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Is a security key worth the hassle?


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Would it be too much of a pain to have to fondle with your phone/key-chain every time you want to log-in? You need a new password every time, I just don't see how this could be preferred. This will be my first pay2play, so is security/hackers really this big of an issue?
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Would it be too much of a pain to have to fondle with your phone/key-chain every time you want to log-in? You need a new password every time, I just don't see how this could be preferred. This will be my first pay2play, so is security/hackers really this big of an issue?


They were in WoW. I was hacked about 4 times before switching to the authenticator, after which I was never hacked again.


SWTOR probably has a few months before hackers start targeting people's accounts for credits and farming.

Edited by Lord_Itharius
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Would it be too much of a pain to have to fondle with your phone/key-chain every time you want to log-in? You need a new password every time, I just don't see how this could be preferred. This will be my first pay2play, so is security/hackers really this big of an issue?


Not worth itCODE]nticator, it's a huge hassle and not worth the 5 seconds it takes to input the key.


While you're at it, don't lock your house and car doors either.

Edited by jtype_sw
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Would it be too much of a pain to have to fondle with your phone/key-chain every time you want to log-in? You need a new password every time, I just don't see how this could be preferred. This will be my first pay2play, so is security/hackers really this big of an issue?


I've never used one, but for like $7 shipped I figured it was worth a shot. If it ends up being to confusing for an older gent such as myself, I guess I could not use it.

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The way the authenticator is set up with WoW now is if im using the same computer to login that ive been using I dont even have to put in a code. They will likely switch to this or start with this but even if they don't it will definitely be worth the tiny amount of time spent. Never fun logging in to naked characters.
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They were in WoW. I was hacked about 4 times before switching to the authenticator, after which I was never hacked again.


Then you were doing something to get yourself hacked.


I have never been hacked, in any game, ever, and I've never used a security authenticator.



As long as you don't share your password, or go downloading random, untrustworthy mods, you shouldn't need one.



Is it still a good idea to have one? Yes.


Why? Because it's extra security "just in case", never a bad thing.


Am I going to get one this time? Yes.


Why? Because hackers have stepped up their game and are attacking company servers now, instead of just phishing or compromises the computer illiterate.



Plus, it's $4, that's only $.50 more than it costs me to buy a pint of Guinness at the bar. :p

Edited by Taelin
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Would it be too much of a pain to have to fondle with your phone/key-chain every time you want to log-in? You need a new password every time, I just don't see how this could be preferred. This will be my first pay2play, so is security/hackers really this big of an issue?

Very much worth getting. You barely even notice it after a while.


I've never been hacked myself, but I've had it happen to several friends (including one or two guild leaders, which has a way of ruining your plans for the week).


Also, as a bonus, you get access to the Security Vendor, and by the way, does anyone know what he sells? Surely one of the CE owners from Europe has gotten to play with their Security Key activated by now.

Edited by Nobrandminda
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As long as you don't share your password, or go downloading random, untrustworthy mods, you shouldn't need one.


This isn't true at all. Your account info can be keylogged as easily as having your web browser open on any page while logging into WoW through the client. All the hackers need is to run a java script that captures your input and boom, account hacked. And once they get in once, they'll try for it again and again, even if you change your password. These hacks were before Blizzard made the authenticator.

Edited by Lord_Itharius
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This isn't true at all. Your account info can be keylogged as easily as having your web browser open on any page while logging into WoW through the client. All the hackers need is to run a java script that captures your input and boom, server hacked. And once they get in once, they'll try for it again and again, even if you change your password. These hacks were before Blizzard made the authenticator.


Yeah, and you get hacked that way by accessing untrustworthy sites.


Like say, a MOD site.

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To answer the question posted in the title.




You can bet that there are hundreds, if not thousands, of people already working feverishly to get around the basic security Bioware and EA have in place for SWTOR accounts. The security key stops 'em cold in their tracks.

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There's no such thing as getting "hacked"


You think hackers out there are randomly targeting IP addresses for account information?




If your account was compromised then you were dumb enough to


A: Download a trojan / keylogger




B: Enter your password on a phishing site.

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