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lolnoob sorcerers


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1)level sorcer to level 20

2)get the talent that removes force lighting coolddown

3)use force lighting all the time at every target and use shield/speed when ur in danger





dang... you can easily get 6 medals with just pressing 3-4 buttons like a nooob xD....

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Step 1. Interrupt Force Lightning.

Step 2. Kill light armor squishy.

Step 3. ???

Step 4. Profit.


It's not even a high DPS skill. Derp derp.


step 1. remove cc

step 2. use force speed and paladin bubble

step 3. ????

step 4. profit



oh i forgot you even have an aoe knockback to make things even more easy so you can spam MOAR PURPLE LIGHTING

Edited by Labradoraki
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1)level sorcer to level 20

2)get the talent that removes force lighting coolddown

3)use force lighting all the time at every target and use shield/speed when ur in danger





dang... you can easily get 6 medals with just pressing 3-4 buttons like a nooob xD....


L2p issue?

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You forgot to add


4) Use instant cast ranged stuns and instant cast ranged whirlwind on cd regardless of situation to prevent anyone from being able to counter your 1 button lightning attack.


Whirlwind has a cast time.

Edited by CommunitySupportEN
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Whirlwind has a cast time, but thanks for playing.


Sounds like someones butt hurts....



I've been hit with instant cast whirlwinds. Whether its an ability cd or a proc iunno. But yeah, it's definitely there.



Either way. Spam instant cast ranged stuns and hit lightning button. Grats.

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I've been hit with instant cast whirlwinds. Whether its an ability cd or a proc iunno. But yeah, it's definitely there.



Either way. Spam instant cast ranged stuns and hit lightning button. Grats.


Want some advil and a plastic donut to sit on til it stops hurting? Go roll a scoundrel (which you probably already did) and stunlock people to death. It'll make you feel better.


And for the record, I'm more likely to throw an innervate than lightning...

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step 1. remove cc

step 2. use force speed and paladin bubble

step 3. ????

step 4. profit



oh i forgot you even have an aoe knockback to make things even more easy so you can spam MOAR PURPLE LIGHTING


1. Use hidden Strike

2. Use backstab

3.?? dance party??

4. Profit



^ thats the Operative version


oo heres another one


1. Use Strike

2. Use backstab/ voltaic slash

3. ??

4. Profit


^ thats the Assassin version


Ooo snap i got another one


1. Use Tracer Missile

2. Use tracer missile

3. Instant cast heatseeker, rail shot

4. Profit


O wait theirs more


1. Use snipe

2. use snipe

3. use snipe

4. profit


O I think i found the best one


1. L2P

2. L2p

3. L2P

4. rage cause you couldnt do 1 through 3



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Want some advil and a plastic donut to sit on til it stops hurting? Go roll a scoundrel (which you probably already did) and stunlock people to death. It'll make you feel better.


And for the record, I'm more likely to throw an innervate than lightning...


I'm a gunslinger actually. But good guess.


Regardless if your healing or not, concept is the same.


Hit instant cast ranged stun buttons on cd because you can, and smash your face against your A) lightning button, B) Heal button.

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You forgot, level up spec as healer use your shield and laught about the incomming dmg from a single class.


#1. I did level as a healer. With Khem Val, it's pretty enjoyable.


#2. If a geared/skilled Operative,Scoundrel, Assassin, Shadow, Sniper, Commando, find me alone in a WZ, I will try and escape, not stand and fight. With the 30% healing debuff, they will usually wreck my face.


#3. Notice in the above statement i say "geared/skilled". It's not my fault you don't fit into this category. The game isn't broke, you are.

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1)level sorcer to level 20

2)get the talent that removes force lighting coolddown

3)use force lighting all the time at every target and use shield/speed when ur in danger





dang... you can easily get 6 medals with just pressing 3-4 buttons like a nooob xD....


6. Get grav shotted to the face and not notice because "waaaagh eat lightning noooobbb"

7. notice you are at 15% health and try to run and take a hihg impact bolt up the arse

8. if still alive, eat cryo grenade, and full auto.

9. watch my trooper dance over your pathetic lolnoob corpse.

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I'm a gunslinger actually. But good guess.


Regardless if your healing or not, concept is the same.


Hit instant cast ranged stun buttons on cd because you can, and smash your face against your A) lightning button, B) Heal button.


There have been plenty of snipers that have jacked me up. Yes, I run. I'm not going to go toe to toe at range with a sniper, a pure dps class, as a healer. The game isnt broke because I'm not dumb enough to let you kill me. Sounds like you need a visit from the skill fairy....

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I'm a gunslinger actually. But good guess.


Regardless if your healing or not, concept is the same.


Hit instant cast ranged stun buttons on cd because you can, and smash your face against your A) lightning button, B) Heal button.




No, you have to be a horrible gunslinger if you cant destroy people

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There have been plenty of snipers that have jacked me up. Yes, I run. I'm not going to go toe to toe at range with a sniper, a pure dps class, as a healer. The game isnt broke because I'm not dumb enough to let you kill me. Sounds like you need a visit from the skill fairy....


You don't have to go toe to toe with anyone.



Just chain stun spam instantly from 30m gg

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You don't have to go toe to toe with anyone.



Just chain stun spam instantly from 30m gg


Yeah, cause that is SO PRODUCTIVE.....


and fyi, sorcs have 1, 4 sec stun on a 1 min CD.......


Sounds like ur still mad..... Go yell into a pillow, get that anger out lil guy :D

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1)level sorcer to level 20

2)get the talent that removes force lighting coolddown

3)use force lighting all the time at every target and use shield/speed when ur in danger





dang... you can easily get 6 medals with just pressing 3-4 buttons like a nooob xD....


1) Stockstrike


That is all.



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1 Roll BH/Trooper

2 Grapple enemies to the acid pit

3 Use your 8 second immune to knockbacks and slows

4 Cap ball a couple times

5 Throw a couple taunts and shields up

6 ??????

7 Free 8+ gold medals every match, be best class ever and laugh at all the dumb sages who don't know sorcs are their mirror


Feels good man.

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