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Disable Group PvP Queues


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It's not that bad. I can destroy a lot of 50s with my 30 Juggaurnaut. I'd have to try it with my other characters. It's pretty sweet because I just force push players into the acid or off the bridge in Voidstar.


One thing that surprises me so far from playing WZs is there was a game playing Alderaan Civil war where there was a 50 sniper holding the middle point by himself against 3 other 50s...the Imperial Sniper isn't that good is it?

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anyone remember in age of Conan when that gm asked the the biggest ganking guild to "please not pvp in groups so much?".


Lol this thread reminded me of that.


Losing to a premade sucks for sure, but so is any other sort of losing. People need to learn to be more vocal even if most of the BZ dosn't listen, sometimes they do some times they don't. Op reminds me of the type of people that complain right when we're about to lose but didn't say a thing the entire game.

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1.) Disable group queues until you bracket this crap.

- Can't play with friends? So what. Nobody else can enjoy the WZ with teams of 50s who steamroll everyone else. At least break these talentless 50s up.


2.) Disable all PvP gear expertise stats until lvl brackets are in. Why are you giving certain levels additional advantages? It's not enough that it's a 50 vs a 15, but the 50 needs an additonal boost? Some these guys can outheal DPS classes. Nobody should be able to heal while you're DPSing them. You'll have them at a sliver of health and then they just heal up to 90% in two consecutive heals.


Every match begins with "Oh, great a five level 50s" or "It's such and such of the <insert team name>, might as well exit"."Soandso left the warzone""Soandso left the warzone""Soandso left the warzone""Soandso left the warzone"



The only thing we need are 50 brakets. Thats it.


This is an MMO, people want to play it with their friends. They will NEVER stop people queueing as a group no matter how much people scream and cry on forums.

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1.) Disable group queues until you bracket this crap.

- Can't play with friends? So what. Nobody else can enjoy the WZ with teams of 50s who steamroll everyone else. At least break these talentless 50s up.



Every match begins with "Oh, great a five level 50s" or "It's such and such of the <insert team name>, might as well exit"."Soandso left the warzone""Soandso left the warzone""Soandso left the warzone""Soandso left the warzone"



I don't understand why soandso left the warzone so many times :p


Seriously though, disabling group queueing on a mmorpg..... :rolleyes:

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Edit: oh and it's not that great for us 50's either, to see you lvl11-20 guys in the warzones either, we feel the exact same affects of this :-I...it's like you lowbies are ruining it for us :-(


I was in a warzone. 3 level 50's were doing /spit on my little 26 Sorc. Telling me I am useless in the WZ. Valor level 3. All of them. I am 24 on my level 26. I scored the hutball 3 times solo (other team wasn't the worst, but not good) and topped all 3 of them in damage and healing. They did contribute. I scored because they kept the other team occupied. I sure as hell didn't ruin the game for them, since we only won by 1 point.


I guess I should take their advice and /spit on lowbies on my level 50 because I had more time to play the game than they did. They ruin my fun!


*********** baby. Go cry somewhere else.

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Are you unable to find a few people from your server and Q up? Is bio keeping you from doing this? L2p maybe








The point is to keep 4 50s decked out on top of the line PvP gear out of a single match. Two 50s per objective point (including the rest of their team) is unwinnable to a group of random lvls. Hence, they should not be allowed to continue to do this until bracketing is implimented.


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>UNTIL BRACKETING IS IMPLIMENTED<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

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anyone remember in age of Conan when that gm asked the the biggest ganking guild to "please not pvp in groups so much?".


Lol this thread reminded me of that.


Losing to a premade sucks for sure, but so is any other sort of losing. People need to learn to be more vocal even if most of the BZ dosn't listen, sometimes they do some times they don't. Op reminds me of the type of people that complain right when we're about to lose but didn't say a thing the entire game.


Premades aren't the problem. Lvl 50s playing against, say, lvl 30s is the problem. But you already know this. Hence you're purposely mispresenting me with this strawman in order to defend an easier position.


It isn't that they are premades that is the problem. The problem is that four 50s are unstoppable vs anything except another group of 50s in an objective based mini-game. The result should not be decided before the match even begins. You have a chance in huttball as it doesn't necessarily rely on combat, but for Voidstar and Alderaan a group of 50s in PvP gear trivializes everything.


I repeat, this is NOT open world PvP. This is a mini-game. I don't think anyone queues up for a WZ to have no chance of winning whatsoever. The only reason a person has to try and defend the current state of WZs would be because they are talentless hacks who rushed to 50 because you can't compete on a more even playing field. Their epeen will be flacet eventually when talented players reach 50 and start pwning them left and right. Then it's "boo-hoo nerf this class" rage quit for them.

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It's not that bad. I can destroy a lot of 50s with my 30 Juggaurnaut. I'd have to try it with my other characters. It's pretty sweet because I just force push players into the acid or off the bridge in Voidstar.


One thing that surprises me so far from playing WZs is there was a game playing Alderaan Civil war where there was a 50 sniper holding the middle point by himself against 3 other 50s...the Imperial Sniper isn't that good is it?


Force pushing someone off a bridge is not beating them. By your logic I can take on 3 people at once as a commando because I used concussive blast to knock 2 off and stockstriked another of a bridge in a Voidstar match.


You cannot beat a lvl 50 in PvP gear 1vs1 as a lvl 30. Not saying that 1vs1 is the way you'll usually fight them (for me it's about 50/50), but if you can't beat one 1vs1, how are you going to beat them 4 vs 4 either? 2 vs 4 feels about even if they are bad players. If they heal or fouce fire, then you might as well forget it.


About the sniper... that never happened. There may have been a healer somewhere healing him, but nobody wins a 1vs3 fight in a WZ unless the 3 were half dead to begin with.

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The only thing we need are 50 brakets. Thats it.



Agreed, but until that day....


Most people form premades so they have less chance of getting bad pugs like the OP in their WZs.


I get guilds invites and PMs praising me for my actions in WZs. The only people group queuing I am concenred about is 50s. I'll take on your lvl 39 group with a bunch of strangers any day of the week.


I got into a random group with 3 republic 50s and 49 and a 47. I felt like telling them to leave. The steamroll was ridiculous to the point that it wasn't even fun. We practically walked right to the data core. The entire enemy team rage quit. I guess the imps weren't used to being on the receiving side.

Edited by Dayshadow
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Got to agree they need a separate queue, having a premades of 50s on one side or another they just win unless there happens to be premades on both sides (which seems to be extremely rare). Just take them out of the random groups and give them their own queue for premades only, it just skews matches way too much having them vs random pugs.
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i have to disagree with the OP


the only thing that needs to happen is a bracket for 50's


dont complain about pvp until your 50, anything prior to 50 right now is filler content since you dont want to actually do the story which bioware invested countless years into creating.

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the only thing that needs to happen is a bracket for 50's


Agreed, but until then...


dont complain about pvp until your 50, anything prior to 50 right now is filler content since you dont want to actually do the story which bioware invested countless years into creating.


No, the storyline is not filler. I don't know about you, but I certainly want to play through all the stories.

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Lol This guy be raging. Sorry, but MMOs require teamwork, not solo play. Get a decent guild and pre-made it up!


L2READ. Stop with the strawman arguments and address the actual subject matter.


This Is NOT ABOUT pre-mades. Pre-mades can be beaten by randoms just fine. It is LEVEL 50 PREMADES WITH EXPERTISE. Four 50s make a team unbeatable by a team averaging lvl 30, even another non-50 premade team. Two 50s per objective point with their randoms' support will not be defeated by anything less than a coordinated zerging by the opposing team with their full number. But PvP objectives can't be won in that fashion so it's not even worth mentioning. Even in Voidstar, 1 50 can hold down the fort long enough for others to move over to assist. How is this right? How can anyone defend a mini-game in which victory is decided before the match even starts?

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1.) Disable group queues until you bracket this crap.

- Can't play with friends? So what. Nobody else can enjoy the WZ with teams of 50s who steamroll everyone else. At least break these talentless 50s up.


2.) Disable all PvP gear expertise stats until lvl brackets are in. Why are you giving certain levels additional advantages? It's not enough that it's a 50 vs a 15, but the 50 needs an additonal boost? Some these guys can outheal DPS classes. Nobody should be able to heal while you're DPSing them. You'll have them at a sliver of health and then they just heal up to 90% in two consecutive heals.


Every match begins with "Oh, great a five level 50s" or "It's such and such of the <insert team name>, might as well exit"."Soandso left the warzone""Soandso left the warzone""Soandso left the warzone""Soandso left the warzone"


I agree with the concept, except I don't think they should eliminate the Q's just limit them to premade q's. The only reason people make premades is for the distinct advantage. If they want competitiveness and they want to show off who plays as a team better then they should be matched up against other pre-mades. Otherwise it's too easy. I know, I've ran several premade groups in the past two weeks. It's not even a challenge to win. Usually we just get to 5 points and camp kills. for medals.

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horrid ideas, while it isn't fun to get face rolled by a pre-made 50 group, pvping in a group with communication is far better than a bunch of solo people running around like idiots, especially being that it is objective based. If anything needs to be changed, they need to allow 8 man's.


They do however need to delete the expertise stat. So dumb. Should they add a raid stat to all raid gear? PvP Gear = Raid Gear, nothing more, nothing less

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just so you know technially two players on the opposing team (and this happens alot to me, because all I do is play warzones) if I get two good players on me I'm dead in about 2 seconds and never get a heal off


When I'm playing against a good team they won't ever let me hit the 75k heal mark, because they always target me first... and those groups that do that win the match.


50 premades can be beaten by other premades, even if you don't have lvl50 players. I think you just need to get some friends...


Don't try and break up other people's friends cause your forever alone...

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L2READ. Stop with the strawman arguments and address the actual subject matter.


This Is NOT ABOUT pre-mades. Pre-mades can be beaten by randoms just fine. It is LEVEL 50 PREMADES WITH EXPERTISE. Four 50s make a team unbeatable by a team averaging lvl 30, even another non-50 premade team. Two 50s per objective point with their randoms' support will not be defeated by anything less than a coordinated zerging by the opposing team with their full number. But PvP objectives can't be won in that fashion so it's not even worth mentioning. Even in Voidstar, 1 50 can hold down the fort long enough for others to move over to assist. How is this right? How can anyone defend a mini-game in which victory is decided before the match even starts?


Simple solution: Don't pvp at low levels. Enjoy the story in the game and wait for bioware to make brackets...simple enough. I leveled to 50 and worked my way through all the zones. Now I can pvp cause ive done almost everything besides all the flashpoints/operations. I will say there are some very talented level 15-20s that can still do tons of damage. but overall, stop complaining that other people worked harder to level, achieve the highest levels to do whatever endgame content there is, and wants to pvp.

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I agree with the concept, except I don't think they should eliminate the Q's just limit them to premade q's.


As far as I know only groups (4 ppl) can queue). It would take at least 4 full groups to populate each WZ. Might work... might not. Depends on how many groups queue and are they queeing in twos or threes. The possibilities make it likely that the queues would take a long time because maybe you 2+3 imps and 4+4 rebs and the rest of the groups queuing are 4-man grps. So the first groupings I mentioned can't get a match because it would tip the balance. It would complicate things without randoms to fill the gap. And that's an entire overhaul of the PvP system for something that would be a temp fix.


Simple solution: Don't pvp at low levels. Enjoy the story in the game and wait for bioware to make brackets...simple enough. I leveled to 50 and worked my way through all the zones. Now I can pvp cause ive done almost everything besides all the flashpoints/operations. I will say there are some very talented level 15-20s that can still do tons of damage. but overall, stop complaining that other people worked harder to level, achieve the highest levels to do whatever endgame content there is, and wants to pvp.


You can't work harder to level. You can spend more time playing, but you're not working harder. Especially if all you do is PvP as you gain levels quicker with less time and effort.


If your advice is, "don't try to enjoy the game you are paying real money for", don't bother. PvP is intended for lvls 10-50. Not just 50. Bioware has a responsibility to make it enjoyable from lvls 10-50.

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