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Fix for Glitches and Bugs


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I bought a brand new car yesterday.


It was delivered today.


It had no tyresRIGHT??


Tyres? Is that british spelling? Sort of like colour or rationalise or cheque? Or my favorite, connexion instead of connection.


EDIT: Just looked it up, yes tyre is British. That's one I forgot about.


Carry on.

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By definition of manufacture, games are not manufactured. The CD and cases may be, but not the game.


it depends on what you consider using an industrial machine is. a PC might be just that, and game's code is done in PCs.


anyway the game comes IN cds and cases. hence, manufactured no matter the definition.

Edited by blackcerberus
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This ladies and gnats, is the reason kids shouldn't be allowed into a beta for mmos.


They never report bugs, and look at it as if they were playing a demo of a full retail version.


This is why we end up with a game that is littered with bugs.

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I guarantee that this method will fix all of the glitches and bugs you are experiencing in the game! It's both logical, practical and effective. Patience! No, not sick people. (Definition of PATIENT. 1. : bearing pains or trials calmly or without complaint). Who invented that word anyway?


Well let's get right down to it people. If you have a bug, report it in a calm and organized fashion explaining what you were doing and what happened that you consider to be a bug. Getting angry will only make customer service representative ignore it completely, some, not all. Trust me I've worked customer service. No one wants to help someone who is angry, it's just human nature.


Now sit back and enjoy what parts of the game are working for you and the bug will eventually be fixed! Now time wise there are many factors to consider. First of all programming is haaarrd. It takes many years or education and practice, and there are always new things to learn. If you fix one problem you celebrate! But oh wait, fixing that problem in that way, caused 10 more problems. Back to the drawing board!

Perfection takes time. And as long as people support this game, SWTOR has all the time in the word to become better and better with every passing year.


Some people are upset that the game was released with so many bugs, but look on the opposite side. Many people would be upset if the game wasn't released! Who cares about a couple bugs I just want to enjoy my game! It's simple business strategy to appeal to the masses, think of the backfire if they missed that release date! There will always be bugs, every game will always have bugs. So by saying the game should have none when released is saying the game should never be released.


Patients people, it makes you look more like a dignified and respected person rather than a child throwing a tantrum for not getting their way. Please support the game and watch the glitches and bugs fly away!


Edit: Throwing in a little bit of extra information for people who read this and still want to rage. You agreed to this game, you clicked agree! If you read it and didn't agree why did you agree?? I'm guessing you didn't reat it huh? Me either.


Needs to be stickied :D

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it depends on what you consider using an industrial machine is. a PC might be just that, and game's code is done in PCs.


anyway the game comes IN cds and cases. hence, manufactured no matter the definition.


Manufacture - To make or process (a raw material) into a finished product, especially by means of a large-scale industrial operation.


There are some other looser definitions but they all use the word industrial, game programming is in no way anything related to industrial machinery or raw material. On another note, most products do not come with terms and agreements, that's how you know video games are not regular products.


@archifikoss thanks for the quote you made me catch another spelling error. i really shouldn't type while i'm so tired.

Edited by Bantic
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This ladies and gnats, is the reason kids shouldn't be allowed into a beta for mmos.


They never report bugs, and look at it as if they were playing a demo of a full retail version.


This is why we end up with a game that is littered with bugs.


no, because most if not all the bugs we are experiencing were reported multiple times during beta and BioWare played deaf the whole time.


the reason why we end with a game littered with bugs at release: developer incompetence, indifference and apathy

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Tyres? Is that british spelling? Sort of like colour or rationalise or cheque? Or my favorite, connexion instead of connection.


EDIT: Just looked it up, yes tyre is British. That's one I forgot about.


Carry on.


It's amazing how two countries professing to use the same language have so many incongruities, not only in the spelling of like words, but also the meanings of words and the context in which they are used.

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It's amazing how two countries professing to use the same language have so many incongruities, not only in the spelling of like words, but also the meanings of words and the context in which they are used.


Take Richard's pet name and that long-eared pack animal for example.

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I agree with the OP. It's been years since an MMORPG of this scale came out, and people forget that games aren't without bugs. But hey, if you don't like it and can't wait, quit. Less queue time for the rest of us. This game had an Xmas release... personally a BAD idea for an MMO, but that's LucasArts and their adoring love of Xmas releases. Now that the New Year is over, they'll get the backlog caught up and they'll straighten things out.


Or they won't. If they don't, then hey quit. But, calling them incompetent or such things, as the OP said, when you insult the CSR, it's human nature they stop caring about your problem.

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Grammar lesson:


Patient is properly used when you say things like:

"Please be patient."

"I am patiently waiting your response."

"There are many patients in the ward at the hospital."


Patience is properly used when you say things like:

"You must have patience for the game to get fixed."

"Your lack of patience consumes you."

"Without patience you will turn to the dark side."

"Patience is something gained by age, experience and many trials."


Now, that said OP, please use patience and not patients, because patients refers to people and patience refers to the characteristic. Unless you are asking someone to be patient, and not to have patience. There is a difference. Note that I'm not flaming you, only trying to help you improve your use of the language because I know you enjoy learning.




Now to the original topic at hand. Personally I have been a customer service representative and had no qualms in dealing with angry people. Then again I have extraordinary patience and a passion for service so I understand that not everyone can do what I can do. What I didn't tolerate was someone blaming me personally for their problems because I had nothing to do with the failure of service they had received before.j


That is not true however for Bioware. Bioware made this game and when someone calls in or sends an email to complain about how Bioware messed things up. They are doing so with the right "enemy" in mind. Of course if people could be civil things would go a lot smoother, but come on. Who in this newest generation is civil when they're angry? I haven't met anyone who managed to be civil while they were pissed off. Though something to note is that if you're angry, you should probably step back, take a break, meditate or what have you to calm down. Then come back to either the forums or sign back into your account and submit a ticket. Maybe both if you're desperate for an answer.


OP, I understand where you're coming from, but I believe that we have a different way of approaching and viewing things. Though we have come to the same conclusion, an angry ranting ticket/post is less likely to get a response. Mostly because it's ranting and doesn't provide enough valuable information without really digging. A well constructed post/ticket that provides all the information relevant to your issue without blaming anyone or making them feel bad for the problems you're having is much more likely to illicit a response.


Thank you for the time you have taken to read my post. I hope it has advanced your thought processes and that you will try out the advice I have given for the next time you have a problem. I hope that by trying out the advice I have given, Bioware implements a change that fixes your problem. Have a good day.

Edited by kaoticdrake
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Your grammar lesson is a few days late bud.

Of course if people could be civil things would go a lot smoother, but come on. Who in this newest generation is civil when they're angry? I haven't met anyone who managed to be civil while they were pissed off.

That's because when people are pissed off and act civil they don't seem like they are pissed off. Makes sense right?

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  • 1 month later...

Bantic is correct.


There is not a single digital product in existence that doesn't have bugs. There are some that are close or hide them very well.


However, the first thing that is taught in every programming class/course is this: The more user-friendly the program is, the more programming that is required. The more programming required, the more bugs there will be.


A good example of this: Apple products. The Apple UI is the most user friendly/simple interface on the planet. A person new to digital products will look at an Apple product and be astounded!


"It's so easy and they have no viruses!" says the new user.


In comes a programmer, looks at the products interface for about 15 seconds, being astounded at the amount of time put into programming, then shuns the terribly unintelligent apes that tried to create such a product. All of the bugs in the apple products are hidden in it, or even noted as "features!".


The bottom line is, everything that is digital will have bugs. Even with a simple program that outputs the words, "Welcome!" on the screen. You won't notice at first, but after the 100th time you open it, your computer may decide to lock up the program requiring a forced quit.


In reality, all bug fixes are just complicated work-arounds. So please, give them time to work around the major ones.

Edited by Hiro_Vitality
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OK I'm Level 11 now and still waiting to see my first bug or game issue. Just left the first region and all is working perfectly. I have been playing Rift for a year and that didn't have any problems either. And before that WoW which only created problems when I got to Shattrath and realised I needed a new computer. And when I got Rift I got a new computer, the kind that is designed to play games. And no doubt if the new gen games need more power I'll upgrade again.


Thing is I actually own an Amiga 500 with am EA badge on it that was used to test their games back in the old old days. But I guess then they knew the kit they were making the games for. I would suggest a lot of the bugs are hardwear based.


Anyway I'll keep you informed as I progress. Though to be honest I'm the kinda guy that knows the load on a computer sometimes can be a bit taxing. And simply marvel at the technology and just what can be fed across a telephone line. Quite magical really. Must be a real challenge for a game creator that stretches the boundary of technology to cope with the myriad of different machine set ups.... And virus checkers, and spam checkers, and routers and ISPs ... world wide. Before they go changing something that aint bust or degrade the whole playing experience of those with meat in their machines just to satisfy some student playing on his laptop using a college network they carefully weigh up what to do to the engine. Give the guys some credit please. After all they did design the game. Which is pretty good I have to say... And currently working as intended.. For me.

Edited by Dekkau
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I bought a brand new car yesterday.


It was delivered today.


It had no tyres, the indicators constantly flashed, the seats didnt have any padding so I was sitting on raw metal and the CD Player kept on playing music by Jedward with no off button.


I happily sat in my new car and enjoyed the smell, extremely happy that I had bought a a brand new car with all these problems that were going to get fixed real soon.


It's been 6 months now, so far I have some seat padding..... still waiting on those tyres.


It's okay though, its a brand new car, you expect problems like this right?




This is hyperbolic nonsense and a terrible, terrible analogy. This isn't apples and oranges, it's apples and pianos.

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I guess i am with the minority ( at least on these forums) but I love this game and have only encountered 2 glitches, 1. stay froslty mission won't go away 2. need to impress mission line bugged, and if you want to get picky the mv fa animation bug that has NEVER really affected me, if i died from it , oh well, respawn, not that big of a deal. Other then those things the game has played flawlessly. Yea all the wait times when tralveling can get a bit annoying but within a minute i am where i wanted to be. I refuse to come on here and ****** about every little friggin annoiance like it is the end of my gaming life. I'm not quitting cause some sith killed me 10 times in a row or my toon is so under powered and everyone else is so op'd. Just play the game the way it is FOR NOW and hopefully they will fix your trivial problems down the road ;)


let the bawling begin:(:(:(

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  • 1 month later...
I guarantee that this method will fix all of the glitches and bugs you are experiencing in the game! It's both logical, practical and effective. Patience! No, not sick people. (Definition of PATIENT. 1. : bearing pains or trials calmly or without complaint). Who invented that word anyway?


Well let's get right down to it people. If you have a bug, report it in a calm and organized fashion explaining what you were doing and what happened that you consider to be a bug. Getting angry will only make customer service representative ignore it completely, some, not all. Trust me I've worked customer service. No one wants to help someone who is angry, it's just human nature.


Now sit back and enjoy what parts of the game are working for you and the bug will eventually be fixed! Now time wise there are many factors to consider. First of all programming is haaarrd. It takes many years or education and practice, and there are always new things to learn. If you fix one problem you celebrate! But oh wait, fixing that problem in that way, caused 10 more problems. Back to the drawing board!

Perfection takes time. And as long as people support this game, SWTOR has all the time in the word to become better and better with every passing year.


Some people are upset that the game was released with so many bugs, but look on the opposite side. Many people would be upset if the game wasn't released! Who cares about a couple bugs I just want to enjoy my game! It's simple business strategy to appeal to the masses, think of the backfire if they missed that release date! There will always be bugs, every game will always have bugs. So by saying the game should have none when released is saying the game should never be released.


Patience people, it makes you look more like a dignified and respected person rather than a child throwing a tantrum for not getting their way. Please support the game and watch the glitches and bugs fly away!


Edit: Throwing in a little bit of extra information for people who read this and still want to rage. You agreed to this game, you clicked agree! If you read it and didn't agree why did you agree?? I'm guessing you didn't read it huh? Me either.



I understand what you're saying, but the reality is we're not experiencing bugs over things like too many people logged on at launch and the servers crashed so we had to log back in, or long log-in queues on launch day etc, they're the game itself, and there are SO many, and given the budget, the advertising, the claims etc it's a little hard to know what to think. Hiccups we ALL expected. Minor hiccups or road humps weren't what we got.


When bugs render a game unplayable and it takes over a week to find a solution, for what has been your third bug (one of which led to a locked account) the staff need to expect some flack. They also chose a shocking time of year for release. Some people actually made sacrifices to buy this game at the worst possible time of year. And then after all those dramas you play the game, find it, well, lacking, then you go looking to the devs and what's behind the scenes and hear the sort of things they say about the game, MMORPG's in general and YOU, as a player, and are left feeling insulted, short-changed etc, but you understand. They released the game before they had it ready as they felt it would increase subs, not hurt them (which is something MMO companies know you NEVER, EVER do).


And then you hear things like they won't add features to the game unless there's sufficient demand or enough people quit. They won't fix bugs except the ones they're copping a lot of flak over. EA is a company who has in the past put a Customer Service representative in charge of the entire production of a game. So what does that tell you? That whoever screams the loudest and strongest gets heard and that they don't have a clue or have any faith in development teams. And after hearing Georg Zoeller explaining the "reasons" behind a myriad of missing components in the game, I can see why. Lack of time or resources had nothing to do with it. In fact they WERE there, coded in and everything. And then removed later.


Hearing about "infractions" which had gotten people suspended or banned pretty much sums up what their attitude towards us is even more succinctly than releasing an unfinished game to capitalize on financial gain in the short term ever could. EA could have learnt plenty from how their actions impacted so negatively on Warhammer Online and Age of Conan. But not content to stop there they had to destroy this one too and remain content with a subscriber base far below what the game has the potential for and consequently a far below sub-optimal game compared to what it should be and so easily could be. Really, with their financial status being what it is I can't figure out why they are doing this.


And no offense, but I feel my correspondences with CS have been far more polite than what I've received and definitely seem very one-way.


And they really should hand over artistic control over armour design to Lucas Arts.



First of all programming is haaarrd. It takes many years or education and practice, and there are always new things to learn.


So do you really think it was a good move running a course for post-grad students and having them work on making the game?

Edited by Darnu
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You do realise that if a single player game shipped with so many glaring bugs the companies reputation would be damaged?


Have you even played any of Bioware's previous titles? in that you should know that they have never ever released such a game with so many obvious issues.


When you cant advance your character because of a bug, or cant login to the game or suffer constant crashes then maybe you will appreciate why some people are so angry at a company they PAID money to, for a GAME, they should be able to PLAY!



Notice how I capitalised key words in the hope your backwards brain will interpret.


I can name off the top of my head a minimum of 10 single player games released in the past year alone with more bugs than SWTOR...




People still like that game right?

Edited by Jaymanus
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well i do not mind some bug in a game as long as it palyable and he bugs not ever 10 feet. hell i played KOTOR II the sith lrods, and remeber that game was fairly buggy, sitll played it and ebat it with out any major issues. still love it and whats why i am here. i like teh IP, i like teh company making said IP and i i like the the prior games, so i'm iwlling to give this one a try, wait for a short while(just this month resubs for 6 montsh since i enjoyed myself so far) and after those 6 months i might resub for 6 more, if it getting boring maybe 1 or unsub for abit pending how the patching and new content goes.


just about donw wiht my first 50 toon, just pollishing off IIum quest that i can, that one bugged one i foudn so far mocking me from doing a complet planet clear)

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Your obviously not bright enough to spell "TIRES".


Are we talking about "tires" as in makes tired or "tyres" as in what's on cars? Like those rubber things on wheels?

People still like that game right?


news to me. love life :) you learn something new every day

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  • 10 months later...
Are we talking about "tires" as in makes tired or "tyres" as in what's on cars? Like those rubber things on wheels?


Then Pixar lied to me!

Wide Chick Pitty: Hey, shrimpie, where did McQueen find you, huh? Those round things are called tires, and they go under the car!

[the entire pit crew laughs]

Guido: [shaking his forklift] Con chi credi di parlare? Ma, con chi stai parlando?

Luigi: No! No, no! You'll have your chance, Guido, you will have your chance!

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