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**PLEASE** Allow 8 Man Premade Groups!


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Wow, there's a great idea, why didn't we think of that... oh that's right we did, there's no point in open world PvP outside of killing other players.


Well you guys said it was all about fun.


If defending other players from sith ain't much fun to you, I'm thinking it's about the gearz instead.

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1) allow 8-man grouping


2) create premade queue only, and make it cross server so there isnt waiting times


3) burst out in laughts as the game mode is absolutly deserted, because all those who want to premade are too afraid to fight other premades and dont queue


4) ridicule premaders...oh sorry, I meant "people who just want to play with their friends"



if "playing with your friends" meant that you would have to fight against others that also want to "play with their friends", 99% of the players in here would tell their "friends" to go f*ck their own faces and queue solo.


soooo good friends



Edited by blackcerberus
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I'm sorry, and my heart goes out to you, but if you ask any PvP guild if they want to be able to roll 8 man premades... the answer will be yes.


As the system is right now, (for you carebears) it would be like raiding where at least 4 of the 8 members in the 8 man raid are random. How would you feel about that system?

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I'm sorry, and my heart goes out to you, but if you ask any PvP guild if they want to be able to roll 8 man premades... the answer will be yes.


As the system is right now, (for you carebears) it would be like raiding where at least 4 of the 8 members in the 8 man raid are random. How would you feel about that system?


They already said they'll have rated warzones yes? That's your equivalent to raiding there.


Normal warzones should be much more like flashpoints, with 4 random people involved to make things actually difficult.


I'm sure they'll release rated warzone gearz or something to piss off the community too.

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I'm for it: as long as the 8-man groups are fighting the other 8-man groups in their own game. But making an entire guild of lvl 50's stomp over everyone 20 levels below them? No.


Already we're seeing the low-levels outright quit even on 4-man groups, now they want 8 man? Enjoy your long queue times then.

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Sure allow premades -IF- and only -IF- they are put in a seperate Q from pugs. These premades are only allowed to face each other.



What? Thats not fun you say? So basicly you only want a pre-made to go EZ mode?

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I'm assuming this must be a WoW thing...


Its amazing how concerned people are about PuGs. Perhaps they should just give people who prefer PuGs their own server. Most of the time, in battlegrounds on my server, its 2 guilded groups of 4 vs. 2 guilded groups of 4. Which is cool, but I'd ratther have all 8 be my guys.


The people who took the time to make a guild and set allies and adversaries before launch AND chose a PvP server, should have the ability to have 8 man groups.

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I'm assuming this must be a WoW thing...


Its amazing how concerned people are about PuGs. Perhaps they should just give people who prefer PuGs their own server. Most of the time, in battlegrounds on my server, its 2 guilded groups of 4 vs. 2 guilded groups of 4. Which is cool, but I'd ratther have all 8 be my guys.


The people who took the time to make a guild and set allies and adversaries before launch AND chose a PvP server, should have the ability to have 8 man groups.


Not sure why you play the wow Joker now, care to explain?


My opinion is, that people who want to group should group. But as soon they face other players, they should only be put against equal groups. I did run many premades at wow, but back in the days at vanilla you had like 3-4 premades every side and maybe 1 or 2 pugs.


At this time you did face another premade about 70-80% of the time and it was a hell of fun. In that way real "foe´s" and "friends" were discovered - we even had our own small "superbowl" where we did make a little tournament.


This was great, but to steamroll pugs we always avoided back then. We usually did win in 5 min and before Deserter came we just left and requeued, so we could face other premades again.


I do know tho, that this wasnt the case on many servers. A lot of the other premades world wide, did steamroll pugs all day. Camped them at GY´s, did spit at them etc. Pretty much what you can discover at wow today.


Because of this, people dont want premades to face randoms. Every true premade leader, would feel the same. I atleast do and if I ever have a premade again at SWTOR then I do hope for competition else the premade is pointless.

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I'm sorry, and my heart goes out to you, but if you ask any PvP guild if they want to be able to roll 8 man premades... the answer will be yes.


As the system is right now, (for you carebears) it would be like raiding where at least 4 of the 8 members in the 8 man raid are random. How would you feel about that system?


So let me get this straight.


You just want to have fun, and group with your guildies? That sounds awesome. I completely support that.


But I, the so-called "Carebear" (By the way, the term originates from UO because of protective measures from overbearing PK'ers and griefers), who would like to PvP every once in a while and don't really have any avid PvP'ers in my guild, am less of a player because I don't feel like queuing up and getting steamrolled by the same group of players every time I set foot in PvP.


In Modern Warfare, they allow clan tags. Most hardcore clans that sit and farm randoms don't use those clan tags, because it has gotten to the point where a lot of people just disconnect when all they see is a list of <L33T PeeVeePee> on the other side of the board.


Yes, some of us are casual. Those of us who are... pay the exact same amount of money that you do for this game, which means we are entitled to the exact same amount of satisfaction.


So, allow 8 man pre-mades; by all means. But, a couple of caveats.


1) Premades should only be able to go up against premades.

2) Better yet, make a separate queue where only randoms can join.


I promise you that you'll notice that there are a crap-ton more 'carebears' (Utterly stupid and derisive term) than there are PvP "pseudo-jocks" (See, I can do it too).


Now that the forced and pointless derision is out of the way. I agree that you should have 8 mans. Heck, throw in some cool "vanity" gifts for the ranking system only between 8 man premades. You've obviously worked a little bit more to get to that point than the average player. But keep those queues separate, and rated.

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Why don't you just join a guild? Competition is team-based in nature.


Because many of the guilds are full of elitist p-bottles who will only allow you to join if you are already geared. Who literally look down on you for helping anyone, and refuse to teach anyone anything. Ever.




P-bottle: An adjective for an elitist player of MMOs who feels that winning at them is more important then absolutely anything. In the documentary "Second Skin" some of these people confessed to literally urinating in bottles so that they would not have to leave the keyboard. The villain in the South Park Episode: "Make love not Warcraft" is a personification of this concept, though that example is a bit extreme.

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premades destroy the fun-factor of the opposing team, no one can argue that point


the current state of 4-man limited premades was a pretty lame idea, the obvious answer is to que premades together. this along with level balancing measures should be implemented into the warzone finder

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Because many of the guilds are full of elitist p-bottles who will only allow you to join if you are already geared. Who literally look down on you for helping anyone, and refuse to teach anyone anything. Ever.




P-bottle: An adjective for an elitist player of MMOs who feels that winning at them is more important then absolutely anything. In the documentary "Second Skin" some of these people confessed to literally urinating in bottles so that they would not have to leave the keyboard. The villain in the South Park Episode: "Make love not Warcraft" is a personification of this concept, though that example is a bit extreme.


P-bottles! I knew I'd heard of something like the antonym of 'carebear' or 'casual' from somewhere. Thanks for keeping me from thinking about that for the rest of the day.

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P-bottles! I knew I'd heard of something like the antonym of 'carebear' or 'casual' from somewhere. Thanks for keeping me from thinking about that for the rest of the day.


I used to live with one. It's how I found out that this happened.


Fellow rented a room from me, and he was one of those people who was very socially awkward, and did not have a lot of friends, EXCEPT online. He would nerd rage in ways that actually made me worry he would hurt people in RL, I actually had to get between him and a pregnant girl we lived with once when he flipped out cussing in our living room and she tried to politely remind him it was just a game.


So eventually he moved out and left his room trashed. The smell was terrible and I could not figure out why. Then we opened the closet to find MULTIPLE 20oz bottles of urine. It became like a freaky urban legend in the house. None of us could figure out why he did this.


Then I watched "Second Skin" and they talked about people who do this, and had a former gaming addict confess to doing it. You literally want to raid/pvp so badly that you do not want to get up from the desk. So you just take a bottle and pee in it. These same people take being "leet" very seriously to the point of being willing to alienate friends and even family. Now while not all are this extreme, there is a new breed of gamer that is so elitist that it's like life or death if they win or not.

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There are already Pre-made super geared Empire groups on my server that are steamrolling us with just 4 people. I don't even want to imagine what it would be like with 8 of them.


Please, for the love of god, don't allow 8 man pre-mades.

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So let me get this straight.


You just want to have fun, and group with your guildies? That sounds awesome. I completely support that.


But I, the so-called "Carebear" (By the way, the term originates from UO because of protective measures from overbearing PK'ers and griefers), who would like to PvP every once in a while and don't really have any avid PvP'ers in my guild, am less of a player because I don't feel like queuing up and getting steamrolled by the same group of players every time I set foot in PvP.


In Modern Warfare, they allow clan tags. Most hardcore clans that sit and farm randoms don't use those clan tags, because it has gotten to the point where a lot of people just disconnect when all they see is a list of <L33T PeeVeePee> on the other side of the board.


Yes, some of us are casual. Those of us who are... pay the exact same amount of money that you do for this game, which means we are entitled to the exact same amount of satisfaction.


So, allow 8 man pre-mades; by all means. But, a couple of caveats.


1) Premades should only be able to go up against premades.

2) Better yet, make a separate queue where only randoms can join.


I promise you that you'll notice that there are a crap-ton more 'carebears' (Utterly stupid and derisive term) than there are PvP "pseudo-jocks" (See, I can do it too).


Now that the forced and pointless derision is out of the way. I agree that you should have 8 mans. Heck, throw in some cool "vanity" gifts for the ranking system only between 8 man premades. You've obviously worked a little bit more to get to that point than the average player. But keep those queues separate, and rated.


I like that term, PvP Jock. It might sit better than elitist or loser without a life.:D


That being said I agree with all your points except that you deserve the exact same amount of satisfaction. Bioware could never give you or any number of parties this because it is relative to you. Everyone will be satisfied/dissatisfied with any number of things at any one time.


Great post though.:)

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I created my guild on the TOR site the day they allowed it. We entered the game with 40+ people and are up to 75. We chose a PvP server, so we may PvP together.


Then we discover we really cant play together, unless we roll with tiny groups of 4.


I'm only asking for 8... heck, I REALLY would like groups of 12, 16 or 20!!


People who disagree, should not be playing an MMO, they should be playing *Insert Single Player game Name Here*


Why would you roll on a pvp server just to play Warzones? If you want raid sized groups for pvp , how about you contact an opposite faction guild and organise some larger scale world pvp?

Edited by specialllama
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