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No more Huttball!!!


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This is funny, cuz all I'm seeing from these replies is "derp derp derp I'm being punished for playing a video game and I wasn't astute enough to google "faction balance swtor" before I rolled my character."


All I'm seeing is ignorance in replies like this. What about people who play with friends who rolled Imperial? I also keep seeing "just tell your friends to reroll." Okay, let me tell my friends who are all in their high 20s/ low 30s that they should abandon the characters they've been progressing and having fun with to start over brand new as Republic characters. Sorry, it's not that easy. Furthermore, why should I have to change sides when I am enjoying playing Imperial except for the one factor, which is PvP.


Bioware designed 3 warzones. I'm pretty sure their goal was for people to enjoy them all relatively close to 33% of the time each, not 80% huttball and 10% for the other two.


There is a problem and the solution is not just to have everyone reroll republic. Many have stated ideas. Possibly add in cross-server matchmaking. Maybe call all the warzones simulations so that they can all be played with the same factions. Perhaps add in a function to only queue for the warzone you want. These are all legitimate ideas.

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It really shouldn't matter what faction you roll as...


Bottom line, Huttball is loathsome to alot of people.


I'm a healer! Really, I don't want that friggin ball.


Please don't yell at me anymore... I didn't realize I was suppose to throw it up to someone above while I had five people trying to beat me into a bloody pulp below.


The whole concept and the annoncer dude, both make me want to pull my hair out.


I certainly don't have an option to not get queued into it automatically (under a minute) for it about 80-90% of my queues.


Give me an option to decide my war zone, I'd love to wait.. Infact I'd welcome a 15-30 minute queue (maybe even more) for a warzone I actually want instead of getting my insta huttball.

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I'm Republic, so I don't ever have this problem. It would be cool if they could fix it for you, but some of the ideas like letting us queue for specific warzones won't help. Then you'd just get another one that's ran into the ground because everyone else is playing it, or you'd be sitting in a queue forever. I happen to like all three of them, and if you let people queue specific, some of them would just completely disappear. There's gotta be a better way to fix that for the Empire, as it's an Empire specific problem.
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Give me an option to decide my war zone, I'd love to wait.. Infact I'd welcome a 15-30 minute queue (maybe even more) for a warzone I actually want instead of getting my insta huttball.


This is what everyone asking for no Huttball is missing. Your queue wouldn't go from 5 minutes to 15 minutes, it would go from 5 minutes to AT LEAST an hour. Possibly even more. The faction imbalances are staggering, your queues would almost literally go on forever.

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it would go from 5 minutes to AT LEAST an hour. Possibly even more.


I don't get where everyone gets these times from. It seems like, from most accounts, that republic players never (or almost never) have problems playing the other two WZs. If the many republic players can get the other two with no issues, how would more people queuing for those increase the time need to get a match?



Lots of people are queuing, so I'm not sure why people think that picking 2/3 of the WZs would make queue times go from "very quick" to infinity.

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I don't get where everyone gets these times from. It seems like, from most accounts, that republic players never (or almost never) have problems playing the other two WZs. If the many republic players can get the other two with no issues, how would more people queuing for those increase the time need to get a match?



Lots of people are queuing, so I'm not sure why people think that picking 2/3 of the WZs would make queue times go from "very quick" to infinity.


queue times are all server based, but since no one would want to play huttball, no one would queue for it, making players wait on the 8 republic guys to get into pvp, for instance, if your server is 5:1 empire, your going to have a 5x longer queue or longer, since maybe 2 of the 8 republic didn't re-queue for the WZ. Therefore queues for rep would be instant, and queues for empire would take an incredible amount of time.

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I think the thought that "no one" wants to play huttball is inherently wrong. The forums and server chatter would indicate this isn't the case. There are plenty of people who love it, or don't mind playing it the majority of the time.


Of course, I have a feeling we'll never know, as it seems the "vocal majority" wants nothing to change, and apparently thinks nothing is wrong with the way things are.

Edited by Egliap
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No, I'm not going to be thankful that I only get to play 1 out of 3 warzones simply because I picked a faction/class (BH) that I find most enjoyable.




I'm sorry I didn't spend hours and days pouring over all available data to determine exactly which faction would be most populated on EVERY server. I picked a new server that opened up and I picked the faction that I found the most appealing, but it's my fault that I only get 1 out of 3 warzones consistenly? It couldn't possibly be a deign flaw by Bioware? Nah, must be me!


What's the design flaw? That they didn't force you to play Republic because Empire was full? You're on the zerg side, and you have zerg-style queues, go figure...

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I don't get where everyone gets these times from. It seems like, from most accounts, that republic players never (or almost never) have problems playing the other two WZs. If the many republic players can get the other two with no issues, how would more people queuing for those increase the time need to get a match?



Lots of people are queuing, so I'm not sure why people think that picking 2/3 of the WZs would make queue times go from "very quick" to infinity.


Lets do some basic math.


Empire says 8/10 I get Empire/Empire huttball. Using this ratio as truth


8 games x 16 Imperial players = 128 Imperial players

2 games x 8 Republic players = 16 Republic players


assuming those 16 Republic players continue to queue giving the most possible games (big assumption)


2 games going at a time with Republic players for (Lets say?) 10 minutes

16 Republic players vs 16 Imperial players for 10 minutes

It will take 8 cycles at this rate to process all 128 Imperial players.


8 x 10 is 80 minutes


I've been wrong before, but did I miss anything?

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First of all, the PVP zones rotate in order Every map gets played and then it starts the order again. So if you're having issues with only getting Huttball it's because either



A: You're not constantly entering yourself into PVP


B: The PVP Maps fill before you leave your game


C: the PVP Maps fill and you don't get into the game.


Either way it's because you have to many Imps on your side or you're not doing just straight constant PVP it is NOT the games fault, it actually plays every map constantly and consistantly.

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From a Republic Ventrilo based guild perspective:



  • We have folks that go Dark Side points on their Republic characters because it looks cooler.
  • I think the pebbles vs lightning argument has been beaten to death, but exists.
  • Armor on the Dark Side looks cooler I hear (same guys complaining in vent).
  • Republic animations inhibit spells going off and doesn't on Imperial.
  • Imperial lightning can be cast, interrupted and recast, to guarantee a stun effect, Republic pebbles do not have the same advantage.



All this whining about why Republic is harder and less appealing to play I hear every day in vent. Is any of it true? Doesn't matter, the perception is enough to create a population imbalance when left to the player-base.


In closing, Republic is a target-rich environment with lots of options. Good Luck.

Edited by wunahokalugi
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Look, I enjoy Huttball. No really, I do. However, I don't enjoy playing it 80% of the time. I don't care what has to be done, but I can't stand to keep getting huttball match after match.


A) Add in a cross-server matchmaking system like WoW so that server faction imbalances are corrected so all three warzones pop roughly equally.


B) Add in a feature to allow us to queue for a specific warzone.


The game's only been out a few weeks and I'm already sick to death off Huttball!!!




A) Hell no, I understand that for someone that wants to be a lone wolf huttball can suck, really badly if you are usually up against premades. But cross server matchmaking destroys any sense of community that the server has, and it also encourages anonymous players ruining the game for people who actually want to play. If they got to cross server the AFK rate and the Dbag rate will skyrocket, it will be "like WoW" but only the crappy parts with people trolling eachother and half of the team afk-running into a wall.


B) They have already stated in the "About PVP" statement this is something they are putting as a priority and will implement this. The game is new, you said it yourself, but why make a post that has already been answered by the Dev team? :confused:


Additionally we’re looking at ways to enable team vs. team, more level brackets and the ability to choose which Warzone you want to play in.
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Lets do some basic math.


I've been wrong before, but did I miss anything?



Oooooh, the snark is stroooong in you. I think something may be off in assuming that there are only 16 republic players on an entire server, but I could be wrong. It's nice to take the smallest possible size and work from there though.

Edited by Egliap
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