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Community Blog Post Discussion: A Word on Bugs from James Ohlen


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There, fixed that for ya :D


-Turning off Shadows worked for most people, and they are continuing to work on fixing them

-Additional problems with ATI cards might very well require an ATI Driver update and nothing on BW's part


I seriously doubt 200+ Servers would be full of people every night if the game "didn't work" for "most people" :cool:


People will still play even if their FPS and performance is crap. They won't play if they have to pay for it though. So the numbers are high until that first billing cycle kicks in.


And I am tired of hearing about this miraculous driver update that is supposed to come out next week and will be a cure all for the game. It is just this weeks "upcoming fix" for the problems people are having. Just like the other hundred recommended things you should do to get your FPS up.

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Wait a second. The BH progression bug took 3 months to fix from when it was first reported in beta.


Mr Ohlen, can you tell us why, a bug that prevents progression, took that long? You imply in your post these are top priority and sometimes fixed immediately. What's the problem exactly? Where do we go to let you know about these types of bugs? It took screaming on the forums to finally get a response from Bioware.

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Thank you for the post, there was certainly plenty of people asking for it, I for one have had little issues thankfully, and hope that any and all bugs that people encounter can and will be fixed, and that people will take a chill pill, sit back and relax. If you encounter a bug, report and hope that it is addressed as soon as possible. Beating a dead horse doesn't do anyone any good.
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please see the horrid FPS http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=114363&page=92&highlight=horrid+fps


that is the 3rd thread created because it has reached max posts twice in a row, just because YOU are one of the few who have no issues does not mean no one does, i have done my research and i know ALOT of people have this issue.


Max posts because:


1. All the people saying they do not have a problem with FPS


2. People posting how they fixed their FPS problems.


3. The same minority posting over and over about their problems with FPS.


I'm not saying there isn't a problem with poor FPS by some people. And I'm sure they are working on it. But if there are 10,000 people (and I doubt it is that high) with problems, that is still less than 1% of the current players.


If everyone who didn't have FPS problems posted there would be many threads reaching max posts.

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He writes: "So here are some more details on the topic."; however, no details are given in this blog.


People really want to know which bugs are being currently addressed internally, regardless of the timeline of having them fixed. There are some bugs that are game breaking to many folks and if you don't come out and provide a LIST of things that are being looked at right now, you're going to lose folks.

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How can you not use one of these 'emergency fixes' on the UI issues? UI ability lag/animation stuttering is a game-breaking bug in PvP/hard mode PvE. It's been like this since I started playing in the closed testing back in early August! What the hell is going on?! Edited by Matteis
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People big games like this has bugs, when you find them report them and Bioware will fix them when they can, remember their is over a million people playing this game and bug reports are hit bioware like crazy, just sit tight and let them work.


On a lighter note I love them game, I have encounter bugs but I just report them and let it be, anyway Bioware Thank you for a wonderful game that I know will get better in time

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If I could give one advice to you dear Bioware: I heard the rumor that your hired some of the best PvP designers in the wortld for your game.

Well let me tell you what I think: I beleive the design of the PvP branch in this game is at least mediocre.

I understand the bugs, MMOs are complicated programs.

Design tho, is mostly the dev's fault.

I will not go into details, there many good posts on the forums about design suggestions.

My advice: either rework the PvP design or find new devs who will.

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People will still play even if their FPS and performance is crap. They won't play if they have to pay for it though. So the numbers are high until that first billing cycle kicks in.


Typical In-Game General Chat:

NewPlayer: My FPS Sucks!!!

KindResponder: Turn off Shadows while leaving everything else High

NewPlayer: Thanks that helped so much! This game rocks!


I don't see anybody continuously whining about performance IN GAME... on the forums however... :rolleyes:


And I am tired of hearing about this miraculous driver update that is supposed to come out next week and will be a cure all for the game. It is just this weeks "upcoming fix" for the problems people are having. Just like the other hundred recommended things you should do to get your FPS up.


Never gave a timeline there, so it could be next week, next month, who knows?


The game IS playable. People are getting to 50 and participating in Operations. Overwhelming response in game is people are having fun.


There are bugs to fix. There are features to improve.


But if people choose to leave a game they are having fun playing simply because they can't run the game at max settings or hi-rez textures haven't been implemented yet... well it's their personal choice but I think most people would rather have fun than look pretty :cool:

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Alright, folks, you need to kneel down in your meditation chamber, center yourself, and repeat after me:

There is no emotion, there is peace.

There is no ignorance, there is knowledge.

There is no passion, there is serenity.

There is no chaos, there is harmony.

There is no death, there is the Force.


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We are having a problem with moving gear and credits around our guild. I created the guild to help others enjoy the game. A guild bank would be a great addition. It would allow easier and more fair methods of trading through out the guild. i understand the bug fixes come first but it would be a great addition.
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So, when will my blinking robe sleeve get fixed? :D


But seriously, it's good to know that currently you're focusing on bugs and current content rather than new one, but it would be good to know what major bugs are being worked on.

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And you don't think the FPS and Performance issues that are all over the Customer Service forum constitute as a top priority? This is stopping players from playing and is causing people to cancel their subscriptions.


How many DXDIAG files will it take for someone to provide real details on what is being done to correct this to the community? Such as "Hey, we are finding this is caused by XYZ and are doing ABC to fix it."


None of this, "We are aware and looking into it" crap.




Because it's easier to say, "we are looking into it", than writing a novel so that the average person can understand what is being done.

Edited by Apocalypsezero
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James Ohlen: "Today I am going to make a much anticipated announcement. This announcement will be concerning bugs. I will say 'we plan to fix bugs as they come up,' cause, you know, people need to know we got their backs!"


Rest of the Devs: "So are you going to let them know our course of action for fixing the multitude of bugs our players are reporting on the forums and the in-game reporter?"


James Ohlen: "lolwut? Who do you think I am, Greg Street? You guys know we won't comment on bug fixes until we have fully implemented, internally tested, externally tested, and ignored the player's feedback. Haven't you guys learned anything from our development cycle?"



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Because it's easier to say we are looking into it, than writing a novel so that the average person can understand what is being done.


It doesn't take a novel to explain "We have identified X" and are doing "Y" to correct it. And expect to have this tested by "Z".


And the expectation is for the average person to post DXDIAG read outs? Or exit their client_config or Graphics_mirror files?



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