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Smartphone APP (Iphone / Android / Windows Phone) to manage Crew


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You don't necessarily need to do that. If it isn't linked, it would FORCE people to log into the game to sell, instead of just playing on the phones all the time. That would, in my eyes, make it more fair, although life isn't fair, and things shouldn't just be given without a little work.


My thoughts: Make the app for Crew Skills alone, leave the GTN out of it, boo hoo to anyone who doesn't have a smartphone or iPod Touch, and let us IN TO THE GAME ALREADY!!! ;)


I dunno, I might actually play the market if I don't have to waste my limited time at my PC doing it. My next day off, as of this post, is 8 Jan 12. I'm working 12 hour days until then. If I manage to get time on my PC prior to then I'd like to be playing the combat/story portions of the game, not trying to unload inventory on the GTN.

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I was just thinking of this on my way into work this morning, just sent out my companions on missions before I left and was thinking. Man wouldn't it be nice if I could send them out yet on a few more today. Neglected my underworld trading so I am trying to catch it up, and some points in the game I feel lost without Mako by my side. Today I just got my ship and upon exiting it was confronted by 2 characters. 1 healer and another dps. needless to say without Mako I felt it was a much harder fight. Typically something like that I could just use some limited cover and have no issue, but in this fight I was constantly taking cover trying to get a few heals in. Nearly died a few times, and this happened all because I wanted to catch up on my crew skills.


I don't even have a smartphone atm, but I have been considering it and definitely would have to is an app like this were to come out anytime soon!

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If they do a external Crew Skills Manager. Should look like a Browser game (Maybe some ship manager), it should be fun... But maybe some balance must be made. Maybe double the time when you external UI missions, we can handle that.


But instead it, I guess a better idea is just implement a list of mission like craft skills does. Maybe each Companion can list 5 missions (Like craft skill does)? Still paying the time and the money for them, and receive the rewards AFTER all the missions complete. Well rounded enought for me, a upside, with a downside.

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Eve Online has been doing this for a while. I bring it up because nearly every argument in this thread, and the previous ones are the same as was used there. First skills were able to be changed without fully logging in, which had people screaming that players wouldn't need to log in anymore- subs have gone up since. Then they added full market functionality out of game- wow, the screaming was bad; it was the most active the market forum has ever been. Result= even the casual players were happy, and the min/maxers were ecstatic.



The one real difference here is- the market is much tinier. I'd say less than half of all good are crafter goods. One person really can make a massive impact on a single server's economy, even with the 50 item cap (400 if you use all your slots). You can't simply run over to the next market hub to play economic PvP.


I can see the app working, but only if it is run by Bioware. You never know when a 3rd party app can get hacked. You can get around all the log in silliness of everything else through an API, if you are only downloading and analyzing info (as when market logs or combat logs come in).

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  • 2 weeks later...
If they do a external Crew Skills Manager. Should look like a Browser game (Maybe some ship manager), it should be fun... But maybe some balance must be made. Maybe double the time when you external UI missions, we can handle that.


Why double the time? People keep bringing this up and I really fail to see the reasoning behind it.


It's like saying that I can only play 2 hrs a night 2 nights a week, so everyone else should get half the XP I do for the 4 hours a night 7 nights a week they get to play, otherwise it's not fair to me.


And I do think GTN access should be part of this app. More stuff on the market means more stuff to buy, more competitive prices, and fewer shortages of that item you're looking for (whatever it might be).

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I'm actually logging in at work to reply to this one. This will be a lengthly post as I have given the idea of a smart phone/tablet/internet browser concept like this quite a bit of thought.


I do have and have used the Blizzard WoW mobile app many times. With this mentioned allow me to get to the very first issue at hand. First I will adress arguements against it.


Balance: With the mobile app in WoW you could post and repost auctions. Which in itself can be unbalanced. Swtor however doesn't have the same issues as WoW, allow me to explain. Swtor's crafting system is based off of "Crits", I.E. chance and risk for great reward, WoW's system is based on supply and demand more so. To elaborate, say there are 2 crafters. Both craft 2 of the exact same chest peices. They both post them and say one has the app and one doesn't. The one that does can repost should their auction gets undercut. By the time the crafter without the app gets home their chest peices are the most expensive, where the app owner is likely the cheapest and most likely to sell. In SWTOR however, say the crafter without the app gets a Crit. It is suddenly a very rare item and unlikely to get undercut due to rarity alone, thus there is no real advantage, just luck. Next, assume the Swtor app would only allow for crew skills to be used and NOT the global trade. The "Crit" argument still stands. Yes you might get to send your crew on a few more missions a day, but the advantage is only slight. If you don't crit, it isn't worth as much, and as they take sometimes up to an hour or more, you're not getting that many more missions than those without it.


Solution: Due to the nature of Swtor's crafting system there is little to no issue. However should the argument come up not allowing for Auction making access and only crew skills being available would quell most of it.


More Money IRL = More Credits In game: To even use the Blizzard mobile app costs an additional $2 sub monthly, BW would likely do the same. Next the said device in which to access the app would cost more. The argument is that if I have a mobile computer and you don't, does that mean I can't use mine since you don't have one? It isn't an unfair advantage to own a mobile device IMO. So say I had a laptop that could access the internet from anywhere, is that different than a smart phone at all? I concider a smart phone a mobile computer, just a small laptop with less functionality. If I can afford better tech in which to access a game than someone else, than so be it. Just like in Swtor, just because I have more creds because I know how to make them and someone might not know how to, should I feel bad that I'm riding a 2 mill cred mount and they aren't?


Those are the 2 biggest points against the idea of a mobile app. I'll chime in later to add some ideas for said app. I just feel justifying it to begin with is more important.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I love the idea of a smartphone app - SWTOR's professions are far more enjoyable than any other MMO's I've played (WoW was especially weak in this area).


Let's take it a step further, though:

How about bringing the space mission dailies to the phone as well? The system seems simple enough, and the App Store is dying for a good Star Wars title. Maybe let people who don't have a SWTOR account buy and play the game to earn titles, and offer them a trial period to the MMO (a week or so of free time?) to bring more people in? If it was released for free, I'm sure plenty of people would play it just for the Star Wars license; and a percentage of those would become TOR subscribers. As an added bonus, if they've earned a title (such as "flyboy"), they could start the game with it.

Edited by Flightsaber
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I think it's fairly obvious that the large demand for a smartphone app makes it very clear that there is an obvious advantage to being able to "craft" while you aren't actually playing. Said advantage puts all those players who don't own smart phones at a disadvantage.


Nowhere on the box does it say "smart phone required to compete".


I would also argue that the clamor for a cellphone app is indicitive of poor design. Perhaps the real solution would be to fix that design oversite?


Most missions give you a certain yield for a certain amount of time. Perhaps they should simply add a set of missions that have no set max time, (but a minumium time of, say 2 hours) You pick the companion, then you select from a list of unlimited time missions. Each mission would have a credit cost per hour, and a yield per hour. You'd specify a max number of hours you want to fund the mission for, (default 24) that many credits would be deducted from you, and off the companion goes. At any time you can end the mission, and any "unused" credits would be returned to you, however If you cancel within those first 2 hours, you are refunded all but 2 hours worth of credits, and recieve no items. (so you basically waste 2 hours worth of credits). Items recieved, crit calculations, failure, etc. is done on a "per hour" basis, but are only awared when the mission ends or is cancelled.


edit: And PS. I do in fact own a smartphone, but I cancelled my data plan over a year ago as the online features simply weren't worth the cost. And this feature wouldn't be either, but could be something that would make me feel unable to compete vs. other crafters, and thus more likely to get less enjoyment from the game, and thus stop playing. Most people feel that "pay to compete" models aren't good, even if, in this case, the payment probably isn't going to BioWare.

Edited by GnatB
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