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Seriously why cant you split the maintenance like wow does so both can have it done in the early hours of the morning?


So your no more than 8 hours could be until 6pm for those in Europe, seriously bw this is a joke so if your only able to play in the day time due to having to work evening then you lose a days game play every week, do you think this is acceptable?


I know this game has a **** tonne of things that need to be fixed but fix them when people sleep because clearly the early hours will be the lowest attendance on European servers, atm it seriously sucks, and im sure if it carry's on people will be leaving fast.


Might be the fastest growing mmo ever but it could also be the biggest collapse of an mmo ever.

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How dare they personally inconvenience you when there's an entire world of other paying customers who could be inconvenienced instead.


Haven't they answered this a few dozen times already?


Personally inconvenience him? Haven't you seen all the other threads and posts on the very same issue? Surely that should give you a clue that there are a lot of pissed off people due to this issue.

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..... there are a lot of pissed off people due to this issue.


What? You mean the handful of people that actually post on the forums out of the 98% that realize it's how things are done and they just do other things on that one day during the week?

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Personally inconvenience him? Haven't you seen all the other threads and posts on the very same issue? Surely that should give you a clue that there are a lot of pissed off people due to this issue.


Because a bunch of random people screaming on an internet forum is indicative of the whole group, right?


I'll just point to this thread: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=115819 Out of the 395 posts, 336 were made by 10 people or 85% of the entire thread; 28 by yourself. So I wouldn't really call that "a lot."


And before someone says it, no I didn't go through and count. You can click the response count to see the list of responders and the number of their replies on the really large threads.

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Personally inconvenience him? Haven't you seen all the other threads and posts on the very same issue? Surely that should give you a clue that there are a lot of pissed off people due to this issue.


Yes. A lot of people are pissed off. And no matter WHEN they do the maintenance, a lot of people are going to be pissed off.


BioWare has explained that they have pulled mountains of data and determined that this is the best time to piss off the fewest number of people.


Regardless of when the window is, it's also better to have the window be predictable and reliable than to have people planning for raids only to find out a few hours before that a random maintenance window has been opened up during that time.

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No matter what, the kids will cry. I am baffled that no one realizes that no matter what time of day or day during the week or what - this will affect someone. If they could split the time they would. Just because WOW (a very childish game imo) can do it doesnt mean BW can do it. Comparing the two is absurd,The constant complaining on the forums isnt going to help. It just makes everyone who reads it think what a goober the OP is.
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I find it unacceptable that Starbucks isn't open at 11pm in the area where I live. I enjoy drinking coffee at that hour and I demand that they open up just to service the few of us with that interest.


You're right man. It's totally stupid for those damned Euros to expect to be able to play the game during the day. They should totally be down with the game being shut down during normal business hours.


If someone opened a Starbucks in London that wasn't open until 2PM London time, well that would just be stupid now, wouldn't it.

Edited by Mannic
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No matter what, the kids will cry. I am baffled that no one realizes that no matter what time of day or day during the week or what - this will affect someone. If they could split the time they would. Just because WOW (a very childish game imo) can do it doesnt mean BW can do it. Comparing the two is absurd,The constant complaining on the forums isnt going to help. It just makes everyone who reads it think what a goober the OP is.


People who play games between midnight and 6 AM expect to have their access cut off for maintenance because those are off-hours and everyone knows it.


People don't expect regular daylight hours to be cut-off from the game. So they could piss off a LOT fewer people by giving Euros their own middle-of-the-night maintenance time.

Edited by Mannic
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Nice random number drawing! i can do that too. :rolleyes:


Not a random number actually. Was a study a few years ago comparing the number of players in the player base and what percentage actually are active on an MMO's forums which was something like 5% because the majority of players prefer to not be involved with the cesspool that is the forum community.

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Because a bunch of random people screaming on an internet forum is indicative of the whole group, right?


I'll just point to this thread: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=115819 Out of the 395 posts, 336 were made by 10 people or 85% of the entire thread; 28 by yourself. So I wouldn't really call that "a lot."


And before someone says it, no I didn't go through and count. You can click the response count to see the list of responders and the number of their replies on the really large threads.


Hey Dude! This thread has not got 395 post. It has 2395 post cause it was recreated 2 times, and BW was who redirected our post to it. It's the most posted thread in the forum, so you should show more respect for the swtor biggest comunity at the moment.

And if you don't believe me, see the server population of US and EU servers and compare.


And yes there is a lot of people pissed, but we're doublely pissed. Pissed by the same bugs and problems you suffer but agravated by eternal and WEEKLY DAILY patches.


You should show more empathy for us, I like to see you suffering this downtimes from 10AM to 7 PM every week.

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This is a time zone issue. Why not have maintenance at different times for America and Europe?


The OP has a point. People will be unable to play due to work. The game is being maintenance while people are not at work. When the maintenance is finished then people need to go to work. That is an entire game day gone.

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You're right man. It's totally stupid for those damned Euros to expect to be able to play the game during the day. They should totally be down with the game being shut down during normal business hours.


If someone opened a Starbucks in London that wasn't open until 2PM London time, well that would just be stupid now, wouldn't it.


Wow, way to miss the point. Actually, most of your posts have this habit, so I'm not surprised.


The point was that not everybody can be serviced the way they want so they select a time the fewest people will be affected. The Op works in the evening, whereas most people work during the day. BW is catering to the majority. The Op is considered the Minority. Get it?


If I wanted Starbucks to remain open at 11pm, I am the minority. Therefore, Starbucks will not cater to me, given their available options.


Perhaps BW may have different maintenance hours in the future. But given what it is today, they are catering to the majority.


Now move along.

Edited by Lazorous
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People who play games between midnight and 6 AM expect to have their access cut off for maintenance because those are off-hours and everyone knows it.


People don't expect regular daylight hours to be cut-off from the game. So they could piss off a LOT fewer people by giving Euros their own middle-of-the-night maintenance time.


They've already said it a hundred times why they do it at the time they do it. Its when the least people are on in both zones, they won't do 2 separate maints due to the game being region free, each region would jump on each others and clog the servers up, and they don't want to have to do 2 separate maintenances a week and have different versions of the game floating around for a region free game that doesn't direct EU folks to one launcher, and NA folk to another, it'd be a PITA to try and figure out how to patch just EU clients, and leave NA clients alone, and how to get a NA client to download the patch to go onto a EU server. If the game was separated into regions and not a choose whatever server you want game, there'd be separate maints, but right now, it is what it is, and you know what, I am in the US, and its a horrible time for me now that the holiday is over and I am back to my odd and crazy work schedule... but you don't hear me screaming bloody murder... unless the maint runs over.

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The Starbucks reference is useless, unless your currently paying an ongoing subscription to them....are you?


I do agree with the OP!


It points to an example of Minority. What the Minority want vs what the Majority want.


Try again.

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