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Why this game will end up like rift.


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have to agree with OP..except for convo's.. they last long enough o make a reefer :)


under the not so shiny sci-fi nerd settings its very very ordinary.


very very dull.


very very buggy.


yes i will close the door on my way out.


no u cant has my stuff.

Edited by Hoodlumpriest
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Thats cool. I'm going to keep my sub as long as I enjoy it, and if others do the same then in 6 months when you give it another chance maybe the game will be more fun.


I believe simply implementing ui mods and macros would help a lot, but I do hope that by the time you get back to the game it's much more to your liking.


I haven't been willing to spacebar through anything because I'm really enjoying the writing. I can understand your plight if you were in the beta long term, but I tried to limit spoilers as much as I could so I didn't end up in your situation. Maybe that is the secret to enjoying the gameplay.


I wish you the best, and hope you find the game in much better shape when you make it back... for both our sakes! :)


i don´t even need mods and macros, i just want to scale my ui and have like 1 or 2 bottom bars more....


what really annoys me is the combat responce... if that would be fixxed pvp would even make fun

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Strange, he did not list the usual "GW2 is going to be the best" argument found in these types of posts, I do not think I can take this troll seriously :)


No, really though, I love hearing even the most trivial of reasons when they send you on a quest, because I play it for the experience, no to tush to 50 and to do endgame.


I must have finished Mass Effect 2 over 15 times, and I have never skipped a single conversation in all of my play through, if you cannot be bothered with the story then this isn't the game for you, you should have known this, if you bothered reading a bit about the game before blindly purchasing it.


If you do not want Italian food, do not go eat at an Italian restaurant, hm?

Edited by Black_Rabbit
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1- No Dual Spec: when Rift was released, we could have 4 different character specs, then they added the 5th. When this game was released we have only one character spec, this has got to be the biggest joke from bio-ware, even a free to play games have dual specs now.


7- Content: the content is a joke, people have already finished everything in 15 days of game play, one WoW expansion has more content than this entire game, not to mention the file size difference.


(Because this thread seems to equate playing other MMO's with the weight of one's opinion I've played DAoC, E&B, EvE, and my WoW sub is still active. Camelot and E&B held my interest the longest.)


I'm not here to join this trite back and forth but I do have an opinion about these two items. When Dual Spec was added to WoW I disliked it and I still do. My prot warrior stayed prot and while I purchased the other spec for the achievement it is blank. I feel like this game is built on the idea that you will have to make choices and that those choices are meaningful to the character as it grows.


I like the idea of making real choices. I made a marauder in early access and by the time I was lvl 18 realized I didn't like the dual weild (I'm a purist) deleted and re-rolled juggernaut. Even now as I fill up with tanking talent points I'm happy to *be that tank* not just taking the points on some alt build that I'll use just to get into flashpoints faster. I'm making a choice, my character is making a choice, I have to stick with that choice... it's refreshing in lieu of the no ridiculously easy to level and and progress WoW (in my opinion). I beta tested Rift and almost immediately backed away from it due to the 'you are 12 classes in 5 minutes' feel of it. For me, less is more.


Second, and this is a far less significant point, people finished Burning Crusade within 24 hours of release and WoTLK in 48. Most of them did so by grinding and passing the lore-driven quests. I'm level 24, still enjoying the npc conversations and still enjoying the game. This is me, obviously I do not represent a grand concept of this game's future success or failure.

Edited by shamrockjew
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Enjoy it while it lasts peeps :}


Next thing you realize is that there's no one left to play with...soon.

i'm gonna put this in my signature with the date and your name above it... so we can laugh at you in 1-2-3-4 years when we are still playing this by the millions :) ... and you probably also...

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i don´t even need mods and macros, i just want to scale my ui and have like 1 or 2 bottom bars more....


what really annoys me is the combat responce... if that would be fixxed pvp would even make fun


Have you checked the priority of the two swtor.exe services in task manager? I found mine were set below high and that helped some for me with the pvp lag. (Note: it didn't completely fix it, but it helped)


I'm not sure why it wasn't set to high to begin with actually... kind of had a /facepalm moment when I saw that heh.

Edited by ChillBill
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I agree the quests get really tedious after you know they all are the same "go kill X amount of these guys" disguised in VO. I enjoyed the class quests and the main quests in each planet you usually get from the space port though.
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i assume you are just playing the game cause you like star wars or have nothing to do in real life, well nvm


This guy is by far the most epic individual on these forums and in this game. Runs a Fortune 500 company I'm sure and has a real life outside of this game also, unlike the rest of us.


/sob If only I were as successful and not such a loser stuck living on a Star Wars MMO, wishing and hoping that it won't fail so my fanboism doesn't cause me to return to my parent's dark basement never to socialize with people over the Internet again.




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Have you checked the priority of the two swtor.exe services in task manager? I found mine were set below high and that helped some for me with the pvp lag.


I'm not sure why it wasn't set to high to begin with actually... kind of had a /facepalm moment when I saw that heh.


i don´t have internet or hardware lag... it´s the responsiveness of the abilitys... instants are not really instant... there is a frikking long post about it - can´t explain well myself but it just annoys


link to the thread: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=119676

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And this concludes my whining.



So , let's see what we have here :


1. I am not a fanboy. I like the game . Not even a Star Wars FAN , even tho i watched them all ( some of them long time ago )


2. I really don't get it , how can someone lvl 36 ( or something ? lowbie noob. Get lost already ) bring up such nonsense in one freaking post


3. CAPS MODE - Jongar you had a lot of faulty information in your moaning post


4. No , i did not read all the replies , this is what i have to say to all those who are like you


5. Stop writing those hate posts before you even saw what game has to offer . Game doesn't give you what you expected ? Get lost , play something else / troll another forum


6. Personally , got lvl 50 merc , i enjoy questing with my Mako , grouping up ( now grouping at this point ain't easy but its getting better as we speak , people level up ). I am playing my twinkie assassin now. LVL 29 and kicking hard , enjoying PVP a lot. Yes those ball imba carriers should get beaten , but nothing beats the perfect nuke while healers are disabled.


... and so on .


All in all , good sir , mister gentleman sir . Get lost , once and forever. You and all those similar to you , posting TL;DR threads about how lousy this game is , but you didn't want to offend anyone. FU



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I'm enjoying all these replies saying "leave then!". They don't seem to realize that if everyone unsatisfied left, it would become a niche game like Rift has become. They need to fix the issues, not ignore the customer base. The people happy with how it is now just have low standards.


Problem about whiners is that they think they speak for the masses. You speak for noone but yourself. If you dislike the whole game, go play something else.

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You bring up very strong points that were just yet another flaw in SWTOR's release. I fear for the worse for BioWare.


They need to engage no-sleep mode and repair this game before the 30-60 day period. If they do not, this game will end up as another failure.


Free games actually do offer more content and social interactivity than SWTOR which is sad.

Edited by Treyzorz
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Rift already had QUAD specs, LFG tools and PvP stuff at or very close to launch, the only thing you were right on was server transfers. Wow, so people left because of server transfers. And what is this mass exodus of people I'm hearing of? Anyways, if there WAS one it was because of the lack of end game that Rift lacked at the time, sort of like this game, but even Rift had more end game back then than this game has now. Such a shame.


Agree with the OP.


Rift died because their DEV's couldn't use a calculator.. Plain and simple. Their whole FoTM nerf/buff is why most people got upset. There were those that left because of the implementation of the LFG system. I know of at least 4 that stopped playing the day that was implemented and voice that is why they were leaving.


Also their inability to correct their FPS issues with High End cards impacted the game greatly. At launch there were people running around with i7's 2.0 or better, ATI 5870 or NVidia cards and were getting single digits on zone events.


I will admit that Trions strong suit was the flexibility of their soul system. But that isn't enough to keep people playing either...


At launch Rift only had GSB, and that ONLY after the first world event.. Technically it wasn't there at launch. Do you remember the failure of that first world event? I do I was there. They also only had the basic 10 dungeons and since launch have only added one more.


So take off those rose colored glasses and be truthful to yourself first and others while your at it.

Edited by Tahana
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wow never had it when it came out so why should this game follow wow


they are adding more warzones. i am a sor and carry the ball and i use my aoe knoeck back all the time.


name any craften in any mmo that recently came out that are not useless


what r u talking about you can get to max level in less then 21 days in wow


targeten is a pain at times deal with it till they fix it. bugs well there are a few they will get fixed as the optimization woill as well


you do end game which they already are implementing another OP to do as well as a new FP.


I cannot believe some people are this clueless, WoW had professions which you HAD to have to compete at a top level, if you had JC you had an extra 50~ to any stat you wanted over someone who didnt.


When WoW first came out, no one had "All Content" finished in 15 days.


Everyone seems to claim WoW was **** when it came out so SWTOR is allowed to have all these problems as well, how can people stick up for a companies new MMO by saying it's allowed to lack content just because a game released 7 years ago didn't have these things when it first came out.


-This is a 2011 released game, why doesn't it look like one?

Edited by Bigdazz
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So I have been reading the forums, and needless to say. I am truly disappointed in people in this community. Why do you feel the need to come onto the forums, and ***** about stuff that is already addressed and they are fixing. Its like, the moment you see a bug, glitch, or something you can ***** about. You *********** idiots swarm to the forums, and cry so *********** hard, that makes all the other *********** idiots cry. Then we have this *********** big *********** river, that is so full or tears and ****. That no one wants to *********** read anything anymore because you *********** ******* are so annoying, and cry about every *********** single thing. You all sounds like a bunch of *********** little girls. I think my 6 year old niece, doesn't complain as much as you *********** haters. Its seriously baffling, at how people (assuming you ********s are kids, so cannot say adults, adults wouldn't do this) can ***** so much, about everything. I am to the point, where I cannot come to the forums, and read anything useful. *********** A



I am raging at you idiots so hard. Jesus go outside, ride a bike, smoke dope, do anything, besides ***** about this game. If you want it changed so bad, open tickets. Email them, call them, go visit them. I dunno anything more than you are doing. No one is history has ever gotten anything done, by crying about it. Seriously.

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this is the same post I posted on mmorpg.com check out the people's replies there.




they make valid points instead of trying to insult me.


the best one regarding the content who says, the 5 years of developing the game do not explain the little content it presents.




interesting....not sure what valid points you were looking for, but they appear to be saying the same thing we are saying to you. If you don't like it, go somewhere else. Your judgement is your own. Don't leave it up to us to tell you what you should play.

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i don´t have internet or hardware lag... it´s the responsiveness of the abilitys... instants are not really instant... there is a frikking long post about it - can´t explain well myself but it just annoys


link to the thread: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=119676


Yeah, I think that part has something to do with the animations. I've noticed it. Do no want...


I don't really know exactly what it could be, unless it has to do with them trying to choreograph the combat animations. In some cases it can really bug you in PvE, but in PvP there's really no workaround because the fights aren't scripted.


I love the combat animations in this game, but if that's causing it I could live with less choreography heh.


Edit: Nice, didn't see this thread before. Really like the video examples. Thanks.

Edited by ChillBill
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This guy is by far the most epic individual on these forums and in this game. Runs a Fortune 500 company I'm sure and has a real life outside of this game also, unlike the rest of us.


/sob If only I were as successful and not such a loser stuck living on a Star Wars MMO, wishing and hoping that it won't fail so my fanboism doesn't cause me to return to my parent's dark basement never to socialize with people over the Internet again.





your life has to be wonderful, i envy you... NOT

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you know it's not true what you're saying right?


i missed the context, what isnt?

if you mean levelling to lvl 60 (or 50.. to make it equal) ... i;ve seen MANY MANY people level from 0 to 60 within a weekend.

I can remember 2-3 draenai, when they were released, that levelled with their guild to 70 within a weekend.


ofcourse they are probably dead by now because they probably even forgot to breath regularly... but still..

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