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Republic Ghost Town


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Coming from a game in which the developers let faction balance get to the point that nothing could be done to fix it (Aion), I for one will not go through it again. If faction balance becomes a serious issue that is not addressed I will once again be looking for my "next game".


Yeah I played a couple of mmos with similar problems and you can understand why we're being adamant about this subject and keeping this discussion active and on the first page.

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I will probably switch to GW2 if this nonsense continues. The whole "Empire/Republic" at war advertisements are a joke when they keep implementing same-faction warzones as band-aid and keep ignoring balance problems.


At least ArenaNet is smart about it and has only 1 faction in GW2. None of these silly problems that currently plague TOR will be present there. You only choose race and class. You can switch team any time you want and there's RvRvR (Realm vs Realm vs Realm) planned as well.


It's baffling that Bioware has so many Mythic developers helping, yet it seems all the time and experience learned from Warhammer Online and DAOC has been wasted.

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I will probably switch to GW2 if this nonsense continues. The whole "Empire/Republic" at war advertisements are a joke when they keep implementing same-faction warzones as band-aid and keep ignoring balance problems.


At least ArenaNet is smart about it and has only 1 faction in GW2. None of these silly problems that currently plague TOR will be present there. You only choose race and class. You can switch team any time you want and there's RvRvR (Realm vs Realm vs Realm) planned as well.


It's baffling that Bioware has so many Mythic developers helping, yet it seems all the time and experience learned from Warhammer Online and DAOC has been wasted.


Totally agree with this. What a huge misstep that will prove to be a waste of investment if Bioware refuses to being solving the problem.

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Spot on IMHO, it's more of a marketing issue, it's all about image. Republic should be described as defender of freedom and ****. Not petty and squabbling. Plus, we all know they are gonna loose, at least make us believe they stand a chance! And finaly, make animations related to dark light side points??? A lvl V dark jedi not shooting lightning? come on....


And pvp wise, i've heard a lot of imp animations feel more responsive...


Edit : Just an out of game example, ppl are known to change voting intentions just to win, imagine with a game!


What do you mean, "we all know they [the Republic] are going to lose"? They -win-. The "Empire" from the movies is actually the -Republic- after they voted in Palpatine as Supreme Chancellor. The Sith Empire is left as dust and memories.

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Is it obvious only to me that players should be discouraged from joining the massively overpopulated faction? On my server, the balance of power is completely out of control. Players MUST be encouraged to roll Republic, be it with more credits, faster XP, more commendations, bolster in Open World... something. With the new patch, and a new same faction warzone the only incentive to play Republic (near instant PvP queues) will cease to exist.


Instead, Imperials get to play more matches against Imperials to get more commendations to get more gear so they can beat the hell out of Republic even more than they do now. It would be like if a football team could only use the weight room if they agreed to train with another team, while another team can use the weight room by themselves to cut out the middle man. Now some of you are inevitably going to say, "But Republic can play Huttball against itself too!" I'm level 50, and I'm almost to valor rank 40. I've played a good bit of PvP, but not as much as some of the diehards. You know how many Rep vs. Rep Huttballs I've played? One.

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Same faction warzone is a poor plaster. Not only it makes the whole Republic vs Empire war background silly but it won't fix the balance issue at all either.


It actually gives even less incentive for people to roll Republic because the only thing Republic has going for themselves are the short queue times.

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What do you mean, "we all know they [the Republic] are going to lose"? They -win-. The "Empire" from the movies is actually the -Republic- after they voted in Palpatine as Supreme Chancellor. The Sith Empire is left as dust and memories.


Lol, Palpatine was a sith seed. He defected, but the Jedi didnt notice because Palpatine was a clever git. He destroys the jedi order and the republic is assimilated (we dont really see this in the movie but it happens in the gap between episode 3 and 4). Their culture and laws are washed away and the empire takes them over.


Some of the culture remains, but they are rebels who are fighting the empire. It's much like when an empire invades another country and assimilates their culture and, soon enough, they become another arm of the empire.


'Rebel' cultures still exist today, even in peaceful countries like Canada (Quebec fights for cultural sovereignty every day). Slightly different, as is every historical event.


The republic is swtor is definitely not the Empire you see in the movies. The current republic lives on, but eventually gets destroyed in Star Wars Episode 3. Palpatine brings the empire back into power because he's a sneaky devil

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Is it obvious only to me that players should be discouraged from joining the massively overpopulated faction? On my server, the balance of power is completely out of control. Players MUST be encouraged to roll Republic, be it with more credits, faster XP, more commendations, bolster in Open World... something. With the new patch, and a new same faction warzone the only incentive to play Republic (near instant PvP queues) will cease to exist.


Instead, Imperials get to play more matches against Imperials to get more commendations to get more gear so they can beat the hell out of Republic even more than they do now. It would be like if a football team could only use the weight room if they agreed to train with another team, while another team can use the weight room by themselves to cut out the middle man. Now some of you are inevitably going to say, "But Republic can play Huttball against itself too!" I'm level 50, and I'm almost to valor rank 40. I've played a good bit of PvP, but not as much as some of the diehards. You know how many Rep vs. Rep Huttballs I've played? One.


100% Agree. Bioware, since you delayed the 1.1 patch by a week, would you like to say a word about this subject since we all have a week to spare now?

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Yeah that just proves how badly they did Republic. They were well warned about this, years in advance and they did nothing to fix it. Mythic was warned about it happening in Warhammer and did nothing until it was too late.


Yup. I mean, have you SEEN the animation for Tracer Missile on the Bounty Hunter? It's freaking awesome.

Does the Commando have something equally cool? Hell no.

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For the hell of it I went on my Empire character.. 118 people on the Fleet at almost 1am here.. on the Republic side which I play on, around 50-60 and only 15 people on Hoth including myself, I remember there being double if not triple as Empire. :/
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I'd like to quote this from another thread:




it's called communicating with your customers. You keep your customers in the loop and make them feel that they are listened to, that their constant reporting and feedback has some bearing on the quality of the product.


The way things are going on here on the forums, people start endless threads about exploits, bugs, issues, problems of all kinds and not a single community representative makes themselves known to say "We will forward your information to the development team", or a simple "We are aware of that particular issue and are working on resolving it". Nope, they only make themselves known to us when some thread needs to be locked or deleted.


What kind of customer service is that? In LOB (Line of Business) applications if your customer kept submitting support tickets and sending your client services email upon email and all they got is silence treatement, they would show up with their legal team to discuss their SLA and breach their contract due to noncompliance or something.


There is no excuse for being lazy and they can win by starting to be more upfront with us and by communicating instead of hiding behind invisible wall of forum mods.

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I just wish the devs would say SOMETHING on this topic.

Not even "We understand this is a growing issue and we're working quickly to figure out a resolution" or "Choosing how you want to play is vital to the purview of our game and this is not something we will enforce."


All I wish is that we could have a simple "We're aware of the concerns over this." Just SOMETHING so we'd know the devs are aware of it. Because I find it incredibly unlikely it isn't something they're talking about. And if that talk is just for us to shut the hell up and play, I'd like to at least hear that.


I just left one horribly imbalanced game. Why would I want to jump into another?


But let's not forget the most glaring issue of all:



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I know the game is still in its baby stage or whatever.. but I want to World PvP.. not only that, but effectively. Not this whole "Hey look 40 Imperials on Ilum and.. me and 6 others."


Again, they made Empire look way too glamorous compared to the Republic and people will make fashion the number one reason for playing a faction, over gameplay - community etc.

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I just wish the devs would say SOMETHING on this topic.

Not even "We understand this is a growing issue and we're working quickly to figure out a resolution" or "Choosing how you want to play is vital to the purview of our game and this is not something we will enforce."


All I wish is that we could have a simple "We're aware of the concerns over this." Just SOMETHING so we'd know the devs are aware of it. Because I find it incredibly unlikely it isn't something they're talking about. And if that talk is just for us to shut the hell up and play, I'd like to at least hear that.


I just left one horribly imbalanced game. Why would I want to jump into another?


You have to remember the Bioware themselves plays primarily Empire characters (as stated in an interview), so which they'd like us to believe they aren't biased in their decisions, the many design decisions that overtly diminish the republic mirrors says otherwise, as does marketing.

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Well I'm taking my leave for tonight, good discussion and opinions I've seen about this today.


At the end of the day all I can say is I have much love for the Republic and my Trooper and hope more people realize it's not all about playing "the bad guy" (even though you can be a douchebag as Republic and nice as Sith) and whatever other strange reasons I have seen.


Hope to see the Republic become more popular in the future.

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They've touched upon this on today's gamebreaker.tv cast.


If Bioware doesn't say anything about this, I'll have to quit (I'll quit before I'm forced to reroll Empire). There are too many other games that prioritize balance coming out that I can't ignore.

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They've touched upon this on today's gamebreaker.tv cast.


If Bioware doesn't say anything about this, I'll have to quit (I'll quit before I'm forced to reroll Empire). There are too many other games that prioritize balance coming out that I can't ignore.


*** can they really do though?


people chose imperial because its the "horde" of this game and people love playing the bad guys. its not like hundreds of thousands of people got together and decided to create a population imbalance.


passive faction wide bonuses to the republic wouldn't be a good solution, and faction transfers would take months to implement with no real proof that it would balance things out (unless they restrict republic to imperial transfer)

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*** can they really do though?


people chose imperial because its the "horde" of this game and people love playing the bad guys. its not like hundreds of thousands of people got together and decided to create a population imbalance.


passive faction wide bonuses to the republic wouldn't be a good solution, and faction transfers would take months to implement with no real proof that it would balance things out (unless they restrict republic to imperial transfer)


Past 31 pages deal with this, I won't rehash the entire discussion. There are a host of workable things Bioware can do to ensure the republic has a stable economy, can find pve groups amongst themselves, and not get zerged by the Empire in ilum.


Bioware designed the game to be this way. Any appealing characteristics of the Empire, and any unappealing characteristics of the Republic, are granted by their design decisions.

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*** can they really do though?


people chose imperial because its the "horde" of this game and people love playing the bad guys. its not like hundreds of thousands of people got together and decided to create a population imbalance.


passive faction wide bonuses to the republic wouldn't be a good solution, and faction transfers would take months to implement with no real proof that it would balance things out (unless they restrict republic to imperial transfer)


When has the Horde ever been the zerg? And neither the Horde nor the Alliance were the bad guys. (Forsaken excluded) That's one thing that made Illidan and Arthas feel so nefarious. There were worse evils in the Azeroth universe than the green skinned planar refugee. In Star Wars, you get the Republic and the Empire and they are so dramatically different from each other, and then they just sit there and look at you and that's all you really get, or they add some goofy goggle eyed monsters called rakata that nobody cares about no matter how close they were to destroying the galalxy 1,000,000,000 years ago.

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I honestly can't see a work around Bio themselves could do to balance factions.


Buffs for the less populated side? Ok what does that do if factions actually balanced? "Blah Looks like a few Empire logged off so they get the buff....Quick someone Alt log to empire!"


As far as Sith having better looking gear ect? Well From what I have played of either side most look spot on to what their side represents but I will admit Sage and shadow do get the derpy end of the stick with their bra and fan helms....Did they all come from Naboo?



This whole situation is a player based problem and can't really be fixed unless


A) A large chunk of players reroll to the underdog


B) Bio merges together Servers to try and fix the imbalance.


pvp has always been a big problem in most mmos due to either class imbalance, Bad mechanics or a serious imbalance in the player base and usually the later is the major factor.


Lets not forget all the poor Wow severs that had such faction imbalances during wotlk where you had to be on real early in the morning if you wanted even a slight chance at winning Wintergrasp and then going nuts trying to get a group together for the raid within that precious window of time you had the zone still if you were the underdog faction.(Even during cata same holds true for TB)


I would say 80% of all hardcore pvpers will always goto the side that has more players just due to the higher chance of finding good players to team up with so the % chance of winning matches will be higher. There is a slight hope though but only slight that some imbalance will be fixed once pvp brackets are set in place because lets face it right now you go where the most 50s are for the warzones. Once thats in though Im sure some ppl will possibly change sides just because they no longer have that edge in their favor.



On the subject of more warzones with same faction pvp. Well It is sad that I will probably be knocked around more often then not by my own side at least it wont be in 90% huttball wich I hate more and more with each passing day.



Tl,Dr - Mostly a player base problem not much bio can do, poor sages have bra helms, be happy at least there will be more than huttball?

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the style of the starting area for jedi players is just way less cool.


it´s the for-12-year-olds-semi-star-trek-episode1to3-crap we all learnded to hate while as an imp you get all the cool original-star-wars-empire-interiors.


as long as this does not change i see no chance for more balancing

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