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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

@Devs- Respond


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About time we get some word from a dev on all these issues....


-zero incentive to do anything except warzones

-ilum is just win due to ^^^^

-ability delay

-level 50s in full expertise destroying everyone else

-zero incentive to do anything except warzones

-the inability of queuing with more than 4 people (yes a separate queue is fine)

-^^^^ this makes pvp guilds redundant, because we WOULD do world pvp, but refer to my first two points

-did i mention there was zero incentive to do anything except warzones?

-Edit: I forgot to mention that the RNG bags to get gear is utter garbage.



You hyped up half this crap so much, and it is nothing like you said. Especially the ilum and outlaws den zones....yeah blah blah nobody is 50, but when people hit 50 that isn't going to stop the win trading if you can't even get mercenary comms from kills and objectives in these zones...ya know...like you advertised.


Stop responding to the people crying about emotes and romance bugs, and start fixing (OR AT LEAST RESPONDING) to these issues... I've seen plenty of response to other issues....start addressing this. I mean, the only thing we've seen you patch for pvp was nerfing what we get in warzones, which is the only viable form of pvp right now.


And before the "ZOMG IF YOU DONT PVP FOR FUN THEN YOU ARENT A REAL PVPER BLAH BLAH" ......step back and imagine if they took pve incentives away....yeah imagine the cry fest that would ensue....so don't bother with the "THIS GAME ISNT PVP GAME AHHH" line...lol

Edited by Jayrahmee
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Merc coms will come from world pvp kills. Valor already does. They have been saying since beta merc coms will come from world pvp kills.


They obviously haven't implemented yet because they are trying to ensure it won't be exploited.

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You realize you can get PvP bags from Ilum, right?


From quests, not the actual pvp, and having no incentive for the actual pvp is what is causign win trading. And thank you, I forgot to add the ridiculous way they implemented pvp gear with the RNG bags.

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About time we get some word from a dev on all these issues....


-zero incentive to do anything except warzones

-ilum is just win due to ^^^^

-ability delay

-level 50s in full expertise destroying everyone else

-zero incentive to do anything except warzones

-the inability of queuing with more than 4 people (yes a separate queue is fine)

-^^^^ this makes pvp guilds redundant, because we WOULD do world pvp, but refer to my first two points

-did i mention there was zero incentive to do anything except warzones?

-Edit: I forgot to mention that the RNG bags to get gear is utter garbage.



You hyped up half this crap so much, and it is nothing like you said. Especially the ilum and outlaws den zones....yeah blah blah nobody is 50, but when people hit 50 that isn't going to stop the win trading if you can't even get mercenary comms from kills and objectives in these zones...ya know...like you advertised.


Stop responding to the people crying about emotes and romance bugs, and start fixing (OR AT LEAST RESPONDING) to these issues... I've seen plenty of response to other issues....start addressing this. I mean, the only thing we've seen you patch for pvp was nerfing what we get in warzones, which is the only viable form of pvp right now.


And before the "ZOMG IF YOU DONT PVP FOR FUN THEN YOU ARENT A REAL PVPER BLAH BLAH" ......step back and imagine if they took pve incentives away....yeah imagine the cry fest that would ensue....so don't bother with the "THIS GAME ISNT PVP GAME AHHH" line...lol


Before someone argues "This is a PvE game with a little PvP thrown in but not the focus of the game"


I am posting BW's quote.


"We have an entire team dedicated to adding content and features to player vs. player. We have some of the most experienced PvP developers in the world on this team. So far very few people have seen, or know much about the stunning Open World PVP on Ilum" - Bioware


They talked about how important PvP was all through dev soooo no that's not the case.

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Unfortunately we live in a day and age where people do not communicate with their customers via the official company website. Instead, we must get our answers from TWITTER! :rolleyes:


Yeah man... I've noticed that too.... Everytime a yellow posts, they say "I assure you we've been busy and that's why we haven't responded," but for every one of those posts there are a hundred times that they've responded to people on twitter....

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Merc coms will come from world pvp kills. Valor already does. They have been saying since beta merc coms will come from world pvp kills.


They obviously haven't implemented yet because they are trying to ensure it won't be exploited.


Yeah that's supposed to be the point of Game Testing. You know, the testing program they had going for like 18 months.

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Merc coms will come from world pvp kills. Valor already does. They have been saying since beta merc coms will come from world pvp kills.


They obviously haven't implemented yet because they are trying to ensure it won't be exploited.



If ur talking about fight clubing theres no way to stop that. Unless u had some kind of in game police looking for it but even then it would be hard to stop and we cant trust other players to report things like that.




i would also like to add if the world pvp is done right there would be no reason to fight club since it would be enjoyable.

Edited by rlpirate
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Before someone argues "This is a PvE game with a little PvP thrown in but not the focus of the game"


I am posting BW's quote.


"We have an entire team dedicated to adding content and features to player vs. player. We have some of the most experienced PvP developers in the world on this team. So far very few people have seen, or know much about the stunning Open World PVP on Ilum" - Bioware


They talked about how important PvP was all through dev soooo no that's not the case.


It is the case, and what you have quoted above is called "hype" Its how companies sell games.

It falls under advertising.


Imagine it says

"We have an entire team dedicated to creating the best steaks and lobster. We have some of the most experienced chefs in the world on this team. So far very few people have tasted or know much about the stunning food in our restaurant"


Its just an ad. Doesn't mean you are going to like the steak. Doesn't even say you will like the steak. Its designed to give you the idea that they must have good steak, so if you like steak you should try theirs.


Same thing your quote says.


Its a PVE game. Has some PvP. Thats the truth. Accept it.

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The worst part is that BW does not seem to give a chit. They say almost NOTHING. How could you expect this crack team of pvp developers to fix this piece of crap. If they had any skillz at all it would not be this bad.


ALL of my pvp friends have left already. I bought into the story about how good their pvp devs were. Shame on me. I'll never buy another BW product.

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I /sigh at you people... Why does everyone expect the perfect game for them from every company? This game just came out for christ sake, it's not going to be perfect for you.


Btw, this is what you sound like, "Oh my god! This game isn't as good as WoW/Guild Wars/Everquest!!!! QQ!!" Hmmm, where have I seen this before?


I'm sorry BW, make your next game completely tailored to this QQer...

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I /sigh at you people... Why does everyone expect the perfect game for them from every company? This game just came out for christ sake, it's not going to be perfect for you.


Btw, this is what you sound like, "Oh my god! This game isn't as good as WoW/Guild Wars/Everquest!!!! QQ!!" Hmmm, where have I seen this before?


I'm sorry BW, make your next game completely tailored to this QQer...


LOL. Thanks for the bump.


Nobody said anything about perfect game.


It is ridiculously far from perfect (pvp), and still no dev response is terrible.

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nope. 5000 threads and still 0 answers.


Yup. Either the bears are right and the pvp community is a bunch of second class citizens or they are brainstorming trying to figure out how to fix things. I'm going with the latter, this is still Bioware and these guys are rabbits out of the hat kind of guys. They have to know that if pvp is left as is tons of us will quit. And 1 or 2 new bg's aint gonna cut it. We paid for epic and we expect epic. If anyone can deliver it it's this company (did I say that without smiling like a politician?).

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Yup. Either the bears are right and the pvp community is a bunch of second class citizens or they are brainstorming trying to figure out how to fix things. I'm going with the latter, this is still Bioware and these guys are rabbits out of the hat kind of guys. They have to know that if pvp is left as is tons of us will quit. And 1 or 2 new bg's aint gonna cut it. We paid for epic and we expect epic. If anyone can deliver it it's this company (did I say that without smiling like a politician?).


Lack of answers is still a serious issue, brainstorming or not.

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