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PVP Lucky Dip Bags


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The system is terrible, it has nothing to do with effort, and everything to do with luck. Those who are lucky not only get geared sooner but they are also getting the higher quality gear. I can put two to three times the effort of someone else, but, i am unlucky so i get worse gear at a much slower rate.


If you read his post you would realize the problem is not the grind, it is the fact that lucky people get geared faster for far less effort. I have a guild-mate who got 5 bags, every single bag had a piece of gear in it and they were all different. I opened 10 bags got 3 pieces and all were relics. And then you get people like the OP who opened 28 bags and received nothing.


The system should be reversed, the bags should give champ commendations, with a chance of centurion gear. But since they wont do that, they need to increase the rate at which unlucky people can get and decrease the Rate at which lucky people can get gear. You do this by increasing Centurion commendation per bag from 3 to 5 if you don't get gear. And then Champion gear should require Centurion Commendation along with the incomplete piece gear.


What this guy said.

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What's even worse, they even contain duplicates... so even when you are lucky and get a few pieces you might end up with useless 3 Relics, or a 2nd Belt, I mean wth?


7 relics and 2 boots total for me.



I thought it was a statistical impossibility. I feel like I broke math.

Edited by hoylejeremy
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Which is why its ******** that a valor rank 20 is fully geared and I am not.


screen shot of 1 rank 20 thats fully geared...at rank 20 u can only wear crappy centarion btw which is garbage has no crit on it lol...

Edited by warkat
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how is it gamebreaking when theres 90 ranks....your not supposed to get ur damn full epic pvp set in 3 wargames like most of you beg for...**** son why do you all want the epic pvp set/elite warlord rank overnight so you can all look the same?it should be something u put in time for not something everyone and there damn mother has...


Heres the PvP Forums ---Its Broken Bioware i have no expertise and im getting globaled wah broken game.


Its broken Bioware i dont get 1 epic piece per commendation bag


Its broken Bioware I qued for 10 Wargames i dont have Elite Warlord Title wtc...UNSUBBING UNLESS u CHANGE NAOOOOOOOOOO!!!!11!!!11


Warkid... still wating on your response. You called me out for not having valor 60 and the pictures on my site prove it. Troll fall down and go Boom?

Edited by vanish
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Did you completely forget about the Centurion Commendations? You can buy PvP gear with those you know. Getting the champion gear is just a bonus based on luck.


If you don't have the time to grind for the gear you want then why should you keep playing? Good job unsubscribing. There have been plenty of posts like this already and it is clear that people are not understanding that they might ACTUALLY HAVE TO GRIND in an MMO. Shoking.


if what he said is even close to true your comment does not come close to compensating his unlucky lose...


and i don't blame him for quitting i would also if pvp turns out like that the system is stupid.

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If you think Grinding with no reward is fair, that means you DONT pvp at all or you are one of the lucky ones that get armor on the freaking bags. 20+bags and no armor is ********.They need to increase the % of the bags depending of the Valor Rank.
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It's an awful system and they really should have known better. That said, can we be less emo?


I want it fixed as much as the next guy who is well known for terrible luck, but it's just way too early to threaten to unsubscribe.

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^^^ full of ****. Cause I have gotten more bags then that and I am at level 45 valor rank. I have been level 50 for 8days. I have completed 2 weekly pvp quests. That is 6 bags. I have completed 8 Pvp daily that's 8 Bags. I average 3 bags a day. That is 24 bags. So why is it you have only gotten 28 bags at valor 55 when I have gotten 38 bags at valor rank 45. Your facts don't add up. Sounds like you have gotten only a few bags. Your valor rank is no where near 55 and your just QQing.


What ? Maybe his valor was = to his level. I am level 46 I have valor of 46. So when I hit level 50 my valor will also be 50, and NOT A SINGLE open bag.

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As much as I love this game, there is no defending the stupidity of this system. It literally rewards people for being lucky as opposed to working to obtain the items.


I honestly think every item should have a set commendation cost, and that is how you obtain it. Rewarding someone 5 times more than someone who has played 5 times more, is just ridiculous.


If anything, make everything cost coms. But then put the coms in random bags that will random the amount of coms between like 1-5. Champ coms should be found in Champ bags.

Edited by Kyrinic
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i agree its broken. and no i was one of the lucky ones, just missing one piece of epic gear. got everything else incl weapon and focus.


my story today


did the daily/weekly ilum quests


did the daily /weekly warzone quests


and bought around 2 bags from vendor



got 1 missing champion headpiece so now i only need the torso for a full champion set.


got 1 champion weapon 1 champion bracer and the rest where cent comm.


now funny i already have the weapon and bracer, so i guess i give them to my companion no?


meanwhile the guys i grouped up with got the same amount of bags i had and are still missing 6-7 pieces incl. the weapon.

this system is just so damn broken its beyond me how anyone can enjoy it.

Edited by Sheneria
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The system is frustrating for sure, but some days can be better than others. Yesterday I had 6 boxes or so open with nothing, yet I got boots and grieves in only 3 boxes this morning for my weekly.


TBH simply fixed by increasing drop roll with high valor rank & allowing doubled pieces to be valued for the same comms so you can trade them in for the bits you need.


Its rediculous getting doubles of gear when its hard enough to get anything.

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Valor 51 here, it's been hit or miss. The 1st set of weekly/daily bags I got 4 pieces. Since then, it seems like 1 piece every 7-8 bags. Still have not scene my main had weapon, but a guildie @ valor 25 has got 3 of them. ***.


RNG PvP is a terrible design, but that seems to be a consistent theme. Why they hired the warhammer failures is a mystery to me.

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Guy 1 derp derp derp hey! 5 boxes 5 set pieces!


Guy 2 feelsbadman hey! 25 boxes and 75 comms of the low pvp tier...


Guy 1 invests several hours and has full gear


Guy 2 invests several weeks and has limited gear of the lowest tier.


RNG is a terrible way to distribute time based grind gear. As a person of poor luck I cant begin to say how unfun it is to be guy #2.

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What's even worse, they even contain duplicates... so even when you are lucky and get a few pieces you might end up with useless 3 Relics, or a 2nd Belt, I mean wth?

I think it's okay to get more relics, as there is a selection and you may change your mind on which one you want to use (bearing in mind you can use 2 at a time).

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I agree the system is very flawed. Why not just have the centurion commendations be able to be bought by themselves. Or just have gear itself be able to be bought. Rather than have bags be random and cost 200/200 I would rather pay 500/500 or even 1000/1000 if it meant I had a 100% chance of getting the item I wanted.


Also just so everyone knows you need 13 bags to get one item (each bag has 3 comms and gear is 39 comms). Weapons are 72 so you would need 24 bags just for 1 item. Also you could have very bad luck and get duplicates and duplicate bags give 1 comm per bag so at that rate you would need 72 bags just for one lousy piece of gear.


Most of the centurion gear is crappy anyway besides the expertise stat. My fully modded pve gear has better stats than all the centurion gear so the only purpose of bags is a random shot at champion gear. I have to grind to 60 valor until I start getting commendations I can actually start saving up.

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ok so im jumping on the bandwagon...


Rank 54 valor and i have a friend who is rank 33 we did all the weeklys today thats 10 bags by the time u trade up to 400 merc from the 9 bg wins it takes .


10bags each he gets


mh , oh , head , chest , boots and 2 gloves so now he pretty much full geared and doesnt need to worry about rng anymore.


Now onto me i opened my 10 bags and got nothing , nada...


So i sign up for bgs and grind another 8 wins for a bag as i really dont like quitting but guess what it rewarded me with a pair of gloves that i already had.



so im on about 40 bags now and 2 bits of gear both the same .........



I want to see some changes please .



these forums are full of nerf this nerf that he is op she is op whats op is someone getting full gear in 3 hours and someone else trying for months




Shame i really liked the game even with all its flaws this is just a bit to much for me i cant grind endless hours for no rewards

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The problem really is that some people are just too luckey and some are too unlucky. A guy in my guild has opened 8 bags his first day as 50 and got 3 champion armor peices, ******** if u ask me because hes valor rank 25. Ive opened 30 bags and rank 35, and ive gotten 2 peices and a crap relic.


The problem i have with this isnt that I only have 2 peices, because it should take a while to get the gear. My problem is that some people just get outragously lucky and they dont deserve it more then anyone else.


Maybe up the amount of Centurion coms in the bags without gear to 5 so i can actually afford the centurion weapon without having to do 200+ war zones for something lucky people get for free.

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how to break a game in 2 weeks bioware need to listen to there pvpers the people who resue the same content over and over again and dont really moan as its player v player not a scripted boss , i dont really care where i kill some noobs as long a i own them.



But i want to be rewarded not via a rng system let me loot the valor rank 20 's with full gear and take it off them like ultima

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