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Republic Ghost Town


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I can give you two reasons right now that I've heard from my casual friends ( we all play Republic ):


1 - Imperial spaceships look cooler than their Republic counterparts


2 - Imperial PvP/PvE armor looks cooler than Repulbic versions


It surprised me to hear these complaints but apparently looks do matter a lot.


I figured that these were the reasons too.


I rolled both sides but I'm hooked on my Smuggler right now. I just know there is a big difference in pops.

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Smart people don't play republic on pvp servers.


so what you are saying is this:


PVP servers = no republic = no pvp servers.....


PVE servers = you may see an occasionally flagged republic = you MAY get pvp.....


Oh the irony...



It happened in RIFT at the start. One side dominated, and some guilds swapped over on pvp servers (though why they all knowingly went same faction I'll never understand). Now its more balanced most places. If Trion had done same faction warfronts, you'd only have one faction in RIFT now.


We know where this leads, but BW won't listen, I dont think they have the balls to make the correct choice here. Sure it may annoy some empire subs, but sometimes the integrity of your games settign has to come first. Otherwise the road of compromise is opened up and a few small steps later....well who knows where it leads, but its not good.




BTW: I rolled republic, I love the trooper and consular. but I went over to empire as the animation delays on trooper and consular are crippling in pvp when compared to BH and INQ. Agent though is undeniably more ****** than smuggler though!

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Exactly. And there's no mention from Bioware that they are working to fix any of this.


The Empire claims to be all about PVP, but they simply want empire-versus-empire warzones. The current population imbalance - and the imbalance after more same-faction warzones are added - will result in World PvP not existing, and no republic-versus-empire PvP.


In short, Empire players will have no Republic to kill, either in the open world or in warzones, if they keep pushing for a higher and higher playercount (through things like more same-faction warzones).


No world pvp, no republic-versus-empire. That is what SWTOR pvp will be all about, if you guys want all pvpers to roll empire and bloat the faction's population.



By adding more same-faction warzones, Bioware is expressing they want this too. Which is confusing, which is why this thread was created: to get some confirmation that Bioware is fixing this.

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I wanted to join the Republic but my friends all wanted to play on the side of the Empire. Then I tested out the Sith Warrior and I liked the background and story telling ( though most will say it kinda sucked).


I made a Jedi Knight alt whenever I wanted to do something different and well.....I didn't really feel anything from it.


There is something about being a Jedi that doesn't hold interest for me anymore.

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I literally have not been able to find a Huttball match in over a week. The faction imbalance is a cruel joke.


Republic planets are already ghost towns and it gets worse the higher your level. BioWare has to use carrots and sticks to affect change, otherwise world PvP will suffer in the long run.

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I literally have not been able to find a Huttball match in over a week. The faction imbalance is a cruel joke.


Republic planets are already ghost towns and it gets worse the higher your level. BioWare has to use carrots and sticks to affect change, otherwise world PvP will suffer in the long run.


That's not a bad idea, but when it comes down to it the players made this problem and they can fix it.

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That's not a bad idea, but when it comes down to it the players made this problem and they can fix it.


Many players HAVE been trying to fix the problem (many guilds and players have switched to Republic for better queues and to help the underdogs).


But now Bioware is making choices that will directly make things worse.

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BTW: I rolled republic, I love the trooper and consular. but I went over to empire as the animation delays on trooper and consular are crippling in pvp when compared to BH and INQ. Agent though is undeniably more ****** than smuggler though!


Yeah, a couple of my guildmates did the same thing (we ended up sticking with republic).

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Yeah, a couple of my guildmates did the same thing (we ended up sticking with republic).


I love my trooper. If I stick with the game I'd like to play him.


But when I can go into a warzone and have a much more enjoyable time on my BH purely because its so much more responsive and fluid as the animations are not totally out of whack, I cant bring myself to play him.

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Player can fix this, but they need a carrot and a stick to be forced into fixing it.... Blizzard had ot give Blood elves to Hord for the problem to fix iteself... Giving more same faction pvp will only aggravate the problem.


On a funnier note, Republic likers will tend to all concentrate on very few server, leading to absense of empire on those server... This will be fun one year from now, choose a republic or an empire server...

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Player can fix this, but they need a carrot and a stick to be forced into fixing it. Blizzard had to give Blood elves to Hord for the problem to fix iteself... Giving more same faction pvp will only aggravate the problem.

Very good point. Most importantly: it worked.


But Bioware is doing the complete opposite thing: they're going to make the empire get even larger. This will spell the doom of this game's pvp if Bioware doesn't do something and quick.

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Honestly after reading through this, although I completely agree that this is a problem I don't see any real idea for solving the issue.


I hope Bioware is taking some time to look at this, although I'm sure they are, its hard to say how long before they will come up with a good solution.

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Honestly after reading through this, although I completely agree that this is a problem I don't see any real idea for solving the issue.


I hope Bioware is taking some time to look at this, although I'm sure they are, its hard to say how long before they will come up with a good solution.


I really hope they are. They're implementing content that will make the Empire dominate the Republic even more than they currently do population-wise, so hopefully they have something up their sleeve that will keep the Republic up-to-pace.

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Honestly after reading through this, although I completely agree that this is a problem I don't see any real idea for solving the issue.


I hope Bioware is taking some time to look at this, although I'm sure they are, its hard to say how long before they will come up with a good solution.


The biggest point this thread makes is that more single faction pvp will aggravate the population imbalance. There are a few solution path, but it's what threads are for!!!


To find em....

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It's funny watching people blame faction balance on BioWare. LOL


If BioWare had locked you from creating too many Sith characters and Empire characters people would have blown their ever loving minds with the amount of rage.




I played one character to L10 with my Bounty Hunter and I'm not impressed with Dromund Kaas so far.


All my other characters are Republic and I'm loving the Republic side of things. (Although I DO miss Force Lightning...)

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It's funny watching people blame faction balance on BioWare. LOL

Bioware's only response to faction imbalance is "let's remove The Republic from the pvp equation, and make that faction irrelevant in SWTOR pvp"

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