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If you're going to give the ranged classes herp-derp mode auto facing, remove the facing requirements for melee. Trying to stay in 4m range with the really poor client <-> server synchronization is bad enough.


Or go back to no auto facing so that the hurr-durr tracer missile spammers and lighting out of my bum Inquisitors actually have to do something other then press one key.

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Interesting thoughts. I have no issues as a melee with the server/client synch. I'm sure you've already updated your firewall to forward appropriate ports for the game and checked your connectivity with your ISP. I don't know what else you can check. I don't have a super connection, but I don't have latency issues either.


PS if you word it differently, you might convince people that you aren't just raging about getting rolled by every ranged class in the game.

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Or go back to no auto facing so that the hurr-durr tracer missile spammers and lighting out of my bum Inquisitors actually have to do something other then press one key.


I can always tell the WoW pvpers because they try to run through me if Im at close range, thinking it breaks my LOS.


Always good for a chuckle. I agree though, autoface in PvP should be removed, I think it's part of the PvP skill to have to "aim" at your target, keeping them in an LOS cone.

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A big difference between most Melee abilities and Ranged is that one group uses mostly instant casts while the other has to hard cast. Simply running through people to avoid casts as of right now would only grant you supremacy and not create balance in this game.
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Funny thing is, you still need to aim Pulse Cannon where you want it to hit. Though I'm fine with it since it let's me hit more enemies in pve typically. I was pretty surprised the first time to see everyone else didn't really need to aim theirs though.


Just wish that when I stunned someone to hit em with a full 50% pulse cannon that they'd be right where it shows them stunned, not 5 feet ahead >.<

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A big difference between most Melee abilities and Ranged is that one group uses mostly instant casts while the other has to hard cast. Simply running through people to avoid casts as of right now would only grant you supremacy and not create balance in this game.


The solution to this is to code the ability hit to the start of a cast, not the end of it. Autofacing in PVP is BS.

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A big difference between most Melee abilities and Ranged is that one group uses mostly instant casts while the other has to hard cast. Simply running through people to avoid casts as of right now would only grant you supremacy and not create balance in this game.


Yeah right, because ranged already doesn't have a gigantic advantage over melee by not needing to to close distance, leave defensive positions, chase, or overextend from healers.


God forbid that you actually have to keep your range to cast your RANGED attacks at maximum effectiveness. Its just way to hard to totally dominate WZ's when you have to actually bother to switch to instant cast ranged abilities when a melee manages to close on you.

Edited by Macho
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Interesting thoughts. I have no issues as a melee with the server/client synch. I'm sure you've already updated your firewall to forward appropriate ports for the game and checked your connectivity with your ISP. I don't know what else you can check. I don't have a super connection, but I don't have latency issues either.


PS if you word it differently, you might convince people that you aren't just raging about getting rolled by every ranged class in the game.


I'm not raging at all, I think it's stupid and saying that it is darp mode hurr-durr for three button mercs and two button sorcs is an accurate statement.


As to my local network, it's not the problem. I have no connectivity issues, great ping, and am on 20mb FiOS. Ports forwarding has nothing to do with this either. All you have to do to see how bad the server-client sync (netcode) is, is to hit a sprinting sorcerer with a stun. Watch them stop for a second, then warp forward 10m. Pretty fun when you're a melee and your stun wears off during the time that you're trying to figure out where they warped too.


Use LOS in order to avoid ranged attacks that have a cast time and then pop out and use a gap closer.


That is all, carry on...


Nop, follows you around the corner. Easy mode for ranged.

Edited by getdownsb
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Nop, follows you around the corner. Easy mode for ranged.


You do know there was a game... that had a lot of hard casting abilities but, people complained about other players simply going through them that they eventually created a large assortment of instant casts. Do you really want to follow down the same path of how WoW played out with their "balance" or would rather have Melee buffed to be comparable to Ranged? Because removing the Autofacing will only create more issues.. not solve them.

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A big difference between most Melee abilities and Ranged is that one group uses mostly instant casts while the other has to hard cast. Simply running through people to avoid casts as of right now would only grant you supremacy and not create balance in this game.


I see your point, but I respectfully disagree. Ranged has a small advantage in the game already (not as great as others may claim, but I think it's still there) and autofacing is just more insult to injury.


PvP is PvP, there should be bunny-hopping spastic melee breaking LOS, I feel it greatly evens things up for them, and ranged should not be afraid to show a little skill by being fast enough to mouse-look and keep LOS. IMO.

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You do know there was a game... that had a lot of hard casting abilities but, people complained about other players simply going through them that they eventually created a large assortment of instant casts. Do you really want to follow down the same path of how WoW played out with their "balance" or would rather have Melee buffed to be comparable to Ranged? Because removing the Autofacing will only create more issues.. not solve them.


Then remove the facing requirements for melee. I already said that.

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Then remove the facing requirements for melee. I already said that.


That wouldn't solve the problem... because you're complaining about survivability in the end not about how Ranged are Auto Face shooting you. How would you do better job as a Melee when you can attack from behind yourself? It doesn't solve the issue at all and simply adding that to the coding will only create more imbalances when they could simply adjust Abilities, Damage, Health pools and Exp.

Edited by FenrirFangs
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I see your point, but I respectfully disagree. Ranged has a small advantage in the game already (not as great as others may claim, but I think it's still there) and autofacing is just more insult to injury.


PvP is PvP, there should be bunny-hopping spastic melee breaking LOS, I feel it greatly evens things up for them, and ranged should not be afraid to show a little skill by being fast enough to mouse-look and keep LOS. IMO.


It's considered skillful when a person simply has to run through you multiple times to prevent themselves from being damaged? That would force an "Instant Cast War" in the end... that's all it does.

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A lot of the issue for melee is the client/server ability responsiveness thing. I'll try stock striking someone but I want to say almost half of the time it'll try to but then it figures the guy's outta range even though I'm right within 4 meters on my screen so I just get to ion pulse the bastard.


Now figure in delayed responses with interrupts on things like tracer missle and such and you see why people complain.


And there's nothing worse than having an ability off the gcd that just won't initiate, that makes me angry more than anything else.

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It's considered skillful when a person simply has to run through you multiple times to prevent themselves from being damaged? That would force an "Instant Cast War" in the end... that's all it does.


I'm fine with it on everything except a sniper, it's damned annoying to have my interrupt greyed out because of their cover as a melee.

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As a melee, ranged and semi-mixed player (Juggernaut, Merc, Powerteh and Vanguard, and Marauder) I say stop the QQ.


You WoW PvPers are just mad that running through a person isn't a free interrupt, and that's all. Even as a Guardian my buddy tops Damage charts in warzones, and I have to deal with listening to people whine about range having an advantage.


Leap or Charge. Find the ability for your team and use it. Sure, there is a cooldown, but what doesn't have one. And jumping into a crowd only to get stunlocked for 20+ seconds is your own fault. L2Play.


Last, for stealth-based melee, use your stealth. I actually killed an Assassin who later got on his alt and told me range has too much of an 'aventage' and that he knew I 'were geting nerfed.' This left me scratching my head as I was on my Tank-Specced Vanguard.

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As a melee, ranged and semi-mixed player (Juggernaut, Merc, Powerteh and Vanguard, and Marauder) I say stop the QQ.


Already summed up most of your post in my last reply, it's not a huge advantage, but along with the delay on most abilities, it's an issue.


And I'm fine with it anyhow for the most part.

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It's considered skillful when a person simply has to run through you multiple times to prevent themselves from being damaged? That would force an "Instant Cast War" in the end... that's all it does.


Running through a player to break his attack is about as dooshy as bunny hopping and jousting.

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I can always tell the WoW pvpers because they try to run through me if Im at close range, thinking it breaks my LOS.


Always good for a chuckle. I agree though, autoface in PvP should be removed, I think it's part of the PvP skill to have to "aim" at your target, keeping them in an LOS cone.


I like how they must be "wow pvp'ers" when most games don't allot autofacing to ranged classes, dunno why the derps at bioware thought it was a good idea.

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