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We need something like Gearscore.


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I think gearscore is a great idea, it means I won't be invited to group with idiots who thinks it is worth the electrons it is written on. I am then free to play and group with similarly excluded mature gamers who will have fun playing the game, win or fail on any particular dungeon run.
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I think gearscore is a great idea, it means I won't be invited to group with idiots who thinks it is worth the electrons it is written on. I am then free to play and group with similarly excluded mature gamers who will have fun playing the game, win or fail on any particular dungeon run.


So because a group of people who want to get something done and expect you to meet the bare minimum requirements for said something, they are dumb? Odd theory.

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So because a group of people who want to get something done and expect you to meet the bare minimum requirements for said something, they are dumb? Odd theory.


The bare minimum requirement is for me to have fun, having numbers determine that is just plain silly. As I said, stick with your gearscore requirements and happily I won't be grouping with you. Raided for years in EQ without a number, maybe keyed progression, but that was it.

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At the risk of feeding the troll


<--- WOW that way!


Gearscore has nothing to with skill

Gearscore has nothing to do with abilities to stay alive in a raid.



Basicly Gearscore is what ruins community's. Because you dont see a player, you see his number, dont interact with him whatsoever.

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The bare minimum requirement is for me to have fun, having numbers determine that is just plain silly. As I said, stick with your gearscore requirements and happily I won't be grouping with you. Raided for years in EQ without a number, maybe keyed progression, but that was it.


I never said I would have a gearscore requirement, I just find your unnecessary hostility to people with standards amusing.


Honestly I don't give a damn when/where/how/why you raided in whichever old game of your choice.

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EDIT: I'm sorry if I sound elitist, but if you take gaming serious and want to be best of the best in every game you need a minimum of skilltesting without wasting time on talking/grouping/inspecting. I'm sorry if so many if you are offended. I like it pro. Deal with it.


You're just an idiot looking for easy groups under the banner of being "pro". A "pro" player can do a "hard" zone with the minimum gear required. The likes of you need "gearscore" to make sure the players they group with sufficiently outgear the instance to be able to clear it.


Not that I care, I play with people I know are "pros" anyway, they're called guildmates. Maybe your attitude has something to do with you not having the same luxury.

Edited by MareLooke
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You're just an idiot looking for easy groups under the banner of being "pro". A "pro" player can do a "hard" zone with the minimum gear required. The likes of you need "gearscore" to make sure the players they group with sufficiently outgear the instance to be able to clear it.


Not that I care, I play with people I know are "pros" anyway, they're called guildmates. Maybe your attitude has something to do with you not having the same luxury.

The best answer so far.

That's pretty much that. Word for word.

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I agree 100% with this, but unfortunately this would take alot of time since you can't know from 1 run. If you're an elite player like me, you can't waste time on testing people just to find out they're scrubs. So Gearscore would fasten that process alot.


"elite player like me..." modest, are we? :rak_tongue:


gear equal skill? nah, come on. your smarter than that my elite friend...

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I never said I would have a gearscore requirement, I just find your unnecessary hostility to people with standards amusing.


Honestly I don't give a damn when/where/how/why you raided in whichever old game of your choice.


I was responding to the insults made by earlier posters (not you) who want to impose their standards on the rest of the player base, and introduce a tool which (yes, in my opinion) hastened the decline of the community in 'that other game'.


So far, for not wanting to see this tool in the game, I have been called, in various threads - imbecile, noob, carebear, incompetent - the list goes on.

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I guess you're one of those players wanting to be carried through content without any effort?

This is exactly why gearscore is NEEDED.


you are exactly the re0ason why this should not be added, you are so shining away your elitism and showing why stuff like that should NOT be added thank you for that :) and no we have nothing to do with stupid things like GS, seems the real bad one´s need it to find people to carry them through instances since they cant pla for **** themself´s, but GS and achievements are the most stupid things ever added to wow, and nothing has degraded it´s community like those 2, along with dps meter, real good players dont need those crutches

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We're all 35+ yrs old and sometimes real life obligations come first. In those cases we're forced to pug 1-2 people. When that happens you don't wanna end up with a bunch of tools and gearscore is the perfect tool to determine who has skill or not.


I don't wanna waste time getting to know other players because 99% of the time their gear sucks so they will suck as a player. Of course there are exceptions, but this is very very very rare.


If you're a casual, you don't need GS, but if you're like us, pro-elite-hardcore gamers, you can't be arsed to get to know people and all that emo-bs.


thanks again for showing why stuff like that is not needed and will degrade the community thanks again :)

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No. Just...no. I don't care what anyone else has posted about this up to this page. NO. Stay away. (No slight against you, OP, I don't mind elitism at all.) We don't need things like this though. And we don't need damage meters or anything else. For the love of all that is holy in this world, let's not go down this path. The darkside is strong, but this is way beyond darkside. This is like...no. NO. NO NO.
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I'm sorry if you feel intimidated by Gearscore. I guess SWTOR is casual only.

Won't keep our guild from doing what we're good at: World first and server first.


Deal with it.


All your posts are all about raising your to the skies with all your greatiness...

I feel sorry for everyone around you. Even your parents must be tierd of bowing down

to you all day long when you walk by them... The way you reply to everyone, telling

everyone how good you are and how bad everyone else is, that is not cool. I hope

we dont play on same server. People like you ruin the fun for everyone else imo.


Skip the elitism/hardcore, this is a game, and not a very hard one. Doesnt take much to

be a "pro" here, deal with it...

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Please allow us to have a gearscore-alike addon. I don't care if it's 3rd party or not.


Right now there is simply NO way to know if another player has skill or not. Adding a simple gearscore sort of thing would fix alot of issues with grouping and I'm not even 50 yet.


What's gonna happen once I enter end-game content? Wipe over and over until I found a good bunch of skilled players? That would take ages.


So please, allow us to have Gearscore or something, to fasten the process to detect skilled players. It's not even a matter of EZ-mode, just saves time. And in the long run, it will save you from a mass exodus of people unsubbing.



Thank you.


EDIT: I'm sorry if I sound elitist, but if you take gaming serious and want to be best of the best in every game you need a minimum of skilltesting without wasting time on talking/grouping/inspecting. I'm sorry if so many if you are offended. I like it pro. Deal with it.


Gearscore is NOT effin related to skill you numbnuts, go back to WoW. Gearscore is not wanted nor needed in TOR

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