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Ilum cap trading - Filthy


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Thats right. Stop this non-sense arleady. Stop threatening your own faction for reported griefings when they don't allow you to hold hands with the opposing faction and loot your pvp gear out of bags like a carebear.


Enough is enough.


Make open world player kills drop pvp commendations and a small chance at those pvp bags or gear, not disimilar from Warhammer. This nonsense needs to stop right *********** now.


Its unsightly.

Edited by idipper
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thats right. Stop this non-sense arleady. Stop threatening your own faction for reported griefings when they don't allow you to hold hands with the opposing faction and loot your pvp gear out of bags like a carebear.


Enough is enough.


Make open world player kills drop pvp commendations and a small chance at those pvp bags or gear, not disimilar from warhammer. This nonsense needs to stop right *********** now.


Its unsightly.



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I dont like it either, but the game deserves it for having such a stupid system in place.


You are actively hurting your rewards by fighting the enemy in the open world.


An easy way to fix this would be to the repeatable quest to killing people in Ilum or the Tatooine zone.


Its almost like the people who designed this system dont even play PvP MMOs. Its so obviously flawed.

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Thats right. Stop this non-sense arleady. Stop threatening your own faction for reported griefings when they don't allow you to hold hands with the opposing faction and loot your pvp gear out of bags like a carebear.


If you successfully kill the enemy you deny your own faction the capability to complete their daily and weekly PvP quests. Blame Bioware, not the people who want to complete the daily.

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I'm a smuggler, I'm only in things for the credits. I don't care if I work with the Empire or the Republic.

I don't get credits for killing imperials. I get credits for working with them to blow up tanks.

What does it benefit my wallet if I kill people that I need to finish a job and get paid?

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I'm a smuggler, I'm only in things for the credits. I don't care if I work with the Empire or the Republic.

I don't get credits for killing imperials. I get credits for working with them to blow up tanks.

What does it benefit my wallet if I kill people that I need to finish a job and get paid?


Get paid in Valor & Merc/Wz Coms would definitely be worthwhile.

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In total agreement with the OP, I hate this as well. But there's nothing you can do about it until it's patched. I either forfeit my daily/weekly quest as well as my Valor bonus, get myself killed by overwhelming numbers of Imperials and shouted at by the Republic, or join the crappy base trading.


I chose the latter, as much as it pained me to do so.


But every now and then when nobody's watching, I gank an Imp.

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This kind of behavior was easily predictable by anyone who understands anything about basic game theory. You don't even need "A dedicated team with years of PvP development experience"


Players will do what they are getting rewarded to do. They will not do what they will not get rewarded to do.


I'm a bit surprised that nobody on the dedicated team ever stopped to ask, "why will the factions try to stop each other from completing the goals? Why wouldn't they just cooperate with each other?"


If I had reached 50 during the beta I could have told them about this, I'm sure someone else must have. Its as plain as the nose on your face that this would be the result of the current system.

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if you don't like it, go kill the guys doing it... my guild are pretty much dedicated to stopping it from happening anywhere we can :D


That a quality guild you have there~


Sometimes I feel like Ilum's sheriff.

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