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My opinion of the best slinger spec.... Don't get angry if u don't think I'm right!!!


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I am currently level 33 I have tried every spec. At first, for most of my leveling I was a saboteur, I started not liking my damage and switched dirty fighting(IMO the worst Spec for slinger) then I tried sharpshooter. Boy, this is the way to go!!!! My dpi is about doubled in warzones.
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Well, I'm level 50, and practically fully geared with champion gear in almost every slot.


Comparatively, I end warzones with the same damage in Sharpshooter or Dirty Fighting. Granted, I will say that dirty fighting is no good until you get wounding shots and all of your talents.


Each has their strengths and weaknesses. Sharpshooter is more bursty, DF is more mobile and DoT oriented with smaller burst windows and shorter defensive cd's, but the damage altogether is the same at the end of the day.


You may kill someone faster in Sharpshooter, but you will live much longer as dirty fighting.

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Well, I'm level 50, and practically fully geared with champion gear in almost every slot.


Comparatively, I end warzones with the same damage in Sharpshooter or Dirty Fighting. Granted, I will say that dirty fighting is no good until you get wounding shots and all of your talents.


Each has their strengths and weaknesses. Sharpshooter is more bursty, DF is more mobile and DoT oriented with smaller burst windows and shorter defensive cd's, but the damage altogether is the same at the end of the day.


You may kill someone faster in Sharpshooter, but you will live much longer as dirty fighting.


^ that. Sharpshooter imo is more of a grouped up spec great if you run with others not so great if you solo que. Dirty fighter can fit both roles. I run solo or with guildies and they had a blast the other night watching me run all over bombing people that tried to touch control points.


On my server the republic are lucky if we get 2 50's on a team and being one of them I get targeted out alot. Esp if our servers imp pvp group is on then I seem to be a kill on sight target for them and haveing 3 50's on u all of a sudden is not fun. Cover not really an option for me at this point in the game.

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^ that. Sharpshooter imo is more of a grouped up spec great if you run with others not so great if you solo que. Dirty fighter can fit both roles. I run solo or with guildies and they had a blast the other night watching me run all over bombing people that tried to touch control points.


On my server the republic are lucky if we get 2 50's on a team and being one of them I get targeted out alot. Esp if our servers imp pvp group is on then I seem to be a kill on sight target for them and haveing 3 50's on u all of a sudden is not fun. Cover not really an option for me at this point in the game.




I haven't tried out DF yet but just looking at the tree I can tell that the survivability is there - much moreso than SS.


Your point about grouping with guildies was right on. I usually run four deep and we have a good amount of 50s, so with the support I get from being guarded and healed, I simply dominate with SS. SS is definitely more burst and less escape - perfect for grouping with friends and players you know and knowing that they're going to have your back regardless of how many Imps are on you.

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IMo SS will survive longer than df in a fight...... This Is because df is more up close. SS isnt and has the chance to leave the fight before getting targeted


Not to be negative, but I have to disagree. In my experience, they see that screen go up and boom. They are on me cause that basically means I'm a SS and they know I have great damage output if they let me start rolling through my abilities.


Lately it seems if I drop down my screen I got a couple Sith on me pretty quick.

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IMo SS will survive longer than df in a fight...... This Is because df is more up close. SS isnt and has the chance to leave the fight before getting targeted


I disagree, as a SS you are waiting for channeled abilities, and melee classes are going to be on you... SS is a ranged class, but unless you use terrain (not all maps/zones support it), you're going to be in the thick of things... in which case a DF would be better at kiting (aoe slowing grenades, dots/dmg, same escapes with cooldowns as SS... and no reliance on cover so much.


Sab though is a good middle ground between the two.


WTB dual specs SO badly, as (probably just me) sharpshooter is the only spec that chomps on gold elites, the other specs get a bit iffy.

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IMo SS will survive longer than df in a fight...... This Is because df is more up close. SS isnt and has the chance to leave the fight before getting targeted


yeah, the whole 5 range difference is really noticeable.

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in my experience at 50 DF is a much better spec than SS and Sabo. The extra CC break and reduced CD on the absorb and dodge are live savers. You do not really lose range with the spec either. You can still use cover and drop burst with aimedshot, sabo charge, and the like from 35ft, and when they close in you apply hemorrhage, your dots, and then wounding shots.


The main reason I like it over SS and Sabo is it gives me better dps while moving, and as long as my dots are up even if I am being CC'd, or if I run out of energy I am still doing damage. The burst is pretty good as well. My wounding shots does about 4-5k damage with crits when both the dots are up, and most of that damage is internal so it'll melt even tanks.


But the most important aspect is in both pve and pvp its more mobile. I do not have to be in cover to drop as much dps. So I can run and gun and do really good damage. There are some really annoying boss fights in some of the hardmodes and operations where you can't stay in cover. If your immobile for more than 2-3 seconds you get killed. So with a SS spec or Sabo where you need to drop into cover for key abilities it can be really frustrating.

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No love for Saboteur, hehe.


IMO here is my argument for why saboteur is the best grp spec.


Energy efficient

Good CC capability( especially if you go the last 10 points into DF for Dirty Escape)

Decent Sustained Burst

can keep control points locked down with incend grenade.

Can Drop 3-5 guys in a few seconds if clustered together on a focused target like a healer, capture point or flag carrier with stacked aoe. Incend gren + XS freighter Flyby+sweeping gunfire.

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