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From Fanboy to Unsub


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and then if they post about every single bug, the forums will light up with "so you can post about em but not fix em?"


All im saying is they are putting in obvious effort on a game that already launched more smooth than pretty much any mmo ever. only one I know of that can compare was rift. What may comfort you they may not deem necessary at this time. they have addressed some of the major issues already for the game as in ability delay and queues by making posts about em. Id say the communication is definitely there. you want to see bad communication just go to a SOE game. To really judge how communication is is kinda unfair as everyones opinions are different. I dont need them to tell me every problem they see, just to fix em.


First, other MMOs I play, and I don't mean WoW, do put up lists of 'known issues.' Long, comprehensive lists of 'known issues.' And they address them. They may not say a lot about what or when. But they don't pretend they don't exist. They don't fail to communicate. And, thus, the QQing and trolling really doesn't happen.


Second, I've been around BioWare products for years. Back in the old days (Baldur's Gate) they did provide that kind of customer service. They did talk about bugs and tell us what they were fixing and tried to give a time line of when the patch would be done.


Like the infamous 'disk 4' error when you went to Cloakwood in BG. For some reason the game wouldn't read CD4 for some of us. They were on that error big-time and kept us informed. They told us when they started on the fix. They told us when it went to QA. They told us when they thought they'd get the patch ready for download.


And there were other errors/issues they kept us informed about.


By the time NWN:SoU came out.... They became Corporate Double-Speak artists. They'd even lie about what they'd said. Flat-out lie to us on the forums (and ban some who called them out on their lies). Even though this is the day and age of the Internet and NOTHING can stay lost in the memory hole if you know where to look.


Anyway, BioWare is EA. But even before they merged, they'd become EA. So I don't even blame the traditionally bad EA customer service policy for this. What BioWare/EA does is the hostile phone-company "Customer Service" which really means "Pay Us and Go Away, We Owe You Nothing."


And the sad part is, they could just put up a 'known issue' list like so many other MMOs and just shut the QQing up by relieving the anxiety of those most effected by the various bugs. But they don't. Because they've become arrogant and unresponsive.

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Noone other than yourself cares.


Actually a lot of people care. If you do not have anything constructive or helpful to say please try not to just...post stuff like that.

Edited by Aisar
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I recently unsubscribed to TOR. I'm posting this here so other potential TOR buyers can get a non-fanboy review. I know most of you will flame this thread, and if so, thanks for the free bump.


I was an huge fanboy of this game. I started following it back in 2008 when the site was first created. (I didn't make an account until 2010 because I thought you ACTUALLY had to be 18 to sign up for game testing :p ) I checked the forums on a near daily basis, I followed Rockjaw on Twitter, and I even wrote for TORMag for a couple of issues. I was hooked. I had never been so excited for a game. So, why am I leaving?


Well, let me start by saying some of the things Bioware did were amazing. I have never enjoyed a story as much as I enjoyed my Imperial Agent's storyline. It was absolutely amazing. Plot twists, cliff hangers, I always wanted to know more.


However, this game has some very major flaws at the moment. End game is very broken, in my opinion. PvP warzones are hampered by ability delay and faction imbalance (Huttball.... [Empire constantly get's put in Huttball because it is the only Warzone that is same faction]) Ilum is broken because of rewards and objective swapping. Heroic flashpoints are destroyed by bugs. Operations are damaged by unresponsive, incorrect raid frames. End game was not ready to be released.


Before I played TOR, I played WoW. And, I know many of you are going to tell me to go back to WoW, and I'm going to. I paid $60 for SW:TOR. The same price I pay for Single Player Xbox 360 or PC games. And the single player experience was amazing. Probably one of the best Single Player experiences I've ever had. However, If I'm going to pay $15 a month for an MMO, I want to pay for the BEST MMO available at this time. And unfortunately, that is not SW:TOR. If Bioware gets to work, and fixes what needs to be fixed, this game has amazing potential. Until then, I'm not going to be spending my money on it.


No, you cannot have my stuff.


Edit: All I'm trying to say is that, I don't find it worth my $15 a month to pay this game when I believe that there are better games out there for the same price. This is my personal opinion, and I know some people agree with it. I understand that Bioware doesn't care about "sum stoopid QQer on the forums." And whatever, that's fine. However, I'm not the only person leaving because of these issues. I hope, for their sake and ours, these bugs are addressed.



And nothing of value was lost.

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How is Huttball an example of faction imbalance? Unless you are referring to having to play it more frequently.


a faction dominated server means that the dominating faction will get hutballs 24/7. where the under-dog faction will get everything BUT huttball


also i was rather disapointed aswell when i found this out. but im starting to live with it. when i make pre-made groups we mostly win. when its a solo queue i always lose lol. altho it would be nice to see a civil war or voidstar every now and then

Edited by swiftdh
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Oh God OP really?


Anyone who is 50 already and claims they did not "rush" to end game is lying.


There is no grey area, its black and white.


Seriously get a dog or something.....



lol. You'd be wrong. Winter break. He was playing. It doesn't take that many hours. It really doesn't. And you don't have to power level.



Honestly, one of the things I noticed is that your leveling, in this game, doesn't slow down as much as it does in other games. Going from 22 to 25 takes three hours in Nar Shaddaa with no grinding. Just doing the quests.


That's too fast.


My Commando went from 25 to 27 on one mission thread on Tatooine. One mission thread! That's too fast. I should have had to do the main thread plus all the side quests to make 27... Not just the main-quest thread.

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I was an huge fanboy of this game. I started following it back in 2008 when the site was first created.


Some of the most rage-filled posts I see on these forums come from people who simply wasted years of their own free time following a game in the early stages of development.


Why did you bother with all that?


And since you did follow it so closely, how did you miss the beta and the EGA that let you know exactly how the game was going to be and end up here two weeks after launch with sour grapes?


It just seems like you're far more mad at yourself than at the game, but are lashing out at the game. Good luck with that.

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Some of the most rage-filled posts I see on these forums come from people who simply wasted years of their own free time following a game in the early stages of development.


Why did you bother with all that?


And since you did follow it so closely, how did you miss the beta and the EGA that let you know exactly how the game was going to be and end up here two weeks after launch with sour grapes?


It just seems like you're far more mad at yourself than at the game, but are lashing out at the game. Good luck with that.



Things are supposed to get fixed and changed in beta...........duh.

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People don't seem to realize that just because this is ONE person saying they unsubbed, MANY people are unsubbing for these same issues....so you SHOULD care, because eventually the game will crash and burn....



The More You Know.



but zomg there is nothing wrong with the game and people just want WoW <insert other mindless crap people say to defend the game>


People don't realize that we DON'T want WoW we want a new, complete, good game, not one that ignores bugs that make playing a big pain that were in beta and reported REPEATEDLY.

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I am so glad I never played WoW


so many WoW mongoloids



Dark age of camelot 8 years and Eve online 5 years...



So stupid for EA to put a Starwars Madden football game in a starwars game...


When EA got hold of things these gaming companies died, you can't even get english speaking people when you call customer service, it's all outsourced, they respond in broken english :(


and huttball, what's next banner ads advertising John Madden EA football on each end of the arena?

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I hope that's sarcasm and you're not one of the people that the beta is a magic wand that fixes everything in 2 weeks.


Not really sarcasm but this game was not ready for release yet and anyone who says otherwise is a businesses wet dream because they will take a product no matter the condition and defend it to their dying breath because THEY bought it.

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Not really sarcasm but this game was not ready for release yet and anyone who says otherwise is a businesses wet dream because they will take a product no matter the condition and defend it to their dying breath because THEY bought it.


lol well said.

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Another PVP player that realized this isn't a PVP game. Let's hope the other PVP players follow your lead.


You expected WOW and got a Bioware game. If you'd known anything about KOTOR or Bioware you'd already knew what SWTOR was going to be all about. Certainly not aimed at PVP or E-sports crowd.

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The problem is:


WoW was a $40 mil budget game and had:


- awful server queues

- server crashes

- huge downtime

- bugs revolving around professions


however WoW trumped everything with 1 thing: it's combat system. It was the most fluid thing, the most responsive combat system ever developed and it's what gave them an edge over anyone. The problem is, SWTOR is a $300 mil budget and they lack the same combat system WoW has, which is the best and near perfection, and they also lack a lot of basic features WoW had.


What you need to remember is this: people will wait in queues for an awesome movie, but people wont just enter any old movie because it has no wait time or down time. The former is WoW, the latter SWTOR.


I would the most fluid and responsive system in MMO's was Pre-CU SWG which trumped Warcrafts combat easily.


The likes of the Swordsman, Teras-Kai and Jedi animations are still the best I have seen and there is plenty of youtube videos to show it.


If you never played Pre-CU SWG then you would not have seen just how the combat animations were.

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Another PVP player that realized this isn't a PVP game. Let's hope the other PVP players follow your lead.


You expected WOW and got a Bioware game. If you'd known anything about KOTOR or Bioware you'd already knew what SWTOR was going to be all about. Certainly not aimed at PVP or E-sports crowd.


You don't like to read do you? Not all complaints come from pvpers, I stepped in all of ONE Warzone in this game, what I and many others are talking about are also PVE based things.....oh yeah and I didn't expect WoW, I hate WoW in it's current form thank you very much.

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People don't seem to realize that just because this is ONE person saying they unsubbed, MANY people are unsubbing for these same issues....so you SHOULD care, because eventually the game will crash and burn....



The More You Know.


and many more are happy with the game.


The More You Know

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I recently unsubscribed to TOR. I'm posting this here so other potential TOR buyers can get a non-fanboy review. I know most of you will flame this thread, and if so, thanks for the free bump.


I was an huge fanboy of this game. I started following it back in 2008 when the site was first created.



Wait what....???

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Not really sarcasm but this game was not ready for release yet and anyone who says otherwise is a businesses wet dream because they will take a product no matter the condition and defend it to their dying breath because THEY bought it.


The way that I play I've yet to come across a single game breaking bug. This doesn't make me "a businesses wet dream" it makes me a satisfied customer. I realize that bugs are out there and I realize they'll be fixed. If they don't get fixed then I'll quietly quit and if I feel it's bad enough I'll send an email to Bioware. Writing a thread like this about it is unnecessary.

Edited by Dasffion
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I think there is a connection to their characters that many generated while leveling up. The SWTOR model flies against convention and asks you to abandon that character for a new one. I never did understand why they thought that was a good construct for an MMO.


But, then again, I don't really believe this is an MMO. So, I guess that makes sense.


We do level other characters when there is nothing else to do in MMOs. This is not a failure of the MMO necessarily, but of a player going through the content faster than anticipated.

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I would the most fluid and responsive system in MMO's was Pre-CU SWG which trumped Warcrafts combat easily.


The likes of the Swordsman, Teras-Kai and Jedi animations are still the best I have seen and there is plenty of youtube videos to show it.


If you never played Pre-CU SWG then you would not have seen just how the combat animations were.


You're joking right? The thing had serious problems with making combat fluid, not to mention the 5 second wait for corpses to get loot. It was bad enough that I would fight one group, fight another group, then go back and loot the first group. I almost forgot how long it would take to initiate combat sometimes too, then suddenly it pop everything along like the fight was halfway over. Ugh, that game was so bad.

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