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How do people level to 50 in 4-5 days?!?!?


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I've heard of people levelling to 50 in 4-5 day?




I am now level 26. I find i can get one level a day if i play 3-4 hours/day


How did people get to 50 so fast?


It's not days, but DAYS PLAYED. So (4-5) x 24 hrs, not 3-4 hrs a day times 4-5 days.

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I love how people naturally assume we skipped the story and such because we're 50 already.

No, by the time you hit 50 you'll probably also have 5-6 /played days, you just had it spread out over a longer period of time, while I for example, did it within a shorter time spawn.

We still spent as much time in the game leveling, thus, I did not skip the content.


Though I admit I spacebar'd the side quests I already did in the Beta, but that's a completely different matter.


I have a 50 with about 10 days played on now, fully PvE geared, only relics aren't epic(cause epic relics are pathetic).

Time to level my Bounty Hunter : )


EDIT: The only reason I can imagine you wouldn't be 50 in about 5-6 days played time is if you roleplay alot, which is understandable, or you're just a slow leveler, which there's nothing wrong with. But the average person will still hit 50 within 5-6 days played time.

Edited by Nylyan
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I was on holiday for xmas and got in the early access on the 21st, 1-15 went pretty quickly as I had played in the BETA weekend stess test so I knew the ropes and could get straight to business.


I didn't skip even a single line of dialogue (didn't even know you could until after I hit fifty) and I hit 50 late on the 1st of Jan. My class storyline is almost done (i'm on Corellia) and I have few bonus rounds left to clear out (Hoth, Alderaan, Nar Shadda and Voss) and have done most of the flashpoints at least once during leveling up (did'nt manage Wargame or Red Reaper, couldn't get a group)


I admit I played a LOT in the first few days (sometimes easily 10-12 hours) but I did'nt touch it at all on the 25th, 26th and very little on the 23rd, 24th (work), 31st and 1st but I'm certainly not what you'd call a powerleveller and I certainly have'nt skipped any really important content.


If you get sucked up into your class/planet storylines tbh it's really easy to get carried away and the levels just kind of melt away into meaningless numbers as you enjoy the ride and if a guy like me with a family who does'nt play every single day can manage within that timeframe, then those less encumbered I would imagine could easily achieve 50 in 4-5 days quite easily.


I admit i'm a tad scared that the ride is almost over, and have delibrately avoided advancing my class quest any further for now so I can finish out bonus rounds and what not before the final hurrah.


But with the games focus on story as its primary advancement mechanic I just really hope there is some bonus chapters coming our way at pretty regular intervals or I may find myself becoming a part time subscriber, only picking back up when more chapters are added as I doubt I have the time or energy to keep up raiding in WoW and this at the same time...

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owning noobs is our and especially my purpose of gaming... just wasting time doing casual nerd stuff is for nerds, i only invest a few evenings playing games per week(my job affords around 50 hours/week) therefor i want quality gaming and competition


Yeah, playing a Star Wars mmo with your virtual friends is very macho, true, that is how Stallone/Brad Pitt/Johnny Depp became popular.


Star Wars alone is one of the nerdish franchises you can get, followed by the MMO, right after the word "Videogame".


You need the reassurance of beating other people online to feel good about yourself?


You need to get laid, BADDLY.

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Level 50 with /played of 7 days.


The real question should not be how we achieved this within this timeframe but why haven't you?


Get quests, do quests, hand quests in. It was extremely easy to achieve level 50 within this timeframe and to top it off, I work 9-5 Mon-Fri.

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They basically missed the entire point of the game because they thought it was another flash in the pan korean item mall mmo.


Yes, because if it takes the usual 5 days /played to hit lvl50, it means you spacebared the entire game. Oh, wait a minute. No, it does not. 5 days /played is the norm to hit lvl50 in this game with doing most of the available content "as it is meant to", which seems to be psyche around these forums. The sooner you understand that, the sooner you will understand just how stupid you make yourself out to be with these kinds of posts.


I just dinged 30 and my /played is 2 days, 12 hours. That's with zero spacebars. ZERO. I have done all the flashpoints and I have my lvl20 PVP gear on + all my three companions are decked out in BIS items and more than 200k in the bank. How about you?

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....This is by far the EASIEST MMO to level in. ...




havent seen a lot of the recent mmo's then have you?

ever play a Cryptic game ? lol.






to add to the getting to lvl 50 story:


I got to 50 yesterday.


"/played" was just under 7 days 20 minutes {just under 170 hours}. ((BTW, that's actual logged play time, not jsut the amount of days it took ... it took me almost 20 days in actual time with early start... whew!))


There was a LOT of stuff to do. I did it without grouping "at all", and didnt do any heroics at all either, and no pvp...jsut the main storyline..... so I got a lot of stuff to do still. :) I did get my armormech crafting all maxed to 440 as well though.


that 7 days played just about killed me.... I dont know why I did it...guess it's becasue I have a lot of vacation time....not sure if I would do it again in retrospect...lol....I'm drained.


so ya..... there is a LOT of content here at a launch..... I had so much to do, and I never ran out or had to search for a quest giver...ever ! thank you SWTOR for launching a very playable game.


way, way, way better than other mmo launches.... lol. and that's the truth. ( heh...and you cant just park in a corner of a zone and sponge XP without doing a thing .... like another space mmo I can recall...hehe...now that was an easy mmo)



Edited by ArtMonster
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What I find funny is how people come and tell us how they made lvl 50 in a few days and then tell us how bad the game is.


"Hey guise, TOR is awful! Everything is so buggy, boring, and game-breaking. I should know--I literally could not stop playing for 6-7 days straight!"

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What I find funny is how people come and tell us how they made lvl 50 in a few days and then tell us how bad the game is.


"Hey guise, TOR is awful! Everything is so buggy, boring, and game-breaking. I should know--I literally could not stop playing for 6-7 days straight!"


Beats being the fool who will play 15€ for this a month to level the same 5 days /played over three months as they are "enjoying themselves".

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Because powerleveling is fun.


Meh, been playing since launch and if I had hit 50 already I would probably be pretty disappointed. I wouldn't say I sit around and smell the roses constantly but seriously I am not just constantly trying to grind and get that next level.

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No life.

Enough said.


I have two level 30's, but I am taking my time and trying to enjoy the game as much as possible on both alts. I don't want to roll the exact same class again in a few months because I just rushed to 50. I can understand rushing to 85 from 80 in Wow because 98% of the stuff you encounter will be the same for all your alts. TOR I want to see my alts story what becomes of my sith marauder, how does my BH fair in The Great Hunt.

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Enough said.


I have two level 30's, but I am taking my time and trying to enjoy the game as much as possible on both alts. I don't want to roll the exact same class again in a few months because I just rushed to 50. I can understand rushing to 85 from 80 in Wow because 98% of the stuff you encounter will be the same for all your alts. TOR I want to see my alts story what becomes of my sith marauder, how does my BH fair in The Great Hunt.


You put too much stock in the story, there are only about 4 class quests per planet, the rest is all the same everytime you do it.

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I can understand rushing to 85 from 80 in Wow because 98% of the stuff you encounter will be the same for all your alts. TOR I want to see my alts story what becomes of my sith marauder, how does my BH fair in The Great Hunt.


In TOR, it's 97% with the other three percent being a few class quests on the planets. If you think that there is real cohesive story that pushes stuff forward - there isn't. Class quest takes you from point A to B, you do the usual MMO quests in B, then a class quest takes you to C, you do everything there and go to D and this cycle continues until you are lvl50. And those 97% are all the same for all the classes on one side. So if you are leveling an alt, you will have seen everything except the very few and far between new story quests when you set off from your home planet (if the home planet is new for you). There is no magical "200 hours per class" content here that was touted on these same forums before launch when NDA was still on.

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its /played time

not actual time in real life


If you spend 5 hours a day at your computer playing it would take 24 real days to achieve 5 days of played time



Some of us were on vacation and breaks. My /played was 5 days 21 hours 33 minutes when I hit 50, and I didnt skip any dialouge the first time through. If I repeated flash points? Yes I skipped dialogue but everything content wise was not skipped.

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Level 50 with /played of 7 days.


The real question should not be how we achieved this within this timeframe but why haven't you?


Get quests, do quests, hand quests in. It was extremely easy to achieve level 50 within this timeframe and to top it off, I work 9-5 Mon-Fri.


For 1, it's not a competition to see who gets to 50. In fact, you're more of a "winner" if you haven't. Every planet I go to has 100 people in it sharded across two zones. I have 50 people I can see and play with? You have what.... 10?

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Some of us were on vacation and breaks. My /played was 5 days 21 hours 33 minutes when I hit 50, and I didnt skip any dialouge the first time through. If I repeated flash points? Yes I skipped dialogue but everything content wise was not skipped.


No idea how you managed that, I typed /played last night, and have just hit the 4 days wall and I am still level 35, done all dialogue, all flashpoints at least once, and completed all bonus quests, with very little downtime and spent at least 1 hour a day doing all the space combat daily, (Even if you want to round up all the time I had to wait for a Flashpoint to start, it would not be more than be 2 hours).


You have either skipped all bonus quests, or skipped all conversations.

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No idea how you managed that, I typed /played last night, and have just hit the 4 days wall and I am still level 35, done all dialogue, all flashpoints at least once, and completed all bonus quests, with very little downtime and spent at least 1 hour a day doing all the space combat daily, (Even if you want to round up all the time I had to wait for a Flashpoint to start, it would not be more than be 2 hours).


You have either skipped all bonus quests, or skipped all conversations.


I was always in a group with 2+ guildies. 3 of us hit 50 within 2 days of eachother.



I skipped no heroics and did most of the instances multiple times getting gear and also ran some PVP to get XP when I was burned on questing for a few hours.



My time wasn't even the shortest in the guild. I know others in the guild space barred their way through dialogue, but other than the companion quests I didn't skip anything. I Levelled throught he planets and flash points and moved on.


One guildie, who hit 50 first on the server, didnt even get to play on Taris because he was hit with the memory leak bug. So he skipped an entire planet and through PVP and Flash Point XP still managed to level to 50.



EDIT: The bonus XP you get from other members of your group when you complete bonus objectives makes questing in groups optimal and reduces your levelling time a ton. Skip NO bonus objectives and you level faster.

Edited by yoshua
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