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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

SWTOR More Active Players than WoW!


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World Of Warcraft:

World of Warcraft has total of 266435 players weekly average logged on peak hours in US and EU regions combined.

Link: http://www.warcraftrealms.com/weeklyfactionactivity.php


Star Wars The Old Republic:

The firm estimates that TOR has approximately 350,000 peak concurrent users spread across 215 servers.

Link: http://massively.joystiq.com/2012/01/03/research-firm-swtor-has-350-000-peak-concurrent-users/


Source: http://www.mmo-champion.com/threads/1057141-SWTOR-has-more-active-players-than-WOW-atm-in-US-and-EU-regions



How does comparing peak concurrent logins equate to more active players? :confused: All that means is TOR has a higher concentration of players in it's peak time slot (whichever time slot that happens to be). TOR could possibly have a peak of 350K in say EST primetime yet only 50K the rest of the day while another game might have 260K all day long. Having the higher peak doesn't mean anything.


Its a nice measure, don't get me wrong, I just think your conclusions on that data are inaccurate at best.

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They do pay, but not much. I think they pay for each hour or something, like...1-4 cents?

Well it's not much anyways.


well considering alot of gamers in korea play in a pc room its not surprising how cheap the game would be, but its more then 1-4 cents an hour :p Along with paying per hour they are logged into thhe game the average fee for going to the PC room is about 90cents or so depending on the current exchange rate. I only know this because I'm still waiting to get my place so I usually play swtor at the PC cafe near my sister-in-laws house.

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redo in 4-5 months, then we will talk.


people like you just don't give up do you....


when this game just gets bigger and bigger you will go..


"just wait after 30 days is up...then you'll see"


"just wait after 3 months is up...then you'll see"


"just wait after 6 months is up...then you'll see"


I mean..really...you guys who do that are just in for one hell of a surprise.


I remember when people were posting.."SWTOR will go free to play within one week of launching I guarantee it, Mark my words!" and stupid crap like that. So just stop with the "my opinion matters more than everybody elses, I am god" mentality and just enjoy the game and continue to watch it grow"

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Have to agree with the OP. I logged in to me 2nd wow account that is free. The server I am on 2 months ago have low 900 users logged in. But the past few days not been over 400. Even looked on other server play on and same large drop.
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I just had to pick this one out. I'm sorry did you just say Elder Scrolls is a console game? HAHAHAHAHA.


HAHA , I play Skyrim on PC. Which btw is the prefered format for Skyrim since it offers the best controls and best graphics.

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The problem with those numbers is that right now SWTOR is free and WoW isn't.


Not to be a doom sayer because I don't think SWTOR will fail (not yet anyway), but those numbers are going to be inflated for SWTOR's favor.


Not to mention, as someone else said, it looks like we're comparing peak to average.

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Bioware said they need 500k active subs to be considered a success. Read that in the paper today- Austin American Statesman if you are a fact checker.


So 300k+ isn't a good sign if they're saying they need 500k. Let's hope the growth continues and they continue to make an outstanding game better.

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people like you just don't give up do you....


when this game just gets bigger and bigger you will go..


"just wait after 30 days is up...then you'll see"


"just wait after 3 months is up...then you'll see"


"just wait after 6 months is up...then you'll see"


I mean..really...you guys who do that are just in for one hell of a surprise.


I remember when people were posting.."SWTOR will go free to play within one week of launching I guarantee it, Mark my words!" and stupid crap like that. So just stop with the "my opinion matters more than everybody elses, I am god" mentality and just enjoy the game and continue to watch it grow"


Pretty much This^


if you listen to people in game they could not be happier...the complaining is a tiny vocal minority...that desperately want to see the game fail. The sad thing is these sterling examples is why Bioware really doesn't listen to whats being said on the forums.

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Bioware said they need 500k active subs to be considered a success. Read that in the paper today- Austin American Statesman if you are a fact checker.


So 300k+ isn't a good sign if they're saying they need 500k. Let's hope the growth continues and they continue to make an outstanding game better.


300k concurrent not total.



Total subs right now are between 2.5 -3.2 million I suspect Bioware to make the announcement right after the 20th so people can't say "They are all still in their free month!!!"


TOR is a huge success like it or not.

Edited by Jett-Rinn
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well, then let me wake you up to some important fact about advertising/marketing :


you always boast accounts - it doesnt matter whether your site/forum/community/game/whatever has 100,000 irrelevant accounts registered - you count them within your userbase to boost your value.


so you may have 500,000 users registered on a major community forum, but only 100,000 may be real people and rest spambots or smurf accounts. but, when advertising it, you say your community is 500,000 people strong ! and you sell the site over that value.


its no different in games. even if you have 8 million inactive subscriptions, you advertise it as 10 million people cant be wrong' -> how my guildies were persuaded to try wow btw.


and when boasting to shareholders in shareholder meetings, its 'we have 10 million accounts' ....


the truth is its impossible to have that many paying subscribers. leave aside active players.


You are so wrong its unreal, the numbers blizzard publish are accounts that have PAID for subs in the last MONTH - if it was people who had tried the game and left the numbers would be triple that.


Check their site and their disclaimer they leave when they post those numbers before you start talking rubbish.

Edited by Capadonna
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Bioware said they need 500k active subs to be considered a success. Read that in the paper today- Austin American Statesman if you are a fact checker.


So 300k+ isn't a good sign if they're saying they need 500k. Let's hope the growth continues and they continue to make an outstanding game better.


No you miss understand. They need 500k subs not players on at a time. 300k online at a time would be 1.5 to 2 million subs.

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just canceled my subscription to this game why play a game u cant click a button once and it does the ability have fun but SWTOR u have lost 1 sub right here and i can tell u right now u will loose alot more why cant u make the game more reactive ? wow did it and im going back to them they are a far superior game makers and with old software they did alot better job than use have did with this game have fun i give u all 1 year tops and ull all have left :)
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300k concurrent not total.



Total subs right now are between 2.5 -3.2 million I suspect Bioware to make the announcement right after the 20th so people can't say "They are all still in their free month!!!"


TOR is a huge success like it or not.


They sold 2 million according to their own press release. How do they have more subs than games sold?


Stop lying, thanks.

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