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BORED of SWTOR Already!!!


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Wolfing down a 50 dollar steak dinner from Ruth Chris' Steakhouse in under 3 minutes, disgusting.


Making love to a supermodel for 2 minutes, pathetic


Hearing people whine about being bored with SWTOR after rushing through all the content in two weeks, sad....just plain sad.


I like your metaphors. +1 point. :)

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People screamed that EQ sucked. WoW was the worst game ever made. Guild Wars wasn't a real MMO. People don't get that their individual opinions don't matter to anyone but themselves. But God help you if you tell them theirs isnt the only right opinion on the planet.


I hate twighlight. Certainly doesnt make it a flop.

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Just wondering if all the people making the argument about 7 other storylines realise that you will have to replay all the sidequests, which are actually the majority of the levelling experience? Even if you play the other factions, you'll still have to be replaying the sidequests a whole lot to get all 8 done.


And before I get the "Well LS/DS make them different" argument, very little actually changes. A few lines of dialogue here, maybe an extra quest branch there... thats about it.


To be honest, if I could play the other 7 characters without having to do all the samey Kill X / Collect X quests I might, but at the moment the shallow LS/DS options aren't enough to drag me through the quest grind, as sad as it sounds.


To start with, it's not necessary to do every side quest while leveling. Doing every quest (especially if you also do flashpoints, space dailies, and pvp) puts you 3-4 levels above your class quest line by the time you get to Nar Shadaa. Skipping side quests will not only keep you appropriately leveled for the content, but will also leave you quests that you can pick up on an alt, so you can split the planet stories between multiple characters.


Secondly, there are two starter planets for each faction, making it work rolling at least four characters up to level 10.


And lastly, even if you absolutely can't bring yourself to play characters on a planet that you've played a previous character on, you can still play two characters in this game (one republic, one empire) that see the game from completely different viewpoints, and never share a quest between them.


So at the end of the day, even if you refuse to play through content you've already seen for the sake of a differing main storyline and new companion content (which is a pretty silly stance to take imo, considering a lot of people have come from WoW, where everybody levels in the same areas), the "roll an alt and play through another story" suggestion still holds merit because you can, at the very least, play two completely different storylines within the same game.

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To start with, it's not necessary to do every side quest while leveling. Doing every quest (especially if you also do flashpoints, space dailies, and pvp) puts you 3-4 levels above your class quest line by the time you get to Nar Shadaa. Skipping side quests will not only keep you appropriately leveled for the content, but will also leave you quests that you can pick up on an alt, so you can split the planet stories between multiple characters.


Secondly, there are two starter planets for each faction, making it work rolling at least four characters up to level 10.


And lastly, even if you absolutely can't bring yourself to play characters on a planet that you've played a previous character on, you can still play two characters in this game (one republic, one empire) that see the game from completely different viewpoints, and never share a quest between them.


So at the end of the day, even if you refuse to play through content you've already seen for the sake of a differing main storyline and new companion content (which is a pretty silly stance to take imo, considering a lot of people have come from WoW, where everybody levels in the same areas), the "roll an alt and play through another story" suggestion still holds merit because you can, at the very least, play two completely different storylines within the same game.


I know that doing all the quests will put me over the required level, primarily because it worked out well when I skipped quests that were boring me. I'll definitely have to go back and replay those boring quests with my other character.


Oh, and silly me, I totally forget that an Imperial asking me to kill 10 Droids will be radically, game changingly different from a Republic Citizen asking me to kill 10 Droids.

Sarcasm aside, i've played an Imperial to 25 and guess what? Got bored of the carbon copy sidequests there too. Not different enough to keep me going.


I also find it pretty funny you mention companion content, as I must say Bioware have outdone themselves here. Somehow they have made characters even more shallow than those in ME2/DA2. Again, I forgot I could play a different class to experience new version of the same shallow characters i've had with me in other bioware games.


If somebody enjoys the recycled gameplay, repetitive sidequests and the drip feed main storylines then I say more power to them. But the people who aren't bioware-crazy aren't going to get anywhere near the same longevity.


Even if I can drag myself through Imperial levelling that will be a whole 10 days played rather than 5, which isn't that much for what some people are trying to tell me is the bulk of the gameplay at the moment.

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do people really believe that someone has to rush to 50 to be level 50 within a month of playing this game?


The game is maybe 300hrs to get to level 50. Some people play 1hr a day and some people had time over the holidays to do 8+. I had time to play.


Why is it the first thing people think is that someone rushed through the game. Anyone who plays even casually will be over level 30 in 2 weeks and 50 by 45days.

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I play for pvp not for story. I didnt know that this game was for people who like single player storylines and to play them over and over again. Thought this was an MMO with endgame PVP content.


guess it was my mistake.


It certainly was.

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do people really believe that someone has to rush to 50 to be level 50 within a month of playing this game?


The game is maybe 300hrs to get to level 50. Some people play 1hr a day and some people had time over the holidays to do 8+. I had time to play.


Why is it the first thing people think is that someone rushed through the game. Anyone who plays even casually will be over level 30 in 2 weeks and 50 by 45days.


300 hours to level 50.


8 hours a day.

300/8 = 37.5


12 hours a day.

300/12 = 25


Assuming 8-12 hours a day, we're looking at 25-38 days to reach level 50. You suck at math, and you rushed to 50.

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You've managed to get a lvl50 and rank61 in less than 20 days?


You are not bored with the game, you are bored with your life!


Try making love to a girl, play soccer, drink with friends, camping, fishing, maybe even get a job :eek: and in the spare time sit in front of your computer and enjoy TOR.




Personally, I suggest you go outside and move around some as to not attain a Jabba-ish figure.

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I know that doing all the quests will put me over the required level, primarily because it worked out well when I skipped quests that were boring me. I'll definitely have to go back and replay those boring quests with my other character.


Oh, and silly me, I totally forget that an Imperial asking me to kill 10 Droids will be radically, game changingly different from a Republic Citizen asking me to kill 10 Droids.

Sarcasm aside, i've played an Imperial to 25 and guess what? Got bored of the carbon copy sidequests there too. Not different enough to keep me going.


If you're bored with the game, then this has nothing to do withe Bioware or SWTOR, and everything to do with your opinions and expectations. If you aren't enjoying yourself, then unsub and go away. Nobody cares if you're bored or hate the storyline.


The fact is, there are plenty of things to do until the endgame is more fleshed out. This is an unalterable fact. Whether you enjoy that content or not is irrelevant. But if you don't enjoy yourself, then leave.

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I play for pvp not for story. I didnt know that this game was for people who like single player storylines and to play them over and over again. Thought this was an MMO with endgame PVP content.


guess it was my mistake.

Sorry to disappoint you but this Kotor 3 not another mmorpg to compete with WoW and Rift. Edited by maximusedward
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I play for pvp not for story. I didnt know that this game was for people who like single player storylines and to play them over and over again. Thought this was an MMO with endgame PVP content.


guess it was my mistake.


It was your mistake. BW has stated very clearly all along that this game is designed for PvE and not PvP. Now I do hope they develop the PvP aspects over time but I was fully aware of what I was going to get when I bought the game.

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You have 4 level 50s?


Man, way too much time on your hands.


Wait, you only have one 50? What about the other three storylines?


I have 2 50s, so much of the content is repeated I could not bare to go through it all again on empire. I really dont have a desire to play a flowery pansy jedi either.



300 hours to level 50.


8 hours a day.

300/8 = 37.5


12 hours a day.

300/12 = 25


Assuming 8-12 hours a day, we're looking at 25-38 days to reach level 50. You suck at math, and you rushed to 50.



300 hours? Took me 96 hours to hit 50, and I didnt even spam spacebar, I listened to all my class story and the interesting bits of the world arcs (end of corellia for eg).

Edited by Draccman
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If a book bores you, do you keep reading it so you have something to complain about, or do you close it and select another to read?


Why don't you just close this book and move on to something else. Back to WoW or Rift, where the PvP has everything you need to satisfy you.


If it isn't obvious already, this is a storybook MMO. You're supposed to engage in the stories. If you don't like them, please play something else.


Why do we try to convince people who rushed to cap, or who find the quests and rest of the gameplay boring and unsatisfying? Why don't we just let them leave? I've tried to convince, and I'm an idiot for trying.


Bioware only needs 500K subscribers to make a profit. They have more than enough to make this profit. If half leave, they still have more than enough. That's assuming half the player base won't subscribe because they came here only for endgame/PvP. I find that extremely unlikely.

Edited by andrelle
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If you're bored with the game, then this has nothing to do withe Bioware or SWTOR, and everything to do with your opinions and expectations. If you aren't enjoying yourself, then unsub and go away. Nobody cares if you're bored or hate the storyline.


The fact is, there are plenty of things to do until the endgame is more fleshed out. This is an unalterable fact. Whether you enjoy that content or not is irrelevant. But if you don't enjoy yourself, then leave.


Good to see your next step in a discussion is to tell the person to leave. I love Star Wars, and I want to see the mmo do well. If endgame doesn't get a lot of work, it's not going to do well.


Plenty of things to do? Like repeat the levelling process 8 times? Every mmo has that option, doesn't mean I should take it. And before I get a reply of "Oh, but the story!" The story is only around 10% of the quests once you get to the higher end of the game.


Me being bored with the game has everything to do with Bioware and SWTOR, because it is about the way they designed the game. I love the idea of a story based mmo, and the first 30 levels of my class was a blast. Then it was all downhill, with too much of the content being repeated. Again, i'd love to go back and experience the other stories if I didn't have to go through what will basically be a quest grind.


I'm trying to get in feedback and discussion on the forum before my free month runs out so the game can approve, but if it is upsetting you that much that you need me to leave the forums, then I suppose I can stop.

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300 hours to level 50.


8 hours a day.

300/8 = 37.5


12 hours a day.

300/12 = 25


Assuming 8-12 hours a day, we're looking at 25-38 days to reach level 50. You suck at math, and you rushed to 50.


Time played: 14 Days, 17hours, 36minutes.

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I'm trying to get in feedback and discussion on the forum before my free month runs out so the game can approve, but if it is upsetting you that much that you need me to leave the forums, then I suppose I can stop.


I'm all for constructive criticism and improvement, but your looking to remold the game into something you've played before. There are improvements that can be made, to be sure, but these improvements can be made over time. They are not game-breaking. If you're bored and you don't want to roll an alt, well, what do you suggest you should do? In a few short days, you and most like you will be gone, and then we will get down to some real constructive criticism, instead of this "not enough endgame/pvp/raid till your eyes bleed" garbage.


In my opinion this is an mmo for the casual. There are some hardcore elements added, but not to the degree of other games which I feel you should return to. I'm enjoying it, I'm not in the minority, and nothing is going to happen to this game. Its not going to close down anytime soon.

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