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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Gotta love people cancelling their accounts SOLELY because of PvP.


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MMO pvp is MMO pvp. People that expect ground breaking new pvp are just delusional.


If you don't like pvp in MMOs, call of duty is that way ---->




Lol, You haven't played many MMOs at all if you think this is the worst ever. Most MMOs that have only been released this long haven't even put in a warzone or equivalent. But please enlighten me with the long long list of MMOs that you have played at launch that had better pvp in the first 30 days.


Why don't they put individual cap on factions in ilum?


Why does Ilum valor give 5x the rate of valor of warzones?


Why was ilum released with non pvp quests?


Why is the loot system random?


Four simple questions, among many. The only reason why these issues aren't fixed, is imcompetance.


SWTOR has the pvp CONTENT to be a good pvp MMO, but the way it is implemented is illogical beyond belief.


They have gone to all the trouble to make warzones, open world pvp zones, pvp systems, yet they have fails ON THE VERY BASE LEVELS in their implementation. ONLY a team with NO EXPERIENCE in pvp would have allowed these things to happen.


This is basic pvp, it's like 2+2 in maths, it's so simple, they shouldn't even need pvp experience to know what they have done is stupid.


PvP in SWTOR atm is like a ferrari without any engine. It looks good, but it's pointless.

Edited by xBuzz
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Bioware never stated that this was going to be a PvP-emphasized game. So I really don't see why so many people are quitting, making the claim that they got it ONLY for the PvP, when Bioware never stated that PvP was their primary focus. They've said it numerous times, the STORY is what they're all about, not the PvP content.


You guys set the bar too high and you'll always be disappointed.


watch the coming attractions video on the front page, the dev says pvp is a big part of the game


nuff said.



end of the day, if you like the game play, if you don't get another, does not matter the reason you dislike the game if you dislike the game.

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I like PVP, I only play the PVE aspect of it because I have RL friends who do. I am canceling just because the nerfs to gunslingers have made it not at all fun. It takes too long for me to kill someone and once they get close to me they stun lock me or knock me out of cover and once I am out of cover I am ****ED. I have an ability that lets me stay in cover and it has a cool down, so basically I survive for the duration of that ability and then I die because all my defense is designed around a broken *** cover system.


See ya starwars. It was great until you "fixed" it. Now, like WoW you are balancing it to the point that PVP is boring and monotonous.


When your game design is referred to as the "PVP grind" you know you have absolutely failed at making a fun game.

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You want story and "roleplaying" go play a pen and paper game or single player game. Though overall you sound like a console kiddie or someone who sits in town all day "lolarpeeing".


i do enjoy a good story, notice I also mentioned I pvp everyday. I place top 3 and get tons of mvp votes too. So I know how....You sir are the one who isn't reading, or is not bright enough to comprehend.


I enjoy both aspects of the game. I would like to see improvements and added content to both pve and PVP however I find people obviously mismatched ideals and hopes with reality to be silly. I expect more to come.

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Well, when the "most experienced PvP team" releases content that is among the worse PvP ever released for an MMORPG, what's really the point of sticking around, especially since the live team is the same team as the development team? What? These guys are suddenly going to come up with something new and fun? We saw what they could do in Warhammer Online, then SWTOR comes out and removes any doubt that they know what they are doing. What gives? Are we waiting for their PvP guy to go back to school, to copy GW2 after it gets released, to complete his journey to enlightenment in Tibet? There's no reason for us to believe that the PvP in this game is going to get better. They've released this formula not once but twice... for the most part, it's playing just like the designers want it to.


quoted for BS.


mythic's pvp group is a pretty awesome group of people, if you have met them or played their game (DAoC) you might have an idea how fun keep sieges, relic warfare server drama, 3 faction drama, and roaming 8v8 can be.


the guys do design, but they dont do the balance and they dont always get to make the rules. it was games workshop (in warhammers case) that forced the 2 faction system in WAR, one developer moron who left bw's op forever, and the zone crashes certainly were technical issues and not pvp concept design.


you see the same things in this game: poor class balance, 2 factions with population imbalances, zone crashing, major lag, hutball being the only same faction map. NOT mythic pvp designers problems. hutball, civil war, voidstar, open world ilum pvp on more balanced servers is all AWESOME. 3 warzones for release is more than atequete because ilum pvp was supposed to be Emain; its biowares/lucas fault that the population is so messed up, not mythic.

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quoted for BS.


mythic's pvp group is a pretty awesome group of people, if you have met them or played their game (DAoC) you might have an idea how fun keep sieges, relic warfare server drama, 3 faction drama, and roaming 8v8 can be.


the guys do design, but they dont do the balance and they dont always get to make the rules. it was games workshop (in warhammers case) that forced the 2 faction system in WAR, one developer moron who left bw's op forever, and the zone crashes certainly were technical issues and not pvp concept design.


you see the same things in this game: poor class balance, 2 factions with population imbalances, zone crashing, major lag, hutball being the only same faction map. NOT mythic pvp designers problems. hutball, civil war, voidstar, open world ilum pvp on more balanced servers is all AWESOME. 3 warzones for release is more than atequete because ilum pvp was supposed to be Emain; its biowares/lucas fault that the population is so messed up, not mythic.


Sorry but Mythic are responable due to the fact that open world PvP (Ilum) sucks

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Space combat. Hardmodes. Operations. Ilum dailies. Crafting. 7 other characters each with their own unique storyline. Sitting in fleet all day chatting with friends.


All of that is repetitive grinds. Nothing new whatsoever. This is fun for you?

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Space combat.


Roflmao space combat that thing is so cheesy they should've just release it as an app for itune/android, and probably would've profited from it. The only good thing about space combat is the pretty background.


Sitting in fleet all day chatting with friends.

I take it your friends have no life instead of staying log into the game all day just to chat with you.

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I was interested in the universe that is SW, but for me I had high hopes for the PvP in this game and was the main reason I wanted to try it.


PvP servers, Illum WZs and thought process to a degree on having tanks/healers help in pvp means they wanted to make a BIG impact on PvP but there is plenty of stuff they have not thought out and those players are the people they are losing daily. The patch that changed Illum was still the single biggest mistake they made and leaving it so long to fix was dumb.

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PVP is alive. Growing and getting better, each patch will add more and fix things, all these doomsayers probably believe the Myan calendar and the end is near too...


No other game had pvp at launch this good. nothing. Warhammer was pretty good at launch too, but the rest of the game was crap, and this pvp is at least as good as warhammer.


Other games may have after many iteration gotten better pvp but it took time. Give Bioware time.


This is the first month after launch and we've already gotten one content update that's almost unheard of in new MMO's.

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Space combat. Hardmodes. Operations. Ilum dailies. Crafting. 7 other characters each with their own unique storyline. Sitting in fleet all day chatting with friends.


Spacecombat ? Lol , we can play any other single player games if we wanted a spacecombat. No need to pay dollars for that eh..


Hardmodes/Operations : What if we hate PVE? Killing an artiffical intelligence that is coded by some programmers? Always have a tactic, so go read tactics and get it done. How nice blah..


Crafting : There is way to better games focused on crafting..


Other characters : Just to inform you, marauders and juggernauts have the same story.. This goes away with every subclasses. It is boring and you are doing the same quests on the planets except class quests.


PVP is the hearth if this game and this game will fall because of non sense overpowered classes such as commandos.


People will get sick of PVP unbalance and quit it. As many users did already.


I am thinking to quit as well since i got a level 50 marauder and all i saw so far about pvp was "to be farmed".


Thanks for that Bio.

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Space combat. Hardmodes. Operations. Ilum dailies. Crafting. 7 other characters each with their own unique storyline. Sitting in fleet all day chatting with friends.


Space combat LOL rail shooter straight out of the early 1980s


Hardmodes ?? pve farming for a shiny, wak-a-mole


Operations, as above


Illum HAHAHAHAHAHHAH. If I was devs that came up with Illum, I would NEVER allow it to be on my resume.

Crafting utterly useless at 50 (no economy)


4 other chars All story's are same per class type. It doesn't matter one iota how you respond to storyline, they answer same way everytime..


90% of quests are the exact same no matter what class.


Sitting in fleet, understandable as tor is less an MMO an more a single player game with a second life chat system.

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space combat. Hardmodes. Operations. Ilum dailies. Crafting. 7 other characters each with their own unique storyline. Sitting in fleet all day chatting with friends.


All of that is repetitive grinds. Nothing new whatsoever. This is fun for you?


what? Mmo's are repetitive grinds? Impossibru.


and for ****s sake stop ************ about balance and give a few months for devs to balance things out. remember when WoW first came out? remember people ************ about shamans? hell, even 4 years into the game, it was still a roundabout buff one class, nerf the other rock paper scissors schpiel. people still made it work.


the one thing bioware SHOULD be doing better is having class reps/pvp reps respond in the respective forums so people feel like their ranting is being listened to. so far the dev tracker just shows reps responding to bug issues. if, by the next few months, **** is still the same as it was before (meaning, the OP classes are OP, the ****** classes are still ******) and we still have the same 3 warzones with no ranking system, then you will have a case. like seriously, i'm a pretty big troll and complainer of SWTOR myself and the retarded ************ and crying in this thread is still making me /facepalm.


calm the **** down and give the game some time. otherwise **** or ****. have fun guessing what my bleeped out words are.

Edited by dindin
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It's not 2005 anymore. They should've built a 2012 product. They didn't.


I'll be happy to give them a few months - if they stop charging me for a few months.


How many products do you spend your money on that are incomplete? Will you buy a car without a speedometer or seats? You don't actually NEED those for the car to work. Perhaps you'll be fine with buying a house that has no drywall or faucets or whose lights aren't yet hooked up?


MMO's are the only product I can think of where people happily pay for an incomplete product with shoddy, workmanship.


Stop comparing the game to WoW... That game was developed 10 years ago and came out in 2005. If you want to buy 2005 products - I've got an old cell phone I'll offer you for 200 bucks. And an old laptop with 1 gigs of ram... and solitaire on it too!


what? Mmo's are repetitive grinds? Impossibru.


and for ****s sake stop ************ about balance and give a few months for devs to balance things out. remember when WoW first came out? remember people ************ about shamans? hell, even 4 years into the game, it was still a roundabout buff one class, nerf the other rock paper scissors schpiel. people still made it work.


the one thing bioware SHOULD be doing better is having class reps/pvp reps respond in the respective forums so people feel like their ranting is being listened to. so far the dev tracker just shows reps responding to bug issues. if, by the next few months, **** is still the same as it was before (meaning, the OP classes are OP, the ****** classes are still ******) and we still have the same 3 warzones with no ranking system, then you will have a case. like seriously, i'm a pretty big troll and complainer of SWTOR myself and the retarded ************ and crying in this thread is still making me /facepalm.


calm the **** down and give the game some time. otherwise **** or ****. have fun guessing what my bleeped out words are.

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Bioware never stated that this was going to be a PvP-emphasized game. So I really don't see why so many people are quitting, making the claim that they got it ONLY for the PvP, when Bioware never stated that PvP was their primary focus. They've said it numerous times, the STORY is what they're all about, not the PvP content.


You guys set the bar too high and you'll always be disappointed.


The developers new that a lot of people like pvp and as beta testers we told them. They are reaping what they saw.

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Ehh, they stated that the world pvp should be awesome, the illudum thing? Well, its freaking boring. I only came accros 3 other factions while questing.. 'yaay'.


For me, there is no reason to play without to see how 'good' I am compared to others.


imo (I know im getting haters by saying this) PvE is no skill at all. Just find out a tactic, defeat boss. Easy as that. Well, it might require gear too.

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I just want to say that bioware in general makes story based games, (ex. Mass Effect, KOTOR, Dragon Age). All of these games have incredible stories and (yes i know they arent MMOs) but this game is based off of KOTOR which had an engrossing story that pulled you into the game. So obvisously SWTOR is going to want to bring back their original fanbase. Stop comparing this game to WOW it's a different game for different people! Yes PvP is important for an MMO game but believe it or not some people dont like it. Some people dont care who's better than them or whose ranked higher, some people just want to have fun and play and thats why bioware put alittle bit of everything in this game...they had articles, videos, and interviews years before it launched so people should have done their research before buying and complaining.
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Space combat. Hardmodes. Operations. Ilum dailies. Crafting. 7 other characters each with their own unique storyline. Sitting in fleet all day chatting with friends.


If by unique storyline you mean, good guys being good for goodness sake, WITH VOICE ACTING! and nothing actually interesting, and the reverse for sith yep.


Ops are piss easy and boring, as are hard modes.


Daillies are for saps who NEED to grind to feel productive in their lives.


Crafting is worthless aside from whatever the OPs drop crafted rakata pieces. SO 1-2 items max.


Space missions are worthless they only give money and comms that give 124~ ilvl stuff for 375 of em. Perhaps if space missions were fun, but they're not.




The PvP in this game is weak at best, and the grind is idiotic for such a boring game. Perhaps if it were fun, and the gear was tailored to be reward rather than the purpose - but it's not. The only real point to PvP in this awful game is to get gear and valor. They sucked hard when it came to making meaningful PvP. The big warzone "Ilum" and little warzones. That's it.

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im here mainly for the story but after my first character all the side missions are so boring they cause me to log off fast.....they need to add legacy with leveling enhancers soon to keep me interested if im supposed to forget about PVP.


I love pvp in mmos so having good pvp in this game will help alleviate the pain of leveling alts. I hate pve raiding end game content its so boring. Already tried the Ops. bored. Its about as fun as raiding in wow which i did not enjoy at all.


All i care about is the RPG class story and then there has to be pvp or i will quit soon. That is why there needs to be decent pvp.


right now there are three warzones and only one really for empire which is what i rolled first. A few classes are OP as hell. There is no world pvp. PVP is a huge part of an MMO and right now I give this games pvp an F for failure.

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