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Why does everyone think warzones sucks...


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The only one I can say sucks is HuttBall, cause it's the only one I can get in.



Which in itself sucks.



(To me HuttBall should be a 'change-of-pace' Warzone, not the main Warzone I'm constantly doing. I want Warzones that incorporate real theme and lore from SW. Apparently like the Warzones I can't even get into. Not this whimsical, trivial "game" that is HuttBall)



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Everyone complains about there not being brackets. However, brackets will not be happening unless they combine servers (a la WoW)....and there are already alot of people opposed to that idea. There are simply not enough people on one server at the moment to support bracketing. Edited by UA_Wookie
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I enjoy the warzones...




I can only get in hutball 90% if the time and am sick to death of it. I really enjoy alderaan and the spaceship thing, but cannot get to play them unless I just sit and play 10 - 15 games of huttball first.


I used to like hutball as well :(

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My complaints about the warzones aren't BW's fault.


On the republic side, lvl 10-15s queue up as half of the group, or more. They promptly get slaughtered because all they press is 1-1-1-2 then die in glorious stormtrooper fashion. Forget about republic teamwork; everyone runs around like headless chickens.


On the imperial side, it's huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball


-alderaan vs republic!


huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball


-voidstar vs republic!


huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball



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Everyone complains about there not being brackets. However, brackets will not be happening unless they combine servers (a la WoW)....and there are already alot of people opposed to that idea. There are simply not enough people on one server at the moment to support bracketing.


Or instead of merging servers, simply put 5 servers in one PvP "cluster." So when you queue for WZ's, you are queuing with people from 4 other servers. It doesn't break the community at all because you come to learn who these people are just as much as you do on your own server.


Is this what you meant or did you mean to literally merge servers?

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The problem with matches like Huttball is premades. They are on some TS or Vent server and they say what to do. This gives a huge benefit (not to mention they are usually 50 already) against the other team that might consist of L10~40 randoms.


Matches like this I instant quit, I really cba playing against people that go for easy win.


Welcome to MMO's. Every game has premades that do nothing but farm PUGs all day. I don't blame BW or any other game maker for this. Some games even give premades their own queues but they never use them. They don't want competition, they want to farm randoms.

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The only problem I have with them, no brackets. I think they are working on that though.

its no fun trying to take a level 50 team on with a group of mostly 10's. Its not fair to the lower levels at all, with gear and skills.


The people in the middle kinda still have it rough (25-40) because while its easier to kill the lobbies its harder to kill the 40+ people playing.


I would like to see a bracket system, maybe 15 levels would give the best results in amount of players in the bracket and still not leave the lower levels out in the cold.


Maybe 10-25 then 26 to 40 then 40+

That leaves plenty for the lower levels and a good grouping for the mids and leaves the highest players in a bracket.


I read somewhere there was a buff that made you equivilant to a 50, no matter what level you are. However, with the limited number of abilities, that I agree with. I think this was a great idea, but having the number of abilities vs a 50, might be a slight disadvantage.

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My complaints about the warzones aren't BW's fault.


On the republic side, lvl 10-15s queue up as half of the group, or more. They promptly get slaughtered because all they press is 1-1-1-2 then die in glorious stormtrooper fashion. Forget about republic teamwork; everyone runs around like headless chickens.


On the imperial side, it's huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball


-alderaan vs republic!


huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball


-voidstar vs republic!


huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball huttball




I Imagine thats because the populations so imbalanced towards the empire that the queues for any warzone besides huttball (since you can play huttball as empire vs empire) would be unbearably long if you were solely queuing for them. I guess, any PvP is better then no PvP?


I rather enjoy huttball as a Jugg, mostly because I can push people, charge up to them on platforms, charge to allies up on platforms, choke people in the fire, etc. Huttball's a blast with all my mobility and CC :p

Edited by Guaritorr
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come back when you have played a couple hundreds


Playing a couple hundred rounds of the same map in Call of Duty can become tedious as well but people still put up 24/7 Nuketown Servers for Black Ops... A couple hundred rounds of Warsong Gulch in WoW got old quick too... Anything done to extreme will get repative therefore your observation holds little merrit on why people believe "they suck".

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Playing a couple hundred rounds of the same map in Call of Duty can become tedious as well but people still put up 24/7 Nuketown Servers for Black Ops... A couple hundred rounds of Warsong Gulch in WoW got old quick too... Anything done to extreme will get repative therefore your observation holds little merrit on why people believe "they suck".


The whole point of his response was that you start to see the flaws when you play it a lot, not that it gets old or tedious.


Regardless, you just acknowledged that people play Call of Duty countless times without it getting old.

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Huttball makes me rage.


They need to lock out faction creation on any server more than 1.5:1. IF there are 20,000 imperials, and 1500 republic, prepare to spend 48 out of 50 matches in the huttball arena. They were warned about massive population imbalances and the fix was a same side vs same side arena, usually populated by1 team with 4-5 50's and 1 team with 4-5 lvl 18 snipers. Wonder whos gonna enjoy getting roflstomped over and over again simply beacuse the whole server is stuck in huttball perpetually.


We need 4v4 TDM Maps, more objective based warzones and some form of domination maps.

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I've been doing Warzones for a while now, and I only see 2 problems with them as a level 50 Scoundrel:


1. Sorcerers have way too much CC. I assume since there are mirror classes that sages should have the same, but for whatever reason, Sorcs are much more popular than Sages (I would guess it's because shooting lightning is way cooler than tossing pebbles). I would like to see the CC toned down a little bit in general.


2. Lack of brackets of any kind. If I join a Warzone and I see that I am the only level 50, I know we are going to lose before the match even begins. If there are 5 other 50s, I know for sure we are going to win, and 9 out of 10 times that's exactly how it plays out. Warzones should be based more on skill and less on luck of the draw of how many level 50s there are.

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They don't suck themselves, just a lot of scrubs who get mixed in with a few people who actually know how to pvp, those folks get upset when they see the scrubs ruining any chance of a win.


Happened a lot initially on my server being republic, imps were rolling us non-stop for 2 weeks. I think finally I am observing some turn-around in that and have seen the republic win more and more.


Mainly comes down to mixing PvPers in with people who don't care or care to cooperate to win the match, all they want is kills or whatever.

Edited by Larce_Apollo
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The whole point of his response was that you start to see the flaws when you play it a lot, not that it gets old or tedious.

Yet he stated no flaws. The implication of his post was that it gets old. I think Huttball was a decent twist on CTF without being CTF. Not perfect, but at least BW tried to do something sort of new.


Regardless, you just acknowledged that people play Call of Duty countless times without it getting old.

I did indeed. And I play warzones countless times without it getting old for me either. My point by the comment was that people play things over and over add nauseum if they're having fun. And the OP stated he was having fun. So his point of "come back after you've played 100 rounds" may be true in his case, but not in everyone's case.

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I've been doing Warzones for a while now, and I only see 2 problems with them as a level 50 Scoundrel:


1. Sorcerers have way too much CC. I assume since there are mirror classes that sages should have the same, but for whatever reason, Sorcs are much more popular than Sages (I would guess it's because shooting lightning is way cooler than tossing pebbles). I would like to see the CC toned down a little bit in general.


2. Lack of brackets of any kind. If I join a Warzone and I see that I am the only level 50, I know we are going to lose before the match even begins. If there are 5 other 50s, I know for sure we are going to win, and 9 out of 10 times that's exactly how it plays out. Warzones should be based more on skill and less on luck of the draw of how many level 50s there are.


I totally agree, and I am a consular class myself, however Sith Sorcerers have way to much CC.

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