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Can we get a REAL patch please Devs?


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don't expect much and i total agree a real patch shound of came out since its been like this since start of closed beta and still no fix for it


Warezones no tier system = way unbalanced

hard modes path finding bugs line of sight issues bug spawns bug loots bug criedit for missions


warezone daily bugs no credit given for the win to the missiononly 20% of the wins count to the mission


Raids bug spawns buged boss


like hutta raid boss if you can't do it in one go you should reset the whole place or min you go in door half party dies insta becuase boss does not de spawn or move back to his gate.



so many 50 content bugs in game not even funny

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And yet, I cannot emote on my speeder, nor do I suffer 9 FPS.

So, why do you experience these problems, and I do not.

I do not know. But I am thinking that your local hardware or configuration of software may be the cause.


What is your video card? What is your processor.

Are they well above the minimum?

I mean because someone says this is the minimum requirements, it is in no way a green light to play the game in that fashion.

You can get to and from work in a Yugo, but I can say for sure you will not want to.

I built a gaming rig to accommodate new games coming out after Summer of 2011 and in preparation for the future.


And I run with roaring frames even in PVP.


BTW, you cannot emote on a mount after today's patch.

let me guess, you will cry about it even though you made fun it previously?


It's not his *********** hardware. It's an unoptimized, outdated engine running the game that is most of the FPS issues. Sure, throw a "super rig" at it, and it runs fine only because the "super rig" is chewing it's way through the bad code. So you think people should go buy a "super rig" like yours ( and I'm taking your word on that while stifling a giggle ) for a game that was made with low end graphics and instanced all to hell so everyone and their brother could play it on their toaster oven? You make less sense than EAware on this point. This game has less graphical options and features than mmos made in the last decade, and you think need a "super rig" to play it is somehow warranted?


You can't emote on vehicles and you think that's working as intended when the patch notes specifically say : Players can now use emotes while riding a vehicle?


I have no interest in emotes at all, but many people do and those people were lied to in the patchnotes.


How about a graphics patch that DOES NOTHING, but the patchnotes sure do proclaim it does: Graphics preferences in settings files are now consistent with actual settings in use.? "High" settings still look no different than "Medium" at best.


I don't care if it's a patch to make my brown eyes turn blue. If the devs put something as fixed in patchnotes when they are not fixed, then those devs are incompetent at the very least.

Edited by Zorvan
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So what if you are a developer and find this unacceptable? Because I know the workflow very well. The only difference is I am not working for a large corp like Blizzard or Bioware.


We do have teams of developers though and I can tell you this. We listen to our client base and feed back to them constantly keeping them in the loop and implementing changes they want in the product they are paying for. There is one thing that plagues this process...


I also work with developers on my team that have this HORRIBLE habit of thinking they know what is best for the user... and that is one of the LARGEST contributors for crappy patches, and useless "fluff" in software.


The only person that knows what is best for a product is the END USER... period.


I'll tell you this, there is a world FULL or arrogant developers that will argue with you until the end of TIME that they know much better what the product needs and that users in general are tards and do not know what they want.


I deal with this day and in and day out.. and in my opinion it is dead wrong. I wouldn't surprised if BW doesn't suffer the same issues in development. What is worse is a lead dev or any management having the same attittude...


People get connected to thier project and feel like it is "theirs" and disagree all the time about the direction of the project because it is not what they originally designed for. It is hard for people to let go of that and cave in to a users demands. That is one of the hardest things for me to deal with in the workplace... I don't think some of these developers really understand what it means to develop software.


Microsoft tailor makes Windows for each customer.

Blizzard takes every idea posted on the forums and implements them in game.


I could go on, but you get the point. If your a developer and you "cave in to user demands" your either creating software that your client has paid you to develop for them, or you are insane.

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Microsoft tailor makes Windows for each customer.

Blizzard takes every idea posted on the forums and implements them in game.


I could go on, but you get the point. If your a developer and you "cave in to user demands" your either creating software that your client has paid you to develop for them, or you are insane.


This is so /thread men. Take note. Honestly, if it bothers you that much, unsub. Before you label me as one of those elitist players or w.e, I myself am heavily considering it because it's so unresponsive. Even Guild Wars' skills and gameplay was more responsive, and they (the skills) even pulsated while the system tried to use it. It's obscene, and I recognize it will take a long time to fix. Am I going to suffer in the meantime? I certainly don't want to, so I may cancel.


The main thing I'm saying is that if YOU, the individual, aren't happy, no one's forcing you to waste your money. We all want the game to be fantastic, but if it isn't, it isn't, and until it's fixed, don't pay them for their product. It's really that simple.

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bump for justice because BW has no sense of priorities. speeder emote...yeah, that's a game changer and I'll definitely shell out $15/month for things like that, *sarcasm


Hey it's awesome.Now i can enjoy emotes on mounts while my FPS are terrible.


Agreed with OP.They need to give us a real patch.

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I play a smuggler and found that the bug when in cover, I would have to click on a abilitiy 2+ times just to get it to work because it would say interupted happened quite alot, so I'm looking forward to playing tonight and seeing if its really resolved.
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I play a smuggler and found that the bug when in cover, I would have to click on a abilitiy 2+ times just to get it to work because it would say interupted happened quite alot, so I'm looking forward to playing tonight and seeing if its really resolved.


so they fixed one spot where this bug happens, what about getting stuck in your ship cause for some reason the map doesnt come up when you click it, or when your trying to use an elevator but cant cause of the same bug......there's 2 of the same bug that are game breaking that should have been fixed.....thats what the op is trying to get across. there fixxing little bugs and not giving any word on the bigger bugs. saying what there working on would stop a lot of the QQing

Edited by tindin
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I just wish there was more communication since the game is officially out now. I really want an answer on the UI lag/ability animation fiasco, it is annoying as hell and truly screws with the feel of the game and smoothness of combat. It's the only way we interact with our avatars and it isn't streamlined. It's madness and game-breaking for PvPers and raiders primarily where seconds and split-seconds are crucial in the heat of battle. :mad::mad: Edited by Matteis
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I like to see all my fellow developers post in this thread.... /wave .... /sarcasm


What alot of you people fail to realize, was that alot, if not MOST of these core basic issues were reported in CLOSED BETA ....


This was before Weekend Beta ...


True, the game has been released 15 days ago. But the Beta's went WAY back people.


For the uninitiated and unwashed, I:


Love the game...

Am playing the game, quite a bit in fact...

Am allowed to express frustration at some lackluster Dev performance ....

Am glad a cover bug, and crash bug were fixed....

Have a clue about programming

Have a clue about mapping

Realize the LONG Beta process this game went through with these main issues still here.

Am not ignorant by no means...

Am fully aware they are working on these issues/bugs

Comprehend the department/sub team scheme


I also realize, where many of you in this thread do NOT, is that the users we do NOT ever hear from on these forums IS the majority, Not one person, group, association, conglomeration, is a larger body than the users who do NOT post on the forums.

Remember that.


If these basic, core issues are annoying many of us ON the forums, you can bet solidly on the fact that it IS annoying a large portion of the majority, who, again, do NOT post on these forums.


They just simply go away.....quietly, un sub, cya.......

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Developers don't post in these threads giving information because they don't like giving

time-frames that may change, it just makes the community even angrier - and just saying something like "We're working on it" will result in "Soon TM" comments.

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I like to see all my fellow developers post in this thread.... /wave .... /sarcasm


What alot of you people fail to realize, was that alot, if not MOST of these core basic issues were reported in CLOSED BETA ....


This was before Weekend Beta ...


True, the game has been released 15 days ago. But the Beta's went WAY back people.


For the uninitiated and unwashed, I:


Love the game...

Am playing the game, quite a bit in fact...

Am allowed to express frustration at some lackluster Dev performance ....

Am glad a cover bug, and crash bug were fixed....

Have a clue about programming

Have a clue about mapping

Realize the LONG Beta process this game went through with these main issues still here.

Am not ignorant by no means...

Am fully aware they are working on these issues/bugs

Comprehend the department/sub team scheme


I also realize, where many of you in this thread do NOT, is that the users we do NOT ever hear from on these forums IS the majority, Not one person, group, association, conglomeration, is a larger body than the users who do NOT post on the forums.

Remember that.


If these basic, core issues are annoying many of us ON the forums, you can bet solidly on the fact that it IS annoying a large portion of the majority, who, again, do NOT post on these forums.


They just simply go away.....quietly, un sub, cya.......


If you think these issues are so easy to fix, why dont you just get a job at BW and fix them yourself then?

Problem solved right there.


If not, then **** and let them do their job.

I'm fed up with all the crybabies on the forums here who go around and think their issues are the most important and have to be fixed yesterday.

All these issues will be fixed once they can figure out what is causing it and how to fix it, until then there is nothing any of us can do but wait.


I dont like these bugs and issues any better than any of you, but I dont run around on the forums and throw a tantrum like a little kid because of it.

I report them when I find them and then I continue playing and hope they get them fixed as soon as possible.

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