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Orange gear = motivation killer


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To OP:

If "new" is all that matters the fact you have 3 (sometimes 4) slots you can mod in a single orange item will make you even more happy since you have even MORE slots to "upgrade".


I made a character with cybertech just so I could upgrade my armor. I think its great.

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So an Orange/modifiable piece of gear that requires you to be level 19 is no different in stats then an Orange/modifiable piece of gear that requires you to be level 38, providing both of them have the identical mods/enhancements/etc installed?


yes that's right.


The point being you can actually gets 'sets' of equipment that look good together and level up that way instead of looking like a freaking clown with 400 different colors on :p


I love this system, I have a gun that feels like my gun, I've been using it since early in the game and upgrading it throughout.


It really is just a different upgrade system, no better or worse just different. You still need to get those mods etc. People are afraid of change, breaking news.

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you are misinformed unfortunately. that rakata gear and all endgame gear does not allow you to remove mods from it. I have not seen anyone put together better orange gear than endgame gear yet, I know I will try but from the discussions i had in beta and recently with people who have tested it. ...raid gear and endgame pvp gear can not be topped with orange gear. if you have proof otherwise than please link it and truly make my day. lol


Ok even if you can't remove the mods/enhancements from the gear, you can still get the them as loot drops or schematic drops. My point is that Orange gear will be able to have the same stats and BETTER stat layout than the purple precious gear.

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I love the oranges, and they don't ruin loot for me in any way. In fact, I love getting more oranges, on the off chance that they may look even better than my current favorite.


And, like an earlier poster mentioned, occasionally you'll find purples that end up being better stats-wise than the oranges. I'll use those until I find good enough mods to put the comfy old oranges on again.


It works pretty well as far as I'm concerned.

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thats just false right now. I wish it wasnt but as of right now even the mods that drop wont allow gear to equal raid gear based off of set bonuses alone.


Does raid gear have to be better???? If it wasnt then what is the point of raiding over and over again?

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Does raid gear have to be better???? If it wasnt then what is the point of raiding over and over again?


It's not like they can't just simply have better mods that only drop in raids. Then you could get progression from raiding but still be able to use the awesome orange system.

Edited by TheHeadCapper
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I do the missions, flashpoints, etc... the first time for story anyway, but appreciate that repetition could net me something that looks way cooler than what I have now (while at the same time not being mandatory before I can move on to new things). I actually feel like orange gear gives me a reason to do things that other gear would not (because when it's not required for progression it feels less tedious, while still succeeding it making me repeat content).
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So an Orange/modifiable piece of gear that requires you to be level 19 is no different in stats then an Orange/modifiable piece of gear that requires you to be level 38, providing both of them have the identical mods/enhancements/etc installed?


A piece of gear is only as good as it's armoring/mods/enhancements/augments.


The Rakata gear has superior stats because it has superior armoring/mods/enhancements with an open augment slot.


Chest Piece


This is a link to the Rakata Chest Piece


Armoring Mod


This is a link to a lootable/craftable Armoring Mod. Do you notice the stats - they are exactly the same. Don't look at the overall Chest stats, look at the Armoring stats on the Chest Piece, and then notice the stats on the armoring mod.


This is the case for all Rakata gear.


As I've said before, it is going to be very hard to outfit your Orange gear, but it will be Possible.


*Edit* What Rakata or set gear gives us are the 2 & 4 piece set bonuses. What Orange gear gives us is the ability to customize how much crit/surge/power etc we want on our gear - which gives flexibility to different playstyles.

Edited by Rhinoplat
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I love the orange gear, my only issue is apparently its not possible for orange gear to be on par with top end raid and pvp gear. I really dont wanna look the same as everyone else.


Then that's excellent news for the OP! He suddenly has to now go out and earn his gear again and can stop bemoaning the orange loot effect he made this thread about.

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For me, a very fundamental mistake has been made in ToR regarding loot. One of driving forces for continued play, is the upgrading of loot/gear. Getting better looking, better performing gear is one of the lynchpins of these types of games. Orange gear almost entirely destroys this process.


I've been wearing the same gear since my teens. All I do is upgrade the mods in said gear every couple of levels. What this has done, has made quest rewards and gear finds completely meaningless to me, what's worse, I know in advance of receiving the quest reward that it's going to be meaningless. This, for me, is a major derailment as far as motivation to level/gear up goes.


Orange gear is one of the most complicated attempts at a wardrobe tab in history, and it has the side effect of marginalizing one basic motivation for game progression. The genie is out of the bottle at this point, and I'm not sure there's anything that could/should be done, but for me, a large part of the appeal of the game has been gutted.


When I go into one of the character story line quest at this point, where some sort of legendary foozle is the carrot at the end of it, the first thing I'm aware of, is that foozle isn't going to be any better or as good as what I already have.....that's a huge motivation killer.

The gear race starts at 50. You only wear moddables if you get 126 or better ilvl mods, which is a tall task and makes the mods as exciting to loot as full gear pieces.

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For me, a very fundamental mistake has been made in ToR regarding loot. One of driving forces for continued play, is the upgrading of loot/gear. Getting better looking, better performing gear is one of the lynchpins of these types of games. Orange gear almost entirely destroys this process.


I've been wearing the same gear since my teens. All I do is upgrade the mods in said gear every couple of levels. What this has done, has made quest rewards and gear finds completely meaningless to me, what's worse, I know in advance of receiving the quest reward that it's going to be meaningless. This, for me, is a major derailment as far as motivation to level/gear up goes.


Orange gear is one of the most complicated attempts at a wardrobe tab in history, and it has the side effect of marginalizing one basic motivation for game progression. The genie is out of the bottle at this point, and I'm not sure there's anything that could/should be done, but for me, a large part of the appeal of the game has been gutted.


When I go into one of the character story line quest at this point, where some sort of legendary foozle is the carrot at the end of it, the first thing I'm aware of, is that foozle isn't going to be any better or as good as what I already have.....that's a huge motivation killer.


This is exactly how I feel too. I play 12h+ a day, so I have a lot of characters at a nice level and I have to say this: I like the looks of my smugler gear so far (the green/blue/purple ones) and don't feel the need to use orange gear for him. What I noticed is that when I play smugler, every time a gear drop it is much more exciting! On the other hand, I hate the looks of most of Consular gear, so I have almost full orange gear, and feel exactly how the OP described when any loot drops.


People defending the orange gear I can even name some of them, they are always the same few people and always respond to any orange gear post with the exactly same arguments. BW should really put an A-tab and let the mod system be about stat customization. It would be better for crafters, it would be better for those who deeply care about looks customization, it would be better for those who aren't only happy when it rains.

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The issue, for me, with orange gear is that I don't seem to be lucky enough to find drops which are better than my orange gear. So my two choices are either to stop upgrading my orange gear, in the hopes of finding better drops, or switch it to non-orange gear with worse stats.


I suppose I could find a new orange gear to put my mods on (which is a nice aspect of the whole orange gear thing), but they're difficult to find. I've been searching for a new helmet for my level 37 trooper for days now and simply can't find it.


I wish they had just implemented an appearance tab and be done with it.

Edited by Goshnye
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The issue, for me, with orange gear is that I don't seem to be lucky enough to find drops which are better than my orange gear. So my two choices are either to stop upgrading my orange gear, in the hopes of finding better drops, or switch it to non-orange gear with worse stats.


I wish they had just implemented an appearance tab and be done with it.


Stop modding your gear until the dropped gear is better. No one is forcing you to upgrade your mods; BioWare put it in as an option.


I for one love the Orange system, and it's the only thing I use (well when I finally get an orange belt/wrists). I always go for the commendations now and do not choose any gear or boxes. I figure that later down the line, those commendations will be more valuable for vanity gear than a piece of green/blue gear that I outleveled and vendored.

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