companion system is just dumb it has George Lucas written all over it,


A stoppid npc with bad ai does not enhance my game experience, it's a frickin Massive Multiplayer Game.


if you want a healer you just find a REAL PERSON to heal, or to tank, why not just make a game where only 1 guy can play on a server then everyone else is a npc with ai and you can charge them 15 bucks a month to play it, yeah thats over the edge but this is just ruining the fun.


and you can say just "get into a guild" but you can't always run things with just guild members and you cant even guarantee a guild member will not pull this bull krap.


GEORGE LUCAS needs to get the hell out of the designing of this game, and go make movies, I bet George is the reason we cant play wookies or driods in this game.


fix the dam loot system, who care if one quest in the level 50 zone dont work, 100% of your people are trying to have fun in groups



easy... run with your friends and guild..

or outline loot rules before you even move..


if they dont agree /kick

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That this is even a question is mind boggling.


If you need something for your PC, hit need.

If you need something for your companion, ask the group.


Common sense, people.


It is : /, some of them don't get it.


I keep thinking of the Seagulls in finding Nemo.




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If i help bring down the boss, I have as much right to the dropped gear if my companion needs it. this is a new type mmo and ppl will look after their companions seen as there with you most of the time except for pvp and groups.

Why don't ppl roll a new toon and try to play without a companion or with useless

gear on the companion and see how far you get as the game is geared towards

you having one with good gear as you lvl up and go to higher zones

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