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Endgame Sucks


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The devs can put in world PVP content until they're blue in the face but it means nothing if you don't use it. No one fighting in Ilum? Form an operation and go fight there. No one there to fight? Go after them outside the PVP zone. Gank them on other planets. Raise some hell and make them want to kill you.


Do you even play on a PVP server? I'm tripping over Republic players to kill with my guildmates and I'm not even trying to do world PVP. When handed a set of tools you can't complain to the creators of them if you refuse to use them.


Yeah the other night I got some guildies together to go kill some Imps on Ilum. There were only 8 of us and we went around killing people. Then we started hearing moaning and complaining from other Republic players because they want to trade caps with the Imps to do their dailies.


The Imps eventually got out their own group and we got some nice 8v8 fights going but then it started getting really laggy. There's other issues I have with Ilum and world PVP in general. It's not very well designed in my opinion.

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So having played through the game multiple times what exactly is there to do once you're level 50?


  • There's PvP where you can grind out Warzones and hope you get something out of your random loot bags.
  • There's hard mode Flashpoints. Just level 50 versions of the Flashpoints you've already done before.
  • There's one Operation and a single boss for an incomplete Operation. You can only do these once a week per difficulty setting.


Where is the endgame?


Go outside would be my first suggestion.

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The blind defense of TOR on here is sickening sometimes. The game has faults and lack of significant end-game is one of them. Doesn't mean I'm unsubbing. It's just something for them to work on.


Agreed. I can only hope its a primary focus for add'l content.


Also, 'get a job' is really not an appropriate response to someone talking about end game on a SWTOR forum. I can only hope you're a troll, for all of our sakes. :rolleyes:

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You're still confounding me with the unreality of your expectations. Short of a biological platform, where is there any activity that is "legitimately funt to do again and again"?


I don't know I was expecting a robust endgame. One that was just as big and ambitious as the rest of the game.

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Yeah the other night I got some guildies together to go kill some Imps on Ilum. There were only 8 of us and we went around killing people. Then we started hearing moaning and complaining from other Republic players because they want to trade caps with the Imps to do their dailies.


Ok, so you freely admit to taking part in the "Wars" part of Star Wars. You also admit that any damper on your fun was caused by players, not game design.


The Imps eventually got out their own group and we got some nice 8v8 fights going but then it started getting really laggy.


There we go again with the "I world PVP'd in Ilum," thing. The very thing you said isn't happening ingame.


There's other issues I have with Ilum and world PVP in general. It's not very well designed in my opinion.


Well designed enough to ignore your own stance on it when the mood fits I guess.

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Did everyone miss that they're trippling the size of the end game raid in the next major patch?


I'd rather them work out bugs than add more end game content. There are eight story lines and eight ACs in the game to play. THAT is the content right now. Every MMO I've ever known has launched this way, most without hardmodes, including WoW. If you don't enjoy it, unsub and go do something else until there's more of what you want.


Just please stop making these inane posts.

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Wow had one big this this games doesn't... Community. Raiding the other factions towns and citys, defending your towns and citys. Server forums. Much bigger world pvp where other factions actually cross path. Fighing over recorses, herbs, fishing spots.

The ability to summon friends to dungeons, global channels... and many more.




Raiding cities died after vanilla, and only saw a resurgence when the achievement came out, and it soon died off again. Overall, world PvP in WoW is literally non-existent. Server forums were cool in BC, but have fallen off a cliff since then. And really, fighting over resource nodes? I have done this maybe 2-3 times in my entire 4 year WoW career (all on high population PvP servers).


WoW has had years to add new features and little things. Not every MMO can just instantly have this all at once. These games are massive and they take an immense amount of time and resources to build.


Also, if you honestly think WoW has a "community" you are so sadly mistaken.

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Aion, Rift, now SWTOR, Mallace do you go fanboy for every single game you are apart of?


And no lvl 85 guards don't one shot players, that's what tanks are for. If you are getting one shot either you are bad or you are playing with bad players.


Hey still active with Rift buddy. Just testing out the pve content here, since it got good recommendations from my buds.


On your comment? When is the last time you did For the Horde? We all know the carebears won out years ago in the mmorpg genre. Like any smart person in their right mind will tell you head over to gw2 is you want fantasy with no gear.


TOR is what it is. As soon as any real pvp'r heard instanced raids automatically that signals gear, so you need gear in pvp it to equal it. They call TOR a themepark for reason. Any tool who passes this off as a pvp game needs to get their head checked.

Edited by Puremallace
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Ok, so you freely admit to taking part in the "Wars" part of Star Wars. You also admit that any damper on your fun was caused by players, not game design.




There we go again with the "I world PVP'd in Ilum," thing. The very thing you said isn't happening ingame.




Well designed enough to ignore your own stance on it when the mood fits I guess.


I've already made a feedback thread in the PvP forums on Ilum. Went in depth too going into why it's lacking and what could be done to make it better. As it stands it's boring, unrewarding and a big missed opportunity. Can't say it's poor design if I haven't tried anything there.

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Did everyone miss that they're trippling the size of the end game raid in the next major patch?


I'd rather them work out bugs than add more end game content. There are eight story lines and eight ACs in the game to play. THAT is the content right now. Every MMO I've ever known has launched this way, most without hardmodes, including WoW. If you don't enjoy it, unsub and go do something else until there's more of what you want.


Just please stop making these inane posts.


It's one new flashpoint and them finishing Karagga's Palace. So by the end of it we'll have 4 level 50 Flashpoints and 2 Operations.

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Meeting Stones didn't exist until three months in, global channels were and are notoriously nasty, aaaand while I agree that server forums are preferable they are not really anywhere near a deal-breaker to me.


To put it simply: Endgame in WoW was mediocre immediately following its launch. SWTOR has some issues to work out, but it has a lot greater replay value, and like WoW will get better with time.


I only visit these forums when I'm at work. I've never understood the necessity of server forums. Maybe because I have close knit group of long time MMO friends that I don't need to look for any in the forums that I don't understand. I never used them in any game I've played.

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I think BW figured there would be some who would rush to 50, and get bored. I'm sure they're expecting sub losses.


I knew how it was going to be way before live game, and have paced myself to not have a lvl 50 char for awhile.


That's not to say I am happy with the game. I've leveled 8 character from 1-40+, 3 of them 50s in beta, and I was bored months ago. Yet, we are still here...my husband, and I.

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Did everyone miss that they're trippling the size of the end game raid in the next major patch?


I'd rather them work out bugs than add more end game content. There are eight story lines and eight ACs in the game to play. THAT is the content right now. Every MMO I've ever known has launched this way, most without hardmodes, including WoW. If you don't enjoy it, unsub and go do something else until there's more of what you want.


Just please stop making these inane posts.


People don't appreciate being part of the game at the ground floor. Let these passer-throughs get bored and leave. I've said that for years in the pre-release forums. Nothing that is going here surprises me in the least. I remember when I heard about a guild clearing Naxx a week after Wrath's release. Way to go guys. I'm sure they were all in the forums complaining bitterly about the lack of end game.


These type of gamers are quick to throw out words like carebear because they are angry that a company would dare invest 100 million dollars to make a game for a larger audience than their 1/10 of 1% representation. I say, begone!!

Edited by Rikalonius
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I'm a school teacher and was off for 3 weeks during holiday's...


Yea, I know, it sucks I get paid to sit at home playing games for about 100 days that you have to work :)


Mr. Teacher, there are only 21 days in 3 weeks.

Edited by Persaliano
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People don't appreciate being part of the game at the ground floor. Let these passer-throughs get bored and leave. I've said that for years in the pre-release forums. Nothing that is going here surprises me in the least. I remember when I heard about a guild clearing Naxx a week after Wrath's release. Way to go guys. I'm sure they were all in the forums complaining bitterly about the lack of end game.


These type of gamers are quick to throw out words like carebear because they are angry that a company would dare invest 100 million dollars to make a game for a larger audience than their 1/10 of 1% representation. I say, begone!!


Or how about I've already leveled and I know how to get to 50 quickly. You'd think they'd have tested out the endgame content a bit more, oh wait they didn't.

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Ilum dailies, world bosses, PvP dailies, crafting, space mission dailies, heroic dungeons, operations, kickin' around with your guild homies . . . really, have you looked around?


There's like 4-5 daily quests on Ilum. World bosses, okay I'll give you that. PvP dailies are part of the problem with PvP. Crafting is worthless at endgame. Space missions are boring once you've already beaten Starfox. Grinding heroics all day is meh. Grinding Warzones all day is meh. You can only do Operations once a week.

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Or how about I've already leveled and I know how to get to 50 quickly. You'd think they'd have tested out the endgame content a bit more, oh wait they didn't.


I don't disagree they should have. They dropped the ball on that, and I hope to see it get fixed before the majority of the population is in position to do it.

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I don't disagree they should have. They dropped the ball on that, and I hope to see it get fixed before the majority of the population is in position to do it.


That's the big problem that I have with this game right now. We all know how big and ambitious SWTOR is. We all know how much hard work they put into making a fully voiced MMO and making eight distinct classes with eight different stories. A lot of hard work went into making the game that lasts from level 1 to level 50. BioWare did a really great job on that part, and their efforts in testing showed. I remember giving lengthy feedback threads to help out.


You'd think they would have put in that same kind of dedication, care and thought into the endgame to make it just as special as the leveling game.

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