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How do people level to 50 in 4-5 days?!?!?


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I hit 50 in 3 days 16 hours about played time. I didn't skip my cut scenes, AT ALL. I infact criticize my guildmates who do skip them. I don't know whats taking you so long to get to 50, stop standing around waiting to get into a heroic group and just do the next quest. Wanna know the trick? Always do space daily, warzone daily, and dont fail them. Dont stand around for heroic quests, dont bother waiting to form a group for a flashpoint, only do them if you dont have to stand around. There yah go noobs, go level


This is what I mean...100% lie.

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I was a beta tester. I started on day 2 of early acces. So far i have a 49 trooper 36 gunslinger 25 sage... I am not working right now so between interviews and such i play the game about 8 to 10 hours a day.


One suggestion on PVE server since the space missions GREY out alot faster then in beta.. Make a trooper class and do WarZones at or around lvl 25 and up. Its the easiest class to WZ with for me and I average 13k xp a match so thats like 1 quest. If i hit a wall out in the PVE world I just run some WZ get a level and then return to PVE...


I must have done at least 5 to 8 levels in WZ alone on my trooper...

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Took me 5 days total in game time to get to level 50.

I didn't skip quest dialogues till about after Nar Shadaa where I left off In beta.


I actually watched the Class Quests all the way through, and had sometimes to where I waited an hour on end for someone to help with just a heroic.


Its not hard. Some of us play about 12 hours a day.

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I used exactly 120 hours (5 days) to reach 50. At 15 hours a day that's 8 days of playing, so it's not that much. Just enough to fill a week of vacation pretty much :)


I have seen all quests, listened to all dialogue. I did most heroic quests when it was possible, but I never wasted time waiting for groups. I didn't do most flashpoints, cause the quests alone are enough to level up. I wasted some time here and there hanging around, and I spent time to level all my tradeskills to 400 around level 40. I had only played to level 20 in beta, so didn't know anything either.


I would estimate that if you know the quests, ignore tradeskills and keep the pace up, you can see all cutscenes and level in less than 100 hours. If you skip the cutscenes it's probably less than 80.

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I leveled my first toon to level 43 in about a week watching all the cutscenes, doing all quests, bonus quests, space battles but no pvp. I would of gotten to lvl 50 faster if i had kept the pace....but then after being "gone" for like a week, you gots to take care of the real life stuff.


Then i got bored with the story for sith sorcerer and created an alt bounty hunter because one of my friends just got the game. So i wanted to level with him. Got it to lvl 17 and oh man, the bounty hunter class story is super lame.


Since my friend leveled so slowly, then i created another alt sniper. Which is for all intent and purposes now my main. Hes at lvl 34 and i got him to that level in about a week with a more relaxed schedule mostly just playing during the nights and occasional afternoons. I spacewars all the shared quests except the class story for my alts. I almost never spacewars my favorite cutscenes like the ones me killing another npc character though :p...it always brings a smile to my face.

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press space bar during every conversation, If you think about it.. Conversations take quite some time. I've started skipping most of them on random planets since they have no impact on my class story.


If you wanna level extremly fast then skip every conversation, that's what the PvP'ers and PvE'ers do.. They just wanna get to the endgame fast, The Rp'ers watch everything.

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Collecting 50 cat guts is collecting 50 cat guts whether some guy with a voice asks you to do it or you have to read the text at the bottom of your screen. You will also find that your own character only has a few dozen canned responses to any line of dialogue and after about Nar Shadaa you've already heard them all repeated at least once.


If you only pay attention to your class cut scenes and space bar your way through the fedex quest ones, then it's easy to earn a level every 1.5-2 hours. Especially if you and a friend are doing them together, doing all the 2+ Heroics and skipping the Flashpoints and 4 man Heroics. If it takes time to get a group together for something, then you're wasting time.


Once you add in all the bonus series on each planet it's ridiculously easy to have enough quest material to reach 50 in just a few days.

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This is what I mean...100% lie.


Lol not a lie, maybe it was my class that helped. I annihilated packs on my scoundrel. Skipped MOST mobs anyway because I had stealth, just creep right through all those phases right to the end.

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Most of the people I know that are level 50 have between 4-5 days of time played on their character all together...that may possibly be what you've heard.


We had players in our guild that were 50 in 5 days.


Its not hard. You just need to know where to go and what to do, of course these players leveled to 50 in beta too.

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They skip all the cutscenes and ruin the game for themself basically.


So everyone has to play the same way you do to enjoy it?


Just because some people like to play hard and are high achievers there is no need to rag on them, they enjoy playing this way so who are you to say they dont?


If they come here whining there is nothing to do then yea they are dumb, but if they play hard and enjoy the game moving on to something else while new content is created why are they ruining it for themselves?


You have a very blinkered and solipsitic view of the world.

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I'm 100% guessing here, but....



  • Skip all the cutscenes via spacebar.
  • Make sure you're always doing yellow content. If quests start going green, finish up your class quests and move onto the next planet.
  • Heroic quests and FPs are great XP, but can slow you down considerably if your group is struggling. Since you don't know what you're getting into, best to just skip them unless you know the people in your group.
  • Never go back to town until all the quests in an area are done. Send your companion out to vendor trash and keep your bags clean. When you level, never go out of your way to find a trainer. Just wait until you come across one naturally.
  • Always try to save going AFK or Logging out until you're close to a Cantina for rested XP.
  • Do your space combat dailies, you get a nice chunk of XP for quests that only take a few minutes.



I would also imagine that those who get to 50 quickly spend an unusual amount of time playing per day.

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how we level to 50 in a few days?


participated in beta, therefor know the whole story of 2 characters


game goes live - spacewars 3-5 days and you are lvl 50 and got nothing to do




owning noobs is our and especially my purpose of gaming... just wasting time doing casual nerd stuff is for nerds, i only invest a few evenings playing games per week(my job affords around 50 hours/week) therefor i want quality gaming and competition




look above


^^ Example of no life

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I have 2 50s on the server saber of exar kun. I used two methods that didnt involve skipping the storylines.


1. I did quests until level 10 then me and some of my hardcore buddies basically played Warzones as a premade for about 14 hours a day. We all took off work for around a week each to play so no we arent addicts. After about a day we had a HUGE level advantage im sure after dinging 16 or so most non hardcore headstart players went to sleep or something. So we had a huge advantage and won about 90% of our games only encountering like 4 people who were higher then us in levels while premading. PvP is a very fast way to get xp when you win and with the dailies. at around level 20 or so quests take 10-20 minutes to complete and give around 9-11k xp PvP victories give between 13-16k a win + daily turn ins, quest time scales dramatically after level 20 so it only takes longer and longer and the xp increase isnt all that high however PvP offered a significant advantage in xp and still took the same amount of time to complete in almost every game. As a premade we'd win sometimes in 5 minutes but usually after around 8-10 minutes we only got 2 games that werent hutball.


2. Group quest. On my second character we had 4 fellas 1 healing 1 tanking and 2 dps and we all did the same quests at the same time and did all of the heroics 2s and 4s. Since grouping in swtor doesnt split xp unless a member of your group is much higher then another. You all get the same amount of xp you would get for soloing albeit you blow through content much faster. This was still a bit slower then PvP leveling but much less grind oriented.


Dont expect to be at 50 for awhile if you only play 4-5 hours a day. But then again i agree with most of the people here this is a game to take your time in and absorb the story. Not to mention theres hardly any raids out and ilum is just a win trading planet.

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on my days off work i have been playing quite hardcore (or so i thought) since last friday and I'm still only level 23...


but then again, I am in no rush to get to 50, unlike WOW where the questing was just a boring grind here it is quite enjoyable.


After saying that I am however really excited to get off Nar Shadda, I just can't wait to get to Tatooine, was always my favorite Star Wars planet :)

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If you've been through the content before, it's very, very quick. My first time through Korriban I spent about 8 hours (labour day beta). On live, I can do it in about 4. To see the same everything content.


Secondly, the vast majority of the content is the same now as it was in beta, and it's the same for all characters. Dialogue only rarely has deep branches, and is mostly 3 choices, that converge to a point, 3 choices that converge to a point etc. It makes seeing all the choices very easy. If you don't care all that much what your companion thinks (especially if you use the same companion from the start and cap on rep).


Third: if you've done it before, there's a certain amount of optimization you can do. The most basic thing is: Don't waste time. Walk forward, fly backward. What I mean is: Get a mount ASAP. If you are out wandering around doing quests, and you know where the next speeder point is, go unlock it, and then fly back to do quest turn ins. Try and do all the quests in one area at once.


Skip all the heroic quests, and most of the bonus series. They don't add anything. They're a lot of work for nothing. Flashpoints, same thing. if you want to level fast doing a pvp daily and all the possible space combat missions that are green or above is usually worth it, but they don't add much story wise.


If you read faster than the NPC's speak you can explore all the dialogue options, by reading and then go from there.


All told, you can level in less than 100 hours. It took me 100 because I didn't get passed about 27 in beta, but I know a few people on my server who were in closed and did it in about 80, with help you could probably change things up, do heroics and flashpoints and skip non class quests and probably level faster than that.


I don't consider pointlessly wandering back over the piece of land 'content'. If you accept that premise, and try and avoid that wherever possible, you cut down a lot of time to level. And again, it's really fast the second or 3rd time through.

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