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Smartphone APP (Iphone / Android / Windows Phone) to manage Crew


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Let's not forget that crafting is essentially a mini game in all MMO's. It's just become very deeply imbedded into them. I don't think the ability to engage in this mini game remotely should be over analysed too much. It simply expands the game and allows more possibilities.


I very much doubt that any of the SWG top Armoursmiths or weaponsmiths would call crafting a min game.... although swtor and many other mmo's crafting systems could i agree be called mini games in comparison to SWG


and before anyone wants to remind me this isnt SWG, i played in the beta and i love the game. I just think that everything to do with the gameplay outside of forum discussion should be done in game only.



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Link it to the GTN as well, to allow you to buy/sell as needed.


You don't necessarily need to do that. If it isn't linked, it would FORCE people to log into the game to sell, instead of just playing on the phones all the time. That would, in my eyes, make it more fair, although life isn't fair, and things shouldn't just be given without a little work.


My thoughts: Make the app for Crew Skills alone, leave the GTN out of it, boo hoo to anyone who doesn't have a smartphone or iPod Touch, and let us IN TO THE GAME ALREADY!!! ;)

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I would absolutely LOVE an app to send my crew out on on crew skill stuff. I think the system with Crew Skills is set up PERFECT for something like this. I wouldn't be surprised if BioWare was secretly planning it from the moment Crew Skills were created.


I don't think it would mess up the economy much at all. There would be a big change in going from No App to having an app, but once that little eco-shakeup is over, the economy will stable.


There might be some major players on the GTN that don't like the app because it means more people will be able to be a big part of the economy, but who cares? If they're good enough at making credits, then they'll use the app and the extra players to their advantage.



I say YES to a Crew Skills app!

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This is a spectacular idea!


A number of good ideas on these posts from the first of crew control to the mini games. Something unique to the app would be interesting though I am sure the few people without an app driven mobile device may complain. Maybe an app where you can slice systems with some kind of puzzle or coordination challenge. Memory games would be fun also but you get the idea.


Something that would directly benefit your game session may be a big winner. Lets say a skills game where by training or modifying ammo, lightsaber crystals, or equipment you can create a small number of bonus items. As an example you play the skills game as a trooper and when you load this modified ammo at some point in the standard TOR PC game you have 100 shots that do 10% more damage.


Of course we always have gambling also but I think with ways to generate credits/XP and give your in game character a small bonus you can give players options which always makes people happy. Maybe even crafting that involves a skills/puzzle game.


So many possibilities its making me drool already and I don't even have access yet!

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If it's free, I like it.


If I have to pay for it, on top of my regular subscription than no thanks.


I'd gladly pay a competitive price for the app, but really don't think additional subscription fees should be added for it. I mean we're paying to play already, and playing this way uses less bandwidth and server resources than logging in to the full client will.


So why should we pay extra when the company saves money when we play this way?

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This is a cool and interesting idea, but i'd like to reinforce the point of extending time sent out on missions for using the app, namely because its an unfair advantage over people who do not use the app, they can grind up their mission skills while in class/work/ect

Its not a huge deal, and i wouldn't QQ a river, but limiting the disparity would be a step in the right direction.

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For all those afraid of people stealing your username/password with a third-party application, this can easily be overcome by using trusts.


You see this type of authentication all the time today on major websites where you login with your facebook credentials in order to post a comment or whatever. That is, it would work as follows: when you launch the application it will forward you to a bioware login server to verify your credentials and the bioware servers would respond to your phones application with a security token the developer would use to access the API for your character(s). :cool:

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This is a very good idea, but it gives an advantage to those who can afford a smartphone, which is not everyone.


If it could be expanded to allow players to access crew skills through a web-based interface on the SWTOR site, then I would be all for it.

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This is a very good idea, but it gives an advantage to those who can afford a smartphone, which is not everyone.


If it could be expanded to allow players to access crew skills through a web-based interface on the SWTOR site, then I would be all for it.


Excellent idea. I'm down for this entirely.

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This is a very good idea, but it gives an advantage to those who can afford a smartphone, which is not everyone.


If it could be expanded to allow players to access crew skills through a web-based interface on the SWTOR site, then I would be all for it.


If the APIs are simple RESTful requests this would be entirely possible. In fact, with HTML5 it would be universal to all the newer smartphones and browsers too! :cool:

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This is a very good idea, but it gives an advantage to those who can afford a smartphone, which is not everyone.


If it could be expanded to allow players to access crew skills through a web-based interface on the SWTOR site, then I would be all for it.


A request for a Web based app has always been suggested in these threads. And /signed on that. :D




For all those afraid of people stealing your username/password with a third-party application, this can easily be overcome by using trusts.


You see this type of authentication all the time today on major websites where you login with your facebook credentials in order to post a comment or whatever. That is, it would work as follows: when you launch the application it will forward you to a bioware login server to verify your credentials and the bioware servers would respond to your phones application with a security token the developer would use to access the API for your character(s). :cool:


It's called Secure Socket Layer or SSL. Any time you see https:// at the beginning of your URL you're using SSL.


And while that's a good strategy to prevent man in the middle type compromises I would still NOT want to see a 3rd party app for this. Either EA/BW writes the app, or the put up a secure Web page (hopefully with a mobile version).

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A request for a Web based app has always been suggested in these threads. And /signed on that. :D




It's called Secure Socket Layer or SSL. Any time you see https:// at the beginning of your URL you're using SSL.


And while that's a good strategy to prevent man in the middle type compromises I would still NOT want to see a 3rd party app for this. Either EA/BW writes the app, or the put up a secure Web page (hopefully with a mobile version).


No SSL is not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about claims-based-authentication, also called OpenId, OpenAuth or OAuth. This would allow Bioware to keep responsibility of the authentication while authorizing third-party applications to access their APIs with a "token".

Edited by Parithon
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Odd that myself and some friends were talking about this very thing tonight. Great to see there has been/is some thoughtful discussion about the idea.

Now, believe me, I don't want to hijack a thread... but underlying requirement of a continuous viable economy really does have to be a part of the decision making process for this idea. If the economy isn't designed to remain viable for the long term, an app like this is irrelevant. I've been disappointed that thus far i see no indication of permanent decay in the game. It has long been my belief that no mmo game economy can remain viable for the long term without permanent item decay. It was one of the things SWG did right. I hope as the game develops, we see it here.

I love the idea of BW having an official app... that way I won't have to pester my coder friends to make me one! ;)

Edited by Celibate
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This is a cool and interesting idea, but i'd like to reinforce the point of extending time sent out on missions for using the app, namely because its an unfair advantage over people who do not use the app, they can grind up their mission skills while in class/work/ect

Its not a huge deal, and i wouldn't QQ a river, but limiting the disparity would be a step in the right direction.


Why? There are disparities all over. Students, the unemployed, etc, etc all have 20 hours a day to play if they want. Are they limited? Should BW/EA limit max login time to 2 hours out of 24? If not, then why should a smartphone app be limited? What exactly would the difference be between using a smartphone app for crew skills and remoting into your game system from work or whereever and doing crew skills from there?

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There's a way to do this already in a way, although it isnt free.

I'm using Splashtop Remote Desktop to stream windows to my ipad/iphone - with that I can login, move about, chat, craft etc - even over 3G (although wifi is much better). You can run pretty much anything via Splashtop, but games control isnt great although the fps is decent plus you get sound (as a bonus, I use it to access spotify on the go :p )


It does necessitate having your pc running to use it, and you cant login to windows with it - it only works once logged in, but it is possible :)


Sure, an official app would be nice, but until then, I can manage

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