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We need something like Gearscore.


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Like I said, gaming or professional wise, I strife to be at the top or at least compete with the top.

It's ok if people are happy with a regular 9 to 5 job, those that doesn't want gearscore. But others are in the management of big companies and make a very good living. Those would like to have gearscore.


Both can live happily next to each other.


given your command of your native language, i can assure you that you will not be a ceo of "top" company any time soon. i also find it hilarious that you are using such aspects of personal motivation to argue the case for a "gear score".

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See, I have to be really careful how I respond to anything here because the draconian strictures employed by the mods takes all the fun out of biting satire under the broad heading of being rude....


So.. I will say just that Gearscore in WoW set that game back, caused needless strife, and eliminated the human element of what makes a good player or a bad player.


I hope we never see it here.

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given your command of your native language, i can assure you that you will not be a ceo of "top" company any time soon. i also find it hilarious that you are using such aspects of personal motivation to argue the case for a "gear score".


I'm not american, my native language is dutch. And just like you get my point, english speaking clients get my point too.

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Please allow us to have a gearscore-alike addon. I don't care if it's 3rd party or not.


Right now there is simply NO way to know if another player has skill or not. Adding a simple gearscore sort of thing would fix alot of issues with grouping and I'm not even 50 yet.


What's gonna happen once I enter end-game content? Wipe over and over until I found a good bunch of skilled players? That would take ages.


So please, allow us to have Gearscore or something, to fasten the process to detect skilled players. It's not even a matter of EZ-mode, just saves time. And in the long run, it will save you from a mass exodus of people unsubbing.



Thank you.


EDIT: I'm sorry if I sound elitist, but if you take gaming serious and want to be best of the best in every game you need a minimum of skilltesting without wasting time on talking/grouping/inspecting. I'm sorry if so many if you are offended. I like it pro. Deal with it.


We don't need gearscore...if you want to know anything about their gear or their know-how, look at their gear level upon inspection when your standing next to them

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I'm not american, my native language is dutch. And just like you get my point, english speaking clients get my point too.


it might be due to the fact that you are ESL, but you failed to notice the complete lack of logic in your assertion that a good gear score equates to good skill.


and surely a high powered executive like yourself, someone who is able to communicate effectively with clients and personnel, would have a guild to raid with per his very whim, right? if this is indeed the case, then why do you need such a score? shouldn't you all be min/maxed? why would someone such as yourself, a highly esteemed individual, need a mechanic to check the gear of pubbies?

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So now apparently your gearscore is also an indicator of your socio-economic class, as well...


Because people who devote their precious time to acquiring the best gear in MMOs by grinding raid bosses for loot are precisely the kind of person who become successful in their careers, lulz.

Edited by Syylara
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In my opinion gearscore could be an indicator of skill if it weren't for how mmo's give out epics to people fairly easy. Think about it, IF they were as hard as vanilla wow raids and someone had a high gearscore they probably were a competent player. Post Wrarth though a high gearscore meant nothing.
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Another one of those "I want to play ELITIST" threads. Gearscore does not equate to "skill". It only shows what gear a person has earned SO FAR. If the person is "new", they will score low. It would be very subjective and would only server to create a large gap between those that THINK they are skilled and new player (and by new I do not just mean those that have never played an MMO before).
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I would like to see Gearscore added.


It pains me to be a healer and team up with random strangers, especially at lower levels (which is all I've experienced so far), whom have really poor armor and expect a healer to keep them up easy-peazy.


At least with a Gearscore, I can offer constructive counter-advice when they wonder why I can't keep the tank up -- because he's wearing gear that is 5-10 levels below his current level.


Yes, it could help elitism, but then again, players should feel proud of their gear -- yes, there will be jerks that segregate players based on the score, but there are jerks anyways, and players should be working towards getting better gear.

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Right now there is simply NO way to know if another player has skill or not. Adding a simple gearscore sort of thing would fix alot of issues with grouping and I'm not even 50 yet.


Bolded the best parts. Gearscore is just epeen bragging. It doesn't show who is the most skilled, it shows who has the highest ilvl shinies. In WoW we had MAJOR issues with people just getting the highest ilvl crap they could so their Gearscore was great, even though the equipment wasn't good for them.


Learn to play, then you won't need Gearscore to tell you (or anyone else) you are a "pro".

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Sounds like someone's app with an elite guild was rejected. ;)


LOL you're silly. I have grouped with Trick on several occasions and he's very very good with his toon.


Now back on topic, a gearscore thingie you say? hahaha again I laugh at you. I have the best gear I can possibly have at lvl 40, period. But truts me when I tell you I am an epic fail with a dps guardian...gear does not equal skill, all it equals is the person was willing to grind it out and get the best of the best....and again I laugh at you...hysterically this time....fool.

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