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Why ppl feels bored at lvl 50 with more content than wow in the release comprasion


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I am not even looking forward to 50 and the reason why is because there's nothing new there. It's just the same ole re-hashed model of raid, pvp or die. I was hoping crafting and community trades would be the third element in this game but right now crafting is sub-par.


I enjoy the leveling process I've already leveled a sniper to 49 working on a Sith jugg to 50. I'll probably try Sith mara or SI next once they place 50s into their own pvp brackets. But really as I level up my Jugg I am not even looking forward to 50. No more story line, it's just the same ole WoW grind I left long ago, run heroic flashpoints, pvp, or raid.

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I see nothing to compare here. You bring an example of their second and third expansions. It's simply not a valid argument. Wow Vanilla was just about as lineair as this game is. But no of course, since it's very populair to bash SWTOR for incompetence let's just jump on the bandwagon and tag along, right?

This is rather untrue. Even in vanilla there were mutiple zones crossing over in their level requirements (this persisted through BC and Wrath), and with Cataclysm there are two entirely separate paths from 1 to 60 and an additional path that doesn't merge with one of the others until level 35.


On top of that Blizzard absorbed the frequent and early criticism that permeated the Cataclysm release and beta that the leveling path was overly linear and have stated it won't be so again.

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The problem is you guys compare apples and oranges when it comes to world size.


Fact: the SW:TOR global world size is MUCH larger than the global world size of WoW at release, or even after TBC. No need to mention that it also completely crushes world sizes of other games like Conan, Warhammer, or Rift. It's also much larger than LOTRO was during Shadows of Angmar (release).


Problem is Star Wars is a "world" consisting of a galaxy... many different planets. It would have taken a lifetime to Bioware to make enough content to completely fill each planet and make each planet a world similar to Azeroth. SWG failed at doing that too btw.


I'm confident Bioware will expand their planets over the years of existence of this game, but the existing landmass is already HUGE.


There's also a design decision I like a lot in SW:TOR... all areas aren't cramped with mobs. You have large spaces with camps, interest points, and just some roaming mobs. Tatooine for instance looks "realistic", if they had done it like a WoW area, it would be 5x smaller, you'd have sand people every 5 meters and it woudln't look like Star Wars.


At the end, it's all a matter of opinion and taste. But one FACT remains (that isn't opinion or taste): the global landmass of SW:TOR is larger than most if not all other mainstream MMORPGs released since Ultima Online.

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The problem is people have been power gaming their way through tor. although i would say this game is very casual friendly. I suspect that Bioware dont really wnat people to have a "MAIN" and instead play through the other story missions with other character classes and builds after they hit 50.


I already got about 8 toons i want to level after i finished my merc :)

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I agree, I feel really claustrophobic on every small ship, space station or small sliver of a planet I visit. I wish there were only a handful of planets that we traveled all over.


I agree as well. In The Old Republic, I feel isolated, scared, and claustrophobic all the time when all I want to do is have the old comfortable World of Warcraft feeling again after having to deal with the real world all day.


Lol this post is pretty darned cute. :o


I also wanted to say that I don't agree there is nothing to do at 50. We have PvP, flashpoints and space missions. I think the problem is that they aren't very much fun. In fact, they are buggy, imbalanced and just generally crappy.

Edited by Saporah
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Sure, WoW Vanilla was.


It's a shame WoW Vanilla came out in 2004/2005 (US/EU).


Comparing a new product to a game that came out in 2004 is a ridiculous thing to do.


It's almost as if 7 years of innovation never happened.


you are not asking for innovation, you are asking for volume... this game is very innovative, and volume comes with time... you are getting your points confused... volume of content is just how much time have 100 monkeys been rattling away at typewriters!


every wow expantion was geared to the people at max level, that is why it seemed like so much content when in actuality wow vanilla and this game have WAYYYY more content than any expantion overall... go do EVERY quest in SWTOR and you will be back in 3 months even with everything being grey and you one shotting every boss.

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more content =/= quality content.


not to mention, replayable content.


haha... bioware will never please you will they?


The thing is: if theres too few content you QQ, if theres more content its not quality one QQ.


End result: you QQ either way, so why work to please you?



Personally, i love the PvP in this game. I havent had this much fun since Guild Wars PvP. Its lots of fun!

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One HUGE issue for me, that I've noticed ever since beta, is the dead/missing feeling of an open world. Each planet feels SOOOOOO tiny, especially when you have some that are zoned exclusively for Republic/Empire only.


You end up sitting on the fleet and never having the opportunity to see the other faction (aside from Illum, but don't get me started)

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I really enjoied my first 1-50 char, i really did, because the story is nice and all that but, then the game ended, thats how im feeling the game because of the reason 1 ive explined before, its the same game exprience that someone can feel with a single player game, if you take your view back after hiting 50 you maybe will see it too, and now its too late to fix anything like that, the game is the way it its thats because im feeling disapointed /sad :(


A pretty fair criticism all in all.


But where were you when they made Vanguard? :) Telon has to have been one of the most amazingly ginormous, seamless game worlds ever made. And yes, it does make a big difference to immersion if the world is that size and you can wander around in it.


OTOH, I wouldn't prefer one or two big worlds. I like it the way it is in terms of the ground side of the game. The later zones are comparable to most MMOs in size, and there's a good deal of exploration stuff if you look around (datacrons, map survey xp, odd little surprises here and there, etc.)


What's lacking to me is the outer space element not giving the game a sense of a vast universe. I think if you had that illusion, it would compensate for the planet zones not actually being "planet-sized".


e.g., if you could have a bit more of a Freelancer-type game on the space side, it would make the game feel a lot bigger. Obviously not all planets could be ground-able, but if you had more of a system of being able to wander around from star system to star system by actually piloting in space, that would replace the sense of vastness that you get from the ground-zone size of some other MMOs.


Anyway, that's what I'd like to see. The space game as it is is a fun diversion, but it could have carried a lot more of the weight of the game. Hopefully, it's the way it is just because they ran out of time, and they have plans to expand on it. If not, then I think they've rather missed a trick.

Edited by gurugeorge
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haha... bioware will never please you will they?


The thing is: if theres too few content you QQ, if theres more content its not quality one QQ.


End result: you QQ either way, so why work to please you?



Personally, i love the PvP in this game. I havent had this much fun since Guild Wars PvP. Its lots of fun!


The PvP is ****, the PvE is ****, deal with it.

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People that made it to 60 early in WoW's release were bored, too. It happens in every MMO.


Maybe after several months if they didn't belong to a raiding guild, but to say there was nothing to do at 60 in vanilla WoW is just false.


It took a long time to level to 60. I started playing on the launch day in Europe, and I think it was something like 17 days /played when I reached 60. Then there were the dungeons. It took weeks to actually finish them all, because they were hard. And most importantly, unlike the linear pipes of today, they were fun. I remember when my guild started raiding Molten Core about 3-4 months after launch, I thought that it was too soon, I wasn't done yet with the 5 mans.


Sure, vanilla WoW had its problems, but the first few months of it were the best MMO time I've ever had and I never was bored, not for a minute.

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People is getting bored because they've already played end-game SWTOR content years ago - also called World of Warcraft -.


Bioware hasn't invented anything, just made a copy-paste from WoW adding conversations, companions, and a few more things that become, at the end, irrelevant.


I feel myself doing the same things I did at WoW years ago (I'm level 50): daily/weekly missions to get "commendations" to get "Insert-name-here" Gear.


Bioware should have focused their work on Mass Effect 3.

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I am 50 and far from bored. I tried WoW once and hated it and just laugh at people who refer to it as 'how MMOs are supposed to be played', considering that it is pure candy coated crap. I have tried and played almost every MMO since their inception and WoW is definately the worst. If you find yourself without something to do at 50 than you lack imagination or just need storylines to direct you. The one thing I would suggest is a good guild or group of friends to play with, it makes all the difference.
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once you hit the max lvl n any mmorpg it gets borring. WOW is a prime example of this and with no reason to start another class, as they all are the same basically no reason to keep paying.


At least SWTOR has stories attached to the class.

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Those not new to MMOs and got burned out (likely on WoW) probably got burned out on the endgame. Since the endgame here is basically the same, the burnout will come much, much faster than it did for them the first time in a previous game.


I particularly agree with this point. I don't think Bioware realized this when making TOR in trying to take over WoW's success. It's not WoW that is getting stale, it is the formula. THAT is why this game will not have the longevity of WoW. People are already burnt out on it from playing WoW for seven years.

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The OP makes some points, but we should not be surprised that the endgame is poorly developed a month after release. That is standard for the MMO genre. We probably won't know whether the endgame is worthwhile for quite some time.
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Yeah, because WoW or any other MMO had THE BEST ENDGAME EVER ULTRAFUNZORZ 1 month after release right? Right?


Oh wait it took a long *** time, QQ some more I'm having tons of fun so far.


Yeah, because SWTOR was released in 2004 without 7 years of work put into and and only 60million spent on it.


Just because others failed to achieve something it doesn't mean it's okay for others to fail. Get real.

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