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We need something like Gearscore.


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Please allow us to have a gearscore-alike addon. I don't care if it's 3rd party or not.


Right now there is simply NO way to know if another player has skill or not. Adding a simple gearscore sort of thing would fix alot of issues with grouping and I'm not even 50 yet.


What's gonna happen once I enter end-game content? Wipe over and over until I found a good bunch of skilled players? That would take ages.


So please, allow us to have Gearscore or something, to fasten the process to detect skilled players. It's not even a matter of EZ-mode, just saves time. And in the long run, it will save you from a mass exodus of people unsubbing.



Thank you.


EDIT: I'm sorry if I sound elitist, but if you take gaming serious and want to be best of the best in every game you need a minimum of skilltesting without wasting time on talking/grouping/inspecting. I'm sorry if so many if you are offended. I like it pro. Deal with it.



I hate to break it to you, but those "pro" players all hate gearscore. Skill > gear.



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I'm sorry if you feel intimidated by Gearscore. I guess SWTOR is casual only.

Won't keep our guild from doing what we're good at: World first and server first.


Deal with it.


Yeah, gear score is awesome and there's no way anyone could buy gear to raise their score! It's all based on skill man!



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I'm sorry if you feel intimidated by Gearscore. I guess SWTOR is casual only.

Won't keep our guild from doing what we're good at: World first and server first.


Deal with it.


Who are the best five rappers in the game? DYLAN, DYLAN, DYLAN, DYLAN and DYLAN.



No, really, nice troll dude.

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I'm sorry if you feel intimidated by Gearscore. I guess SWTOR is casual only.

Won't keep our guild from doing what we're good at: World first and server first.


Deal with it.




you say you'll be server first and world first and you use and want gearscore? ahahahahahahaahahaahahah


sorry can't help but find that funny, you really are clueless.


never used or liked gearscore in wow myself as i found it pointless, was ranked in the top 100 of my class in the world during cata/wolk which was fun for a while.


see how i did that?


wait i'm not finished laughing at you yet....ahahahahahahahahahaa

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I generally speak to people of my class (for raiding guild invites) and get a feel for how they reply and their knowledge. Problem with gearscore is that it can be inflated. Aside from a few bosses in the hard modes, u can generally mash 1 skill through them... Kinda defeats the whole gearscore=skill people seem to want to champion. Edited by MusedMark
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I'm sorry if you feel intimidated by Gearscore. I guess SWTOR is casual only.

Won't keep our guild from doing what we're good at: World first and server first.


Deal with it.


Funny thing is, it appears you are the weak link, because i don't think you have a clue about what you are doing.


But that's ok sunshine, you just charge right on in there and give it your best, we understand.

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Seems like Hello Kitty is more a game for you since you're SO afraid Gearscore will unveil your mediocracy as a player. Sorry, Pro-gaming isn't for everyone I guess.


And I never said I would unsub if Gearscore is not added, I enjoy the game. But many other hardcore pro players will.


It(s a perfect tool to weed the scrubs from the best of the best.


You must not be an elite raider cause any elite raider would tell you gearscore is not what weeds the out the scrubs. Recount helps in knowing things but gearscore was easily manipulated with pvp gear in wow. All it does is say this person has alot of cool gear were they carried and that is how they got it? You don't know do you?

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Nice troll there buddy! :D



In case this isn't: Gearscore in absolutely no way signifies skill whatsoever. It's not your fault for being indoctrinated in WoW... it's too bad really.


How is this thing so many pages?



EDIT: Additionally, TOR currently has nowhere near the amount of gear to even make a gearscore relevant.

Edited by Kashaan
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I'm sorry if you feel intimidated by Gearscore. I guess SWTOR is casual only.

Won't keep our guild from doing what we're good at: World first and server first.


Deal with it.


Funny thing is, it appears you are the weak link, because i don't think you have a clue about what you are doing.


But that's ok sunshine, you just charge right on in there and give it your best, we understand.

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My issue with Gearscore is simple.


You can buy a high Gearscore with no skill what so ever. So it ends up being pointless.


Indeed. It never ceased to amaze me how easily I could outplay people with higher gearscore. I'm not saying I'm that good a player, I'm saying I've seen a massive amount of really poor players with high gearscore.


When I left WoW, if you looked at the chat in cities, it was 80% want this and that amount of GS spam and 19% goldselling. The last 1% would be people looking for people to boost them in various instances. I really hope SWTOR will never be like this.


PS: I'm actually not trying to bash WoW. But although my statistics above are made up like all statistics, they speak the harsh truth about the mentality on my last WoW realm.

Edited by thecoffeecup
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Even Mr. "I want WOW with Wookies and Lightsabers"(aka me) is against GearScore.


Gear does not, and never will, accurately display someone's skill level.


How many times have you been in a Pug in WOW, wiped over and over looked at Recount and discovered that, the best geared guy was not meeting the DPS potential of his gear level, and had a lower output lower than the people in blues and greens?


I rest my case.

Edited by Chosenxeno
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Even Mr. "I want WOW with Wookies and Lightsabers"(aka me) is against GearScore.


Gear does not, and never will, accurately display someone's skill level.


How many times have you been in a Pug in WOW, wiped over and over looked at Recount and discovered that, the best geared guy was not meeting the DPS potential of his gear level, and had a lower output lower than the people in blues and greens?


I rest my case.


The best geared guy doesn't stand in fire (cuz he has high gearscore/skill) so his dps might be a bit lower than the guy with low gearscore who will 200% for sure stand in fire.


People with low gearscore will do things that cause wipes. Why? Cuz they have low gearscore, thus low skill.


It's really that simple.



I rest my case.

Edited by Gehoornde
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Please allow us to have a gearscore-alike addon. I don't care if it's 3rd party or not.


Right now there is simply NO way to know if another player has skill or not. Adding a simple gearscore sort of thing would fix alot of issues with grouping and I'm not even 50 yet.


What's gonna happen once I enter end-game content? Wipe over and over until I found a good bunch of skilled players? That would take ages.


So please, allow us to have Gearscore or something, to fasten the process to detect skilled players. It's not even a matter of EZ-mode, just saves time. And in the long run, it will save you from a mass exodus of people unsubbing.



Thank you.


EDIT: I'm sorry if I sound elitist, but if you take gaming serious and want to be best of the best in every game you need a minimum of skilltesting without wasting time on talking/grouping/inspecting. I'm sorry if so many if you are offended. I like it pro. Deal with it.


*** does gearscore have to do with skill

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The best geared guy doesn't stand in fire (cuz he has high gearscore/skill) so his dps might be a bit lower than the guy with low gearscore who will 200% for sure stand in fire.


People with low gearscore will do things that cause wipes. Why? Cuz they have low gearscore, thus low skill.


It's really that simple.



I rest my case.


your logic astounds me as it makes no sense

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The best geared guy doesn't stand in fire (cuz he has high gearscore/skill) so his dps might be a bit lower than the guy with low gearscore who will 200% for sure stand in fire.


People with low gearscore will do things that cause wipes. Why? Cuz they have low gearscore, thus low skill.


It's really that simple.



I rest my case.


That example is bad and you should feel bad.

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The best geared guy doesn't stand in fire (cuz he has high gearscore/skill) so his dps might be a bit lower than the guy with low gearscore who will 200% for sure stand in fire.


People with low gearscore will do things that cause wipes. Why? Cuz they have low gearscore, thus low skill.


It's really that simple.



I rest my case.


It is not that simple some of the highest gearscored people may still stand in the fire and the lowest may not you can not equate gearscore to skill that just does not correlate. The only way to find out if someone has skill is to watch them and if you have a mod like Recount. All Noobscore does is let you know what kind of gear they have and again you can easily buy your way up the noobscore tree through pvp and commendations.

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