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We Hate Huttball


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Yeah, you have no clue what you're talking about. That much is obvious. So let me explain it with great intricate detail so you might comprehend the situation before you lumber in with a useless anecdotal argument or snarky comment.


I'll even throw out numbers for you.


1). Huttball is not focused on the Imperial/Republic War. It's a sport.


2). I did not roll republic to play a sport against the opposite team.


3). I rolled republic to SHOOT IMP SCUM. To claim strategic information, destroy their ships, to eradicate them from the galaxy.


4). Playing huttball detracts from the above.


5). It's not fun playing huttball because there's hardly any combat in it compared to the other warzones. This is not fun for me. I want to shoot imp scum. Not knock them into fires and goo with my knock back.


6). Premades vs pug in huttball is much more in the premades favor, because of communication via voice, and will allow coordination of the huttball itself to be 200% easier.


I'll stop here, and let your mind cool off a bit. I'm sure reading forum posts for you is quite hard.


All I have to say to all that is : LOL, RP Much?


Really, you wanna shoot Imp Scum? Here is the thought for you to ponder on:

1. Go to Illum

2. Locate a bunch of "Imp Scum" trying to complete daily and weekly quests

3. Proceed to shoot "Imp Scum"

4. FRAPS it and show us how it went


You don't want to shoot Imp Scum, you want other people to carry you and be cannon fodder while you sit behind and play Rambo.


And who said you don't get to shoot people in Huttball? I get more kills in Huttball than any other game and that is excluding the people I cook in the fires.


Learn to be a team player if you want to get anywhere in Warzones. If you want to be lone wolf, hit Illum and try ganking some people solo.

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For several reasons. Also one of the biggest is that it doesn't suit the roleplay feel of the game. Am I to believe that my Bounty Hunter decides to go play a stupid sport for the Hutts he so despises? Stupid.


Basically I queue for PvP, get Huttball and don't mind fighting but as soon as someone passes to me i end up quitting the game. I have no button to pass the ball so am stuck with it until I die and then get verbally abused by players with limited social ability.


Can I opt out of that game? PvP is cool but Huttball makes me want to unsubscribe from the entire game and forget it.

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Hai person shooting me from where I can't reach you.


-Force Charge-


O rite. You're just gonna knock me back off.


-Can't do anything to close distance for 30 seconds-







Hallo ranged person. I got the drop on you this time. Ya you gonna knock me off again, now I'm gonna


-Force Charge-


Nao I got you. O wate were are you going? To the totally balanced air vents that create a significant distance between us thus giving you, with your ranged attacks, a significant advantage you say?


-Can't do anything to close distance for 30 seconds-






F this I'm just gonna run the ball to your pit and intercede to the assassin who's stealthed on your goal line.

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Cry Empire Cry. Im v v happy - u all know that there will be imbalance - and just few decided to play Republic. Maybe playing 90% of Huttballs will make ppl that have 10-40lvls to reroll on Republic.


Game need to be balanced and there is 60-70% of Empire. U all know it and u made Empire - so lets face the truth. Its ur own fault.

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So the fact we end up not being able to play PvP without getting stuck in a rubbish sport-style BG (which you end up in with whichever side you play) is because we dared to level an Empire player? Sorry but when I bought and subscribed to a game I was allowed to choose whichever side I wanted to play.


Bioware need to have tickboxes for which PvP BG you want / don't want to play, as someone else suggested earlier in the thread. There seem to be a lot of people love Huttball and others like me that do not, it is neither fair to people like me to be stuck doing something I hate every time I want to do PvP and unfair to those players that end up with me and people like me in their team when they want to win,



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Cry Empire Cry. Im v v happy - u all know that there will be imbalance - and just few decided to play Republic. Maybe playing 90% of Huttballs will make ppl that have 10-40lvls to reroll on Republic.


Game need to be balanced and there is 60-70% of Empire. U all know it and u made Empire - so lets face the truth. Its ur own fault.



And I love huttball! (I really do..)

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So the fact we end up not being able to play PvP without getting stuck in a rubbish sport-style BG (which you end up in with whichever side you play) is because we dared to level an Empire player? Sorry but when I bought and subscribed to a game I was allowed to choose whichever side I wanted to play.


Bioware need to have tickboxes for which PvP BG you want / don't want to play, as someone else suggested earlier in the thread. There seem to be a lot of people love Huttball and others like me that do not, it is neither fair to people like me to be stuck doing something I hate every time I want to do PvP and unfair to those players that end up with me and people like me in their team when they want to win,




Yes. Exactly. Because vast majority of players rolled one faction which led to other faction being underpopulated means you have NO ONE TO FIGHT AGAINST!


I hope you are not allergic to logic and actually able to grasp that simple concept.

Also do you think it will be better if you will be able to choose which WZ to que? Have fun with over an hour queues!


Biorware can not do anything, players have to reroll or.. ENJOY YOUR HUTTBALL IMPERIAL LEAGUE FOR LIFE!

Edited by Lerdoc
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I love Huttball.


A well coordinated Huttball team is a beautiful thing to see, even if they're the opposing team. In all the MMOs I've played, I have never enjoyed a battelground/wargame/scenario/warzone etc as much I enjoy Huttball.


I'd like an option to queue for *only* Huttball tbh.



I like huttball the most out of the 3 warzones.

2nd is civil war

And I hate voidstar.

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for the record i would rather sit in queue for 5 hours questing etc. and then get to play NOT HUTTBALL, than have to keep queuing, 'yup, huttball', leaving, and requeuing, 'huttball again', leaving, and requeuing until I get alderaan civil war, or the other one (not sure what it is, in getting up to 15 valor ive only played it once, and the alderaan one twice).


i hate huttball so much, and it has nothing to do with winning or teamwork, because im heal spec and i can do just fine in any situation. I hate it because its a confined room, where everything is that ugly yellow color, the damn announcer has the most annoying, loud voice possible, and the game just isnt fun. of course, the as of yet ignored ABILITY DELAY makes all pvp a little frustrating.

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/ signed petition. I hate huttball my favorite is civil war and voidstar is ok. I would rather que for NON huttball warzones and wait than get huttball everytime. Id be a republic BH if I could . cant stand how I cant enjoy pvp on my main...
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  • 2 weeks later...

i totally agree huttball sucks huttballs.

my biggest problem is just trying to pass the dang ball. let me select a team member and just press ball button to pass not this clunky aoe pass that doesn't seem to work if your team member is on a higher platform. fix it or let me opt out.

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Well obviously no one plays Republic side because I never get to play huttball when im playing my sent. Huttball is my favorite warzone. Its the only one that doesn't require you to out-gear other players to win. If your team would just cooraperate and play a great passing game you might actually have fun.
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Lets see if all of you managed to think about it a bit. Current we got...


1 Alderaan Civil War Warzone

1 Huttball map

1 Ship destruction warzone.


thats 3...whole maps.


So individual queuing would be........bad. as you would be playing the same zone over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over.


Now I am sure they will allow this when they increase the map count by 2-3 more huttball, 2-3 more warzones, maybe 2-3 Catpure the flags etc.

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