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Comparison with facts


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In wow I can run 1 current raid over and over week in week out.


In SWTOR I can level 8 times and have it be entertaining, then run 2 current raids over and over week in week out.


Bad troll is bad.


In WoW you could run 10+ raids over and over week in week out if you wanted. (We'll also ignore the fact that the 1 raid in WoW has more boss content in it than the 2 SWTOR current Ops)


In SWTOR the only difference between the 4 Empire/Republic classes is the class story, the quest progression is fixed, you can't even pick between Loch Modan and Westfall.

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If you want to reply, please remember not to time travel back to 2004 - it is a nonsense comparison. Just to remind you the current year is 2012



This makes replying to you difficult.


Comparing a brand new game, and the size of content with a game that is has been out for 7 years, and had something like 3 expansions, and dozens of content patches, all of which expanded the size of the game area, is a study in idiocy.

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In WoW you could run 10+ raids over and over week in week out if you wanted. (We'll also ignore the fact that the 1 raid in WoW has more boss content in it than the 2 SWTOR current Ops)


In SWTOR the only difference between the 4 Empire/Republic classes is the class story, the quest progression is fixed, you can't even pick between Loch Modan and Westfall.


Note this word.... "Current"


If you feel that running out of date content which you over gear to the point that it is laughably easy to be entertaining, knock yourself out, you are probably in a guild that prioritises attendance over ability, which is my main MMO gripe.


Yes its true that I don't have the choice between Loch Modan and Westfall in SWTOR. However, and heres the kicker. Leveling in SWTOR is fun, because its engaging and I care about my char. Regardless of mt being in Loch Modan or Westfall, it would still be "Click exclamation mark > click accept on none descript wall of text > go get someone 20 boar livers so he can make me some soup".


I really can't wait for the forum to be locked to the low IQ trolls.




It is also worth noting that I still have my WOW sub, I still play both games, however all I do on WOW is run DS once a week. Then I spend the rest of my time on SWTOR.


It is possible to play more than one game, granted, I find SWTOR infinately more enjoyable, but I still do the tiny bit of semi entertaining content in WOW every week with mates.

Edited by aimbotcfg
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In wow I can run 1 current raid over and over week in week out.


In SWTOR I can level 8 times and have it be entertaining, then run 2 current raids over and over week in week out.


Bad troll is bad.



Level 8 times in SWTOR *and* be entertaining? Hey we can level 12 times in WOW by that account. Have you tried all WOW's classes? All races? All zones?


I like WOW but would not claim that I can level 12 times even though it has more levelling areas than SWTOR (at least double if not tripple).


Bad fanboy is bad.

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Note this word.... "Current"


If you feel that running out of date content which you over gear to the point that it is laughably easy to be entertaining, knock yourself out, you are probably in a guild that prioritises attendance over ability, which is my main MMO gripe.


Yes its true that I don't have the choice between Loch Modan and Westfall in SWTOR. However, and heres the kicker. Leveling in SWTOR is fun, because its engaging and I care about my char. Regardless of mt being in Loch Modan or Westfall, it would still be "Click exclamation mark > click accept on none descript wall of text > go get someone 20 boar livers so he can make me some soup".


I really can't wait for the forum to be locked to the low IQ trolls.


You're more than welcome to go and make a thread about how in your opinion the SWTOR quests are immersive and fun and you could play them until you die of malnutrition but direct your attention to the thread title. Comparison with FACTS. I'll admit it is kind of a misnomer, but the FACT that you find the quests immersive does not make it a FACT.


FACT: WoW has more quests than SWTOR (due to being a larger, older game)


FACT: WoW has more questing zones to choose from (see above [partially])


OPINION: SWTOR quests are more immersive

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since I havent played WoW as a point of reference to comapre to, I will adapt.



I am announcing that you can now compare SWTOR to a cheeseburger.



that is now the official QQ benchmark.



carry on.



Edited by ArtMonster
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Level 8 times in SWTOR *and* be entertaining? Hey we can level 12 times in WOW by that account. Have you tried all WOW's classes? All races? All zones?


I like WOW but would not claim that I can level 12 times even though it has more levelling areas than SWTOR (at least double if not tripple).


Bad fanboy is bad.


Incorrect, all of the quests are the same in wow, they have abolished class quests completely now havent they? And there were certainly never anywhere near as many as SWTOR or a central storyline.


I say again, bad troll is bad.


FACT: WoW has more quests than SWTOR (due to being a larger, older game)


FACT: WoW has more questing zones to choose from (see above [partially])


OPINION: SWTOR quests are more immersive


FACT: Voice acted quests that make sense for your epic super hero character are better (more immersive) than "wall of text- I don't care that you saved the world last week get me boar hooves for my soup"


FACT: WoWs zones are identical every time you play them regardless of class


FACT: SWTOR has an interesting central storyline for each class


FACT: WoW has gotten rid of class quests and never had anywhere near as many.


FACT: You are failing at trolling.

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You're more than welcome to go and make a thread about how in your opinion the SWTOR quests are immersive and fun and you could play them until you die of malnutrition but direct your attention to the thread title. Comparison with FACTS. I'll admit it is kind of a misnomer, but the FACT that you find the quests immersive does not make it a FACT.


FACT: WoW has more quests than SWTOR (due to being a larger, older game)


FACT: WoW has more questing zones to choose from (see above [partially])


OPINION: SWTOR quests are more immersive


You could have avoided this thread entirely using this logic.


Fact: 7 years of time for additions and polish is considerably more than 3 weeks of time for additions and polish.

Edited by Spynnal
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since I havent played WoW as a point of reference to comapre to, I will adapt.



I am announcing that you can now compare SWTOR to a cheeseburger.



that is now the official QQ benchmark.



carry on.




Hi Art...


Cheeseburgers are meatier, but SWTOR does have light sabers and MAY be cheezier...

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You could have avoided this thread entirely using this logic.


Fact: 7 years of time for additions and polish is considerably more than 3 weeks of time for additions and polish.


Fact: $60 today is considerably the same as $60 dollars .. today.

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Since so many people have mentioned just how massive SWTOR is and how it dwarfs WOW let's please do this experiment.


*** Landmass of WOW compared to landmass of SWTOR - let's ignore the openess of the maps and the all corridor-type travel in SWTOR - let's look just at the size of it all.


*** Number of quests


*** Number of dungeons


*** PvP zones (not an expert on PvP but I have read tons of complaints)


*** end game content



If you want to reply, please remember not to time travel back to 2004 - it is a nonsense comparison. Just to remind you the current year is 2012


Also can we have a few 50s to report here as they are the ones that have experienced most of SWTORs maps.


You speak about the number of Quests and Dungeons but honestly how many of those quests in WoW are really worth doing...Less than Half infact you can skip them entirely and not miss out on anything. Its actually worth doing many of the quest lines including the class quest in this game. Heck less than 3 Quarters are worth doing.


Quality over Quantity


The number of dungeons in WoW? Many you only do once or twice in order to level but not because its worth anything or even fun or entertaining its just another part of the grind.


I semi agree on the PVP zones there needs to be more but I'm happy we had any at all and that they're actually really well done and fun compared to the standard hat ignore the goals and get the kills that WoW has. WoW's maps are not about completing the agenda since they don't properly reward you for a win just kills. (Atleast that was my experience).


There is actually ALOT of end game content in this game. There's Operations (raids), Heroics, Bonus Series, Open World PVP Zones, Crafting (far superior to WoW's crafting in my opinion), and Ship Missions (does wow have any missions for you to do on your main mode of transportation? No).


Quality over Quantity. We don't need thousands of Kill Boars and Delivery pie quests to reach end game. Heck Half the time I'm higher level than many of the quests I'm doing for an area while working on my class quest.


WoW doesn't even have a class quest system..its completely a grind non immersive game.


WoW May have moer of some things after 7 years of development thats right 7 Years it took for WoW to have so much content..and guess what 3 quarters of it is completely worthless and repeated with a new skin.

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well swtor is a themepark mmo


wow is a sandbox.


Themepark mmos do not provide that "open" feeling. I feel as if this entire world is a hall way or a closed in park or something. I never know what's beyond that huge moutain.


Wow is open, you can literally go anywhere in the game. I used to goto all those little caves, ends of each maps and it would lead me to another map!

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well swtor is a themepark mmo


wow is a sandbox.


Themepark mmos do not provide that "open" feeling. I feel as if this entire world is a hall way or a closed in park or something. I never know what's beyond that huge moutain.


Wow is open, you can literally go anywhere in the game. I used to goto all those little caves, ends of each maps and it would lead me to another map!


LOL WoW is a sandbox? Thats a complete Load of Tosh lol. WoW is the biggest Theme Park Game on the market. Sure SWTOR is theme park as well but So is WoW. Oh and you can go where ever you want in SWTOR. Get your ship and you can go to any planet / zone on the galaxy map in any order you want. But if you want to completely the storyline content you have to eventually visit the planets in a particular order.


WoW is exactly the same way if you want to actually do quests you have to go to one of the zones (or in the case of expansions) see the zones in a particular order.


You either are being a complete troll or have no idea what a sandbox game is. Sandbox games are Ultima Online, EvE, SWG, ShadowBane (starts to blank cause there's not to many good or decent ones left anymore).

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WoW- Stormwind and Orgrimmar and occassionally new dailies zone (like Firelands). Not really that big of a world.


And if we do look at the 'massive size' of its actual world, what do we see? A whole lot of nothing, with absolutely nobody else questing out there. Fun.


Maybe there isn't much world pvp in TOR... but in WoW, the only world pvp is 'you're questing at level 50, suddenly level 85 dives from their flying mount, you are dead'. Fun.




Really, the density of content more than makes up for the smaller size of some planets- even so, later planets do get bigger.


Is the actual mass more than a game that's been out 7 years longer? No, but frankly, if you expected this game to come out with more overall content than WoW, you're insane.


I guarantee you more content is being done in TOR daily, in more variety, then you see in WoW.


WoW- queue for arena, rinse and repeat. OR log in 3 times a week for guild raids.


That's it, that's the game- you can also level an alt, but you never see someone saying 'Oh I love levelling in WoW', because it's boring and it's nothing but mindless kill x of y quests.



Right now, a vast majority of players are levelling- and the levelling game in TOR is the best an mmo has had to date, that's not even a question though it's not really a difficult challenge either as the previous mmo formula has always been- the only level that matters is max, everything before is a barrier and nothing else. Will the endgame get focused on? Well, they're adding more to operations and warzones at the end of this month, so it looks like that's exactly what they intend to do.


Maybe the powerlevellers won't like this game- but I'm pretty sure everyone predicted that powerlevellers weren't going to like this game long before it came out, so I don't see why so many people are shocked when they hit 50 before everyone else on their server and can't find world pvp in Ilum.

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FACT: WoWs zones are identical every time you play them regardless of class

FACT: WOW has at least double zones if not more. Let's not mention open and explorable. Heck why not. Open and explorable.


FACT: SWTOR has an interesting central storyline for each class

FACT: WOW has more quests in total. Call them "class " specific or not, it has more.


FACT: WoW has gotten rid of class quests and never had anywhere near as many.

FACT: WoW has more quests in total. No matter what you call them, class or general. More.


FACT: You are failing at trolling.

FACT: He is doing quite well. You are failing to provide sensible facts.

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EVE is however also terribly flawed in that it promotes playtime over ability. Bad system.






Anyway, lots of people say that but in EVE, player skill trumps EVERYTHING in EVE. I've been in that game since 2004 and I can get in a frigate with under 1 million SP (1 day's training) and kill a LOT of players in that game. Give me a month and a good cruiser and I can 1 v 1 almost anybody in anything smaller than a capital sized ship. Thankfully, there's not many of those and they can't hurt me anyway (big ships can't hurt little ones unless the little ones are dumb).

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I was gonna reply untill i read that line.


You cannot compare a game that is live for 7 years against one that is live for 2 weeks either.


In short.. STOP COMPARING WOW TO SWTOR! It's not a valid comparison no mather how you look at it.


Just enjoy swtor for the game that it is. If you cannot do that, just cancell your subscribtion.



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FACT: Voice acted quests that make sense for your epic super hero character are better (more immersive) than "wall of text- I don't care that you saved the world last week get me boar hooves for my soup"


FACT: WoWs zones are identical every time you play them regardless of class


FACT: SWTOR has an interesting central storyline for each class


FACT: WoW has gotten rid of class quests and never had anywhere near as many.


FACT: You are failing at trolling.


I won't throw out any blatent spoilers but the ending of the Sith Inquisitor class quest shatters all immersion. I don't know why Bioware went so far to hype everyone up as the superhero in such a way that you can become (lorewise) one of the undisputed 10-15 most powerful people in the Empire without even talking to any other player or defeating any major threat.


The storyline would be interesting if it was a single player game. That's why KOTOR is such an amazing piece of work, unfortunately it is also why TOR as an MMO is worse than it should be.


I have no inclination now to level anything else Empire side because they all no doubt end up with you reaching the pinnacle of your career before you even begin an operation or flashpoint or warzone. You can get as much gear and as many boss kills as you like but unless they open up an event to let you ascend to Emperor then it's all for naught, your character might aswell sit around and do nothing for all the good it will do.

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FACT: WoWs zones are identical every time you play them regardless of class

FACT: WOW has at least double zones if not more. Let's not mention open and explorable. Heck why not. Open and explorable.


FACT: SWTOR has an interesting central storyline for each class

FACT: WOW has more quests in total. Call them "class " specific or not, it has more.


FACT: WoW has gotten rid of class quests and never had anywhere near as many.

FACT: WoW has more quests in total. No matter what you call them, class or general. More.


FACT: You are failing at trolling.

FACT: He is doing quite well. You are failing to provide sensible facts.


Fact: Store brand bag of cereal has more cereal than Box name brand. Food for thought.

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giggles at OP.............


Take all the time for Wow to develop all the content up to the point of 2012....man hours in development, patch information content, blah blah blah....


Do you expect any new game to release with that level of information and work?


If that is your expectation. You are asking the next MMO to be in development for 13 years prior to releasing their game.


You cant compare 13 years of man hours and game development to a new MMO....only way to win that arguement and compare WOW to any new MMO , is have that MMO develop that amount of content for 13 years.


Seriously people....Critical Think much?

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FACT: WoWs zones are identical every time you play them regardless of class

FACT: WOW has at least double zones if not more. Let's not mention open and explorable. Heck why not. Open and explorable.


FACT: SWTOR has an interesting central storyline for each class

FACT: WOW has more quests in total. Call them "class " specific or not, it has more.


FACT: WoW has gotten rid of class quests and never had anywhere near as many.

FACT: WoW has more quests in total. No matter what you call them, class or general. More.


FACT: You are failing at trolling.

FACT: He is doing quite well. You are failing to provide sensible facts.


So your reply to every one of my actual valid points is


"WoW has more quests that ask you to kill boars"


Well done still being obvious and bad at trolling lol.


I think its pretty plain to anyone thats not you or your troll friend that you actually have no leg to stand on in an argument that uses facts so I'll leave you to this thread. If others want to carry on feeding you its up to them, but I've pretty much just put down everything you had and all you have left is 'But wow has more boar killing'


I'm not into boar genocide, sorry. GG HF Troll boi.

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This old chestnut... again?


WoW is wow. If you like wow go play wow. SW:TOR is SW:TOR. If you like SW:TOR go play SW:TOR. After having played both I can say they play quite differently.


So, please, next time you see one of these threads say, "hell no. no more necro!"


The debate has reached sad tired and stupid at this stage. In fact I feel dirty for having involved myself in it just now.

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