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[Suggestion] Enable Weapon Preview


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On my long road to level 50, I have many times stumbled across new weapons. Orange moddable items, where the only real difference is looks.


With armor, you can preview how it will look on your character or your companion. But in this preview window, your character is always unarmed.


I simply suggest that weapons are made visible in the same manner, so one can determine whether to spend resources on the weapon or not.


Or maybe I have just overlooked a way to enable this feature? Anybody care to enlighten me?

Edited by FluxWing
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This has my complete support... The whole reason to even bother upgrading to a new orange is for an improved style, since the mods are transferable and I can craft hilt mods and such.


I would be surprised if this wasn't on it's way, though. :D

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I definitely agree with you on this one, without a shadow of a doubt this needs to be brought in and im sure they will when i see a gun/blaster i don't just look at the stats i want to know what it looks like, also im the sort of player who couldn't care about the stats im all the look but that's just me :L
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I'm still a lowbie but I'm surprised that weapons are so similar that a persons choice would come down to looks.


It's not Barbies Clothes Shopping Game you know.


Of course it is. It's an RPG, so people are going to be concerned with looks as well as stats.

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I Wanted to see the look from a new pistol from a commedation vender so I went online but no screen shots. I invested so much time in saving up for two orange pistols I did not want a crappy look, so I went on the trade market and looked for the same model icon, bought it, equiped it, and it looked liked trash. I would of been pissed if I bought two orange pistols
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My level 22 Soundrel who accidently vendored "Flashy" for a new gun that turned out to be a large shiney Hair Dryer agrees with the OP and most everyone posting. ;p


I didn't know mods could be removed at the time.... The store bought 60 dollar packs really need to be packed with a manual... Even an abridged manual would be nice. :(

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