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Juggernaut DPS?


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Just how bad are juggernaut speced DPS's? I'm trying to choose between being a marauder and juggernaut right now, and I'm curious as to how comparable the damage they do is. Is it roughly similar, or is one significantly higher?


Marauder DPS is considerably better. Juggernauts should and do tank at the end game. If you want to go DPS, be a marauder. If you want to tank, go Jugs.


The end.

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Here's something I wrote in a similar thread:


I have no idea where the "jugg can't dps" is coming from. I mean there are no means to measure dps currently and if you mean pre50 sure I can agree we do slightly less dps. If you mean for questing first it doesnt really matter, quite easy to get to 50 and with savage kick and hilt strike even a tank jugg will kill normal mobs fast.

heck i remember charging in, savage kick, first mob down, smash, hilt strike, second mob down quite often, with a dps companion.


pve at 50 for me:

all hard modes i am quite often the dps that pulls aggro and yes i do wait for tank to iniate. also i can offtank if there's big pulls or tank need help to gather the mobs up. i haven't played any operation yet.


pvp at 50:

i dont think i ever once got outdps'ed by a marauder and i always go for ball in huttball, def in aalderan and stay by doors in voidstar. might have been one time when my base was not assaulted in aalderan if i can remember correctly. and at the same time i can take a considerably harder beating then a marauder in a dps spec, well its what it feels like.

another mention here is intercede, that along with charge must be the most fun skills in pvp EVER.


and by all means i am just a average player, i dont consider myself pro or anything like that. i think jugg is great at 50, borderline OP to be honest BUT he is a late bloomer and sometimes while leveling you will feel very underpowered compared to others but I dont know about you, I intend to play my char more at 50 then the way there. Also I made jugg because I enjoyed the style more.


these are my experiences at least.


my advice: play what you think is more cool and fits you better, noone can really say for sure until people got geared and there's a way to measure dps. i think alot of players tried juggernaut lowlevel during weekend tests and from there decided that they suck.

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Marauder DPS is considerably better. Juggernauts should and do tank at the end game. If you want to go DPS, be a marauder. If you want to tank, go Jugs.


The end.


ignore this guy, he is clueless. Juggs can DPS just fine, they are only marginally behind Marauders, however because 99% of all MMO players since wow think if you can tank you are a tank no-one will ever want you to DPS.

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my advice: play what you think is more cool and fits you better, noone can really say for sure until people got geared and there's a way to measure dps. i think alot of players tried juggernaut lowlevel during weekend tests and from there decided that they suck.



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ignore this guy, he is clueless. Juggs can DPS just fine, they are only marginally behind Marauders, however because 99% of all MMO players since wow think if you can tank you are a tank no-one will ever want you to DPS.


I'm not saying Jugs DPS is bad. Never said it once. I'm saying Marauder DPS is better...which appears to be a fact.


I am saying that, if you go Jugs, go tank. There's a reason that's the SW AC that got a tanking tree.

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i've only recently reached mid 40's with my dps jugg. Using rage spec. While i'm sure a maurader with a similiar spec/gear etc will out dps me..it would only be by a small margin. I feel as though i have more versatility as a jugg.


Also..i felt like my dps was fairly underwhelming until 40. Against a high level healer it almost felt as though they'd laugh at my attempts to kill them. However once hitting 40.. bam. Now i feel almost overpowered at times.


Also with a healer paired with me..scary. Burst AOE for fools trying to attack us, and taunts to prevent the healer from being damaged. Also at 50 i intend to change my spec to be able to utilize soresu in pvp and maintain a shield on the healer as well.


Basically you wont' feel like dps is a problem once you hit high levels.

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Now i feel almost overpowered at times.




I created a Jugg because I had to find out if the were as underpowered as people were crying about on the forums, and I realsed they're not.


Ok, we might be a little squishy in Soloing. My assassin feels loads stronger and he wears light armor.

Ok, we might not have any "hard" CC but for solo questing but we do have alot of abilites that stun normal or weak enemies, freeing us to wreak havoc however we want.


I'm not that high level yet (24) but not once through these levels have I feel underpowered in Solo PvE or in instances. Yes, I might do slightly less damage than the average Assassin, but they dont get to spam a button EVERY GCD to be good (which I love doing to be honest).

I never had any problems with Gold mobs or packs of 4 mobs (2 silver 2 ord.), and no I dont use my healing companion and no I dont have the best gear for my level. I had a lvl 12 medium-chestpiece and medium-boots until lvl 20ish.

Just be sure to pack a medpack for those "oh ****!" situations.


In PvP i played low level rage spec (which I've heard is bad until post 40?) and I had a blast. The amount of burst DPS we get is INSANE, especially if you take some talents in the tanking tree.

Charge in, start sundering/slashing and when you retalliation proccs hit Scream and ret on top of eachother. That's a healer killer right there.

Instead of CC we get a real cheap no CD AoE slow, which is terrific for group support, and dont forget how good the charge is in huttball!


On topic: At the moment its roughly similar in my opinion, so you should go for the one which floats your boat.

Dual wielding saber fury


Heavy Armor one handed tank&spank.


Hope I shed some light on your coice. Its just 2hrs+ to get a new toon to lvl 10 if you want to recreate.

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i've only recently reached mid 40's with my dps jugg. Using rage spec. While i'm sure a maurader with a similiar spec/gear etc will out dps me..it would only be by a small margin. I feel as though i have more versatility as a jugg.


You are wrong, due to synergy with smash, Juggs actually do more damage then Maras.


3 points in vengeance and your smashes have 62% more dps then before. Try to beat that one :) and for Rage spec smash is crucial.

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I'm not saying Jugs DPS is bad. Never said it once. I'm saying Marauder DPS is better...which appears to be a fact.


I am saying that, if you go Jugs, go tank. There's a reason that's the SW AC that got a tanking tree.


How is that a fact? There is no data supporting that "fact". None at all.

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You could always look at this screenshot from a juggpvp guy:



This is a rage specced Jugg that has built up 4 stacks of shockwave and then smashed... It takes some considerable time, and planning/effort to build that up, and is the only major DPS ability of the spec. It's meant for PvP applications.


EDIT: Only Obliterate and the 31pt talent can build shockwave stacks, and the dps output of those abilities is lacking (all under the dmg of a vengeance specced Impale, Force scream, and Shatter, without considering the added DOT dmg from those three).


Vengeance will most likely end up being much better dps.

Edited by IreScath
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This is a rage specced Jugg that has built up 4 stacks of shockwave and then smashed... It takes some considerable time, and planning/effort to build that up, and is the only major DPS ability of the spec. It's meant for PvP applications.


EDIT: Only Obliterate and the 31pt talent can build shockwave stacks, and the dps output of those abilities is lacking (all under the dmg of a vengeance specced Impale, Force scream, and Shatter, without considering the added DOT dmg from those three).


Vengeance will most likely end up being much better dps.


You have NO idea what you're talking about, and it shows.

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I started doing DPS Juggernaut. It was terrible and I switched over to immortal. That's the way to go if you want to go juggernaut. That being said, a tank juggernaut can out-duel a marauder one on one any day. They just can't create enough damage before you wear them down with buffs and your bread & butter damage skills. I've never lost to a marauder or a sentinel. I feel bad for the people who decided to play those classes first because they are so UNDER spec'd compared to counselors and inquisitors.


And for the post that shows a pic of smash doing 3K damage per target. I almost want to say it's photoshopped. I'm a level 48 jug and have played around with all of the trees and never manage to do half that much damage with one move.

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Just how bad are juggernaut speced DPS's? I'm trying to choose between being a marauder and juggernaut right now, and I'm curious as to how comparable the damage they do is. Is it roughly similar, or is one significantly higher?


Don't do it. I would wager the majority of dps-attempting Jugs try it only because they prefer the look of wielding a single saber and want to kill things, then champion how good it is because of "buyers remorse".


Just because 2 of the skill trees are for damage doesnt mean it's viable: skill points compliment the base of the hero; look at the skills the Jug gets via levelling, focusing on increasing the dmg numbers is a waste.

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And for the post that shows a pic of smash doing 3K damage per target. I almost want to say it's photoshopped. I'm a level 48 jug and have played around with all of the trees and never manage to do half that much damage with one move.


I can say with certainty getting 5k+ Smashes is a regular thing for Rage spec. Virtually no one in a WZ can take a Rage Juggernaut alone right now. A really geared Powertech or another Rage Jugg might have a chance, but that's it.


As Rage spec, I just tear through entire groups of people. Getting 4 stacks of Shockwave doesn't take as long as people seem to think, and with Dominate off of Charge/Obliterate you're guaranteed big numbers every Smash. The downside to the huge Smash numbers is that when you don't have Shockwave up, your damage feels like nothing.


I will say that HK-47 in HM False Emperor is a terrible fight for Rage spec, since you can't use obliterate. I had to drop it out of my rotation, and we were barely making the enrage.

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And for the post that shows a pic of smash doing 3K damage per target. I almost want to say it's photoshopped. I'm a level 48 jug and have played around with all of the trees and never manage to do half that much damage with one move.


Well this mean you have no clue about Rage specced Jugs. Not only 3K is rather simple, under the right boosts you can get 6-7k regularly.

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