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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Gotta love people cancelling their accounts SOLELY because of PvP.


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Bioware never stated that this was going to be a PvP-emphasized game. So I really don't see why so many people are quitting, making the claim that they got it ONLY for the PvP, when Bioware never stated that PvP was their primary focus. They've said it numerous times, the STORY is what they're all about, not the PvP content.


You guys set the bar too high and you'll always be disappointed.

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Bioware never stated that this was going to be a PvP-emphasized game. So I really don't see why so many people are quitting, making the claim that they got it ONLY for the PvP, when Bioware never stated that PvP was their primary focus. They've said it numerous times, the STORY is what they're all about, not the PvP content.


You guys set the bar too high and you'll always be disappointed.


then why add it in the 1st place and why add it in the state its in now thats makes players angry about the game to the point they are quiting or takeing ab reak from it.


something you should of thaught about before posting.

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Bioware never stated that this was going to be a PvP-emphasized game. So I really don't see why so many people are quitting, making the claim that they got it ONLY for the PvP, when Bioware never stated that PvP was their primary focus. They've said it numerous times, the STORY is what they're all about, not the PvP content.


You guys set the bar too high and you'll always be disappointed.


Well notwithstanding the fact that I believe all these people cancelled as much as I believe anything ever spoken by a politician...IF they cancelled (and they didn't, they're hissy fitting) I've already mentionned this is a PvE-centric game to them. The standard reply is "Bioware promised amazing PvP and blablabla! BLABLABLA!"


Then when I point out all the info on this very site which specifically paints the game as a story-driven PvE MMO, with a miniscule smattering of information about PvP (all small scale, all objective-based) suddenly, they stop responding. Or they just ignore the proof. So...whatever.

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then why add it in the 1st place and why add it in the state its in now thats makes players angry about the game to the point they are quiting or takeing ab reak from it.


something you should of thaught about before posting.


Spellcheck is something you should of thought of before posting.

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I'd prefer more Story Driven MMO/RPG myself, as I was starting to stray away from online games since they all had the same Chemistry of Duels/PVP, and I'd rather enjoy the landscapes, and feel like I'm on a journey, rather then watch someone talk smack all day.


So if most people want to rage cancel, then Arrivederci

Edited by Qishari
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Space combat. Hardmodes. Operations. Ilum dailies. Crafting. 7 other characters each with their own unique storyline. Sitting in fleet all day chatting with friends.


Space Combat. Already beat all the Starfox missions.


Crafting? Everything you get at endgame is WAY better than what can be crafted.


7 other characters? Done a few characters to 50 in Game Testing. When it comes to story I've done it all and seen most of it all (leveled with friends in testing so I've seen a lot of the story on classes I haven't played).


Chatting on the fleet with friends? That's what vent is for.

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Space Combat. Already beat all the Starfox missions.


Crafting? Everything you get at endgame is WAY better than what can be crafted.


7 other characters? Done a few characters to 50 in Game Testing. When it comes to story I've done it all and seen most of it all (leveled with friends in testing so I've seen a lot of the story on classes I haven't played).


Chatting on the fleet with friends? That's what vent is for.


Well that's just you nitpicking. There's more to do at 50 than PvP. If you don't want to do anything else, it's your loss.

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I haven't cancelled, but if I was going to... I came here to do some new PvP rather than the stale PvP I've been doing for years. So of course if I quit it would be via PvP.


Some people do play the game SOLEY for PvP, so it would make sense that any subscription decisions would be based on it.. why is it so unbelievable?


Even a PvE player, will eventually shift to PvP I am sure. You raid to get gear, once you've got all your gear what are you going to do? You've already done the raid multiple times so you weren't trying to get the gear to make your raiding easier.. because you have already done it no problem. What's left in the game other than repeating the same content time and time again. PvP at least has a variance from every fight. (Which is also why I don't get why everyones so obsessed with PVP rewards, what you gonna do once you get em all.. stop? PvP for the fight not the reward!).


So yes... totally understandable that some would quit due to PvP, if they came here for PvP. Doesn't have to be a PvP centric game to play it for PvP.


How many more times can I say PvP in this post..

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Bioware never stated that this was going to be a PvP-emphasized game. So I really don't see why so many people are quitting, making the claim that they got it ONLY for the PvP, when Bioware never stated that PvP was their primary focus. They've said it numerous times, the STORY is what they're all about, not the PvP content.


You guys set the bar too high and you'll always be disappointed.


Probably because they dont raid, the smallest minority of any group these days are those that actively participate in raiding. PVP is played both by casuals, PVPers, & raiders.


Your right the story is fantastic, the class quests and cut scenes make me want to play each and every class to experience whats on offer. But when you run a WZ to mix things up a bit you get rofl stomped by players who skipped majority of the content to reach level cap as soon as possible. The end result leaves you deflated and somewhat depressed for having actually played the game the way it was designed to be played.

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And how is grinding 3 warzones every day any different?


That's exactly part of the problem. The PvP content in this game is severely lacking. That's why people are cancelling. They don't want to grind 3 Warzones all day every day for the chance to get something shiny out of their Champion Bags in order to stay competitive.


The PvP in this game sucks and there's barely any PvE content. As it stands, endgame in SWTOR is boring as hell. No wonder why we never saw any of it in testing.

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As a Gunslinger the ability lag and cover system bugging up all over the place is getting frustrating, sat at rank 33 Valour has been tiring, especially playing as Republic against Empire who seemingly have been 50 for the last 10 days.


It is starting to even out though as Republic have gotten a few more 50's but still they have a severe gear advantage.

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Quite frankly it does not surprise me at all that pvp is in the state it is. For years now it was quite obvious based on the overwhelming amount of interviews with developers that 2 things would happen at launch:


1- Pvp takes a backseat to pve

-they kept spewing "story, story, story" way too much to not see this coming. Funny enough when I brought this up on forums I was called a troll. Go figure.


2- pvp would be ranged focused

-I think we all expected knights and warriors to be the highest played classes. Devs talked up the non-force users so much in all the interviews that it was obvious to me they were scared people wouldnt play non-force users. How do they ensure more people play non-force users? Make troopers and mercs op. And once again, when I brought this up on forums I was given the old "proof or shut up" responses. Again....go figure :rolleyes:



With all that said though....



They ALSO emphasized how pvp would get its own team/department. They talked up their pvp team, boasting about how the guys behind warhammer pvp will be working on their pvp. This brought a lot of hope and expectation to pvp'ers. I myself relayed this news to my friends who are big into mmo pvping and they were happy to hear it.


Before bioware started boasting about their pvp team I wasnt even gonna try and talk my friends into playing this game because I knew they wouldnt be interested in the pve aspect of it.


So to say bioware never stated this would be a pvp based mmo is not completely truthful.

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Let them quit. It's not like there are any better alternates.


WOW pvp, plz? You need to do pve if you want do good in pvp. Op pve trinkets and weapons is a repeat of icecrown citadel, when that raid was progression, you needed that arp trinket for physical classes, for casters that caster trinket, and weapons to do good in pvp. There is also the fact that pve heroic weapons have a higher item level, so for physical weapons a heroic raid mode weapon will be superior to a garbage top tier pvp weapon due to the higher weapon damage.


The way Blizzard has pvp in relationship to pve require any competitive pvp player to run pve content in order to be competitive. How ironic is that? LOL LOL LOL. What I'm saying is your alternate choices aren't any better. I can go on over a dozen other reason why pvp isn't any more better than this game. PvP has always been garbage in mmorpg and if your serious about player vs player you would be playing a fps or starcraft.


Thus, your choices for pvp in mmorpg aren't any good, cause you don't matter. I guess until an mmorpg can show you can be spectacularly successful with a pvp centric game, your opinions and demands carry little weight.

Edited by Knockerz
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PvP is really horrible in SWTOR. I am not talking about class imbalances either. I just played an hour of Ilum and there is no PvP. Enemies don't even attack me unless I attack them.


I just faced off against some players and they were doing 5800 dmg and killing in less then 3 secs. I jumped on a cannon and hit every shot with 1100 dmg (about 20 shots) and it did not kill the target, he just stood there... laughing at me.


Bioware has really failed here. The game's PvP is in the toilet.

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Unfortunately for some of us we love MMOs and Star Wars but HATE PVE.


I got this solely for PvP. I'm assuming it will get much better. If it doesn't I'll certainly quit but I won't blame them. I don't see a problem with people who got the game for a specific reason to point out the flaws of it. It is in the game and needs to be fixed. Do you really disagree?

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Bioware never stated that this was going to be a PvP-emphasized game. So I really don't see why so many people are quitting, making the claim that they got it ONLY for the PvP, when Bioware never stated that PvP was their primary focus. They've said it numerous times, the STORY is what they're all about, not the PvP content.


You guys set the bar too high and you'll always be disappointed.


I don't know if you have missed something but...

They advocate PvP as endgame instead of PvE since it's so accessible.


They have a small button you can press to queue up for PvP but the LFG system for PvE sucks really bad.


Also you can just go to the fleet and compare how many who are interested in the PvP vendors compared to the PvE vendors.


So the majority of the community really really enjoys PvP (when it works).

And since it doesn't work now people are really pissed off.


Simple as that.

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The PVP has the potential to be great it is far too early to cancel. I mean the free month isn't even up yet. I have already gotten like 200 hours out of the game doing flashpoints/pvp and finishing the complete storyline on my inquisitor. I definitely want to check out the story for a couple of other classes which is going to add tons more time to the game.


While PVP has some hitches there is nothing gamebreaking IMO that makes pvp itself unplayable. TBH pvp gameplay is actually the most fun part of the game and it is just the mechanics and systems surrounding the gameplay that are the issue.

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People will never learn pvp makes or breaks a game. When the pvp is good people stay. Pve is only as loyal as the content is being pumped out. Pvper will play the same 4 matches over and over for years get a pver to do that. Wow became huge when arena and tbc came out. You ever see a MLG event for pve? I havent but ive seen alot of pvp events. You dont listen to pvpers and see how that goes and if you want a hint check out riftstaus.net and see how far a pve focused game gets you. The place pve works is consoles oh nvm the best games on consoles are also pvp focused that last for more then a couple months. Keep thinking you pve guys will keep a game going cause the moment the next game with fancy graphics or story comes out youll never rememeber the posts you made here. You need pvp just look at the posts this whole thread is angry people wanting to quit or get a response. Even pvp forums punk pve forums. Pvp has almost 5k threads already while flashpoint,hardmode blah blah blah barely broke a thouand. Lets see how far 1k happy or maybe happy posters stay or sway someone to stay while the 5k leav nd take thousands more with them. You can pve with ur group since dragons dont run out u can play an empty server but once pvpers leave then so do the guys who they fought aginst cause they got nothing to do and no one to kill so good luck with that.


Bioware some advice from your customers. Every one of us matters nd pvp needs focus like pve. Above all else get some mods on these forums to speak and keep dialogue going with the people paying u silnce leads to failure. Be men stand up and speak ur mind. U can worry about people skinning high lvl mobs later focus on the issues that matter to the people paying ur paycheck. YOU WANT TO B A GHOSTCRAWLER not a mute.

Edited by Masturomenos
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