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How do people level to 50 in 4-5 days?!?!?


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A lot of people only play MMO's to fill the void of how much of a loser they are in real life. So they blast through the content to get to max level so them and other no lifers can circle jerk each other until they die from not enough oxygen due to the lethal levels fof cheesy dust in there windowless basement.



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A lot of people only play MMO's to fill the void of how much of a loser they are in real life. So they blast through the content to get to max level so them and other no lifers can circle jerk each other until they die from not enough oxygen due to the lethal levels fof cheesy dust in there windowless basement.




OR because I want to experience the classes storylines as soon as possible due to a busy schedule T_T

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I got 50 in 5 days exactly. Did I "Power through" skipping all the scenes and such? No! Did I cheat or use Warzones? Nope. I just had 5 days off and played through them until I hit 50. It's not that hard... This is by far the EASIEST MMO to level in. If you cannot get to 50 in 5-6 days of playing, then it must be your first MMO or you don't fully grasp the concept of MMO leveling. :D


This is a ridiculous set of logic you have there.


You took 5 days off, having 5 complete days of free time to hit 50.


Yet you're telling people they are slow, or don't know how MMO's work because they didn't take a vacation and devote their entire time to hit 50 in 5 days?




Did you not notice the OP was saying he/she only gets about 3-4 hrs a day to play? Not 5 complete 12-14 hour days.

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I keep hearing this I am doing this efficiently being thrown around....


The quests you take all show up on the map, no one will lose time trying to figure out where to go.


The quests shuttle you from quest hub to quest....no lost time here.


The quest log tells you where to go on top of showing you on the map.


The only way to play more efficiently is to only do the items that give the most xp over the least amount of time.


And from what I hear it is pvp.


Only way to spead up xp from quests is to skip all the dialogue and follow the walkthru telling you which choice to pick to get the rewards.


Please stop with the I played more efficiently then you. All you did was either read the walkthru or repeat everything you had previously did in beta.

Edited by Amiracle
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A lot of people only play MMO's to fill the void of how much of a loser they are in real life. So they blast through the content to get to max level so them and other no lifers can circle jerk each other until they die from not enough oxygen due to the lethal levels fof cheesy dust in there windowless basement.




Nice to see "casuals" being the guys who take it so personally that they quite literally start to insult thousands of others. Who is hardcore here again?

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If a player enjoys max leveling everything they touch as fast as they can and they don't ruin someone else's experience along the way - more power to them. As long they aren't publicly deucing in other people's corn flakes over the game lacking content because they blew past most of it to get where they wanted to go . . . cool. :eek: Edited by GalacticKegger
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I keep hearing this I am doing this efficiently being thrown around....


The quests you take all show up on the map, no one will lose time trying to figure out where to go.


The quests shuttle you from quest hub to quest....no lost time here.


The quest log tells you where to go on top of showing you on the map.


The only way to play more efficiently is to only do the items that give the most xp over the least amount of time.


And from what I hear it is pvp.


Only way to spead up xp from quests is to skip all the dialogue and follow the walkthru telling you which choice to pick to get the rewards.


Please stop with the I played more efficiently then you. All you did was either read the walkthru or repeat everything you had previously did in beta.


Im going to stop you right here. Don't post ever again.


None of the dialogue choices other than LS/DS make ANY effect on the quest outcome. They all lead to the exact same response, worded differently. Even then, the LS or DS choices only effect dialogue.

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I got 50 in 5 days exactly. Did I "Power through" skipping all the scenes and such? No! Did I cheat or use Warzones? Nope. I just had 5 days off and played through them until I hit 50. It's not that hard... This is by far the EASIEST MMO to level in. If you cannot get to 50 in 5-6 days of playing, then it must be your first MMO or you don't fully grasp the concept of MMO leveling. :D


WoW is much easier to level in than this game. You can easily get 60 levels in 1 day. You can be level 70 in 2 days. You can be level 80 in 4 days and level 85 in 7.


OMG no way can you level that fast in WoW..


Guild xp bonus, BoA xp bonus, everything through Cata has been given more xp.


Now if you throw in RAF (Recruit A Friend) you can go from 1-60 in a few hours.

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They rush to level 50, then find that they've missed all the fun of the story blowing through it, and second that they have nothing to do at 50. stupid.


Or they could have just, you know, done it all in the beta?

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Odd how hardly anyone in this thread commented on how long it takes to level in other mmo's. Max leveling in UO, FFXI, EQ, DAOC or any of the founding mmo's took far longer than 5 days and the experience was enjoyable and rewarding.


Current mmo's pander to short attention span created by the current industry giant.


That being said there are several things you can do in SWTOR to lessen the amount of hours you spend attaining max level. They are:



  • Do the daily WZ and Space missions.
  • Drop quests that become grey to you.
  • Wait to do Heroics you (and your team) are a level or two above the recommended level.
  • Do not do Heroics that have become gray.
  • Do not spend hours trying to set-up a group for anything. Also do not try to "make" a group work. If it's wasting your time, leave.
  • Go to planets when you are about the max level for their range. This ensures that you will level quickly and profitably while there.
  • .. and several other things that I am sure I will remember after I submit this.


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I am so tired of people saying they missed the story. Have fun and do the story. I can't believe how tired I am of hearing that. The story isn't even good. The only ones i listen to are the character stories. The rest are awful and shallow. You get a much better story out of a normal game
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They rush to level 50, then find that they've missed all the fun of the story blowing through it, and second that they have nothing to do at 50. stupid.


Would you care to explain to me how skipping the story if I don't care about the story is the least fun way to play? I'm intrigued by this concept you have formed.


So what you're telling me is if I don't skip a story I have no interest in, I will have more fun?

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They rush to level 50, then find that they've missed all the fun of the story blowing through it, and second that they have nothing to do at 50. stupid.


game starts after lvl 50


there are plenty of farming for gear on 50


so pretty much faster you reach 50 faster you can start farming....


dont think every lvl 50 is same strength...


i can 2 shot newly level 50s... they are pretty much naked in pvp against battlemaster/champion gear...


since patch 1.1 no more gear in bags


i suggest everyone farm gear before patch 1.1

Edited by psysention
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There are player archetypes. One of them is the player who rushes to the end-game in two weeks just to "prove" that the end-game is broken. Funny thing is, this happened in WoW too, yet the l33t wowkiddies seem to conveniently ignore that fact. Now WoW is the sacred cow, the Holy of Holies.


These folks seem to think that the world orbits their bellybutton, and that we are interested in their likes/dislikes. Shallow is as shallow does.

Edited by KippTabor
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a tip from someone who was 40 in 4 days


Little sleep, I got a grand total of 5 hours of sleep during my leveling

Space bar through all the cut scenes

Find a leveling partner (you level fastest in a group of 2)

Don't do any flashpoints

Eat healthy, caffeine and sugar is bad.

Take at least 5 min to stretch and work out every hour.

Don't get distracted. Remember your goal, don't worry about PvP or gearing, just power through the levels.

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I've heard of people levelling to 50 in 4-5 day?




I am now level 26. I find i can get one level a day if i play 3-4 hours/day


How did people get to 50 so fast?


Its called exploiting, they arent allowed to play anymore.


Or they got bored of the game after a week or to nd quit already.


Or they are jobless(purposefully), living in parents basement sponges, who have 24/7 hours to play games.

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Its called exploiting, they arent allowed to play anymore.


Or they got bored of the game after a week or to nd quit already.


Or they are jobless(purposefully), living in parents basement sponges, who have 24/7 hours to play games.


Or they are college students who got the holidays off who played the beta for 5 months so they knew all the quests/story already and could just space bar through everything because they knew what was being said.

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/played 2 days 19 hours on my first char (level 50) - skipping every cinematic

/played 5 days 2 hours on my 2nd char (level 50) - watched every cinematic


Levelling in this game is easy, you just need to be efficient.

So you have spent well over one-third of the past two weeks playing a game?


The problem isn't BW allowing you to level too quickly. The problem is that you devoted as much time per week as the average person does to sleeping or working as you do gaming.

Edited by KippTabor
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