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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

08am till 4pm Maintenances? why do we need 8 hour maintenances..?


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In all your wisdom did you stop to think that for some that might be peoples down time? their time off? did you ever stop to think that there are people in this world that work at night to keep many things you enjoy in this world working?


Bet you didn't.


You're absolutely right! Bioware needs to make exceptions to their staffing hours to accommodate that tiny percentage of people who have the day off. Get off the soapbox, you're boring me. Since when did "time off" preclude other activities such as, going outside, maybe doing something productive. At what point did "I have the day off" become synonymous with "I'm gonna go do **** all and play video games and be indignant about anything that interferes with that plan."

Edited by TradewindNQ
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And bioware can deal with 1 less subscribtion. (well a few 1000 or 10.000's is more likely)


But granted it wont just be for maintenance hours.

This isnt me being negative by the way just stating obvious and rather predictable facts.

I know its not fun to hear but yeh the signs are on the walls.


Nobody is going to keep paying for years.. for what is essentially a single player (online) game.


Okay 1) It's "The writing is on the wall," not signs on the walls, not bioware writing on the wall. Holy crap the number of people that get that wrong on these forums is astonishing. Also, for other reference, it's "for all INTENTS AND PURPOSES" not intensive purposes, and it's fell swoop, not foul swoop.


2) Kthxbai! Have fun not playing the game!


Edit: Oh! And another great one misused often on these forums: It's "I couldn't care less" not "I could care less." If you COULD care less, that means you do care a little bit. There is some care there. Not being able to care less, on the other hand, means you care the minimum amount possible, i.e. 0.

Edited by Gun_Slinger
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So let me get this straight:


These forums are filled with posts about people complaining about bugs and problems with the game, yet when they do an 8 hour maintenance, people are going to cry about the 8 hour downtime to FIX problems?





Yet another example of how patience is becoming more and more rare in this day and age. It's sad to see in all honesty.

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Can you really complain about bugs and then complain again when they take the servers down to fix them?


Thats is because people will complain just for the sake of complaining. They will never be happy no matter what BW does and they never will.

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In all your wisdom did you stop to think that for some that might be peoples down time? their time off? did you ever stop to think that there are people in this world that work at night to keep many things you enjoy in this world working?


Bet you didn't.


Thats the problem. There is always going to be someone, somewhere, that is going to be inconvienenced. Do i think that Eu should be seperated and have their own Mait while preventing NA players getting onto their servers? Yes.


Do i think every Tom, Richard, and Jane need to be consulted on appropriate downtimes? nope.

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Game of Thrones is better for those that need an 8hr time waster imo. The first season is 10 hours long.. so enjoy!


Maybe, but I love Steve Buchimi (sp?). I am also a big fan of anything history related (yay 1920's prohibition!).

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In all your wisdom did you stop to think that for some that might be peoples down time? their time off? did you ever stop to think that there are people in this world that work at night to keep many things you enjoy in this world working?


Bet you didn't.


So how do they appease everyone.

So Bioware goes to a downtime that fits the EU user.

But now we have users within that timezone who are complaining because they work nights, and it's effecting THEIR playtime.


So now Bioware has to have a night server for those individuals with a dedicated support team?


Maybe we should just boil it all down to 'Majority Rules'


There is no way a company dealing with a large scale of players from around the world can appease them all.


I could care less when they reboot your servers.

I don't know why they reboot the same time as ours.

Maybe they are sitting in a room over seas and they attach remotely, where they pay a local guy to go in and dust them off once in awhile or to do a hard boot due to a failed soft boot.


But there has been hundreds of threads about this, and I am sure they have heard your voices.


Starting a thread every hour on the hour on the same subject is just ridiculous.


It reminds of my children trying to wear me down with a repetitive assault.

Edited by Fraxture
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I just saw people talking about the maintenance times tomorrow.


8 hours... EIGHT HOURS to do a simple maintenance?!!?!!


most crappy korean F2P MMORPGS have a 3 hour downtime, and most modern western MMOs have 1-2 hour maintenance per week


I know this is bioware's first MMO, but 8 hours per week downtime is just unacceptable...


What magic ball did you consult to determine they are just doing "simple maintenance"? I always love to see armchair programmers telling developers how simple their jobs are. I love it even more when people complain that the game is too buggy to have been released while others (even, sometimes, the same people) complain when there is down time to fix issues.


Here is something to consider. Did it ever occur to you that the reason they are "crappy" F2P MMOs is that they only do 3 hour downtimes? Either way, this is a new MMO, and it is unreasonable to compare the downtimes of an established game to a game that has been live less than a month.

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I still havent heard or read a single reason why they cant do it during nighttime here (like most other big mmo's that serve both europa and usa etc)


Other then dogmatic biodrone reasons that people should go out to school or work etc.


Yet we all know if they did a maintenance like this from 8am to 4pm in the usa ..it would cause a *****torm that would make everything i've ever written about this seem seriously polite.


Seperate servers = seperate maintenance times.


In the end its about courtesy.. as in i want and frankly expect the same courtesy as the USA receives. (or NA if that makes you feel better)


Again not angry, dont misread that in my words.


Just plain simple opinion(s).

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I just saw people talking about the maintenance times tomorrow.


8 hours... EIGHT HOURS to do a simple maintenance?!!?!!


most crappy korean F2P MMORPGS have a 3 hour downtime, and most modern western MMOs have 1-2 hour maintenance per week


I know this is bioware's first MMO, but 8 hours per week downtime is just unacceptable...


Get a job? a life? a girlfriend? it really isn't that bad

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So how do they appease everyone.

So Bioware goes to a downtime that fits the EU user.

But now we have users within that timezone who are complaining because they work nights, and it's effecting THEIR playtime.


So now Bioware has to have a night server for those individuals with a dedicated support team?


Maybe we should just boil it all down to 'Majority Rules'


There is no way a company dealing with a large scale of players from around the world can appease them all.


I could care less when they reboot your servers.

I don't know why they reboot the same time as ours.

Maybe they are sitting in a room over seas and they attach remotely, where they pay a guy to go in and dust them off once in awhile or to do a hard boot due to a failed soft boot.


But there has hundreds of threads about this, and I am sure they have heard your voices.


Starting a thread every hour on the hour on the same subject is just ridiculous.


It reminds of my children trying to wear me down with a repetitive assault.


So essentially, your argument boils down to complaining about complainers complaining about a specific subject which you don't want to see on the forums. Is that right?



If Bioware used that "well someone somewhere is going to be upset" approach, then they wouldn't have made an MMO in the first place. After all, why should they even try?


The fact is that all of the "big names" in the MMO industry manage to offer region specific scheduled downtimes. Why? Well, my guess would be because they want to offer the best possible service they can for as many customers as possible.


And yet, Bioware's excuse is that they are offering a "global service". Even though that is precisely what every other big name is doing.

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In all your wisdom did you stop to think that for some that might be peoples down time? their time off? did you ever stop to think that there are people in this world that work at night to keep many things you enjoy in this world working?


Bet you didn't.


I work nights, and anyone that does works nights has long gotten used to the fact that the world doesn't revolve around us. It doesn't bother me that they may need to do maintence at some point, its a brand new MMO they need to be able to fix things..


I just can't seriously believe anyone working nights is that bothered by it, we are so used to everything not being convienent that its actually more shocking that something is.

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I still havent heard or read a single reason why they cant do it during nighttime here (like most other big mmo's that serve both europa and usa etc)


Other then dogmatic biodrone reasons that people should go out to school or work etc.


Yet we all know if they did a maintenance like this from 8am to 4pm in the usa ..it would cause a *****torm that would make everything i've ever written about this seem seriously polite.


Seperate servers = seperate maintenance times.


In the end its about courtesy.. as in i want and frankly expect the same courtesy as the USA receives. (or NA if that makes you feel better)


Again not angry, dont misread that in my words.


Just plain simple opinion(s).


You've been given multiple possibilities you just choose to defenestrate them out of ignorance. The most likely reason is that there is no (or not as of yet) on-site staff to deploy new content patches or deliver maintenance and as such it is done remotely. From a DBA standpoint it might be to do with server times and needing synchronization. It might be a customer service standpoint in that if a patch/bugfix is deployed in NA before EU that EU players may feel slighted again having to wait...or vice versa if a patch is deployed to EU prior to NA.


But in the end it's a very small percentage of people being inconvenienced by a daytime maintenance and you're just going to have to accept it for one day out of your miserable existence.

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I still havent heard or read a single reason why they cant do it during nighttime here (like most other big mmo's that serve both europa and usa etc)


Other then dogmatic biodrone reasons that people should go out to school or work etc.


Yet we all know if they did a maintenance like this from 8am to 4pm in the usa ..it would cause a *****torm that would make everything i've ever written about this seem seriously polite.


Seperate servers = seperate maintenance times.


In the end its about courtesy.. as in i want and frankly expect the same courtesy as the USA receives. (or NA if that makes you feel better)


Again not angry, dont misread that in my words.


Just plain simple opinion(s).


This was there official reason for the appalling choice of time slot for last times downtime :




While today is still classed as a holiday in many parts of Europe and many of you may still be off work or school, this downtime slot was chosen for a number of reasons.


Firstly, in the past, we've talked on a number of occasions about how we will run a global service. Many players raised concerns that patches/updates would land later in the EU than in the US. We stated that as we're running a global service, we'll do everything we can to make sure the updates go live in both regions as close together as possible. For this to be achievable, we need to run maintenance at the same time.


Secondly, although many of you are able to play at this time, this is actually one of the times in the day (and the week) when we have the lowest number of players in game. It's certainly far from peak. Given that many of you are still on holiday, today's maintenance may feel a bit more out of place than usual, but in the future, the number of users impacted will be even smaller.


Finally it's also worth noting that today's downtime was a little longer than usual and in the future, shouldn't be the case.


So hopefully that's gone some way in shedding a light on the reasons as to why we've chosen this slot.


In short: they spout about providing a "global service" and that they are aiming for time slots with the lowest number of players in the game. Both of which are completely lame and indefensible. Every other big name offers a "global service" too. And yet they can offer region specific downtimes. Not only that, but logic would suggest that the time with the lowest number of players ON EACH SERVER would be during the early hours. In short, their finding are being "weighted" by the US servers.


As such Bioware are not offering the best service that can be reasonably expected for the majority of their customers.

Edited by Tarka
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You've been given multiple possibilities you just choose to defenestrate them out of ignorance. The most likely reason is that there is no (or not as of yet) on-site staff to deploy new content patches or deliver maintenance and as such it is done remotely. From a DBA standpoint it might be to do with server times and needing synchronization. It might be a customer service standpoint in that if a patch/bugfix is deployed in NA before EU that EU players may feel slighted again having to wait...or vice versa if a patch is deployed to EU prior to NA.


But in the end it's a very small percentage of people being inconvenienced by a daytime maintenance and you're just going to have to accept it for one day out of your miserable existence.


Considering that the EU servers are numerous, I would find it VERY hard to believe that the EU server farm doesn't have staff. After all, what happens if a server breaks down? Fly someone over from the U.S.? That's really not very practical in the long term.


One can try to cite "very small percentage" if they like, but the fact remains that the competition can do it. So really Bioware has no real foundation on which to base an argument, aside from budget problems.


Customers don't like to feel like they are being screwed. Regardless of the circumstances.

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So, a maintenance till 18.00. Every week.


Loving the game, but this might lead me to terminate my sub.


Depends on your time zone in the Eu but yes that's pretty much it.

So far they aren't interested in changing it.

Even worse an extended maintenance isn't something weird either , so don't be surprised you will have to wait until 20:00 GMT +1 even worse for the Russians.

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You've been given multiple possibilities you just choose to defenestrate them out of ignorance. The most likely reason is that there is no (or not as of yet) on-site staff to deploy new content patches or deliver maintenance and as such it is done remotely. From a DBA standpoint it might be to do with server times and needing synchronization. It might be a customer service standpoint in that if a patch/bugfix is deployed in NA before EU that EU players may feel slighted again having to wait...or vice versa if a patch is deployed to EU prior to NA.


But in the end it's a very small percentage of people being inconvenienced by a daytime maintenance and you're just going to have to accept it for one day out of your miserable existence.


You know.. why do you care that i complain about maintenance times. (not just you but anybody)


Do you have something to lose by me complaining?

Seriously im curious.


If you dont care about how it is and is going to be for EU maintenance hours.

Then *** are you even doing here? :o

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Considering that the EU servers are numerous, I would find it VERY hard to believe that the EU server farm doesn't have staff. After all, what happens if a server breaks down? Fly someone over from the U.S.? That's really not very practical in the long term.


One can try to cite "very small percentage" if they like, but the fact remains that the competition can do it. So really Bioware has no real foundation on which to base an argument, aside from budget problems.


Customers don't like to feel like they are being screwed. Regardless of the circumstances.


The competition is also wrought with posts about how certain regions receive content earlier than others. It's a lose/lose situation, someone is always going to have their panties in a bunch over one day. Since we're talking "competition (read: blizzard)" they have support staff in France (I do believe) under the Vivendi banner.


Co-locations would have onsite staff for hardware and technical support, but not specific platform or software support. That is usually remote, term services/shell connection etc.


You know.. why do you care that i complain about maintenance times. (not just you but anybody)


Do you have something to lose by me complaining?

Seriously im curious.


If you dont care about how it is and is going to be for EU maintenance hours.

Then *** are you even doing here? :o


Oh I thought this was a forum. I'm sorry if this is meant to be your own personal space to have tirades over issues that are largely inconsequential.


Just kidding, get a blog if you don't want people to respond to your inane bull ****.

Edited by TradewindNQ
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I just saw people talking about the maintenance times tomorrow.


8 hours... EIGHT HOURS to do a simple maintenance?!!?!!


most crappy korean F2P MMORPGS have a 3 hour downtime, and most modern western MMOs have 1-2 hour maintenance per week


I know this is bioware's first MMO, but 8 hours per week downtime is just unacceptable...


First of all this is the second maintenance for this game since launch. Of course it's going to be long. They are implementing a new patch and doing loads of other stuff too, which i can't begin to imagine what they might be. Again, Second Maintenance!!! The next ones won't be as long. (Hopefully :D)


Second. BioWare has said a million times that they are running a global service. If it wasn't daytime for the EU it would've been daytime for the US. Then they would have complained. If they split it up then patches would arrive later to one of the two areas.


Third. While it's still a holiday for some people, many are starting work and/or school. Also when the holidays end, people will be working during the maintenance.


Fourth. While it may not be off peak for you, It is for many other people. BioWare can see when people log into the game and has seen that this is the best time to have maintenance in.


Fifth. It's just 8 freaking hours for God's Sake. Do something else. Watch a movie, go shopping, play another game, sleep, eat, do some other stuff that i cannot mention on this forums. GET A LIFE!!! (Not that i have one :D)


Just Stop Complaining, would you?

Edited by dosadnik
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I still havent heard or read a single reason why they cant do it during nighttime here (like most other big mmo's that serve both europa and usa etc)


Other then dogmatic biodrone reasons that people should go out to school or work etc.


Yet we all know if they did a maintenance like this from 8am to 4pm in the usa ..it would cause a *****torm that would make everything i've ever written about this seem seriously polite.


Seperate servers = seperate maintenance times.


In the end its about courtesy.. as in i want and frankly expect the same courtesy as the USA receives. (or NA if that makes you feel better)


Again not angry, dont misread that in my words.


Just plain simple opinion(s).


I'm sorry, to what 'other big mmos' might you be referring to? If you are referring to WoW, Lord of the Rings Online, or Rift, then here's the story for you: each of the developers for those games have stated, multiple times, that maintainence is conducted during a time appropriate to their region. Turbine does downtime based on EST; Blizzard is based in PST.


Now, BioWare is located in Austin, TX, which is Central time here in the US; and since, as far as I am aware, ALL servers (regardless if they are labeled Europe or US) are located at their farm in the same location. This is why all down times are listed as CST first, and then converted from there.


Not going to change. Get over it.


Oh, and if they did happen to have a downtime of 8am to 4pm CST, I doubt there would be much of an uproar, since that's about the time about 90% of the US is at work/school anyway.

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