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Vette made the news!


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That report is the most idiotic, stupid, moronic, one sided piece of trash i have ever seen. And it is the basis of why I despise reporters.


Remember growing up when your buddies would say "..aint gotta lie ta kick it man.."

I think it applies perfectly.

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After reading the 'article' yesterday I registered and posted a comment which was valid, polite and put the Vette thing into some context. I included the fact that my wife plays the class that gets Vette as a companion.


Funny old thing, my comments have nbot been posted.


Pure sensationalistic ill informed attempt at scandal reporting.


Utter utter tripe.

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'She comes complete with a convenient high voltage shock collar, allowing me to administer harsh punishment should she speak or act in a manner unbefitting her station. I torture her. I tease her. I belittle her in front of others. On one occasion I even make her watch as I have sexual relations with the wife of a slain enemy.'


- WHAT!?! can anyone confirm if this is true?


Also if it's true that how we act in video games is how were going to act in RL then the world better watch out cause there are going to be so many people running around killing people with giant purple *****'s...

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As Frankie Boyle so aptly put it "The Daily Mail, racist in public so you don't have to be."


It's an awful rag, hates games, gamers, hates the concept of freedom of choice, also hates the curtailment of freedom of choice. Hnh, editorially it is less interested in truth and more involved with anything that can make people sputter in rage over their morning tea. If you desire balanced and informative news, you are better off reading the Onion.

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Don't be so unfair to the article, there's nothing in it that isn't true, and people do love shocking Vette.


I don't love shocking Vette, no; torture is where I draw the big, bold-face, unshakeable line. I can't abide torture in any way or form or for any reason, even fictional characters for entertainment purposes. Torture is the most despicable act any one person can commit.


It doesn't say as much about SW:TOR as it does about humanity. Are humans really this disappointingly terrible?


Yea but I will kill a pack of 5 people just to get to a salvage node under them.

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Granted there are plenty of people IRL I would like to slap a shock collar on. I myself who is well into the dark side have around 9k affection with Vette and removed the collar at first chance.


But her smart A** remark did land her a front row seat when I had sex with the one lady.

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But I don't care either way. Saying this game "encourages" violence or promotes torture is just as ludicrous as saying the original Star Wars movies promoted incest.


You mean that's NOT why I find my sister so attractive? Oops, said too much... :eek:

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It's just a game. I mean the reason I play games is to be able to do things that I could never or would never do in real life. I will never play a game that is just playing a character that can only do the "right" things or normal things that I can already do in real life thats just stupid.
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Considering it's the Daily Mail which is a UK "news" outlet I would say it has less to do with the evils of torture etc so much as using that as another excuse at thinly veiled man hate. I read the article and unless I missed something I see no mention of the fact that female characters let alone female players could be doing this as well. Surprising, almost as surprising as Sean Hannity not acknowleding that 200,000 jobs in December is substantial on Fox news in the gym locker room today...but I digress.
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